The investigation of the players in the second camp lasted for three months. After obtaining all aspects of the murloc tribe and uploading it to the headquarters, Tutu Marshmallow did not leave nor did it. It just settled in the stone spear murloc tribe.

She is waiting for the guild's senior management to make a general plan to deal with the Murloc tribe after comprehensively including the reports of the other eight research teams.

Is it to slaughter the murloc tribes without leaving them, or to completely copy the human land reform plan to try the guilty upper class, and carry out social reforms among the murloc tribes, or something else.

Anything is good, as long as there is an order to pass through, she will execute it.

Bucky and other high-level murloc tribes looked anxiously at these humans who did nothing but stayed in place. They were extremely disturbed, but they couldn't change anything, and it was impossible to escape.

Blood Lotus Palace.

After receiving reports from the nine investigation teams, Zhao Shi, who had always ignored these chores, woke up from his practice.

After thinking for a while, he held a very high-spec meeting through the system communication function.

The system gave the Thirty-Six District's Blood Sea Realm, the sound of Tao Tao's blood and sea remained the same, eternally unchanged, and the high level of the Blood Sea Guild turned into white lights and appeared in the meeting space.

Sun Yue, Liu Tianxiong, Jin Dazhong, Gu Rulai and others from the Ministry of the Interior, the spear of the military department, the flying snail, Ichiki Hanfeng and others, Ji Rong of the scientific research department, Tianjishu, etc., and the observers, Sanpingzi .

All the key departments involved in the guild are completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Hello, President."

Everyone lined up on both sides and got up and bowed to Zhao Shi on the main seat.

"Long time no see, please sit down."

Zhao Shi also smiled and bowed in return, and when they were seated, he said: "Today's issue is just like the information notice issued two weeks ago. After the guild has been developing for so long, it finally encountered a social and moral concept that is completely different from that of humans. Alien."

"How to deal with them is the first step taken by the Association. It will affect the Association's policies for tens of thousands of years in the future. You can speak freely."

"But a little bit."

Zhao Shi looked serious: "The guild absorbs all intelligent creatures, including humans, and converges the wisdom of all souls to achieve the road of cultivation and longevity. The foundation stone principle that was erected at the beginning of the guild's establishment will not be shaken.

"Only by being open to all rivers and not being shaken by the narrow racial isolationism, can we draw enough strength to open up an endless road to immortality."


Everyone responded in unison.

After a while, the flying snail opened its head: "I personally think that there is no big difference in the soul of all races, and the difference in appearance and body is not to be worried about. It is completely possible to look at the murlocs of the murloc tribe. Into an ordinary human individual."

"The reason why they have shown a completely different social morality and cognition from ours is that they have lost their soul essence in the backward and distorted education. This is exactly what we need to change."

"I suggest that the Murloc tribe should be completely transformed to become a free, equal, fraternal race that contributes to the cause of cultivation."

At this moment, it is not only them who are participating in the meeting, but also most of the players who have no tasks in the Blood Sea Guild are watching the live broadcast. If their opinions are neat and strong enough, they will be taken into consideration in the meeting.

After the flying snail had finished speaking, no one answered for a while, all thinking.

"I don't think it is feasible."

The spear got up with a calm expression: "The president said that we want to accommodate all races, absorb their wisdom and strength, and make them our true daoists on the road to immortality."

"But it does not mean that when we see a race, we must be included in the system.

Our strength is limited, and we must evaluate this race in all aspects in advance to confirm whether it is suitable for cultivation and unity as a companion on the path of immortality. "

"If it's not appropriate, I think we should abandon them ruthlessly, get rid of them, and avoid wasting the world's limited resources for cultivation."

"Ellen's deep-sea murlocs, I think it is such a race that needs to be abandoned and eliminated."

"There are basically two reasons. The first is that the hormone structure in the body is lacking, and it shows bloodthirsty and unself-control of killing from time to time, making it difficult to be an orderly social individual.

The second is that there is an upper limit for its soul aptitude after the sample of prisoners of war has been studied. It is almost impossible to break through the Nascent Soul and enter the **** of transformation, and the cultivation value is almost zero. "

"In response to these various shortcomings, the Ellen Deep Sea Murloc has exponential fertility, occupying more than half of the rich deep sea resources."

"If these resources are freed up, how many immortal cultivators can be cultivated, and even the cultivators of the transformation stage will have the opportunity to be born under the cultivation of these resources."

"The various experimental data conducted by our department in the early stage and the big data calculation process have been sent to your mailbox, please refer to it."

"My speech is over."

The spear glanced around and sat down.

The next statement appeared on the side of the Ministry of the Interior.

"My ministry believes that the Ellen Deep Sea Murloc has value that must be preserved."

Liu Tianxiong got up and said: "The deep sea is rich and broad, but ordinary humans are difficult to mine. The murloc race has a pivotal position in the development of the deep sea."

"At the same time, we also admit that due to the huge differences in morality and cognition, it will be very difficult to establish the same order as human society within the murloc, and it is impossible in a short time."

"It takes at least a dozen generations, at least hundreds of years, to completely transform the Murloc race."

"In addition to the fact that the deep-sea murlocs live in no fixed nomadic place and are difficult to govern, our ministry suggests that the guild should adopt high-pressure military threats against the deep-sea murlocs and collect resources to enshrine them."

"The advantage is that it doesn't take too much time and energy to calm the turbulence of the deep-sea murlocs, and also obtain massive resources, leaving the problem to be solved after the war."


A senior member of the Blood Sea Guild has carefully prepared himself for at least two weeks of comprehensive thinking and talked about his views from all aspects and angles.

All have their own theoretical support, and they all seem feasible, making the players who watch the live broadcast dizzy.

Ouyang Wu waited for the other players to finish speaking and stood up and said: "Now let us inform the Blood Sea Guild that the majority of players agree with the most suggestions."

"Article 1: Choose a good-looking one.

Reason: Good-looking is an important indicator. When choosing a friendly alien in the future, I suggest that you should add points to your appearance, because appearance means that the cost of communication is greatly reduced, and the customs and habits are close, which is a very important point! "

"Article 2: Be kind to people..."

Most of them are superficial views, which are very emotional and represent the public's attitude on the matter.

The final decision will refer to the deviation of some players' opinions, but will not follow their ideas.

It is difficult for ordinary players to think about the overall situation. Due to the lack of personal ability and intelligence understanding, what they say is very different from what they really want.

Absolute democracy is a disaster and must be avoided.

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