The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 753: Final victory

Zhao Shi did not dare to chase after the other party left.

If the opponent turns back at the critical moment of the charge, his cavalry will suffer massive casualties at a distance of fifty or sixty meters.

As for Zheng Xin and Zhang Yuan's lack of riding and shooting capabilities, and the two thousand horses that had lost their horsepower did not pose any threat to them, they did not dare to appear in front of them after discovering that Habayashi retired.

Two hours later, 60,000 people from the First Army and Second Army commanded by Huanghuo and Pike arrived, for a total of 90,000 people.

Huang Yuan's army, which they surpassed in number for the first time, made the multi-day combat unfavorable, and there was a panic in the low morale of the army.

The army is based on divisions, and the six divisions encircled Huang Yuan's 80,000 people in six directions.

Zhao Shi, surrounded by spears, Ouyang Wu and others, convened a simple military meeting through the system.

Zhao Shi looked at the dozen or so video frames projecting figures in front of him and said: "Huang Yuan hastily retreated. The cities along the way have been occupied by our army, and the rations they carried with the army will definitely not exceed three days."

"After three days, at most seven days, they will completely collapse. Before that, the ministries still have to keep moving, waiting for the moment when their formation is scattered on a large scale."

"Understand, this is not a problem."

Broken the mountain and said solemnly: "The opponent's infantry is nothing. The remaining two thousand knights are depressed and can be ignored. There are more than three thousand Habayashi left?"

"I will watch them."

"Then it's okay."

The center of Huang Yuan's 80,000 army was dull and hopeless.

Huang Degong reluctantly smiled and said, "Masters, we still have a chance. The 80,000 heavenly army of the court against 90,000 enemies, as long as they can win, everyone is a hero."

No one refuted, no one agreed, and there was no sound.

They want to fight. They may have a 10-20% win rate, but the opponent will never fight them. Huang Degong's words can comfort the middle and low-level generals, but they can't bring them any sense of security.

With such a strong army on the opposite side, many generals were already desperate, with a vague premonition that the Fang family might be ending.

If it weren't for these anti-thieves who wanted to take the land of everyone, I am afraid that many people would secretly contact the enemy chiefs, even father and son Huang, and they were the most suspected.

Both the father and the son are there. Although there are wives, parents, uncles and uncles and many other people in the capital, as long as there are women, there are no family members.

Take another advantage from the dragon, the Huang family is rich and noble for a thousand years, and the two-dynasty family is better than going back to copy the family and win the nobility.

It's just that without land, no wealth can be trusted. No matter how strong the army is, it is a castle in the air. It will definitely prosper and fall quickly like countless robbers in history, and it is destined to be the destiny of the king.

This has always been the case since ancient times. If you allow you to build a strong army, the world is invincible. Without scholars and scholar-officials, how could a dynasty be established?

Huang Yuan sighed in his heart, without showing on his face, and said indifferently: "The imperial court is so majestic, the thieves are rampant for a while, and they will be sinned. Chihe County, twenty miles away, is still in our hands. Our army will definitely win."

The words are full of firm affirmations, and they are full of strong confidence.

The panicked and perplexed generals found the backbone and had a glimmer of hope.

Oh oh oh!

The horns sounded far away, the flags joined forces, the gongs and drums sounded in unison, and the great army of troops walked out of the camp and killed the blood navy which was not far away and attacked.


The current proud sheep and sheep commanded, and the second regiment slowly retreated.

His eyes were fixed on the current number of soldiers and horses, and once they dared to leave their large camp troops, they would be surrounded by several times the number of people and horses.

Unfortunately, the opponent retreated shortly after leaving the camp.

After several trials, the whole army moved like waves of gongs, drums and horns, and headed east together.

Zhao Shi received the intelligence reported from the front line at all times, and a group of red dots on the light blue screen projected in front of him moved in a certain direction.

"Chihe County?"

Zhao Shi murmured, due to time constraints, they only breached the main cities along the way and did not occupy all the cities.

This Chihe County is the same small county as Linzhong County, with low city walls and low strategic value.

Higher colleague cities and other cities are now in the hands of players, unless they want to attack the city, otherwise they can only do so.

However, although it is a small city, if the opponent enters the county seat to rely on the city walls and supplies, it will definitely cause more casualties to the Immortal Alliance army.

"Order, the Third Army of the Immortal League Poshan Mountain will step forward to meet the enemy 500 meters."

Following Zhao Shi's orders, more than 15,000 people from the Three Regiments of the Broken Mountain Division were divided into three groups, and they stepped forward in a tight formation, slowly approaching a place several hundred meters away from the soldiers and horses who were moving on the march.

If the opponent still keeps marching and refuses to stop in formation, it will usher in a tight infantry battle formation.

To Poshan's expectation, the opponent did not stop, but accelerated under the command of the general's land.

He didn't attack immediately, and followed the other side, and now their formation was not scattered enough.

Several hours passed slowly, and until night, the armies of both sides stopped to rest and quieted down temporarily.

On the second day, at noon, the opponent's infantry had already appeared to be very scattered under the long-term movement.

Poshan opened his white teeth and smiled: "Kill up."

The marching speed of the three regiments suddenly accelerated, pressing up against the scattered troops and soldiers, and there was a huge shout and the sound of the handover of weapons at the intersection of each other, and blood flowed.

In the light blue light screen in front of Zhao Shi, the blue and red dots flashed at the same time, annihilating each other.

"411 Regiment, 412 Regiment... Give up the current enemy, and immediately move to support, 111 Regiment, 211 Regiment...organize defenses at peripheral nodes to block the enemy's reinforcements."

Following his words, the Immortal League troops in other places quickly moved their positions, gathering at full speed on the battlefield of the three regiments under Poshan's command.

In a short period of time, more than 40,000 soldiers gathered in this small battlefield, which tightly surrounded the more than 10,000 soldiers inside, quickly eroding their resistance.

"Kill the thief!"

"For the blood, for the people!"

The two men and horses were roaring and killing each other. Every soldier was surrounded by densely packed weapons and figures. Blood was splattered at the junction, and many casualties were caused.

The scattered small groups of people were quickly swallowed, and panic spread quickly.

Until five or six hundred people were killed and injured, the enemy soldiers who were still surging around finally collapsed.

"Run! Run away!"

"Little is willing to surrender, forgive me!"

The pressure accumulated for many days was exploded, spreading to the whole army like a spark, and more than 10,000 soldiers surrendered in piles.

They know that they will not die. This is the experience gained by many of their colleagues before surrendering.

Seeing this, the lords and army owners did not say a word, and did not try to reorganize the order, and decisively led their guards to flee to a distance faster than the broken soldiers.

After the victory of the battle here, after leaving a few soldiers to guard the prisoners, most of the troops continued to move and reinforce the corps that had been responsible for blocking, resulting in a situation of four to one, or even ten to one.

Huang Yuan's self-confidence is so self-confident that the army that came to suppress the bandits slowly and firmly collapsed. A few generals tried to turn the tide, but they were as fragile as paper and did not play any role.

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