Conversed without embarrassment.

King Wu smiled and said: "Sir, there are a few people in front of me who want to meet you. Will you go with me?"

Mr. Hu actually didn’t want to go. He glanced at his wife.

 Mrs. Hu turned to look at him and nodded.

"Then I will go with the prince first and pick you up in a moment. If you need something, send someone to call me." Mr. Hu said softly.

 Wu Wang’s face was calm, but his bones were filled with soreness. He stood up and walked out with Mr. Hu.

Even Princess Wu stood up to see her husband off.

Mrs. Hu, however, sat there without moving.

After the men left, Princess Wu smiled and said, "Pour tea for Mrs. Hu." Her voice was extremely gentle. After taking a look at Yang Rushi, I sighed in my heart: People say that time destroys beauty.

 But she is an exception!

 After so many years, the appearance remains the same... Why doesn't it look old? I remembered that I had given birth to three daughters and two sons, my eyes and neck were slack, my waist was tight...

 Alas, not only was she not ugly or dead, but she also lived a life of being held in the palm of a decent husband’s hand.

 This fate is something I really admire.

 She picked up the tea cup, shook it gently, and sighed in her heart...

This Mrs. Hu, whose real name is Yang Rushi, is an orphan from a branch of the late imperial concubine’s natal family.

The imperial concubine's mother-in-law's family did not have many heirs. After hearing the news, she brought Xiao Yang into the palace and kept her by her side.

 The late Queen Mother was very happy when she saw her picturesque beauty, so she simply stayed in her palace and treated her like a princess.

 So, when King Wu was a boy, he saw this little girl who was too beautiful to look like a real person.

 Later, when the King of Wu was old enough to build a palace, the Queen Mother became ill, the Concubine Tai died of illness, and the late Queen became ill. Queen Wu and Concubine Wu were busy in the palace.

 He didn’t know how it worked, so he took Yang Rushi back to his mansion.

 When he reached the age of engagement, the emperor granted him the marriage. It was a long time after I got married that I realized that there was such a famous person as Yang Ru in Prince Wu's Mansion!

 A peerless beauty who was raised in a boudoir and unknown to anyone!

That is really "unknown to people"!

 Because, there is no such person outside. Almost no one in Prince Wu's mansion knew about it.

That girl lives in a courtyard within a courtyard.

 The people who serve him are all members of the King of Wu. Even her food, clothing, housing, homework and study were all arranged by King Wu himself.

Before getting married, she even found out the name and origin of the maid next to King Wu, but she just didn’t know that there was Yang Rushi!

 In this world, no one raises a daughter like this, right? !

 She received a strict education from her family since she was a child, and she is a deep and accomplished person...

When marrying the King of Wu, you know that you will face the descendants of the Tian family, and there will be concubines with extraordinary backgrounds, and concubines of various colors.

 She won’t be jealous. Other women will also be allowed to give birth to King Wu’s children.

 But...since I found out about Yang Rushi, I couldn't tolerate it no matter what.

 Because she knew that with this woman here, her family would be doing a lot of hard work for Yang Rushi.

 Sooner or later, she will die because of this woman... She understands too well the difference between her husband's treatment of Yang Rushi and others.

 Himself, to her husband, is also “someone else!”

 Because he is extremely polite, daily affairs go smoothly. But if he sleeps in his own room, his reluctance will show on his face! Sometimes, you have to rely on wine!

Thinking of this, Princess Wu also admired herself.

No matter what she went through, she pretended not to understand and endured everything silently. Secretly, he started planning and snooped out everything he could! Once the arrangements are made, let’s wait for the opportunity.

 Unfortunately, she became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. Reborn as a daughter...

At that time...the political situation was unstable, the queen mother and queen died of illness one after another, the first prince had an accident, and the emperor was rampant in suspicion. Tossing several princes back and forth. Later, they even sent several of their adult sons outside, without mentioning anything.

 The family moved out of town and she was still pregnant. Her husband may have been worried about Yang Ru leaving alone, so he brought her to him.

I asked him who it was, and he replied, "Cousin!"

Since she is a "cousin", then as her cousin sister-in-law, she can have contact with her, right? !

