The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 64: Fortunately, I live up to my fate

Chapter 64 Fortunately, he lived up to his fate

 “Fortunately, I live up to my fate!”

 At Wufuju Tea House, Zhang Jiangqing came in and sat directly opposite Wen Yu and Yan Zhu.

 He has been very busy recently and has lost a lot of weight.

 The waist is out, the contours of the face are clearer, and there is a sense of high-spiritedness, so handsome!

Wen Yu looked at him with a smile, and Yan Zhu quickly poured him a cup of tea.

"First!" Zhang Jiangqing was eager to show off his merits and looked at Yan Zhu. "It's Yan Zhu's identity. Because Uncle Chen is not here at the moment, there are a few twists and turns. I found a few people and I also acted as a guarantor. Look, Got it!"

 He brought a piece of paper to Wen Yu.

 Wen Yu took it and was indeed a little excited. "Brother Jiang Qing, it sounds easy to say it, but I know it's definitely not easy. Especially... you have guaranteed a guarantee!"

In case Yan Zhu's status is in the way, he will follow Gualuo.

Wen Yu finished reading and handed the paper to Yan Zhu.

Yan Zhu took it and looked at it curiously. In fact, she didn't care too much, but seeing how excited they were, she could only express it.

Zhang Jiangqing smiled brightly, "It's just a little more complicated, and... it cost a lot of money."

He was really embarrassed. If he hadn't taken the money from Ayu, he would have opened his mouth to his parents. Alas, a young man who has just started working is so poor.

 “From now on, Miss Yanzhu is a commoner.”

 “I can’t thank you enough for your kindness!” Wen Yu said sincerely.

 Zhang Jiangqing was beautiful for a while, then suddenly said in a low voice: "In addition, I also found out about Lan Fang..."

Wen Yu knew the situation was not good as soon as he saw it, "Don't hide it from me, just tell me."

"Her eldest aunt's nephew is actually a distant nephew. His name is Wang Dewen. He is already twenty-one this year. He has been studying for two years and has no idea... Oh, I mean..." I don't have any idea either. All red.

"I mean...he didn't even pass the Tongsheng test. And there's no reason. The most important thing is that he got married before."

 “Huh?” Wen Yu was surprised.

“Divorced his wife. I heard that before, he always took action, and the family was very chaotic. He has a son, but he still divorced his wife! It’s really bad. Maybe he went there for Afang’s marriage.”

Wen Yu came back from rebirth and looked down upon human nature a lot, but after hearing this, he was still very angry, "Her aunt is also very bad!"

“Yes. I just want to find someone who can live with A Fang!”

Wen Yu tapped her fingers on the table, "But that woman's family isn't looking for trouble?"

“At first, I didn’t want to leave, and my mother-in-law’s family refused to do anything about it. Later, Afang’s uncle came forward! After all, he is an official, and no one dares to mess with him.”

“It seems that this uncle also knows about it.”

Yan Zhu sighed: "Lan Fang and Lan Zhou, life is really hard."

Wen Yu smiled secretly, once upon a time, we were not as good as their siblings. Even now, you still have to be careful!

 “Yes.” Zhang Jiangqing nodded. "I contacted A Fang, but I didn't tell her about this matter."

 “Well, let’s go back and let me think about what to say!”

“I also went to see the place where her mother kept her things. If you want to move the things out without disturbing the people in the village, you have to find a way!”

"I have someone in my hands now, Master Sun, who is very skilled."

“It’s not of use at the moment. I know someone, and he said to think of something first.”

 After saying that, he took out the bag and handed it to Wen Yu: "Last time you gave me some money, you did use some of it. There is an account on the paper inside! This is unused..."

“Brother Jiang Qing, not only will I not take it back, I will also give you some more.” As she said this, she took out an envelope. "Here are one thousand taels of silver, take it with you. Or, I have something else to do!"

"Whatever you want me to do, just say it! It doesn't cost money. This time, it was a bit urgent, so the cost was a bit higher. Normally, I can still do it." Zhang Jiangqing blushed.

  "Listen to me, Afang's matter requires people and cars. I don't know what will happen, but without exception, money will be used!"

When Zhang Jiangqing heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: He is really poor!

"You have just started working, and you have no official position. If you want help from others, you must take action. Moreover, you have to have a few useful people when you are running outside every day. Although Mr. Zhang will think about you, after all, it is not as good as having your own hands. It’s convenient to have money, so you’re welcome! It’s for me too!”

These words made Zhang Jiangqing feel so happy that the two of them were one and the same!

"Okay. I'll keep it then. This is the list of expenses last time. father is helping me find a job...I guess I can do it in the second half of the year. It will be better." Then, I will Invite mother to come to propose marriage.

“By then, will Brother Jiang Qing also have an official position?” Wen Yu and Yan Zhu both laughed at him.

