The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 43: You understand and I understand

Chapter 43 You understand and I understand

Wen Yu returned to his room, lowered his head and thought for a while.

 Put down the original list. These days, with the help of Xiaoji's family, she has gone through all the decent people in the Wen family.

 The person you want and can get has already been decided.

But this is just her wish! Judging from Wu's attitude, it must not be that easy.

 After thinking about it for a long time, I came up with another one.

This time, she chose one of the eldest girls around her to be Lijuan'er, the eldest grandson daughter of Grandma Song who lives next to the old lady.

Lijuan'er is very pretty and could have been a first-class maid beside wives or other girls.

But Wu Shiguang was afraid that her husband would see her hanging out every day. If you really take a fancy to Juan'er and get it into your room with Nanny Song behind her back, then you can't dispose of it at will!

So he arranged for her to take charge of the fabric warehouse at the back. There is a lot of silver in the moon and not much work. Aunt Song was also worried that the second master was interested in her grandson's daughter. Although she was not satisfied with this arrangement, she also knew that there was no better way.

 It’s just that a beautiful little girl, how can she not want to be with the girl and her wife? There are many people who have the same ideal as Xiaoji!

 There is another candidate for the eldest girl, Qing He, the grandson of the old man. This branch of her family did not leave with the old lady, but the old lady couldn't move easily!

 The person who helped take care of the affairs was the second grandson who had given the old lady a dowry and was in charge of the affairs. There is also a younger son who is in charge of the general treasury in the mansion.

 It is impossible for Wu to give these people to her!

Sure enough, when Mrs. Wu was handed over the list, she almost laughed out of anger when she saw it!

OK! She wants to win over everyone around the old lady, the old lady, the housekeeper, and those in charge of the warehouse!

Little girl, she looks so ugly when she eats like this!

Also, what does it mean to release Lijuan'er? Are you playing tricks on me? !

"Wen Yu... let me tell you what you are good at! The old lady said that she would allocate a few people to you, but you are going to take over the Wen family! How interesting!" Wu's voice became shrill with anger. The roster was thrown directly to Wen Yu.

Wen Yu hurriedly took it and looked at it in confusion: "Huh?! Second aunt, there isn't one here, right?! I've asked about all the people in charge of things in the family, but they don't exist here!"

“If he’s not in charge, then he’s not an important person? They each have their own problems! Humph! I can’t tell you this, no!”

"Tell Yu'er, tell me who can do it?! Where can I find it?!" Wen Yu held the roster, feeling helpless.

 “You can go alone! I’m busy!”

Wen Yu's expression turned bad, "Second aunt, if you say that, Yu'er will have to trouble the old lady again!"

 “Are you using the old lady to hold me down?” Wu looked at Wen Yu threateningly.

“You dare not say anything! Second aunt, it’s just a matter of a few people, can you just show your respect? I’m so dizzy right now that I don’t know where to start!”

“That’s your own business and has nothing to do with me!” Wu ignored her.

At this time, Mother Wu came in and said, "Madam, our two girls are getting ready to go out."

 “Well, who’s going to follow?”

 “That girl Qiu’er.”

"Well... tell her, go straight and go straight back, don't turn around. Let Guo Qiang bring someone to follow!"

“Yes.” Mother Wu didn’t look at Wen Yu from beginning to end.

After Mother Wu went out, Mrs. Wu remembered something and asked coldly: "Wen Yu, I heard that a few days ago, your third sister wanted you to make some sweet-scented osmanthus cake for her, but you refused to make it and you said something ugly?"

“Second aunt, Yu’er didn’t agree to do it. But she didn’t say anything unpleasant!”

"Oh? Then what's the matter with you, why don't you want to do it?" Wu said with a mocking look on her face. It turned out that she thought the father had been promoted, and Wen Yu had raised his tail!

You should be honest this time, right?

"Second aunt..." Wen Yu was a little embarrassed.

 “Say it!”

