The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1037: The second form of ice storm

"If you are just a snow leopard female warrior, I am of course willing to abide by the ancient tradition and compete fairly with you."

Kassavar’s deep laughter came from the ventilation duct again, “However, the courage of the Turan does not mean stupidity. Before I figure out what you are, what reason do I have to take a risk? ?

"You don't have to pretend to be pitiful. I know that this'bulging tooth roar' can't help you. Even if your totem power is sealed, there must be other cards, right?

"Don't oppress yourself hard, ice storm, the disguise that you have been deliberate and cautious over the past two years will definitely make you feel upset and miserable, right?

"Then unleash the anger and true power in your heart to your heart's content!"

Accompanied by Kasavar's laughter, Tu Yahou rushed up again.

This time, it looked like a metal exoskeleton-like armor, with a few whirlwind-like patterns on it, shining a dangerous light.

As a result, around it, the air was instantly compressed, making a "squeaking" explosion, turning into strands of wind blades that were as thin as cicada wings, but extremely sharp!

The wind blade revolves at high speed around the head of Tuyahou.

Suddenly its attack range expanded three to five times.

Ice Storm gritted his teeth, his legs were almost broken, and he still couldn't dodge the totem beast's attack perfectly.

On her forehead and cheek, the wind blade cut three deep bone wounds.

The blood wetted his eyes, like a winding blood and tears, flowing to the corners of the trembling mouth.

She tried to activate the totem power again.

On the neck, wrists and ankles, the metal rings engraved with the runes of the Holy Light, but at the same time they changed from dark to silver, releasing beams of power comparable to lightning into her body, causing her whole body to twitch.

Tu Yahou took the opportunity to hit her chest and slammed her into the wall like a broken kite, causing a scalp tingling sound.

The seemingly incomparably hard walls were smashed into square cracks in the spider web.

The ice storm spouted out of blood, knelt on one knee, gasping for breath, unable to stand for a long time.

Tuyahou took the opportunity to open his mouth in the blood basin and roared deafeningly at her.

Since the name of this totem beast carries the word "hou", it is naturally quite good at sonic attacks.

In fact, the roar of the protruding teeth can not only tear the eardrum of the enemy, but also trigger high-frequency vibrations of the enemy's bones and internal organs, making the enemy's bones instantly crisp, and the internal organs are all shattered alive!

Accompanied by the roar of angry teeth, Ice Storm suddenly felt that all his bones had turned into glass.

The internal organs seemed to be squeezed by a pair of invisible strange hands, about to spew out from the mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

She was completely locked by Tuya Roar, and without the power of totem, it was impossible to rely on the power of flesh and blood to escape the attack range of the high-frequency oscillation.

Seeing that the roar of the fangs became louder and louder, the sound even turned into visible ripples, bursting in circles from the depths of the blood basin, like a stormy sea, swallowing the ice storm completely.

All the clothes of Ice Storm were torn.

Consciousness gradually blurred and fell into an endless abyss.

However, as the pride of the higher orcs was shattered and stripped away.

Another force hidden in the deepest part of the brain gradually emerged.

Tuya roar filled the entire dungeon with roars, and strange noises were heard.

That was the subconscious whisper of Ice Storm.

It was extremely faint at first, like a groan of dying struggle.

But soon, the seemingly faint whisper overcame the roar of the toothy roar.

The secret and long syllables are completely different from the circumflexed Turan.

Although I didn't understand what it meant, it still smeared a layer of holy light on the ice storm that was forced to a dead end.

Circles of milky white halo, accompanied by mysterious and complicated spells, emerged from her body.

Under the halo, the hair that belonged to the snow leopard warrior on her body fell off at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The skin that was originally white as frost has become moist and delicate like jade.

Shining runes appeared on her arms, shoulders, chest and even cheeks.

However, this rune is different from the cuneiform writing that Turan Zuling stayed in the totem armor and used it to manipulate the armor.

It's not like a tattoo with totem power.

It is very similar to the text curled like an earthworm on the device that is worn on the neck and limbs of the ice storm from the land of the holy light to seal the power of the totem.

If there must be any difference, it is that the runes that emerge from the skin of the ice storm are more complex, three-dimensional, and mysterious, as if they are changing all the time and contain endless information.

When this incredible power shone to the extreme, it even burned the tail of the ice storm.

No, this tail that often fluttered behind the ice storm was originally not a real organ connected to her flesh and blood.

It's just an extremely clever disguise that is manipulated with muscle contraction and the twitch of the tail vertebrae.

