Chapter 7 Cooking as a side dish

 Walking into the room, the people sitting there were still biting their ears quietly, and as always, no one paid attention to Wen's words.

 And she, unlike before, approached people to strike up a conversation. Instead, he chose a seat by the door, sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea.

 Took a sip, um, good tea, good water.

neither cold nor hot.

Just right!

Looking around from the corner of my eye, the second aunt was not there.

 Fourth aunt Liu, hehe, is not here either!

 She won’t be around from now on, right?

 This is so enjoyable!

 The second uncle’s daughter, Jiao Jieer, is her third sister. Sitting there with a look of arrogance on his face. It seems that she didn't go out to watch the fun last night and didn't see her naked father.



 Someone actually came to talk to her?

 At first glance, I saw my eldest aunt’s daughter, Sister Quan, “Cousin Quan!”

 The eldest aunt is a concubine. She married into the Yuan family in her early years and has rich property.

 She gave birth to two sons and a daughter and lived a good life. Sister Quan is living in the Wen family during this period. The eldest aunt wants to rely on the Wen family to find her a high-ranking husband.

 A concubine must be very proud to be able to live like this. When she came, she was very flamboyant!

However, this cousin Quan...seems to be a kind-hearted person.

Fourth sister came over gently, "Have you heard? There was a fire in Furongxuan last night!" Her eyes were shining...

Sister Tsuen nodded.

Wen Yu also nodded.

"What's going on? Sister, do you know what's going on?"

“I don’t know, I also heard some noise in my house, so I asked Hong Xing’er to go out and have a look. The fire was out by then.”

“Me too, I sent my mother to look at it, but I met the nanny in my mother’s house at the intersection, so I sent her back directly.”

 “Oh, it’s so scary! It’s good that no one was hurt.” Wen Yu said with lingering fear. But I was sighing secretly in my heart. It seemed that although there were no injuries, the lives of those two people were quite large...

 “The fourth aunt is not here today.”

Wen Yu turned around and looked around, "Aren't you here? The second aunt is not here either. Are they talking to the old lady inside?"

“No! Is mother talking to grandmother inside?”


 The old lady was listening to the results of Wu's investigation in the room.

 The result is: nothing.

"The fire probably started from the window. I don't know what caused it. After the fire was put out, the roof collapsed and it was a mess. I don't know what the ignition was." Wu said with a solemn expression and unhurriedly. .

 The old lady looked very unhappy and listened silently.

"This is one of the strange things. What's even more strange is that...the husband saw the fire and prepared to run away. However, the courtyard door was actually locked from the outside! When they...went in, there was no one with them and they just closed the door. No matter how you look at it, it looks like... someone did it on purpose."

 The old lady was even more worried after hearing this...This is going to kill them!

 But if it was really intentional, then the most likely possibility was that Wu was responsible!

 She is in charge of the inner house and can be the first to find out about Lao Er and Liu. Only she hates this matter the most and is the most convenient to operate it! can't be done!

 First of all, she obeyed the advice of the second child.

 Lao Er has provoked so many people, but she has never been jealous.

What's more, the son is getting married right in front of him. Even if he has hatred, he will not think of burning his husband to death or ruining his reputation.

Isn’t that destroying your son?

Mrs. Wu was still saying: "I was a little confused and asked my wife to investigate, but she refused to say more. So, there is no result now."

“Did you know what happened to them before?” the old lady stared at her and asked.

"Mother, my wife doesn't know about this. Second Master, I haven't gone back to the house to rest for a while. Moreover, my wife has been very busy recently and goes to bed early every day..."

The old lady believed what she said, but wondered, who would do such a thing? "Is there anything special about the lock?"

"Locks are very common. I checked everywhere and found that they are not missing anywhere."

  “This matter is not something to be taken lightly! Someone in the family wants the second child’s life!”

 Wu also felt like he was surviving a disaster.

“My wife will continue to investigate.”

"You still need to check who he provoked at home a few days ago! Who would be jealous and hateful?" said the old lady. This sinister, charming and good-looking man, there is no telling which bold and jealous girl or daughter-in-law he might offend.


If the door hadn't been locked from the outside, the old lady would definitely have thought that those two **** had gotten out of their element...

Old Mrs. Wen came out, and Wen Yu saw that she was worried.

This grandmother can only be considered decent in appearance. I have been fighting with my husband for many years and have a faint Sichuan pattern on my eyebrows.

 I don’t move much on weekdays, and I have gained some weight. It's just that his eyes are dark, and when he looks at people, they look a bit more powerful.