"If Third Sister wanted to eat it, why wouldn't Yu'er not do it!? It's just... Third Sister wanted to give it to Miss Zhao."

"Who does she want to send as a gift? What does it have to do with you?"

Wu stood up with his eyes raised and his neck twitching. That's so awesome! It's true, you can't see her like this on weekdays!

"Hmm... maybe Yu'er is overthinking it. That girl Zhao opened her mouth and shut up about her brother in front of Third Sister. She also said that her brother loved sweet-scented osmanthus cake and wanted to take it back to him. Yu'er felt... not Great deal!”

After saying this, Mrs. Wu was serious and agreed, but she still said: "Girls, we are just chatting over snacks and tea together. You are thinking nonsense, okay, you can go back and write the roster! I am busy!" "

 She started to do something, and Wen Yu had to go back.

This time, she added the first two lists together, corrected them, and sent them to Wu.

Mrs. Wu was pestered by her many times, and she was in a really bad mood. She lost her temper after just a few glances, "Wen Yu, what's the matter with you? I just rejected it, why did you still write like this?!"

“Second aunt, I changed it and deleted a lot. I replaced it with a new batch. Can you take a look again?!”

 “I don’t have time to read, go back and rewrite!”

“Second aunt, why don’t you check off these few and give me the rest?!”

 “Haha, you can make the decision yourself, why are you asking me what to do?!”

"Second aunt!" Wen Yu also became anxious: "If you don't help me today, I won't leave. Otherwise, I will go to my grandmother to ask for someone!"

 “Haha, who are you trying to scare?! The door is over there, go ahead!” Wu got angry and screamed!

 “What’s going on?!” Wen Feng came in with a sullen face.

“Ah! It’s my second uncle who’s back!” Wen Yu saluted with a sweet smile.

Seeing that her husband was back, Mrs. Wu quickly stood up. "You're back!"

Her ability to change her appearance is incredible. In one moment, she transformed from a mean and ugly shrew into a gentle and generous housewife.

"What's so noisy?! It's not big, it's small..." Wen Feng has been particularly unhappy these days and lost his temper.

"Second uncle! I'm sorry, second uncle!" Wen Yu apologized sweetly, "Grandma asked Yu to allocate a few people from the second aunt to use it, and the second aunt asked me to write a list. I have written this three times, and the second aunt said No, but I don’t know how to do it…and you’re still yelling at me!” Wen Yu deliberately wiped away her tears as if she was aggrieved, but she had a smile on her face. "What nonsense are you talking about?!" Wu said with a crooked face and fierce eyes.

Wen Feng's patience with good-looking women has no limit. He looked at Wen Yu with a pleasing look and pointed at her: "Haha, you little girl!"

Turning to his wife, he became impatient and said, "If mother says to give it to her, just give it to her. Why bother a little girl like her?"


 “Okay! Come on. I have something else to say.”

 Wu had no choice but to take the list again. After a quick look, she found that she had been managing the house for many years and knew all the people, things and money.

Without further delay, he picked up the pen and scratched out: "Cross out these few, and the rest..." After thinking about it for a moment, he counted a few people, "I'll give these to you! These few who are in charge of your property, months My family can’t bear the money anymore.”

"This is natural! But their physical bonds must be given to Yu'er..." Wen Yu said.

"Hey! You..." Mrs. Wu wanted to continue scolding, but Wen Feng was sitting there. She really didn't want to show this side of her to her husband. So, I called Mother Wu and handed her the paper. "Find out the deeds of these people and give them to her!"

With a roll of his eyes, he said, "You are still short of big girls, so please pass on the fragrant books." There was a second-class girl beside her who had nowhere to arrange things.

“Okay, Second Aunt. There is still a big girl missing from Yu’er’s side!”

"how come?"

"It's like this. Hongdou next to me is not a girl. Her mother is my mother's companion, and she has no legal bond. This time my uncle came back to recognize her as his adopted daughter. She is my god-sister, no. It’s a girl again. Now it’s Yan Zhu!”

