The edge of pure land

Chapter 150 Creating dark matter

Lu Fuji heard the sound of the God's Seed for the first time in a long time. So far, he didn't know where this thing came from. At first glance, it looked like an ancient special life form or a technology made by aliens. , like a fusion of machinery and flesh and blood.

A combination of carbon and silicon based.

In the past, reactions only occurred when facing dark matter.

This time it was triggered by an unknown knowledge!

He couldn't understand the content recorded in this ancient book at all. The strange writing seemed to come from a lost prehistoric civilization, which was much older than the Sumerian cuneiform writing or the Eastern oracle bone inscriptions. It obviously came from A remnant from the age of gods.

Although I don't know him, he looks familiar.

In those days, my parents' study room often had murals and antiques hanging on them, including the materials they compiled, which all had this kind of weird writing, like the language of aliens.

Seeing each other after so many years actually felt a sense of intimacy.

Generally speaking, words are tools of expression.

Take Chinese characters as an example. Each character and word is given a meaning. When combined, it becomes a sentence, which can accurately convey what you want to express.

But the words recorded in this ancient book are not for expression.

But run!

If the evolver is compared to a program, then the words in this ancient book are codes. The latter seems to give instructions to the former, allowing his numerology to start on its own!

Therefore, he does not need to interpret it, he only needs to flip through the pages.

The Seed of God seems to have reviewed all the contents.

A flood of instructions flooded into his mind.

It was like an instinct was implanted into his body.

"The interpretation of forbidden knowledge is completed, and the permissions have been upgraded!"

He seemed to have fallen into a weird dream, sitting cross-legged on the sofa as if he was sleepwalking. The rich dark matter spread out from his body. At first glance, it looked like a wisp of black smoke floating out, floating above his head like a soul out of his body. It surges out of thin air, like a soul.

This soul seems to contain countless strands of electric light.

In his perception, he seemed to have another body.

It was what flesh and blood felt like.

He stood up from the sofa, like a child who just learned to walk, trying to move his limbs, stepping on the carpet, stepping and spinning, turning his body.

The dark soul walked in sync with him, seamlessly.

What is recorded in this ancient book is such an instruction.

Through the darkening numerology, transform into the form of a white ghost!

This will allow humans to truly master the power of the White Walkers!


The bathroom door opened, and Xue Lian stood at the door of the living room and saw this scene. A trace of surprise appeared in her cold eyes, as if she had seen something incredible.

"How did this guy understand the ancient texts?"

The writings of the Age of Gods are extremely special writings that require the interpreter to reach a certain level of ideological realm, experience and knowledge before he can even try to understand them. For example, the old Confucius and Mencius in the East, and Plato and Aristotle in the West, they were all confirmed to have read ancient books from the age of gods, and then passed on the secret knowledge until it was discovered five hundred years later.

There are only a handful of modern people who can understand the writings of the Gods.

The holy high priests of the Akashic Religion can perform unobstructed interpretations through divine magic, and senior scholars from all over the world can also rely on their own knowledge to force understanding.

The former is cheating.

The latter is genius.

For example, Long Ling and Long Que are such peerless geniuses.

But they all gradually understood it after a long period of precipitation.

It will take at least one or two years.

And Lu Fuji seemed to understand instantly!

Xuelian had to admit that she probably wasn't needed tonight.

Not only is she unnecessary, she is simply redundant.

Lu Fuji was even condensing the dark matter, and the dark outline behind him gradually became clearer with his movements, as if he was about to take on the form of a White Walker.

The body of this strange ghost is filled with fragmented lightning.

Xue Lian's beautiful eyes were illuminated by the electric light, and she realized something was wrong, and murmured to herself: "The essence of the ghost magic is to darken the numerology. Whether it is Dragon Bird or Dragon Ling, at most they just darken the numerology. It materialized and formed the dark matter body.”

The so-called advancement of ghost magic is to manifest the darkened numerology. The most typical example is that the keel of a dragon bird can turn into a giant dragon that roars in the world.

But that is just the manifestation of numerology after all.

It is an energy body, not a flesh and blood body.

But the dark matter created by Lu Fuji seemed to have a physical form!

The unformed dark matter body feels like a White Walker from the evolutionary chain of the Creation Mother Nest, but it looks more noble.

Because it contains intense electric light.

"The seed of the gods is indeed in you. This is what Constantine was pursuing back then. The body of an evolved person can completely accommodate dark matter, and can even create twins in one body. According to legend, the only person who is suitable for the seed of the gods is exactly you."

A power that no previous monarch had accomplished.

Now it appears in the hands of this young man.

Xuelian thought about the investigation his parents had done in the Holy Mountain, and felt shuddering for a moment. She immediately made a decision to use magic to erase this memory from her mind.

She couldn't remember this.

Suddenly, the dark matter condensed by Lu Fuji collapsed suddenly, collapsed like burned ashes, and was annihilated in the void, as if it had never appeared.

