Chapter 38 The Sandpiper and Clam Family

 The next day, Wen Dalang accompanied the bride back home.

Wen Yu sat in the room, tapping her fan on the table, feeling a little restless.

 After the wedding, my grandfather couldn't stay any longer and wanted to go back urgently. Now several heads of the Wen family are talking in the front, and it may involve them.

Hopefully, when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman will benefit...

 At this moment, in the front study room, Mr. Wen and his wife, Wen Qian, Wen Feng and Wen Shuo, were sitting together to discuss family matters.

Wen Shuo is really good at it. He cares deeply about the old man. He tests the temperature of tea and fills his tobacco bag in time. Hand towels, spit papers, and throat pills are also fully prepared.

His endless filial piety made Wen Feng's face change from one moment to contempt, another to ridicule, and another to sourness...

But Wen Qian didn't care at all, and was talking about his trip to the capital: "It will take half a year for my son to take care of his duties and clean up the house. Father, you are already this age, so you simply become an official." , Leave the matter of the property to your third brother. In half a year, you and your mother will go to Beijing to take care of themselves. "

Wen Shuo was a little surprised and glanced at a few people.

But the old man shook his head, "In my job, I don't care about the actual things, just the name. It's just like this. However, your third brother can't pick up the property in my hands. I won't go to the capital yet."

Although the old lady had expected this, she felt more at ease after hearing it with her own ears. She was not willing to let this old guy go, but she was also afraid that he would be a waste and she would let her eldest son bear the reputation of being unfilial, which would affect her future.

Wen Qian continued to advise: "Father, there is always more to do. My son's career will go smoothly. The things in your hands are not as difficult as before. You can always take care of them. If you step back, in a few days It’s not a bad day to have some free time.”

Old man Wen sneered in his heart: What's the matter, you just got promoted and you are planning to reach out to me?

In your dreams!

"Leisure life...heh, I'm not that lucky. Besides, although the Wen family has some property, it really doesn't have much support for your career. We don't know what's going on in the capital yet. You should carefully consider your own future. It’s okay! The higher you go, the more careful you are! If something happens, it will bring trouble to the whole family! So, don’t worry about me now.”

"Then... just listen to what father wants." Of course Wen Qian understood what his father was thinking. He was also sneering in his heart, thinking too much! The thing in your hand, at the moment, I really don’t want to reach out.

 After all, official position comes first. There is no official position, and even if you spend a long time to get it, you may not be able to hold it firmly.

 But if my official position goes well, will you compete with me? I worked so hard to keep it for my third child, but I was able to get it without any effort!

 Everyone had their own thoughts and was silent for a while.

 The Wen family's property has two important parts, one is the mine and the other is the wharf.

 After Mr. Wen and his wife had a falling out, according to certain procedures, they separated from each other. The old lady got the dock and the old man got the mine.

 The wharf is the old lady’s resource, including the fourth wife who took it over after the Liu family’s family went bankrupt. But she couldn't take care of it. Wen Qian was an official and couldn't care about it. Wen Feng was incompetent and frivolous. Therefore, I have been doing very hard work and not making much money. In the past few years, after being handed over to Song Wu, the situation suddenly improved.

 The old lady can sit and collect cash now! Even if you move to the capital, there is nothing to worry about.

 The old man’s ore needs to be exported, and a large part of it must be transported by water via the wharf. The dock is very busy every day. If you can give him more schedules, it is like giving money.

 So, the old man wanted to fawn over Song Wu.

 The mining industry, although the profits are frightening, has always made the old lady jealous. But in fact, after a long time of tossing, only a few of them came into your hands.

 There are too many costs and fees. All the officials in the capital will reach out, and even the eunuchs in the palace and the stewards of Prince Wu's Mansion will benefit from it.

 Now it is: The old man and the old lady both guard their own property, but they are jealous of the other's.

 In the past, two old men worked hard to see who would die later.

 As long as the other party dies, it will be beneficial to oneself.

 But now, the balance has been broken: Wen Qian's rise has put more pressure on the old lady's side.

Mr. Wen is too contradictory. If his eldest son is promoted, he can be more assertive and not be so divided. But...if I don't want to be divided up by others, I worry that I won't be able to escape from the boss's grasp. What a grandma!

The old man's heart was churning. What he can do now is to ensure his long life. One is to control the dead old woman and boss.

“Boss, why did I hear that you didn’t plan to bring gentle words with you when you left this time?”

Wen Qian felt a little annoyed when he heard his father ask, why does a man like to play such tricks...

“Father, Sister Yu has been staying with her mother since she was a child, honoring her mother on behalf of her son...My mother can’t live without her. After half a year, she will go with her.”

"Haha, haha! Mrs. Song, Wen Yuda is following you. Even if the Chen family loses power and the Chen family dies early, you won't want to see her. But after all, she is your biological granddaughter! But you, you don't even get a coming-of-age ceremony. You really don’t want to have any dignity at all! This news has been passed on to me!”

The old man never had a good tone when talking to the old lady.

The old lady was not in a hurry: "Sir, Sister Yu's horoscope was approved by Master Guangzhi."

   "Fate... It doesn't matter what others say. My grandmother also said this, you are so cruel-hearted."

 “I don’t believe it, but I have to be careful! What if someone in this family encounters something wrong and they start looking for it?!” It’s you, old man!

 Old Mr. Wen still doesn’t know that the dead old woman is talking about him?

Hurrah with a bad face.

The old lady continued calmly: "Now that Sister Yu is an adult, her destiny has been taken care of. How could I not pay attention to my eldest granddaughter! After that day, everything will be gone It’s on track.”

Wen Qian had no patience to argue about this: "Father, my son has already told Wen Yu that before going to Beijing, he will give her the dowry left by the Chen family. In the past six months, let her learn how to fight with her mother and second siblings. Let’s manage the industry.”

 Wen Feng and Wen Shuo were both a little surprised, but did not speak.

But the old man directly ordered, "Call Sister Yu!"

The old lady glanced at the old man, didn't he believe it? ! Can your son deceive you in front of you? He doesn't look like a father at all! I despise him even more.

After a while, Wen Yu came and came in to receive the courtesy.

The old man didn't hesitate, "Wen Yu, your father said he would give you your mother's dowry before leaving. What do you think?" He really didn't believe it.

“Grandfather, my father has already told his granddaughter. The granddaughter thought that since it is her mother’s dowry, the next step is natural.”

The old man snorted in his heart and looked at Wen Yu, "You are a woman and have never learned anything like this. How can you take care of it if you just take it like this?"

“Everything has a beginning. My granddaughter has been studying these days. Moreover, when she saw her fifth cousin the day before yesterday, she shamelessly asked her for help. My cousin has already agreed.”

“What?!” Old man Wen, old lady, and Wen Qian were all shocked.

"Well, my cousin said that he would send some people to help me take it over first, and then, after my granddaughter has trained her own manpower, he will have people take it back!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, but when he saw that the old lady had a bad look on her face, he laughed out loud, "Okay! She is indeed my granddaughter. She is really capable of calling people! Even you, who has three melons and two dates, are so embarrassed. Open your mouth to your cousin."

Wen Yu lowered his head in embarrassment.

But the old lady was really unhappy. Without her knowing, Wen Yu asked Song Wu to help with this matter...

She is willing to let her grandchildren get close to Song Shang, but this is not the way to get close!

Goro knows the rules and is not easy to talk to!

 Why did he agree? You didn’t even say a word to me!

 This is... I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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