Chapter 52 He listens to you

 The Song family has many beautiful and cruel memories of Wen Yu.

 After being reborn, these things only belong to her, and she doesn’t want outsiders to disturb her.

So, she said to cousin Hui who wanted to accompany her: "Cousin, you go play with your sisters. I will go back and change my clothes, and then I will go find you!"

While walking towards my residence, I always felt something strange behind me, as if someone was following me.

 You can look back, but you can’t see it.

Even after I paid attention, I soon discovered that someone was really following me... because I had hidden my body, but not my skirt...

Wen Yu smiled…

 Going back to the house, she asked Yan Zhu to comb her hair again. The braided hair on the top of the head is twisted into a flower bun and pinned with a silver hairpin. The hair is spread behind the back. It hangs down to the buttocks, light and satin-like.

 Put on a very light beige shirt and skirt. With the hairstyle, she looks elegant and elegant.

 Xiaoji looked at him blankly, "Girl, you are like a fairy!"

Yan Zhu admired her craftsmanship and said, "Of course! The girl is the prettiest!" She is particularly agile when doing what she likes. So I changed my clothes last morning, using Wen Yu's dress.

 Wen Yu's clothes were on the thin side, which highlighted her proud figure.

 Xiao Ji looked at Yan Zhu and was stunned again, "Zhu Zhu, you are also very good-looking! Oh my god, I will follow you out, I, I..." Xiao Ji's face turned red rarely.

  I am so arrogant!

Wen Yu and Yan Zhu both laughed, like flowers under the bright sun.

  The girl who was hiding in the corner and following her saw her, and her heart was pounding.

The group went to the theater first and heard the girl at the door say that two old ladies were listening to a book inside! Miss Wen and Miss Yi'er went to the Zoo of Animals together.

Next to the theater is the library. It has been built and repaired in the past two years. It seems to be quite large and elegant.

Wen Yu planned to go and see what new books he had collected, but Yan Zhu didn’t like it here and quickly pulled her away: “Ayu, let’s go to Zhuyuan?”

 Blinking eyes with a flattering look.

Wen Yu instinctively wanted to refuse, but then she thought about it and smiled: "Okay! Let's go to the Zhuyuan!"

Yan Zhu was happy. As she walked, she picked up flowers on the roadside and asked Xiaoji to plug in the plug for her: "We haven't been there for several years! I don't know if the raspberries against the wall are still there! Haha, that's great. have eaten."

Wen Yu also smiled sweetly: "What's delicious? We both picked them all before they were ripe! It's sour and astringent..."

 “Ha, it’s delicious just like that...”

  After walking around chatting and laughing for a long time, we arrived at the bamboo garden in my memory.

Yan Zhu was very surprised. She looked left and right, "Hey, this is the Bamboo Garden? Why is it like this?"

The original dilapidated bamboo fence courtyard walls have turned into neat flowered stone walls, and there is a big red door, which is closed.

 Through the courtyard wall, you can see the eaves inside.

 “Have you built a house?”

 Wen Yu was not surprised. In her last life, she had lived here most of the time.

“Who lives here?” Yan Zhu was very curious. She walked up in two steps and peeked through the crack of the door.

 At this moment, the door opened and Yanzhu was startled.

A woman wearing navy blue clothes came out. She had a long face and was very ordinary in appearance, but she was as thin and strong as a javelin. She saluted Wen Yu: "Miss Wen!"

 “Mrs. Xu.” Wen Yu recognized her, Song Shang’s capable subordinate.

“Miss, please come in and sit down, we’ve just made some tea...” Madam Xu smiled and made a gesture of inviting her in.

 Yan Zhu likes freshness the most, so she ran in quickly.

Wen Yu nodded and followed Madam Xu in.

 When the girls who were watching outside saw it, their expressions changed greatly, and one of them trotted away to report the news.


 Here, a house made of stone and bamboo was built, with upper and lower floors. There is also a large platform on the second floor. You can look out at the bamboo sea behind.

 Yan Zhu ran up and down looking at him, full of admiration.

Wen Yu went directly into the hall.

 The small charcoal stove next to the table was boiling tea, and there were dried fruit snacks... After looking at them, they were all my favorites.

Wen Yu felt moved and a little weak...he poured a cup of tea himself and drank it slowly to calm down.

 This bamboo garden, Song Shang once said, was built for her.

The style is simple, yet extremely sophisticated.

Whenever it rained, it was so pleasant for two people to sit on the platform, drink wine and watch the rain.

 They both really had a wonderful time!

He motioned for Madam Xu to sit down, but Madam Xu was not polite. She sat down and said, "Fifth Master said that if he sees the girl, he should ask if the horse riding arrangement can be arranged in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Wen Yu shook her head and said, "You go back with your cousin. Arrangements for horseback riding are troublesome and take a long time. The day after tomorrow is my aunt's birthday party. There are so many guests coming, so my cousin should get busy first. After a while, I’m just looking for an opportunity to ride a horse…”

Mrs. Xu smiled and said, "The horse riding has already been arranged. What the girl says, my subordinates will tell the Fifth Master."

 “Cousin lives here?”


“…My cousin asked me to come here with the account. I want to find some time to meet him!”

