The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 629: Golden peak

The light spot of Zhao Shi's right hand on a metal sacred mountain, a crimson mana and divine consciousness poured into it, exploring its structure and physical properties one by one.

After synthesizing a large amount of information, a light blue system panel appeared in front of Zhao Shi.

Name: Chris God Gold

Grade: God-level low-level materials

Characteristics: Highly affinity with the power of belief in the Kobolds of the Ellen World, excellent affinity for metal, and fire attributes. Chris, the **** of the Kobolds, searched for the endless minerals of the Ellen World and formed it after tens of thousands of years.

This material is at the lowest level of God-level materials, and requires a large amount of use to play the role of conventional God-level materials.

"The Yuanying-level blood lotus guard project can start, just collect auxiliary materials."

Zhao Shi looked at the mountain in front of him with satisfaction: "These things should be able to be found after taking the world of Ellen and the kingdom of the three gods."

The raw materials needed by the Blood Lotus Guard of the Yuan Ying-rank are extremely large. At this stage, both the player and himself need to consume a lot of resources for cultivation, and there is no surplus.

Although the scientific research department has already calculated all the plans, it has never dared to do it.

But now it is different. With the selfless dedication of the kobold **** Chris, the biggest resource gap has been filled.

Ouyang Wu excitedly said: "I must be the first to receive it!"

Now her strength is roughly at the late Yuan Ying level. Although she is already very strong, she is still far behind the enemy Zhao Shi faces.

As the original blood sea guard, she can control the blood lotus guard to greatly increase her combat effectiveness, and her strength will usher in an explosive increase.

"No problem, if you have to refining separately, you are the first priority."

Zhao Shi casually agreed, playing the magic trick in his hand, motivating the huge formation on the Sky City.

The place where the three **** metal peaks are located is hazy and collapsed like mud. The three **** metal peaks shake and sink slowly, and the thousands of meters high mountain disappears.

There was blood flowing out from the collapsed place, poured into the place where the three metal gods were, and submerged the place where they were. In the end, only three metal peaks remained on the blood pool.

The tactics in Zhao Shi's hands kept moving, and the warehouses of the Sky City were mobilized, and the material warehouses of various colors were opened like floods, flew onto the huge blood pool and fell, sending huge splashes of the calm blood pool water.

Most of the mountain-like materials are of the Nascent Infant grade, and there are very few materials of the God of Transformation grade, which only play an auxiliary role.

The ups and downs of various colored materials hovered on the blood pool for a while and sank into the tumbling blood pool water.

The blood is shining, and the water in the blood pool has a huge corrosive ability. During the tumbling, these Yuan Ying-level materials are dissolved into various pure components, and the needed essence is absorbed and merged into the blood pool to become a part of its water flow.

The remaining dark impurities were sunk into the bottom of the blood pool, and when they were more enriched, they were gathered together and discarded.

The dissolving speed of the God-level materials obtained by more than ten Blood Sea Guilds relying on the control of the three worlds is much slower, and it will probably take more than seven or eight years.

Only three days later, the water in the colorful blood pool, which was caused by a large amount of material entering and dissolving, faded little by little under the surrounding formation, and finally turned into a pure crimson, rolling around the three metal gods.

The waves of the blood pool slapped on the three sturdy and immortal metal peaks, washing away the soil and residual radiation that were contaminated around them, leaving only the golden color.

It's just that no matter how the water in the blood pond with the powerful infecting ability rolls, they will remain unchanged, without a trace of change, solid and immortal.

Zhao Shi, who is always in control of the blood pool formation, frowned: "It will probably take more than four hundred years to complete the infection."

Although this time is quite satisfactory for a magic weapon refined by a monk in the transformation stage, it is not outrageous, but it is too long for him who has only six hundred to one thousand years of life to accept.

"Bloodletting it better."

Shaking his head, Zhao Shi gave up his last fluke.

A hole in his right wrist automatically split, and the blood he had cultivated for more than a hundred years flowed out, with a thick sea of ​​blood and sword intent, pure, sharp, and icy cold.

The blood leaves the wrist, and the blood will be enveloped in the water of the blood pond.

At the moment when Zhao Shi's blood merged into the water of the blood pond, it was like a certain violent chemical reaction. The water of the blood pond that was already tumbling instantly boiled, and the thick blood mist evaporated.

An extremely cold, deep will to the bone marrow will control and change the water in the blood pool, increasing its infecting and corrosive ability by a factor of ten.


The three sturdy and immortal golden peaks finally changed in front of the water of the blood pool that was slapped over. Wind-eroded pits appeared on the peaks, and they were no longer unscathed.

There was a trace of golden silk thread in the water of the blood pond that was rolled back. The golden silk thread reacted violently with the water in the surrounding blood pond. The power of faith was released, evaporating to the sky above the blood pond, and then destroyed.

The remaining pure golden **** gold gathered into fine sand, and the water of the blood pool was concentrated on it, wanting to attach a network of blood net.

The water in the blood pond kept beating, bit by bit corroding the things one wanted from the three golden gods, reducing their volume.

Although the speed is still extremely slow, the changes are visible to the naked eye, which is a qualitative change from before.

"It will take another twenty years."

Zhao Shi calculated silently and played the last trick.

The unfolding land rumblingly gathered and closed, covering the exposed water of the blood pool, quietly waiting for changes in the future.

After doing all this, Zhao Shixiang flew to the depths of the Blood Lotus Palace.

He needs a deep retreat and healing until he is completely healed.

"Wait a minute, I need a reward."

At this moment, Karina, who had been silent for a long time, flew in front of Zhao Shi and stopped him. The eight blood-colored sword wings flapped slightly behind her, bringing a stinging sword energy.

Zhao Shi looked at her suspiciously.

Karina said blankly: "I'm fighting for you. I need a post-war reward. You have to give it to me. This is the treatment that everyone in your own internal has."


Zhao Shi pondered for a while, but didn't immediately agree, and asked: "What do you need, talk about it."

In his opinion, Karina is now in control of the battle power of the god-level transformation, this is all her own credit, and she has already received huge benefits.

So if he asks too much, he won't accept it, because the reward has already been paid.

"The black gold metal on the chest of Chris incarnation is the one with the most power of faith."

Karina quickly said: "I need it. It's best if you can make it into a flying sword of faith. Anyway, most of the black and gold metal is the power of faith and it's useless for you."

She knew her abilities, even if she gave her the best materials, she couldn't make what she wanted.

If the guy in front of you is willing to make a move, not only can it be done in a short time, but the quality can also be guaranteed.

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