He gasped for air.

He was so tired that he felt like he had to kill eight hundred animals in a pile.

All you need to control your actions is instinct.

But it is a troublesome thing to control the cohesion and movement of dark matter. It requires a lot of energy and physical strength, and it will collapse if you are not careful.

Especially when the main body and dark matter act together.

It is a hundred times more difficult than drawing a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand.

Although the first step is to take the step.

But there is still some way to go before the dark matter is truly completed.

"how do you feel?"

Xuelian walked up to him and handed him a bottle of Coke.

"It's very difficult. It takes a long time of practice. I can't even condense the real form now. I have to control the released dark matter to keep it in a condensed state. If I'm not careful, it will explode." Shika Fuji paralyzed. On the ground, he drank a glass of Coke and was panting.

And by doing this, the dark matter in his body was squandered.

It’s just that dark matter is a renewable resource.

Just like the blood in his body.

Even if it is used up, it can be made again.

"That's because your talent is too poor."

Xuelian said lightly: "It's far worse than the Long siblings."

Of course she was trying to trick him by saying this.

Because Lu Fuji condenses dark matter very quickly.

Back then, Longque and Long Ling took about half a month to release the dark matter for the first time, even after interpreting all the contents in the ancient books.

But Lu Fuji only used it for a moment.

"Is it?"

Lu Fuji felt a little hurt about his self-esteem, and complained while drinking Coke: "These two people are really perverted, but I do feel that this ability is powerful. If I can create a real dark matter body, wouldn't my fighting power be the same?" Is it equivalent to a full double increase?”

Before, he could only integrate dark matter into his body.

That is to say, turn yourself into a White Walker.

And now you can create your own thunder-attributed White Walker.

A White Walker with thunder attributes from the evolutionary chain of the Creation Brood!

The increase in combat power may be more than doubled!

Xue Lian's lips curled up with a faint arc.

It should be fun when Shika Fuji complains in front of Ryūja.

"Just take your time."

Xuelian glanced at the time: "It's half past three, go to bed."

Lu Fuji has an illusion.

It was as if my girlfriend was urging me to go to sleep while playing games.

"Where to sleep?"

Lu Fuji raised his eyes and asked: "How to sleep?"

Xuelian didn't want to look at him at all. She turned her head and left him with a proud back, and said calmly: "You sleep in my room, and I'll sleep in the study."

She killed the topic with just her cold tone.

Lu Fuji curled his lips: "Oh."



The next morning, Lu Fuji woke up from his sleep. He had not slept so well for a long time. It seemed that sleeping in his little nun's house could bring him some peace of mind.

The sun is shining brightly outside the window, and you can see the traffic on the streets outside the community.

The light rail passes under the viaduct, and buses stop in front of the station.

Everything is quiet and peaceful.

He got up and went to the living room, where he found two steaming bowls of noodles, four peeled tea eggs, two cups of hot milk, and a bowl of pickled mustard on the dining table.

There is also a note on the refrigerator in the restaurant: "Breakfast is ready for you. Eat it while it's hot when you get up. The teacher is going to prepare for the heaven-sacrifice ceremony today. I will be very busy. If you have anything to say, please leave a message. There are two Rubik's cubes on the table. Let me help you practice your multitasking skills."

Two small Rubik's cubes arranged together.

At first glance, it looks a little cute.

Lu Buer's heart moved for no reason. It was like a busy big sister who didn't forget to make breakfast for her boyfriend and sister-in-law before going to work.

It was as if they had lived together for many years.

Calm and cozy.

How thoughtful.

This is my sister's fault.

"Lu Sixian, get up for me."

Lu Buer knocked on the door: "I'll give you ten minutes to get up. You're almost an adult. Leave some dignity for yourself and don't force me to go in and grab the back of your neck!"

The girl's indifferent voice sounded in the room.


Lu Fuji returned to the dining table to have breakfast, took out his mobile phone and sent a message: "I have already finished interpreting the ancient book you gave me yesterday. It is not difficult. Who said I was born by my husband? But this dark matter body It's a bit troublesome to condense it. I'm not as talented as you and your sister. After working on it for more than half an hour, I could only do a preliminary release, and it couldn't be fully formed at all."

Editing completed, send.

After waiting for five minutes, there was still no reply.

However, the message shows as read.

They use the chat software on the military department's intranet, which can show whether they have read it or not.

As for the most popular chat software now, it is still WeChat.

It's just that the functional evolution has changed beyond recognition, and it's impossible to understand it at all.

"Huh? What is this guy doing? Is he so busy now that he has been reinstated?"

Lu Fuji once again sent a message: "Regarding darkening, do you have any experience to share? You can't just teach people how to fish without teaching them how to fish."

After the message is sent, a red dot is displayed.

He was blocked.


Lu Fuji's brain was dry-burned.

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