"Hehe. Oh, Ayu, that Master Qing you are talking about. I also found out that she is the concubine of Boss Liu, the owner of Cailuan Pavilion."


 In the last life, she was not familiar with Master Qing, and she made clothes once...and then not long after, something seemed to happen.

 I don’t know what the specific matter is.

I just heard that she begged Webster in a panic.

Webster was unhappy because he entered the Song family. After only hearing the beginning, she interrupted and said that it couldn't be done, and asked her to go out directly.

 Then I was making clothes, and I heard that Master Qing had died of illness.

Without her, Cai Luan Pavilion's business has slowly declined. "I found out that Master Qing was bought by Boss Liu from Yicui Building in Qianjiang. But a few years ago, the owner of Yicui Building passed away and the place was closed. I couldn't find any information. Then I went to the household registration office to check her background. It seemed It’s not quite right…it should have been changed secretly!”

 “So complicated?!”

“Well, it’s just an ordinary lowly status now. Oh, you may not know, Ayu, that some lowly status cannot be redeemed.”

 “The kind that was punished by the court?”

"Yes. Cai Luan Pavilion was originally a small shop, but now it has become such a large embroidery building. It is said that she started it!"

 “Does she have any children?”

“No. I heard that Boss Liu’s wife and two sons are very jealous of Cailuan Pavilion and always want to get involved. But Boss Liu is a powerful person, so they don’t dare!”

"She is a slave and does not need to be paid a salary or receive dividends. It is even more impossible to hide and buy property privately. What is there to be jealous of the Liu family!"

“The Liu family is also competing for the first and second bedrooms. Haha, I guess they didn’t take it seriously at the beginning. The prosperity of that street is also enhanced by several prosperous shops!”

"Yes, the shop will change, and so will the people... If you need someone, just keep an eye on it for me. If they want to touch Master Qing, bring her here."

“Okay, I’ve also found someone. If the Liu family wants to sell her, I’ll know it a long time ago!”

 “You’re really capable! I’m also asking you to take care of Afang.”

 “It’s a small matter, don’t worry!”

 “How about I ask Sun Ying to follow me, in case anything happens?”

She is really interesting. A beautiful little girl can talk like this: "Haha, okay!"

 “After you are brought back, you can go directly to Wen’s house. But you...”

"I understand!" Zhang Jiangqing chuckled. He couldn't enter Wen's house directly.


After talking, Wen Yu led Yan Zhu out of the teahouse, "Zhu Zhu, let me take you to Cailuan Pavilion to have a look!?"

 “Huh? Really?! That’s great!”

 “It’s really good!” She was finally able to go out by herself.

Li He drove the car, and Lao Sun followed behind, only taking Yan Zhu with him. You can drink tea, eat and shop outside...

 Happiness comes so easily!

Originally, I thought that Wen Jiao had complained to Wu, and Wu would be in trouble.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wu has been in a hurry these two days and looks bad, so she can't take care of it.

The old lady is also meeting people and talking about things, and sometimes she doesn't even need to say hello.

So Wen Yu let go of the eagle.

 The car swayed and soon arrived at Cailuan Pavilion.

 The clerk at the door is very knowledgeable. Although Wen Yu has only been here once, he is ready to recognize him.

 “Miss Wen!” As soon as she entered the door, Manager Liu came to greet her.

“Manager Liu, I was just passing by and came in to take a look. I didn’t make an appointment in advance.”

“Miss Wen is welcome to come at any time! However, there are guests at Master Qing’s place now. Can I replace you with another master?”

“That’s not necessary, I just want to see what I like.”

"In this case...Girl, please feel free to call me if you need an introduction."

 There are several female customers in the store looking at fabrics.

 At the innermost teahouse, there were two well-dressed women sitting, and a master was whispering something to them. After greeting Wen Yu, Manager Liu returned there.

Wen Yu said to Yan Zhu, "Take a good look at the material. I'll give you a dress to wear for your birthday!"

 “Hey!” Yan Zhu is very beautiful, specially customized for herself! It's so dazzling that you can't even look at it.

 At this moment, Master Qing appeared on the stairs.

 Then, a woman, her skirt slightly swaying, came downstairs...

After communicating with the editor, the title of the book was changed.

I’m a typist, so I feel like I’m fine with making up stories. I just came up with the title of the book...

I scratched my head for two days before deciding on this, love whoever you want!

I don’t want to waste any more energy on this, I really can’t bear it...

The name is bad, but the story is okay, really.

In addition, You Xiubao said that the pace is a bit slow, and he is eager to see the male protagonist and female protagonist interact...

There will be, there will be! I promise.

   It’s just the love and hatred in the past life, I want to write it more comprehensively.

But I will definitely consider Stinky Throne’s suggestion!



 (End of this chapter)

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