The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 631: The shadow will end

Another three years, a sea of ​​blood 171 years.

Zhao Shi woke up from the retreat, the quiet blood in his eyes lit up and disappeared, returning to a black and white appearance.

Ouyang Wu blinked at him, and Karina looked into the distance as she did three years ago, and she has become a statue.

"Zhao Shi, Xia Guo, and the rejuvenated White Bear Kingdom are ready. You can start the war to liberate the Eagle Kingdom as soon as you leave the customs. The Shadow Church has not changed anything in the past three years."

Not moving is normal. The nuclear forces of the three major Blue Star nations have been liberated. Once he finds his traces, it will be the end of nuclear bomb washing, and he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

If someone is entangled, it will definitely die.

"let's start."

Zhao Shi nodded: "After sweeping the Shadow Church, we will start the war into the world of Ellen. The resources there are the most important for us."

The scarlet stars that had stayed in Hedong City for three years shook slightly and flew away from the sea of ​​clouds.

At the same time, through the transmission of electromagnetic signals, the millions of steel armies of the White Bear Country and the Xia Country merged from the border of the two countries and formally entered the Eagle Country, which has been occupied by the Shadow Church for decades.

Boom boom boom!

On the outskirts of a city, there was a neat round of shelling and a wave of tank charges, and the army of the Shadow Church had been broken up, and they ran away crying and crying, and their strength was unexpectedly weak.

But this modern army did not dare to step into the seemingly sunny, infinitely beautiful city ahead.

Although everything inside is normal, the panicked people, the fleeing soldiers.

There are even some of the opposition in the shadowy churches ready to welcome the king, and the people do not see the crazy religious lunatics of other church people.

Very normal, very normal.

Molov, the commander of the mechanized infantry division, looked at the scene inside the city with some horror, and even ordered the troops to retreat another 100 meters.

Everything is normal, and every character in it is lifelike, just like a well-directed script, there is no superfluous person, no accident.

In the bitter war between Eagle Nation and Shadow Church, Shadow Church showed extremely crude frontal battlefield level, whether it was tactics or the strength of military personnel.

It can be said that any army can destroy their army.

But this is nothing to be proud of. What they defeated was not so much the Shadow Army, as it was a relatively large number of security forces.

The true strength of the Shadow Church lies in the way of assassination.

They never face-to-face battles, only sneak attacks in shadow corners at night, killing commanders and ordinary soldiers.

Often an army drove into the city fiercely in white weather, without any resistance, and the people were extremely obedient. Even if the shadow idols were torn down in front of them, their expressions would not change.

At this time, the commander will often send to the rear that everything is good, just send the administrative staff to accept the city.

But on the second day, the gray statues of the **** of shadows will be erected again in the whole city. Yesterday's cheerful soldiers have turned into cold corpses in the city's various sewers and soil layers.

In the calculations of the staff of various countries, the Shadow Church will be their most difficult opponent. Not only is it difficult to defeat, but it is almost impossible to completely eliminate it after defeat.

Some people are even more pessimistic that even if the God of Shadow is killed, some of his church personnel will definitely be lurking among the Blue Star humans, secretly spreading their beliefs, and may once again give the country a fatal blow at any time.

However, in the current war, no staff officer thinks that they will fail and will not suffer heavy casualties.

Fifteen minutes later, a red cloud descended from the blood-colored star at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Getting closer, the small red clouds magnified, and the soldiers looked in awe. It was a group of nearly two thousand people, with black hair and black eyes, and they were wearing clothes somewhat similar to long skirts.

The face of an ordinary young man, with vicissitudes of pride in his eyes, landed beside Molov in the middle of the barracks: "Mr. Master, please tell me the relevant information you got before."

"Yes! Master Xianshi."

Molov handed over some rough information he had previously received, and respectfully said: "The military department ordered our department to fully obey the command of Master Xianshi. If necessary, please tell me immediately."

"Oh, I see."

The triumphant sheep nodded, and the red cloud group reappeared under his feet, holding up all the players of the third camp and the aboriginal cultivators to fly to the top of the city.

Below are the people who are either frightened or curious and longing. It seems that there is nothing unusual, as if all the people of the Shadow Church have already been withdrawn, leaving only the innocent people like Aries.

The triumphant sheep and sheep's spiritual sense swept slightly, the eyes showed sarcasm, and he said lightly: "We are the cultivators of the sea of ​​blood, and we are ordered to surrender all church personnel and devout believers of the God of Cthulhu Shadow.

Those who come out of their own hands and get caught with nothing can reduce some of the responsibilities you committed in the first place after strict consideration. "

The people below you look at me, I look at you, looking at each other.

"Master Xianshi, the people of the Shadow Church have already withdrawn."

"We don't know where they are either."

"These **** shadow church believers, I can't wait to slash them a thousand times, thank you for coming."

Someone in the crowd explained that someone swears, and even a middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and took out a pitch-black statue and threw it on the ground, breaking it into countless pieces.

They all looked saved.

"There is one minute left, and those who don't surrender after one minute, die."

Proud Yangyang did not respond to their words, but only spread his voice far away with God's consciousness to ensure that everyone in the entire city could hear it.

No one came out, and the swearing underneath was louder, more conclusive, and even began to curse the shadow **** Sorsta.

The players are very surprised.

Sausta was indeed a shameless old silver coin, and his face was thicker than the gods.

One minute is up, there is no one.

"Then die."

Yang Yang nodded proudly. Twenty-four Jindan-class Taoist flying swords appeared in the sky, each occupying a corner of the city. The lines of the formations intertwined between them, forming a misty sea of ​​red sword energy falling from the sky. .

The sharp and sharp swords scattered in the city have their own goals.

A crimson sword qi flashed, cutting the middle-aged woman who was spitting at the idol fragments on the ground into two pieces. The blood of Minmi mixed with some dark gray shadows, the power of faith flowed out, and her face was incredibly fat His face is soaked.

A flash of red light flashed, and a boy frolicking around his mother, who didn't know what war was, was turned into two halves.

The head of a thick and sturdy man fell from his neck, and the blood spurted out one foot high, his head gurgling on the ground.


In an instant, the quiet and peaceful city turned into a **** on earth, with countless limbs broken and blood flowing into rivers.

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