 After many years of fighting with my grandfather, I won a small victory, so my grandfather avoided the plum garden. Now, because of his father's outstanding achievements, he has laid the foundation for his advantage.

 A brown embroidered dress, simple and elegant. His hair is gray and he doesn't wear much jewelry. I love jade the most. The objects on my head and wrists are all green.

When they saw her arriving in the hall, everyone stood up, and their mothers and grandmothers shouted.

Old Mrs. Wen nodded, sat on the main seat, thinking about things in her mind, and couldn't help but look at the people present.

When his eyes glanced at Wen Yu, he was stunned for a moment and his eyes fixed.

This is...a gentle word?

 Why does it seem like you have changed as a person?

 I saw her sitting there with her shoulders open, her neck straight, her chin slightly retracted, and her eyelids slightly drooped. One hand is placed on the leg and the other is placed on the chair ring. The posture is obviously very regular and upright, but the expression is very natural! It seems that after many years of teaching, it has been ingrained in my bones.

Remembering her fake smile and uneasiness before...such a big change all of a sudden? ! I couldn't help but feel suspicious...

Wen Yu felt the old lady's gaze and turned her head to look at her grandmother with pure eyes and a slight smile.

The old lady couldn't help but turn her eyes away, and a thought came to her mind...her father was coming back soon. This time, let’s settle her marriage.

 Send work early and finish things early to avoid long nights and dreams.

She said in a deep voice: "Last night, there was a fire at home. Something big happened! Brother Feng's marriage is just around the corner, and we can't publicize it. When you go back, ask everyone in the courtyard. . If anything is wrong, tell grandma immediately!”

 Everyone nodded in response.

 “Be careful with Huo Zhu during these days!”

 Everyone nodded frequently.

“In the past few days, there will be many relatives and friends coming to the house. You must be careful in everything you say and do, and don’t make others laugh!”

 Several girls stood up, "Yes!"

“Okay, let’s go down and do our work first!”

“…Sister Yu, please stay for a while.” the old lady said.

The younger sisters saw that the old lady actually left the eldest sister behind, which was really rare, so they looked back and looked around before scattering.

Wen Yu waited until everyone left, then stood up, walked to the old lady, and gave her a blessing.

 “Grandma!” She had a smile on her face, but the old lady seemed to be a little mocking.

This expression... the strangeness in the old lady's heart deepened.

Without enough time to think about it, he said, "Well. Your father will be back in the next two days. But he can't stay there. After your eldest brother's wedding, he will leave for the capital right away..."

 After waiting, I saw that Wen Yu was listening carefully and had no intention of talking to him.

He added: "Originally, he planned to come back a few months earlier, stay at home for a while, and then go to Beijing. He wrote to his grandmother and told his grandmother that he would organize your coming-of-age ceremony for you when he came back. But he didn't expect that the matter at hand would There were so many children that I couldn’t make it back.”

Wen Yu smiled and nodded without saying anything.

"In the end, I missed it. This time, he came back on the eve of your eldest brother's wedding... I don't know how many days he can stay, um... Otherwise, when he comes back, grandma will discuss it with him?"

Wen Yu nodded obediently, smiled again, and then looked at the old lady with infinite conviction: "Yu'er will obey the arrangements of her grandmother and father."

 “…” The old lady’s heart fluttered, Huh? How did this girl become so beautiful all of a sudden?

But she...why doesn't she follow others' words?

Before putting it aside, she would definitely say: Dad is working hard and has important things to do in Beijing. The eldest brother in the family is getting married and is also very busy. The granddaughter doesn't want her elders to be too tired. It doesn’t matter whether you do the coming of age ceremony or not…

  She said this, and she would just go back and find some jewelry and send it to her room, and that would be fine. Now…

 Unable to get the desired result, Mrs. Wen's face darkened, which was very ugly. He said arrogantly: "Yeah. Let's talk about it then! Go down!"

Wen Yu nodded meekly as before, bowed, turned and left.

Short and steady gait, the movement of holding up the skirt when crossing the threshold... there is something romantic about it...

 You are an adult after all, and you are different from before!


Such a neat eldest daughter, if it weren't for that enemy... For a moment, the old lady regretted it.

 The rice is overcooked...

   At the beginning, we should have eradicated the root cause!

  Otherwise, these years should be cherished and cultivated.

Her appearance is so outstanding, at least the family can use her to help her.

 But now...sigh...

 (End of this chapter)

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