Chapter 36 I have everything

Song Shang stood there, his face ashen, his thin lips pursed slightly, and his slender eyes gleaming fiercely.

 Originally, he should have waited for Wen Yu to invite him, but how could he suppress his eagerness?

When the newcomers came in and no one noticed the commotion, they ran over.

 The two people in the pavilion didn't speak loudly, so he didn't know what they were talking about. It's just... they both leaned towards each other, looking very intimate!

 There is paper, pens, and a brocade box on the table... We have been whispering to each other for a long time! It seems that there are a lot of "serious things" to talk about!

 This is really unreasonable!

 At this moment, I was even carrying heavy bags and pushing them around...

 Damn fat man...he recognizes Zhang Jiangqing!

 This stinky girl, since when did she become so familiar with him? You don’t know how to avoid taboos at all. Didn’t you see the look in that fat man’s eyes? !

 Finally, he looked at the youngest son of the Zhang family, finally took the package, patted his chest to promise something, and then left reluctantly.

 Ask him to do something?

 Is there anything I can't do?

 He was so angry that he walked out with a sullen face and sat down next to Wen Yu.

Wen Yu arranged a few things, and finally felt a little confident. He was in a daze.

I heard a bang and there was a man sitting next to me...

 She was startled, and when she saw it was Song Shang, "You scared me, why didn't you say anything?!" She blurted out angrily! I almost kicked him!

 Song Shang felt strange again. Why was she talking to him like this?

 It seems that the two people are very familiar, very close, and very casual. Although she can look very bold in front of's good, but...

He was not angry anymore, "What are you afraid of? Did you do something wrong?!" After saying that, he glared in the direction where Zhang Xiaodi left.

Wen Yu has already reacted. He is so angry that he looks like he is trying to catch someone raped... Why do you have that? After suppressing his anger for a long time, he calmed down and thought of what he had to do. "Cousin..." his voice couldn't help but be soft.

Song Shang stepped back and looked at her warily, "...What are you going to do?"

Wen Yu blushed deeply, "Ahem..." She coughed twice, "Oh, cousin, I told you two days ago that I had something to ask you, and I wanted to ask my cousin..."

 After a pause, which one is better first, returning the hairpin or borrowing it?

This guy is the most difficult to deal with. Well, if the arrangement is not good, there will be no way to talk.

So she picked up the brocade box from the stone bench next to her and opened it. Inside was the extremely precious red coral hairpin.

Song Shang was very disappointed when he saw it. Is this why she came to me?

But he was saying: "Oh, what a beautiful hairpin! It's a red coral one! It's very rare and precious! Cousin, you have very good taste and are very rich!"

 He is so shameless!

   “I received this on my birthday. It was a gift from you.”

"Oh?! Really? I forgot about it. I'll go back and check it out later. Oops, my cousin is getting old and he likes to forget things, so he has to write them down in a notebook."

 He was gesturing in a small notebook with both hands. "However, seeing how rare this thing is, it really looks like it was written by my cousin!"

"Cousin!" Wen Yu said with a serious expression, "I liked the gift my cousin gave me the day before yesterday, so I accepted it. This set of hairpins..." She shook her head, "I can't have it, cousin, please take it back!"

“I can accept the ones I gave the day before yesterday, but I can’t accept this one? What do you think!?” Song Shang’s face darkened. It's fierce, ugly, and quite capable of bluffing people.

As everyone knows, the person in front of me has been sleeping on the same bed with him for many years and has been coaxed by him for many years in the previous life. How can he be afraid of him?

"Because that's what every sister has. And this hairpin..." Wen Yu held it in her hand, blood red and shiny. In her last life, she had worn it frequently. This feeling is familiar and sad.

“The hairpin on my head can be given by my elders, given by my husband, or purchased by myself, but it cannot belong to anyone else. Cousin, I can’t have this!”

 “I never got back the things I gave away. If you don’t want it, just throw it away!”

Wen Yu really rolled his eyes, otherwise, could he use it to solve Lan Fang's matter? Why didn't I think of that?

“Only one, do you dare to give it to others to try?” Song Shang said coolly.

"Cousin..." Wen Yu came back to her senses and looked at the man in front of her... In fact, she liked him very much later.

 How could you not like it? !

Outside, he was in high spirits and acted decisively.

 Come home, he treats me like pearls and jade.

He was heartbroken that the child could not be saved... He almost died. He stayed by the bedside for several days, but he was still emaciated and swaying when he walked.

Which woman in the world wouldn’t like such a man?

 It’s just that we have experienced too much pain together! They all died so miserably.

 So, we have no good karma.

 In that life, you are worthy of me and I am worthy of you, that is enough.

"Wen Yu..." Song Shang's heart was pounding, and he looked at her worriedly. Her expression showed confusion, sadness, regret, and despair! What happened?

