The entire Wen family only followed Nanny Song and another girl. No other servants could be brought in.

Although the palace is very considerate in every aspect, the girl may have to do it herself if she wants to freshen up.

They each took a small bag and went to the bathroom.

Wen Jiao was chatting with Wen Wan, just because she saw someone. The color of her clothes and her face were so ugly today.

He also said that so-and-so wore the jewelry during the Lantern Festival, and he still wears it now.

 Then he got the jewelry on his head, and said that the one on Wen Wan's head would be rude in front of the princess... He kept talking all the way.

 When we got to the place, there were actually a lot of people queuing up outside!

 I guess it’s because the girl doesn’t have enough people, so it would be slower to do it herself.

 Wen Yu is annoyed by Wen Jiao’s nonsense. I looked around and saw that there should be something else elsewhere, so I turned around and left. After searching for a while, I saw another one, but there were still quite a few people there.

There was a maid next to her, so she asked, "Is there a bathroom? I'm in a hurry."

The maid smiled and said: "This girl..." She pointed in one direction, "Go this way, there is another one, but I'm afraid there are a lot of people. Also, you can walk from here to the end, and then turn right Turn around and walk to the pond. There is another one there. It is far away from the venue and there are probably fewer people there, so you don’t have to worry.”

 “Okay, I’ll go over there!”

"Miss!" the maid stopped her again: "You have to remember the way and don't go in the wrong direction when you come back. You will reach the male guest if you go forward."

 “Okay, I know!” She smiled. The maid made her smile and blush, thinking that this girl is really pretty and has a good temper.

Wen Yu walked away lightly.

The scenery along the way is picturesque.

 When she reached the end of the road, she found that there was really no one around, so she hesitated again... Her previous experience made her a little worried.

How many of the rightful owners today have a messy relationship! It's secluded here, so don't let yourself discover anything else. (For many years after the incident, she sighed about her crow mouth)

Well, don’t go, go back. After walking back for a while and looking again, I found that the front of the bathroom was not moving, but someone came from the back...

How long will this take? !

So he turned around again and secretly told himself: Go quickly, come back quickly, don't delay, don't be curious, don't cause trouble.

After walking along the winding road beside the pool for quite some time, sure enough, there was a small restroom with no queue outside.

There was a little girl in black standing at the door. Seeing her coming, she saluted and said, "Send hello to the lady."

 Then the curtain was drawn.

 Wen Yu smiled and walked in.

The little girl followed, "Miss, I'm busy elsewhere. Everyone here has been transferred, only the slaves. But the slaves can also comb their hair and change clothes!"

Wen Yu smiled and said, "I can do these myself. You can stay outside. I'll feel more comfortable."

"Yes. My name is Orange. If you have something to do, call me my slave!" After saying that, he bowed and left.

 A scent that has both inside and outside.

 There are mirrors, tables, stools, washstands, and clothes rails outside.

 Lifting the curtain and entering the inner room, there are burning incense, a toilet, and even a woman’s menstrual period. The room is fragrant and has no peculiar smell.

 Elaborate and thoughtful, it is a royal palace after all!

 She finished it quickly, came out, washed her hands, and fixed her hair in front of the mirror. Open the small bag, take out a compact, and press your nose a little. I picked a little more lipstick and put it on.

 Sitting there in a daze for a while.

 Normally speaking, the Wen family has not yet reached the point where the princess can receive them alone. Is there any special reason for summoning?

 Could it be that the princess saw herself that day...

No way? !

 However, this is not normal.

 She smiled and looked at the woman in the mirror.

You! who are you! ? What can the princess see in you? Want you to be my daughter-in-law? !

hehe. Even the **** of King Wu’s family are beyond your reach.

 Looking at the flower-like little faces from left to right...

Oops, don't... take a concubine for the King of Wu or the Prince of Wu, right? !

 That can’t be done!

 Determined not to be a concubine! !

But if this is the princess's plan...what way can she think of to avoid it?

I thought about it for a while, but found that I had no choice!

 The status gap is too great, and under the power... no matter how hard you try, it will be useless!

 Amitabha, she felt the powerlessness of the previous life again.

 At any rate, we are different, so let’s take one step at a time to make peace!

 After dilly-dallying for a while, he stood up and checked things to make sure he didn't leave anything behind.    Just then he went out the door.


