Chapter 9 Let’s test the waters first

 Wen Qian has been handsome and talented since he was a child, which is Mrs. Wen's greatest pride. Therefore, she felt that Yuan was not worthy of him at all!

 What's more, her son would take such a huge risk for her sake! In my heart, I felt even more hatred and disgust towards Yuan.

 But I can’t help but what my son likes!

Now, I have given birth to three beautiful children to my son.

There is really no other way! Mrs. Wen couldn't be vague about the formalities that should be made and the dignity that should be given. After Yuanshi greeted her, she responded gently.

 Both of them were smiling and speaking softly, which seemed to be a very harmonious relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Wen Yu knew it was time for him to play.

Hold up the skirt and walk to the front.

When the excitement subsided a little, she stood in front of Wen Qian and Yuan, knelt down and saluted: "Wen Yu, I have met my father and my wife."

 Wen Qian finally saw his eldest daughter.

 When she lowered her head, she saw a head of thick black hair. He raised his head and saw that little snow-white face.

Two very beautiful long eyebrows and a pair of cold eyes. His eyes were slightly squinted, and the hairs covered less than half of his eyes, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

 Extremely thin.

 Kneeling posture, demeanor and tone of voice...generous and generous.

 But there is no sweet smile and obvious admiration on his face, which is not far or near.

  Ah, she turned out to be a well-behaved and well-educated girl!

Wen Qian's heartbeat was a little faster. It was true. If he hadn't come home and saw her, he wouldn't have remembered that he had such a daughter. the past, didn't she always call Xijun "mother"? Ignoring the confusion in my heart, I gave a cold hum.

 After Yuan Xijun looked at Wen Yu carefully, his eyes narrowed. What a surprise! But she immediately smiled and said: "That's Yu'er, get up quickly!"

 Wen Yu said no more and stood up neatly. He leaned to the side and stood down.

Yuan Shi looked at her movements carefully and was really stunned.

Where is that yellow-haired girl wearing flashy clothes and a superficial smile? Then he quickly looked at his daughter... secretly comparing her.

I saw my daughter staring at the elder sister with her face tense and her mouth pursed. There is disgust, dissatisfaction, contention, anger in the eyes...

Yuan Shi quickly glanced at her husband again...and saw that her husband was also looking at his eldest daughter silently with obvious surprise...for longer than before, paying attention to her.

She felt sad in her heart, "Husband, I haven't seen you for more than two years. She has grown a lot! She has become a big girl!"

Wen Qian nodded and said nothing.

 After Wen Huan carefully examined her "eldest sister", feelings of sourness, hatred, and pain came to her heart. Suddenly, she said in a coquettish voice: "Yes, Daddy! It's been more than two years, it's been a long time! My eldest sister has indeed grown a lot! If I weren't at home, I wouldn't even recognize her!"

After saying that, she walked up to Wen Yu with a smile and stretched out her hand to pull her.

Wen Huan didn't say anything and let Wen Huan hold his hand.

“When I see my eldest sister, I want to get close to her!” Wen Huan wanted to pinch her hard, but she had long nails!

But before she could make a move, Wen Yu smiled, took Wen Huan's hand and looked up and down: "Grandma, it's really strange! When you fight a child, your granddaughter won't be able to catch up with the second sister! At that time, the general will Madam hasn't moved out with you yet. She and Pingting always get confused about who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister when they see me and my second sister!

 In the past six months, my granddaughter has grown a lot in size! I originally thought she would be taller than my second sister! But I didn't expect... I still couldn't catch up. "

Wen Yu smiled softly and narrowed her long eyes, "It seems, which one of us is the elder sister? Which one is the younger sister? People will always misunderstand us!"

 After saying that, she looked around at everyone with a slightly naughty look.

But Wen Huan could clearly feel his hands shaking, and his face turned pale.

Mrs. Wen’s face also froze, she opened her mouth and said nothing.

Yuan's face, which was originally as white as jade, turned red.

"Wen Yu! What are you talking about?" Wen Qian was startled and blurted out angry words.