How can a girl who is only fifteen years old look like a dying old man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life? “Cousin! I don’t know if you understand what I said... In this life, I will not trust anyone, nor will I like anyone. There are only things to do! Therefore, I don’t want to be **** with others.

 I just hope that my cousin you... can be relatives and friends! And nothing else... This set of hairpins, for me, is pressure and disaster! If my cousin still has a little bit of pity for my orphaned cousin, please take this thing back. "

Song Shang has not been idle these days and has made inquiries. Although he didn't know that Wen Yu had been beaten, he knew that Wen Yu had asked his father for his mother's dowry. It is also speculated that Wen Yu came to him to ask for help.

 Her choice made him very happy and he was ready.

But the girl is like this now... There is a trace of fear in his heart!

"Wen Yu." His expression became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "I don't care what happens to you, but as long as you remember, whatever happens to you is my business. If the sky falls, I will carry it for you."

 But there are also things you can’t bear, and they crush us all to death!

Wen Yu shook her head, tears streaming down her face and throwing them onto her clothes.

"Is it because of the coming-of-age ceremony?" He looked at her carefully, "Is it your mother's dowry? Or... your father doesn't plan to take you with him to the capital?"

Wen Yu kept shaking his head, biting his lip and saying nothing.

“Ayu... don’t cry, just speak! Trust me, I can do anything!”

" must hope that I will be well, right?" Wen Yu's eyes were filled with tears, and his nose was full of mucus.

Song Shang looked at her and twisted together in distress. He paused for a long time before replying: "That's natural."

"If you wish me well...then what I need most now is manpower. Maybe you also know that I want to receive my mother's dowry, but I don't have anyone."

"I will arrange the manpower. If there is anything that cannot be done, I will tell your grandmother!" He was holding the lifeline of the Wen family. If he was not worried about Wen Yu being discussed, he would have...

"That's not necessary." Wen Yu wiped her tears and said calmly, "I can tell my grandmother!"

"Okay, okay, I understand. Today, I can prepare the manpower! However, in these years, some properties and objects will be destroyed. Even if you make money, there will be expenses. What will happen to what is handed over to you? ! You have to have some confidence in your own mind.”

 It’s not like he doesn’t know anything!

"do you understand?!"

"Understood. If you eat meat, you can't spit it out. If you spit it out, you will get angry. Then... ha! If the creditor is gone, you don't have to pay it back!" She said coldly.

“…It won’t be like this! I just want to tell you, you don’t have to worry about money, what you need is to be reasonable!”

"Yes! No matter how much it is, it is my mother's dowry. We cannot let them take it for granted!"

"Good girl, that's the right thing to think about! Take it back and let your cousin look at it for you. As a girl, you don't need to spend too much energy on this. You can just use it as your own pocket money with fixed income. If there is something you particularly like, it doesn’t hurt to make some!”

 “What my cousin said is exactly what I want!”

“Ayu, no matter what you want, my cousin will support you.”

"Thank you...then take this thing back." Wen Yu pointed to the table.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it back first, don't cry. Oh, know, your peace and happiness are my greatest hope."

 But I am full of hatred, how can I be safe and happy?

 “Thank you, cousin.”

"You're welcome. When you take it over, I will come to help you personally. I will have something important to do in a while..." He wanted to say, but stopped.

As long as that thing is implemented, we can get rid of Webster and the Wei family...

 I hope God will bless me and everything will go well...

The two people in the pavilion were too focused, so they didn't notice that Hong Xing'er, who had been dismissed by Wen Yu early in the morning, was quietly standing where Song Wu was standing just now, stretching her neck to look...

She was extremely nervous, but also a little excited. Oh, why did I forget to tell Aunt Xu about the coral hairpin that Mr. Song Wu gave to the girl? It was so lively in front, but they were alone here...

If others see this, tsk tsk, if Mrs. Song Wu sees it... There must be a reward for telling her about this, right? !

 Seeing that the two of them were about to finish talking, she quickly ran away. But I never thought that Xiao Ji, a very dedicated fat girl, didn't even look at the bride when she entered the house, but only stared at Hong Xing'er. Moreover, she is as excited as Hong Xinger!


  The ceremony for the bride and groom has been completed, and the bride has been sent into the bridal chamber.

Wen Feng and his parents came down from the main seat and joked with relatives and friends around them. Unintentionally, in a blink of an eye, I saw a girl in green in the crowd just turning around and leaving.

He saw countless women, although he only saw half of their faces and their backs, and their backs were quickly blocked by everyone. But he can identify a beauty...and a big beauty!

If his father hadn't been there, he would have been a newly minted father-in-law and could have chased after him immediately!

 …Hmm, he touched his chin: It looks like he belongs to this family. Haha, don't worry, as long as it's from this family, you can find it...

 (End of this chapter)

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