As a snow leopard female warrior, Ice Storm has no tail at all!

Not only did it have no tails, but when the light gradually faded away, as if the ice storm was reborn, not even half of the hair belonging to the higher orcs was left.

Except for a pair of ears that are still standing high, and fangs that protrude sharply from the lips, as well as thick pads on the palms and soles of the feet, and sharp claws, she can't see anything from Turanze. feature.

Especially the pair of eyes filled with flames, as if carved from crystal, constantly shining with runes.

It is simply the land of the holy light, the symbol of the extremely pious night watchman!

"Look, what did we find!"

At the other end of the ventilation duct, Kasavar's malicious exclamation came, "A mixed blood who has tarnished the glory of a higher orc and has the so-called'Blood of Light' flowing inside!

"No wonder, no matter how I invite you, you still don't want to join the bloodhoof family.

"It turns out that you are not unwilling, but afraid.

"Because in the blood-giving ceremony, the blood of the two of us must be thoroughly blended together and be blessed by the seven priests of the Bloodhoof family.

"When the high priest will inject the totem power of the first generation ancestors of the Bloodhoof family into our blood, as a half of the Holy Light, you will definitely react fiercely, and everyone will see through you. When the time comes, hehe, you will be torn to pieces by angry bloodhoof warriors!"

Ice Storm's face was pale, and his heart plunged into the endless valley.

The strong desire for survival made her reluctant to deal with Kasava's voice, but instead focused all her attention on the tuya roar in front of her.

She accelerated the speed of singing.

What was pouring out of the mouth was no longer a language that human ears could understand, but an ultra-high frequency shock similar to the sonic attack of the roar of a tooth.

As the holy runes gleamed alternately, a creamy ball of light quickly appeared between her palms.

When Tuyahou pounced on her again, she did her best to push the ball of light toward the totem beast's head.


An incredible thing happened!

This ball of light is completely different from the power of frost normally used by Ice Storm.

There was no frost on Tuyahou's body.

Instead, following the gaps in the armor, and the eye sockets, ear canals, and mouth of the blood basin that couldn't cover the armor, they quickly sank into Tuya Howl's body.

Tuya Roar was fixed in midair by a mysterious force.

Its sharp claws are clearly only one finger away from the eyeball of Ice Storm.

But it just couldn't continue, as if being sealed in sticky time.

But the time flow around the palms of the ice storm has been adjusted several times faster.

With her palms flying, her ten fingers interlaced, and she instantly drew hundreds of dazzling runes.

Hundreds of shiny runes interlaced and overlapped.

Form a magic circle burning in the void.

When the magic circle was torn apart and turned into thousands of light spots, lasing out like a goddess scattered flowers.

There were countless criss-cross, shiny cracks on Tuya Roar solidified in mid-air.

Dazzling light was shot from these cracks.

It was like a ball of light that had just submerged in its body, exploding between the internal organs.

In the end, the exoskeleton's protruding teeth, which are as hard as iron, burst out alive from the inside!

"Huh, huh, huh!"

The ice storm gasped.

The stump of the teeth roared with broken arms scattered all over the ground.

Before she could taste the joy of victory, she fell into the dizziness of excessive overdraft and the despair of being seen through the hole cards by Casaval.

Sure enough, this time, from above the ventilation duct, Casaval gave out a real amazement.

"Instant magic? How is it possible!"

Kasava couldn't believe his eyes, "As people of the Holy Light, follow the guidance of the Holy Light, continue to complete the tasks of the Holy Light, and slowly accumulate his devotion to the true God and the true God's grace to himself. In the end, when the grace reaches a certain level, through a series of meditations, spells, and runes, the true god's grace can be obtained, and the'power of the holy light' can be used in the form of'magic' and'divine magic'-this But common sense!

"And only ascetic monks who are extremely pious to the true **** and have passed many trials, or night watchmen and magicians who have made significant contributions to the land of the Holy Light, can shorten or even bypass the cumbersome process of meditation, spells, and runes. Inspire the power of the Holy Light.

"Ice Storm, as a hybrid of the holy light human race and high-level orcs, you can never have even the slightest piety to those who claim to be the ‘True God’, right?

"No, just a normal level of piety is far from enough, unless you start praying day and night from your mother's womb, and in the team of the night watchman, you have tortured through thousands of **** nights and beaten back. Countless waves of the Abyss Demon Race, Nether Empire, and high-level orcs attacked, otherwise, how could you activate the power of the Holy Light so quickly.

"And how can the power of the holy light in your body live in harmony with the power of totem without conflicting with each other?"

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