Yang Rushi’s smile bloomed like a flower.

The woman in black felt overwhelmed with joy, but she was even more frightened.

Seeing her raising her hand again, she raised the wine glass to her lips.

"You! Don't...don't drink..." The woman in black was completely panicked.

Yang Rushi drank it all in one gulp, "Once you do it, you won't regret it. Have another drink!"

" no, I, I don't really want you to die...I'm sorry!" The woman in black had hated her for many years and deliberately planned to kill her. At this moment, I regretted it again.

 She is not a bad person.

Yang Rushi said softly: "It's okay. This is good..."

Suddenly he stretched out his hand, poured himself another glass, raised his head and drank again.

The woman in black shed tears, "Don't blame me. I saw you having a private meeting with King Wu! You, how could you do such a thing? How could you do this to Mr. Hu? How smart and noble he is, A noble man, you cannot humiliate him like this!"

"I know…"

Now that this was the case, the man in black became excited: "There is something else you don't know! King Wu has been hiding private soldiers and buying private property over the years. He has evil intentions! Because of you, he will take advantage of Mr. Hu , will bring disaster to the Hu family! I have found out clearly over the years! Only when you are gone can Mr. Hu escape from all this!"

"This...I don't know. But if you have been checking, it must be like this." Yang Rushi said confused.

 She is so beautiful!

"Madam... Before Mr. Hu met you, I was almost married to him. I, how much effort I made, but when you came... I, I saw your appearance at that time, and only said a few words, Mr. Hu drove me away.

 There is no way I can apologize no matter what! Later... later, I took Muqi away with him. He was Mr. Hu's bodyguard. He has always liked me silently. these years…"

 The toxicity had already set in. Yang Ru was unable to sit still and collapsed to the ground.

The woman in black did not dare to look at her, closed her eyes and said: "We have done nothing and have been checking you. After many years of running around and spending countless money, we finally found out... You were raised by King Wu and you were pregnant with him. The child! I found out everything. Originally, I wanted to tell Mr. Hu.

 In the end, he didn't even listen, so he asked someone to take me out... He also said that if I go to see you again, he will kill me. Hehehehe... I would be satisfied even if he treats me even a little bit like you. "

"I'm sorry...ah..." Yang Rushi panted, grabbing her clothes and breaking into a cold sweat, "I shouldn't have been saved by him...I am an unlucky person and should have died long ago..."

"Well, it's not entirely your fault... When Mr. Hu brought you back, you were delirious, like a madman and a fool. But he is so smart and a clean person. He simply likes you and takes care of you personally. He does not rely on help. …”

 “He is a good man. I am ashamed of him...”

“Then do you know that it was Princess Wu who harmed you?” The woman in black opened her eyes and looked at her.

Yang Ru was sweating all over, resisting the burning and pain inside. "I, last year... I was more awake, and I guessed... ah..." She gasped desperately.

"Then did you know that King Wu also found out later!? Because he had been investigating, but at the critical moment, he actually withdrew the people. Going further, Princess Wu will be found out... Haha!" The man in black smiled bitterly.

"I know... I'm sorry for you. If I had died early, you would have been happy."

"No, no. It's my fault, I was too jealous of you. I shouldn't have killed you... Mr. Hu was very happy when he was with you. God, I'm going to destroy him... I regret it, Why are you so stupid?"

Yang Rushi had already started to roll on the ground, "Go, go quickly! Don't wait for them to come! Hurry..."

The man in black said: "I have evidence with me. I want to show it to Mr. Hu in person!"

"No, you can't give it here. King Wu will kill someone... let's go."

 The woman in black realized, yes! How did I forget this? This is King Wu’s territory, he will kill me, even Mr. Hu!

She looked at Yang Rushi sadly: "You are as beautiful as a fairy, and you really don't deserve to suffer this. I hope that in the next life you will be an ordinary woman, loved by your husband, and have many children!"

 After saying that, the woman in black turned around and walked away quickly.

Yang Ru curled up in a ball on the ground, couldn't bear it anymore, started howling, and his eyes began to wander.

At this time, she realized that there was no one she wanted to see.

Suddenly, someone came over and saw her lying on the ground. They were shocked and came over quickly: "Madam! Madam! Someone is coming quickly!?"

 There was great chaos all around.


 (End of this chapter)

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