The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 405: Extra: There is a cause and an effect

Chapter 405 Extra: There is a cause and a result

Jiang family, Jiang Chuan's two pregnant concubines, the day has come: one gave birth to a boy and the other gave birth to a girl.

Mrs. Jiang Guogong was overjoyed and rewarded the two concubines generously. She also gave Qin Lianyue a valuable piece of jewelry.

 When the two children were full moon, she took them to her room.

A few months later, Qin Lianyue was also pregnant.

Mrs. Jiang Guogong came to Jiang Chuan and asked him to adopt the son and daughter to his eldest brother.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chuan understood his mother's intention, which was to pass the position to his eldest brother, and then to his "son". Disappointment and disappointment were all on his face, and he did not agree immediately.

When she returned to the house and told Qin Lianyue, Qin Lianyue immediately became anxious and stopped pretending to be fragile during pregnancy, "They..." She looked at Jiang Chuan bitterly, "I told you earlier, but you still didn't believe it. Do you understand now? My mother and sister-in-law have already made up their mind that the title of Duke will be given to your eldest brother! They are afraid that no one will get it, so they ask you to give birth to a son for your eldest brother! nausea!"

Jiang Chuan was dull and silent.

  It was easy to get excited after pregnancy, but now Qin Lianyue was crying and laughing, "I'm so stupid...Jiang Chuan, do you know what I gave up to marry you..."

She shook her head helplessly and smiled bitterly: When the new emperor ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to make his cousin the Duke of Pingguo. Wen Yu is the Duke’s wife! If he hadn't repented, he would have had a handsome husband who was dedicated to his life, and would have become the wife of the Duke of the country!

 But now…

 A sudden pain in her stomach made her unable to lie down on the bed.

Although Jiang Chuan didn't understand what she said, he was really depressed. Although he had no ambitions and liked to have fun, who wouldn't want to have a name on his head?

He has a very good relationship with his eldest brother. Although he doesn’t expect anything from him, he has also thought about it: if one day he can’t bear it anymore and leaves. He is the only legitimate son in the family. The seat will definitely go to him.

 But I never expected that my mother had such a plan...Why?

  She is also her biological child. She is good to her eldest brother, and she is not bad to herself either!

Qin Lianyue put away her sorrow and replaced it with meanness: "The concubine and the concubine have suddenly become the legitimate eldest son! Then what is the thing in my belly? Jiang Chuan, what do you tell me about me?" She screamed and slapped her. Pick up your belly.

Jiang Chuan was frightened and quickly pulled her away, "What are you doing?"

"Are you worthy of me?!" Qin Lianyue's nose was filled with tears: "I came from thousands of miles away to marry you, but I got nothing. What did you say in the first place?!"

Jiang Chuan, who was also a man of shame, retorted: "What did I say at the beginning?"

Qin Lianyue choked. They had inquired about this matter privately, and he did not say anything.

"Then are you worthy of yourself? Aren't you your mother's biological son? That **** is also your son. My mother did this just to bypass you and me and give the title to your sister-in-law! Don't you understand yet?"

 “What should we do now?” Jiang Chuan shouted, giving Qin Lianyue a headache.

“Go and tell your mother, we don’t agree! I’m still pregnant, and they have no scruples. Jiang Chuan, if the child in my belly is good or bad, I won’t be done with you!”

 Next, let’s talk about everything again from the beginning.

Jiang Chuan was so tortured by Qin Lianyue that he could not help himself, so he went back to look for his mother. Before entering the house, I heard laughter inside, so I went in to take a look.

 The mother and the eldest brother, who was pale-faced, were sitting there. The sister-in-law stood next to the eldest brother with a smile on her face. Two children were in front of them, having fun.

Seeing him come in, Mr. Jiang glanced at his mother and wife: "Mom, take them both down to play! I have something to say to my second brother."

Mrs. Jiang glanced at her two sons and went out with her daughter-in-law and two children.

 “Second brother.”

 “Brother…” Jiang Chuan said dullly.

Mr. Jiang smiled and said, "What mother told you was actually my idea. Don't blame mother!"

 “Brother!” He said this as soon as he came up, which made Jiang Chuan a little embarrassed.

Mr. Jiang's expression was serious: "The title of the Principality is not only an honor, but also a responsibility and inheritance. My eldest brother is in poor health. At first, my father and mother also thought about entrusting you with the burden. My eldest brother has also reminded you many times, but you Did you listen?"

Jiang Chuan didn't like hearing this and kept a sullen face.

"In the past few years, apart from playing ball and spending money, what else have you done that is beneficial to the family? This time the court situation is changing, many families are unlucky and immersed in it. But there are also families who have stood up! Even the gold is stained Conglongzhigong. But what about you? Have you understood this matter from beginning to end? I’m afraid you still don’t know that my eldest brother has already found a job?”

 “Big brother…”

"You love to play, and my parents and I have nothing to do with it, so just have fun and don't get involved. You came back from the Qin family to study and wanted to marry the Qin family. Mother asked about it carefully and told you at that time Yes, she is not suitable to be the mother of a family, and she is not suitable to be your wife. But have you listened again?