 “What a mess!”

 “Yan Zhu is not a slave!”

Hongdou still belongs to Yan Zhu, and there is no such thing as a physical deed. Wu really has no memory of it and has never paid attention to it. "I have to ask the old lady about this. If that so-and-so Zhu is not a slave, she will have to have an explanation around you. !”

"Yes! Second aunt. After taking over the property, Yu'er will let her go out."

"Okay, okay!" Mrs. Wu didn't want to worry about this anymore. "You have to pay for the carriage you want to use, the people the girl wants to go with when she goes out, and all other expenses!"

"It should be right. It's just my second aunt. Yu'er hasn't bought any new ones yet. I'll use the ones at home first. After I buy them later, I can return them to my family, okay?!"

 “Let’s do this for now. I’ll give the order.”

“Thank you, Second Aunt! Second Aunt, you are so kind!” Wen Yu smiled with flowers all over her face.

Wen Feng laughed and said, "Hey, I'm good at talking, girl! She's very capable of dividing a pound into two pieces..."

 “Yu’er learned it from my second aunt in the past few days!”

 Wu’s mood improved a little when she saw that her husband was happy. "Okay, you can take your body contract and go back first! We'll talk about it later if you have anything to do!"

Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and followed Wu's mother to the next room.

Wen Feng looked at Wen Yu's back, touched his chin, and asked his wife: "Has the old lady mentioned her marriage to the eldest brother? At the Tianlong Temple celebration in a few days, King Wu will also come when he is a thousand years old. His eldest son will also be there. Not married yet."

Mrs. Wu felt sour in her heart, "Girl Yu is good-looking. It's just that her destiny..."

 “Hey, isn’t the matter of Wuying’er broken?”

“But our family can’t reach the palace!”

“If you are not worthy of being a principal concubine, you can become a side concubine! All concubines are wives! I heard that a thousand years ago, King Wu wanted to return to Beijing to celebrate the New Year with Long Live Lord...” The prince was in poor health. King Wu, after so many years, he has a queen, rich people, and people... I don't know, he will have a great future!

 If such a day comes, what will happen to the concubine? What happened to my concubine? Chickens and dogs still ascend to heaven!

“Husband, why don’t you think of our little girl for such a good opportunity?” Wu complained appropriately...

 “Jiaoer’s color is not as good as Wen Yu.”

“Master, if our daughter follows you, she will be no worse than Wen Yu!”

"Tch! What the **** do you know?! Beauty is in the bones, not the skin. Do you understand? You understand and I understand?!" He rolled his eyes at his wife. "You don't even need to look at your face to see how beautiful a person is! You can tell by just listening to her voice and looking at her manners! Just the two steps Wen Yu took just now, Wen Huan can't compare to them!"

Wu Shi was dissatisfied, "Before we go to the capital, I want to hire a good nanny for the girl at home. Just give her a lesson!"

"Just say you don't understand. It's not something you learn, it's something you understand in your bones, right? You'll get tired of seeing beautiful women on the outside. When people get old and yellow, they don't even want to look at them. You have to be interesting inside to be able to For a long time! That's just Liu, she looks like that, but you don't know her..."

Wen Feng started talking on a whim...

 “Master!” Wu blushed and pulled the veil.

Wen Feng coughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed...

"Ahem, I'm going too far. Let me tell you, sweet girl, find someone who is close to the family, useful, and has similar talents. It would be good to use her to marry her to bring the two families closer. There is no big use! "

 “Master!” He is talking about his own daughter. How unpleasant this sounds!

"Okay, okay! Although the words may not sound good, it is the truth. She can't sit still at all if she is too high. It's not enough to cause trouble!" Wen Feng was actually sober in the world.

But these remarks made Mrs. Wu very angry, "Sir, you are talking about Jiao'er like this, and I won't accept it."

This wife rarely contradicts him like this.

Wen Feng didn't care either, "If you don't understand, just ask the old lady!"

 (End of this chapter)

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