Yang Ru had never seen an outsider before, but when she saw herself, her eyes lit up.    She is so beautiful! Never seen such a person!

 Along the way, Yang Rushi always ran towards him.

I have to say...he is really a simple child. She called herself "sister-in-law" softly, and admired herself very much for "how knowledgeable and knowledgeable she is." She was like a follower...who didn't know anything, but she actually wanted to help her take care of her daughter!

This time, it finally fell into her hands, and she picked it up calmly.

Yang Ru was full of curiosity about the life outside, and decided: she wanted to mind her own business, stand on the bow of the boat and watch the scenery, make friends, and see the outside world...

 She was very angry at her husband's restrictions, which frightened her husband and didn't know how to comfort him. But no matter how you coax him, you can't coax him.

Later, the husband took action directly...

 Not long after, Yang Rushi became pregnant.

Before the husband was happy...the emperor was worried that his son was outside, so he sent someone again. He was afraid that the emperor would find out, so he transferred Yang Rusu and hid him here...

 Orange grove.

 Until now, I had not been waiting for the opportunity. Thinking of this, Princess Wu had a smile on her lips.

 She arranged everything, but something unexpected happened...

Of course you can't use your own people to do this kind of thing, you can find it from outside. The original plan was to **** and kill her directly, but those people saw her beauty and were reluctant to let her go, so they kidnapped her.

When the news reached the palace, King Wu didn't care about anything and ran out to look for him like crazy.

 My own people have cleaned everything up. So he checked for a long time and found nothing!

Later, I gave birth to my eldest son safely.

 The king of Wu almost died! Haha, exaggeration. At that time, she thought: Anyway, I have a son, and you will die if you die!

 Slowly, the days passed.

 Always thought...she was dead!

 Unexpectedly, I discovered that she was still alive and well some time ago!

Looking at her husband’s behavior, he must have known this for a long time, right? !

After many years, after going round and round, I unexpectedly came back to you.

"Even though we are not far apart, Mr. Hu treats you like a treasure, and it is not easy to meet him! However, knowing that you are doing well, the prince and I are both happy for you." Princess Wu said slowly.

Yang Rushi raised his eyes and looked at Princess Wu.

“I haven’t seen you in so many years. Sister-in-law, I’ve always wanted to ask you, how have you been in these years?”

The princess's smile remained unchanged, "Me?! As a person, I don't say whether my life is good or not. I just want to pay the price and get something in return! If it's more, I don't expect it. If it's less, I won't do it.

 My father and brother devoted everything they had to the prince. My daughter also marries for the sake of the prince. The eldest son has already started to help the prince. The prince gave me the dignity of a legitimate wife. Let's put it this way: I'm fine? ! "

 “Hmm. I think so.”

“Oh, Your Majesty is too busy on weekdays. He has to care about and do all the national and family affairs. As a Heavenly family member, this is how it should be.”

The princess held a few pieces of paper in her hand: "Look, there is singing and dancing outside, but the prince has arranged so many things for me. I have to meet people, and I have to help some relatives' children go on a blind date. It's impossible to hide for a while. . I’m going to ask them to come in. If you’re interested, come and take a look with me?”

"How do I understand what the princess is doing? I should go and watch the singing and dancing outside."

"That's fine! Anyway... you are familiar with this garden. I won't keep you much longer. I'll see you at dinner later."

Yang Ru stood up and went out.

 The princess looked at her back...

As long as she is alive, her husband may know that it was his own handiwork.

However, don’t be afraid! Nowadays, I am not so active!

 Besides,'s useless to be afraid.

“Let them come in! Oh, the Wen girl I saw last time is already here, right?”

“Go back to my wife, the Wen family is here.”

"Well, that girl is beautiful, and she seems to have a cheerful temperament. Put it on the list for the Wen family, and I will take a look at it later. If you can, call the prince over and let him take a look, and then... look at him That’s what it means!”

"Although our prince has a high vision, this Miss Wen will definitely catch his eye." The female officer was familiar with the princess. Just kidding.

 “Yeah! I don’t have low expectations.” It doesn’t matter who his father is!

 (End of this chapter)

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