After entering the door, my mother observed her for a long time. She found that Qin's talent was not low, but she had a small mind but no great wisdom. She did not cultivate the courage to be the head of the Jiang family. If your pair of concubine children struggle to make a living under her, are raised crooked, or die young, what will they do if they are born? "

Jiang Chuan lowered his head, he agreed with this.

“Second brother, choose the life you like and live happily. You can’t have this or that! As a big brother, I won’t complain if I didn’t train you. But you must also understand yourself.”

What the elder brother said, Jiang Chuan couldn't find a reason to refute, so he agreed in a dull voice and went out.

 “Cousin. How was the conversation?”

Mr. Jiang turned to look at his wife who sneaked in, and said with a smile, "Second brother, you are sensible." "Yes. You have come back from a busy day, so you should have a good rest."

“…My body has suffered a lot from you these years.” Mr. Jiang sighed.

“Look what you said! I’m so happy to be able to marry you and stay with my aunt! Besides, you wanted to be in good health, but you didn’t look down on me anymore!”

 “Talk nonsense!”

“You are not Zhishuo! Maybe you will marry someone as beautiful and capable as Princess Wen of Pingguo!”

 The couple laughed.


The sun was just right and the Empress Dowager, who did not look old at all, walked around the garden and went back to the house to drink tea. She heard that Wen Yu was pregnant. Sighing: "The children of these two people must be so beautiful! Let's have a girl and prepare it for our joy."

The palace maid laughed: "That's what the Queen said!"

The Empress Dowager smiled, but her childhood self appeared in her mind...the girl who always sat in the corner, was mediocre and fat, and stuttered until she blushed when she opened her mouth to speak.

 Her mother was of ordinary origin but good-looking. It is considered that Gao married his father. She is just afraid of being looked down upon by others. She loves to be competitive and tries her best to be better than her sister-in-law. Not to mention, I was doing pretty well until I was born...

 She looks even like her brother. I heard people say that she looks like my great-grandmother who passed away.

If my great-grandmother were alive, this appearance would bring some benefits. But he is no longer alive.

Therefore, being fat, short, with a round face and ordinary eyebrows became the main points of ridicule for my aunts, aunts and cousins.

 In fact, she later understood that although she was not as good-looking as her cousins, she was by no means ugly.

 The reason why they do this is just to hurt their mothers.

 But it works!

My mother’s tone of boredom and resentment is something I still dream about twice now:

 “Eat, eat, eat, just know how to eat! Look at you fat guy, your waist is gone!”

 “Stick your neck up! Are you a tortoise?”

“Look at your magic skills! You’re so stupid even though you’re not good at looking! What can I say about you?”

 After that, I got a nanny from nowhere, who was cruel and poisonous. During those days... every day when she went to bed, she would look at the red mark on her thigh.

 Always hungry and panicking, slowly becoming inferior and cowardly. He stutters when he speaks and always finds a corner to stay by himself.

 But this won’t work either!

That day, when she was going to the palace, God knows how many clothes and pairs of shoes she had to deal with on the first day. After the result, when my cousin was praised by others, my mother looked at me with disgust...

 She really didn’t want to live at that time!

 Hide by the pond and cry silently.

 Then, she heard a gentle voice: "Where is the little girl? Why is she dropping golden beans here alone?"

 I will never forget that day, that person. He stood there quietly, smiling to himself.

Although his face was sallow and his body was frail, he could not conceal his elegant demeanor at all.

He came over and sat next to her, "What's wrong? Do you want to talk to big brother?"

Without any reason, she trusted him and told him all her painful experiences.

So, she understood that even relatives have deep and shallow connections. Do what you are willing and able to do, and let everything take its course.

 The most important thing in this world is yourself!

She also understood that the so-called beauty: thin and fat, different in different periods. But basically it all revolves around the current situation. Although people cannot completely stay away from the world while living in this world, the most important thing is to be free from illness and disaster, and to be in a happy spirit.

 She even agreed with her eldest brother's opinion. She has a decent appearance, clear eyes, and neat teeth. She is a very upright little girl.

"You don't know how much I envy you!" The eldest brother looked at her round little face and her red cheeks...

 From that moment on, she let herself go. No one values ​​me, so I have to be good to myself.

Even after she was sent to the palace by her family and married to the emperor who was so much older than her, suspicious and ruthless, she was still able to enjoy the hardships.

He was able to squeeze out the crown prince who was not worthy of the "eldest brother" without any scruples...and supported Prince An according to the wishes of his family, but at the critical moment, he did not hesitate to help the crown prince.

 Now, although she is childless, she is in a happy mood and lives a luxurious life. This is precisely because of His Highness who changed her life that day by the pond.

 “The Empress Dowager, the Queen Mother is here with her little Highness!” The palace maid came to report.

  "Huan Lang is here? Quickly take off the earrings of the Ai family, don't let the little ancestor rip out the ears of the Ai family again, that stinky boy..."

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