“The fifth master knows, he has promised that the girl will have a hard journey, and it will be around dinner tomorrow.”



The little girl was reporting to Wei Shi, "I went to our master's bamboo garden, and she even opened the crack in the door to peek in!" In fact, Yan Zhu opened the crack in the door. “She is so shameless!?” said the nanny beside Wei Shi through gritted teeth.

“Later, the lady Xu opened the door and let Miss Wen in.”

Webster's face was livid. The Bamboo Garden was designed and built by her husband himself. In the past two years, he simply lived there.

 It was built, and I only went to see it once.

 Later, news "reached" to her that no one else could enter the Bamboo Garden without Song Shang's consent.

Even my mother-in-law was not allowed in, and she was so angry that she laughed!

 But how could she laugh...

That Lady Xu is her husband’s subordinate. I heard that she is also someone’s widow, and her two sons are with her. You can't even control yourself!

He actually came out to greet the dead girl.

 “She’s being stared at!” she said through gritted teeth.

 Looking extremely ugly…

Song Chihan was playing with toys on the side. He heard something strange and glanced at his mother.


Wen Yu sat for a while and asked Yan Zhu to go to the Beast Garden.

Yan Zhu muttered in the yard: "I remember there is a stove there. Ayu, you found a secret book in the library... What are you tinkering with there? Our hands made cuts and burned bubbles... tsk tsk , each one has a little black face! Fortunately, I haven’t encountered a snake!”

With this said, Wen Yu also remembered something like this: "Yes..."

Yan Zhu continued: "The fifth master also brought us rice, chicken, and bacon. Roasted bacon, bamboo rice, and bamboo chicken soup! Ah... it's delicious!" She swallowed.

“The man who cut bamboo for us is a lame old man named Liu. I don’t know if this man is still around...” Wen Yu also remembered.

“It’s so annoying! He was already very old by that time! He was hunchbacked and lame! He was so pitiful. He was so happy eating our leftovers. Haha! He stayed here for a whole day, and Mrs. Song thought you were going to class, haha.”

 Xiao Ji shook his head after hearing this. "Zhuzhu, you are so courageous. You will follow the girl in whatever she does. What will happen if the girl has scars on her face and hands?! That means my wife left early... Otherwise, if I find out, I will beat you to death! "

  Yeah, no matter how crazy I get, she will follow me... Wen Yu looked at Yan Zhu with some emotion, she was skipping away, as happy as a little rabbit.

“It’s a pity that we struggled for a long time and couldn’t make any bamboo-flavored salt.”

"Why didn't you get it out? I..." Wen Yu stopped again.

She finally remembered and found an old book in the library, which recorded a kind of bamboo-scented salt.

 She wanted to make it after seeing it.

 She and Yan Zhu did it at first, but how could two little girls get over it?

After Song Shang knew about it, he arranged for people to chop bamboo, light fires, and clean up.

I don’t know how many times I have failed!

 Later, Yanzhu couldn't come because he had a cold, so he worked here alone.

Song Shang came and took him aside, saying he wanted to see "what bad things are you doing!"

  Split the burned bamboo tube, looked at it for a long time, tasted it for a long time, was stunned for a long time, turned to look at myself, and looked at it for a long time...

Then, he grabbed his braid and insisted on writing it down: what he originally wanted to do, how it was done, how much salt was used, how many times it was filtered, what kind of bamboo, what kind of heat, and how long it was burned.

 Normally, she quite bullies him. But when he gets angry, I'm afraid of him.

 There is no other way but to write down the process in detail.

 After reading it, he questioned each item for a long time.

 Finally, he threatened himself not to tell others about this matter.

 If he said so, he would put all the salt in his mouth! After eating so much salt, she turned into a Yan Bohu and flew into the sky, then fell down and died!

He also said that he had "destroyed his garden!" and asked her to write an IOU owed ten thousand taels of silver.

I struggled with him for a long time and finally wrote five hundred taels.

This **** bullied her for being young!

 If Yan Zhu hadn’t mentioned it, she would have forgotten it! asshole! !

“Ayu, tell Fifth Master, let’s stay here for two days!”

“He will agree if I say so?”

"Yes, he will listen to you even if he doesn't listen to anyone else!"

"How do you know?" Wen Yu's heart was pounding. Could it be that his friendship for her could be seen by others?

"Of course I know!" Yan Zhu shook his head proudly.

That bastard! Just know how to bully me!


“Madam, she came out of the Bamboo Garden and went to the Beast Garden.”


“Madam! Our master came back and went directly to the Animal Garden and saw her!”

Webster stood up suddenly, his eyes flashing fiercely.

"...The one named Hongdou made a lot of noise and asked our father to get food! She wanted to feed the little pony. Our father is really good-tempered, so he quickly asked someone to get it. A girl dares to order our father!" That girl indignant.

Webster couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed out the door and went to the Zoo of Animals.

When she arrived panting, she found that no one was in the garden.

 But another girl came with news that Miss Wen had returned to her room. The fifth master went to see the old lady.

Webster has never experienced this since he was a child. He is so angry that he is shaking...

As she walked back, a woman came in with a letter in her hand: "Madam, look...that girl Ling'er picked this up."

 “What!?” Webster took it and opened it...

 (End of this chapter)

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