Chapter 62 Try Tantan

There must be eight or nine people riding with Song Shang to Jinqiao Town.

 But basically they are all men.

Song Tao was very "interesting" and went up to the second floor after seeing Wen Yu.

Song Shang is being tricked by the shop owner...

He pulled the others and said, "Let's go to the platform to eat. It's fun and you can see the lake!"

Several people followed him happily.

Song Shang saw this and felt even more that this seventh brother was considerate and discerning!

Going upstairs, Wen Yu and Yan Zhu sat at the table drinking tea, putting their heads together and muttering something...

As long as Wen Yu comes to the Song family, he must come to this restaurant. Moreover, as long as there are no outsiders, Yan Zhu will be on the table.

Song Shang sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, crossed his legs, and waited for the fish to be served.

The two stunning beauties in front of them kept talking and laughing.

 He couldn't describe his mood at this moment. How many men in the world could have such a "blessing"?

Not to mention the distance, Princess Wu, the concubine of King Wu, also looks very ordinary...

Moreover, he also has that kind of place in his hands. Occasionally, you can see a stunning beauty, but two people together can still be so vivid...

 I despised myself severely!

Where is this and where...

“I haven’t finished talking about what happened yesterday, what happened to the teahouse?” he asked.

Wen Yu said: "Huh? Yes, I started talking about it yesterday. What I mean is: Although the business of the teahouse is very good, there are also special reasons.

 One is located in the jurisdiction of my father's friend, and a lot of business is provided by that friend. On the other hand, the tea purchasing channel also belongs to my father. The price is much lower than others. I looked at the contract and it was expiring soon. There is no such price for renewing the contract. "

“You don’t have to worry about this. My channel can only offer lower prices and better goods than others.”

"But what about the client? My father and wife didn't mention it, so I won't ask. But I can't get in touch with you. You can't let you take care of everything! And it's so far away from me. Even if you go on a patrol, you have to do it. Half a month. Not to mention the trouble, the cost will not be low. It’s better to take advantage of the good business and the prosperous business.”

“Hey, you know how to do the same thing, who did you learn it from?”

 “With a very smart cousin like you, how can you not be tainted by anything?”

 “You mean what you say!” Song Shang cursed lightly, holding a folding fan to hit the wound.

 He didn't believe what she said, but that didn't stop him from feeling beautiful in his heart.

Wen Yu smiled and hid, "There are still two small things, and they are all out. If you don't need the things in the warehouse, they will be disposed of. Return some money, and when something good happens, you can use the money to do things."

"Well, actually, my suggestion is to buy some good properties and sit and eat the rent. If you, a rich girl, have so much money that you have no use for it, just put it here with your cousin. He will give you some income every year and help you with everything. No need to do it! Just eat, drink and have fun all day long!”

 It would be really wonderful if it could be like this.

"I still want to do something I like. For example: I like beautiful clothes, I can open an embroidery shop or something!" Thinking of Webster, he laughed, "Actually, I am quite smart in this regard!"

The evil smile on his face made Song Shang's face turn pale!

 This girl, when did she become like this?

Wen Yu did not dare to offend him too much and decisively changed the subject, "Cousin, let me tell you about Zhuzhu again..."

Yan Zhu heard the mention of herself and glanced over with her beautiful eyes before she could figure it out.

There was a knock on the door, and it turned out that the food was being served.

"Ah! The food is served! The food is served!" Yan Zhu immediately forgot what she was about to say and stared at what was on the wooden trays carried by the guys.

 Various appetizers, braised chicken, vegetarian duck, red fruits, ice fermented glutinous rice, pickled lotus root tips, etc. There is only a little bit of each, and they are stacked beautifully. As soon as these things are served, your appetite will be whetted.

“Fifth Master, would you like some wine?” the waiter asked.

 Song Shang just shook his head.

But Wen Yu said: "My cousin won't drink, so Zhuzhu and I will drink!"

Yan Zhu nodded fiercely: “Today’s fish needs to be paired with some wine.”

 “Hehe, let’s warm a pot and let the two of them share it.” Song Shang. The waiter had already warmed up the wine. After hearing the order, he poured it directly into the cup. The aroma overflowed and attracted Song Shang's greedy mind.

 Three people picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Wen Yu told Song Shang about Yan Zhu while eating. "If it goes through successfully, we will build a small courtyard and let her move out."

Yan Zhu ate the boiled plums, vomited the kernels, and shook her head violently, "If Zhu Zhu doesn't move out, Zhu Zhu wants to accompany you!"

Song Shang said: "Identity is easy to handle! If Fatty Zhang can't handle it, leave it to me!"

 What is Little Fatty Zhang...look at his tone!

Wen Yu gave a blank look. Before he could say anything, the fish came up...

 Ouch, so beautiful!

 Fried small fish, braised large fish, steamed medium fish, grilled white fish, and fatty fish for hot pot.

That hot pot is cooked with local pickled rhizomes. The rhizomes are sour and spicy, and the fish is so plump and delicious that you really want to drink the soup.

 The two girls drank wine and ate fish without talking to each other.

 But after eating and drinking, they felt tired and the two of them sat in a daze, feeling confused.

Song Shang shook his head and ordered the waiter to remove everything. "You two just lie down on the table for a while. When you wake up and take a nap, we'll go back."

 Let a female guard watch over you.

 He went downstairs and bragged with the people on the platform.

Song Tao's eyes lit up when he saw him coming, and he stayed close to him, looking like a little fanboy.


 After a nap, the two girls' eyes were bright, and on the way back, they even let the horses trot for a while.

 But when they finished and returned to the house, the two of them seemed to have fallen apart. After washing, they fell down on the bed and fell asleep directly.

Wen Jiao didn't ride a horse after all. She complained to Mrs. Wen and even cried.

Mrs. Wen sent someone to ask Wen Yu to ask questions.

As a result, the girl came and went for a while, and the eldest girl was so tired that she fell asleep and couldn't wake up at all.


 The next day is considered the official day for birthday celebrations.

 The main courtyard was very lively.

On such a day, Webster has not appeared yet, of course it will attract attention!

 It’s just that Mrs. Wen and Mrs. Song work together flawlessly.

Although they didn't say anything, someone tried for a long time and came up with something: Webster is pregnant! The fetus is not firmly seated, and the conclusion is not allowed to be told to anyone else!

  After Mrs. Zhang, the second roommate of the Song family, found out, she didn't even bother to cause trouble. She just sat there with a change of expression.

Even though she knows it will happen sooner or later, it doesn't stop her from having fantasies!

 What if the eldest son fails to have a son? What if something happens to Song Shang...

 Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her frustration, and the birthday party went on extremely smoothly.

  A lion dance was also arranged today, and the gongs and drums were beating, pushing the atmosphere to a climax again and again.

 At noon, good food and wine were prepared. Everyone ate and drank well and returned home happily.

 That night, Mrs. Wen told Mrs. Song that she wanted to go back the next day and wanted to talk to Song Shang about something.

Song Shang wanted to stay for a few more days, but Mrs. Wen said: "There are a lot of things at home! There are many things to do before going to the capital. The property needs to be reorganized, and the things sent have to be dealt with over and over again, one after another. Bo’s delivery and more…”

 Old Mrs. Wen paused, and then said: "Wen Yu, I'm old now. I'll make some plans when I get back. I want to take advantage of the large number of people at the Tianlong Temple Dharma gathering to find a good match for her..."

 She mixed these words in the middle of business, just to see Song Shang's expression and attitude...

 (End of this chapter)

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