"Huh?! Father?" Wen Yu was obviously frightened and immediately dropped Wen Huan's hand. He looked at his father, his grandmother, and everyone in confusion.

 That means: What did I say wrong?

Mrs. Wen frowned and looked at her eldest son. "Daughter...Daughter sister is like my sister! Why, is this not allowed to be said?!" Wen Yu was cautious and a little aggrieved.

 “Still so out of tune!” Wen Qian’s eyes were filled with venom, and his anger was obvious.

 Hah! Finally got a promotion! Look at all this majesty! Wen Yu sarcastically...

  It’s just that the eldest man who had just returned home was so angry that it was sudden and strange. Everyone didn’t understand and looked at each other...

Sister Jiao even pulled Wu and asked silently: "What's wrong?!"

Wu was also puzzled, but she said nothing and shook her head slightly.

"Okay, okay!" Old Mrs. Wen quickly smoothed things over, "Wen Yu, I haven't seen your father in two years, why do you come up to make him angry?! Boss, you guys go back to your room to freshen up quickly. Mom will have something to say to you later."

Yuan's face returned to calmness, and she was secretly happy: No matter when, her husband always faces her!


Wen Qian retreated with his family.

 The people in the room looked at Wen Yu as if they were watching a circus.

 And Wen Yu looked at his father's back, his grandmother, and then everyone else, with a confused expression on his face.

The old lady felt strange in her heart again, but she couldn't explain why, so she glanced at Wen Yu gloomily.

 “Come on, all of you, go down.”

Wen Yu returned to his yard. I will test the water first and see how all parties react...

Thinking back to it carefully: It seems that the old lady was really an insider about that incident. The second uncle has no expression, and it's hard to tell. The second aunt... doesn't seem to know.

 But Wen Huan's behavior was a little strange. Does she know it now?

 But this is not a glorious thing. Why should father and Yuan tell her?

In the last life, Wen Huan's marriage was going well, but she was still dissatisfied and participated in the fights between the princes and took the initiative to propose a plan to seize the Song family property. Including what she said in prison... I am afraid that her "illegitimate" daughter's background made her very concerned, right?

Thinking about this "father" again, Wen Yu felt a little sad for him.

 Grandpa did not care about gains and losses in order to compete with grandma. It’s really not good for this eldest son! Therefore, it was not easy for him to study, take exams, become a Jinshi, and become an official!

  Everything I got with all my hard work, but for a **** like Yuan, I took such a big risk, and even stained my hands with the blood of my original wife...

What a crazy and infatuated person!

 Haha, let’s see if you ever regret it one day!

 Don’t worry, I will use all my life to let you get such a day!

 At that time, I wonder what you will look like... Wen Yu became happy, humming a little tune and walking lightly.

 Hongxing, who was following behind, kept rolling her eyes! As soon as the eldest man came home, the girl offended him. This is really baffling!

I didn’t get any reward at all...Is this a waste?

hmm...Although the eldest man and his wife have not returned home for more than two years, Mrs. Xu’s mother has sent things back several times. Every time, I have to come to him alone to question him, and I will secretly give him silver and gifts... This time, if he calls me again... what can I say or not say, so that I can get more things?


Wen Qian, on the other hand, returned to the courtyard with his wife and children, and his original happy mood faded a bit.

But he didn't pause. After sending Yuan back to the house, he went to the front study to talk to the housekeeper and his second brother about peripheral matters.

Yuan is sorting out her belongings.

Nanny Xu next to her asked: "Madam, the eldest girl seems to be a little different today. Do you think you should go to Hongxing and ask?"

Yuan did the work herself, her movements were very graceful, her expression was very gentle, but her voice was cold: "Ask, you must ask! But not now. How many days will you stay at home? Let's check the situation first . Since she is different, let’s not keep using the same old methods.”

 “Yes, Madam, you are thoughtful.”

“Think about it too, don’t let Hong Xingguang stare, you have to do something when the time is right. Some things... you have to prepare in advance. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need it, just don’t get blinded when you use it!”

“…Yes, I understand!” Nanny Xu was stunned and understood what she meant.

  Thank you all for collecting and commenting.



 (End of this chapter)

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