To Fang Mingjing's expectation, the short-sighted hairy boys on the opposite side were not moved by his words.

He waited for a while, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue: "The chief Yang of the Tumo tribe is a soothing envoy who has been conferred by the current sage. Your attack on the Tumo tribe is tantamount to rebellion, and it will inevitably lead to thunder strikes from the great army of heaven. "

"But if you retreat now and attack other small tribes that are not recognized by Da Gan, nothing will happen. Da Gan Heaven Army will not use a large army to deal with you."

Some reasonable and well-founded words made Zhao Shi look up at him: "Do you have any fame?"

Fang Mingjing said with restraint: "The great king has no difference in his eyes. He has been admitted as a scholar in Linzhong County."

"That's good."

Zhao Shi nodded: "After the city is broken, you can join the Intelligence Department if you like. They are in urgent need of some literate and reliable local talents."

Fang Mingjing was stunned: "You mean..."


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Yang Yong by his side, and said coldly: "You are just some hairy boys with no full hair. The head of my clan is kind. It is a blessing to let you go. Kuangyan?"

He didn't get any response to his angry and hostile words, and all the kings refused to put precious time on him for another second after determining that they were worthless.

The two female players who brought them in pulled out their swords and blocked Yang Yong: "Mr. Messenger, please leave immediately, or you will violate the military regulations and die."

Although the words are polite, they have a natural sense of supremacy, deep into the bones, making people feel that their status is not as good as an ordinary handmaid.

"A mere woman..."

Yang Yong's face flushed quickly, and he put his hand on the hilt of the knife around his waist, and the soldiers behind him also stared at Zhao Shi and others with a full face.

Dozens of players on guard nearby moved at the same time and surrounded here with their swords.

Yang Yongman's suffocated face suddenly disappeared, and he recovered calmly and said: "Since you don't know how to promote, then I will leave first."

He turned and walked outside without hesitation.

Fang Jingming's pale complexion recovered a bit, and he crawled on the ground to keep up, heaved a sigh of relief.

The two female players who led them in shook their heads slightly, as if they had discovered something funny.


Yang Yong, who had just taken a step back, suddenly roared, drew a long sword from his waist and killed Zhao Shi and others who were looking at him without even looking here. The seven or eight guards around him also acted almost at the same time. Two little girls holding swords in front of them.

While rushing, he shouted wildly: "The Tumo army has arrived. Anyway, you will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver. There will be hundreds of hereditary families. The past guilt will be forgotten!"

In his opinion, these people are typical refugees, children and women, as long as they kill one or two chiefs, they will instantly collapse.

At that time, he will definitely receive the patriarch's awards and rewards, and future generations can enjoy the blessing.

He thought that these decent hairy boys in front of him would immediately panic, shouting frantically, and surrounding soldiers would panic.

It's a pity that the surroundings are still quiet. The kings still didn't look at him, they were still dealing with their own affairs, writing and painting from time to time.

The place where the two neglected female players were. Two swift sword lights lit up on Yang Yong's bare skin, and they retreated with one blow.

Yang Yong's body stiffened with a grinning smile, and he reluctantly turned his head around, but couldn't see anything.

"Meaning maid! You dare to attack Big Brother Yang!"

The seven or eight guards behind him were about to split their eyes, and some immediately killed the two female players who were blocking them, and some even more frantically killed Zhao Shi and others, hoping to take one or two hostages to protect themselves.

Faced with seven or eight long knives at the same time, the two female players did not dare to stop them, each stabbed a sword and quickly retreated.

Ding Ding!

Ding Ding!

Two steps back, a few rapid metal clashes, four Tumo fighters fell to the ground, blood flowing from the chest and throat like a spring.

In just a few breaths, his companion died inexplicably half, and the remaining soldiers couldn't help but pause, looking at the two extremely weak women in horror.

"Ghost! You are ghosts!"

The next moment, their bodies were submerged by dozens of long swords coming from around.

Fang Jingming lost all the blood on his face and slumped feebly on the ground, his feces and urine soaking his gown all over the floor.

The messenger sent did not come back, nor received any news. Yang Wu inside Tumo City was furious: "Those who dare to kill me, get out of the city! Kill them!"

But before the order was passed on, the army outside the city wall attacked silently without any clamor.

Yang Wu calmed down in an instant: "Notify the brothers near the city wall, kill one person and get three coins, and the whole family will be rent-free for 10%."

Step to step~

The footsteps were incomparably neat, and Huang Huo led an army of more than a thousand people close to the city wall 30 meters away. Hundreds of dense arrows cut through the air and covered the sky above his head.

"Hold your shield!"

Instead of shouting, her voice was clearly transmitted to all players' ears through the system.

Suddenly, a thousand people raised their crudely crafted wooden shields, but wide enough and thick enough. A neat three-dimensional rectangle appeared on the ground. There were wooden shields in four directions on the front, left, and right, like one with one Thousands of tortoise shells.

Arrows flying from the sky hit the wooden shield with intensive crashing sounds like a torrential rain, mixed with a few muffled snorts, and the white tortoiseshell turned into a hedgehog.

"go ahead!"

After a short stay, the tortoise army continued to move forward, maintaining an unhurried speed, and it was not at all messy even on the way, and it was straighter than measured by a ruler.

Arrows hit again, three or four waves in succession, but they did not have a major impact on the army, but they walked to the city wall within a few minutes, and there were no shouts of killing in the whole process, like advancing corpses. .

This situation caused the soldiers inside the Tuwei to panic, and barely remained calm under the pressure of the Yang Family Supervisor's team.

The soldiers of the Tumo Department on the Tumor siege wall stood by, guarding the golden juice, and the rolling stone waiting for the arrival of the players.

Huang Huo didn't order the ants to attach to the city, and the loss was too great.


The player with the shield put down the wooden shield and took out a wooden spear that he had sharpened himself from his waist.

"Throw a spear!"

Amidst the sound of screaming, the wooden spear was shot at the soldiers defending the city ten meters away, projecting back and forth, and the flight path was stable and accurate.


Blossoms of blood erupted from the group of soldiers who were waiting, and they were emptied at the moment of a screaming scream. Under this kind of short-term mass casualties, their morale dropped to zero and fled.

"Go back! Kill those who fall back!"

The supervising team used a knife and axe to drive away the rout soldiers and barely maintained the front.

But it immediately attracted a series of short spear strikes, and in the end, it collapsed, and the densely packed soldiers on the wall suddenly disappeared.

"Climbing the city wall, the teams cooperate with each other to support each other. Without a clear order, the main thing is to protect themselves, and to kill the enemy as a supplement."

Players outside the city wall flowed along the gap into Tumo City like a tide, and the soldiers along the way collapsed.

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