Chapter 34: Honey among the besties

 Wen Yu walked around the yard entertaining guests.

Suddenly I saw a girl walking towards me in a hurry.

Wen Yu saw it as soon as he saw it, and hurriedly took Yan Zhu to greet her. He couldn't hide the surprise in his voice: "Lan Fang! Are you here?!" He went up and grabbed the girl's hand.

 Finally I see you’s been a lifetime!

 For a moment, the circles under his eyes were red.

Liu Lanfang in front of her and Jiang Pingting, who moved away with her family, are Wen Yu's good friends.

 “Ayu!” Liu Lanfang was also a little excited. The two of them held hands and hid in a place with few people.

 Thinking of all the things in the previous life, Wen Yu couldn't calm down for a long time.

Liu Lanfang looked at Wen Yu up and down and nodded: "Ayu, you are so beautiful!"

Wen Yu's eyes turned red, "Afang, I miss you so much."

"Ayu, I miss you too... Look, this is my coming-of-age gift for you." Liu Lanfang took out a small box.

 “Thank you...Where’s my brother?” Liu Lanfang has a younger brother named Liu Lanzhou.

"I was worried that he would be alone at home, so I brought him here. But... my eldest aunt wouldn't let him in, so I asked Du Juan to watch him in the car."

“Let’s go get him in.” Wen Yu pulled Liu Lanfang and started to leave.

"Farewell, there are many people here today, so let him stay in the car. I'll come to see you and then go back to accompany him."

“But I also miss my brother. Yesterday I specially made his favorite snacks. It doesn’t matter, I found a quiet place today.”

Liu Lanfang asked Wen Yu, her eyes were red, and she choked with sobs: "It's okay."

Wen Yu said to Yan Zhu, "Go back and get your things, and then come to the Peony Pavilion to find us."

After saying that, he took Liu Lanfang to the second gate and prepared to pick up Liu Lanzhou.

But the woman at the door quickly stopped her, "Hey, big girl, you can't get out of this door."

"Mom." Wen said very politely, "The Liu family's carriage is at the door. Miss Liu and I took the Liu family's brother in." There was a series of rewards.

The old woman took it, still a little embarrassed, but considering the bustle today, no one would notice it, "Then you have to go back quickly, don't wander around!"

The two of them walked to a car. Liu Lanfang's girl Du Juan opened the curtain on the car and said, "Master, look, the girl is back! Miss Wen is here too!"

 Sitting in the carriage was a boy who looked to be eight or nine years old. In fact, he was almost twelve years old, but he looked very young.

With white skin and red lips, thin eyebrows and eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth, he is an extremely handsome young man.

 It's just that he doesn't look at people and doesn't react to the outside world. But after hearing Du Juan's words, she was obviously more relaxed than before, and her tightly clenched hands were slightly loosened.

Liu Lanfang smiled and said: "Brother, look, who is here?!"

The young man did not raise his eyes or move.

“Don’t you want to talk to your sister?” Liu Lanfang asked again.

Wen Yu also raised his head and said with a smile: "Lanzhou is thinking about sister Yu, or the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by sister Yu?"

Liu Lanzhou pursed his lips slightly, but still ignored everyone.

Wen Yu said: "Brother, do you know? Your sister Hongdou has changed her name to Zhuzhu. Do you think it sounds good? She went to get the snacks she made for you. This time, she even made black sesame **** for you! Come down quickly with Sister Ayu!"

 Liu Lanfang watched Wen Yu coaxing her younger brother, feeling excited and having a sore nose.

 The two of them coaxed patiently for a long time, and Liu Lanzhou finally got out of the car.

 Walking slowly, no one can rush him.

 After a while, they entered the yard.

The Peony Pavilion is very close to Wen Yu's yard, with more than a dozen peonies planted around it. But there are no flowers at this time, so not many people come here.

  Yan Zhu has prepared food and drink. When he saw Liu Lanzhou coming, he ran over to pull him. "Lan Zhou Lan Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time! Do you know that I changed my name? My name is Yan Zhu! My surname is Yan and my name is Zhu. Just call me Sister Zhuzhu! It sounds nice, it's Pearl!"

 Liu Lanzhou didn’t hide either! Yan Zhu dragged him into the pavilion. Arrange him to sit down and sit next to him to talk. She also took some newly made snacks and talked to him in plain language, and Liu Lanzhou didn't resist.

Liu Lanfang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and sat aside with Wen Yu, "I couldn't come to your coming-of-age ceremony."

 “What kind of coming-of-age ceremony is there!?” Wen Yu said with a smile.

 “Ayu…” Liu Lanfang felt sad.

"It's nothing, I'm not sad at all. Ah Fang, really, I'm fine, don't worry! How are you and Adi?"

"Alas..." Liu Lanfang sighed sadly, "Ayu, my eldest aunt is going to get me engaged."

Wen Yu was not surprised. In his last life, he was so busy taking care of himself that he had no idea what was happening to Lan Fang. Later, when I inquired again... she was told that she had married into her aunt's family more than 200 miles away. However, when she married off, Lan Zhou died on the back.

By the time she was able to find Lan Fang, she was dead.

Wen Yu has a sore nose. In the last life, the people he cherished did not end well!

“Is he your aunt’s nephew?”

 “How do you know?” Liu Lanfang was surprised.

"I...oh, once your aunt said that she loves you dearly and doesn't want you to be too far away from her in the future." Wen Yu said lightly.

Liu Lanfang nodded, "Yes, my eldest aunt said he is down-to-earth and progressive, and I have met him once."

 He is pretending!

 Ke Wen couldn't say anything, he was thinking about how to help her.

“Although he looks ordinary, I am also very ordinary.” Liu Lanfang said with a wry smile. She was not tall and gentle, but her appearance was barely good-looking, far worse than her younger brother Liu Lanzhou.

 But when her parents were still alive, she was also an innocent and delicate little girl!

"Besides, I told him that I would take my brother with me when I got married. He agreed." Liu Lanfang said happily.

 “He responded directly?” Wen Yu was surprised.


 How is this possible? Wen Yu didn't believe it at all: He didn't ask both families about such a big thing, and he just agreed? !

 Obviously he is fooling Ah Fang!

  But how do you say this?

Lan Fang looked at Wen Yu's expression and said, "Actually, I just want him to provide a shelter and not let his family support him. My parents left property to my younger brother."

  “…” is too naive, and Wen Yu is even more speechless.

“Ayu, what’s wrong?” Lanfang looked at her expression and asked.

 “Do you believe him?”

" nothing, right? Adi may not be able to get married and have children in this life...I don't know how long he can live!" Her eyes were red, "Uncle and the others probably won't stop him."

“But my surname is Liu after all! This man doesn’t ask what his parents want, or what your uncle and aunt want, and he just agrees to you. How can you trust him?”

When Lan Fang heard this, he was helpless, "But I really have no other choice. My brother will definitely not be able to live without me."

 Earlier, the uncle and his father had separated. Her parents took her and her younger brother to live with her. Her mother had a rich dowry and was good at managing money. The family property was quite rich.

 It’s just that my brother is sick, and my mother plans to find a son-in-law for her.

Unexpectedly, my mother died of illness, and my father also passed away soon after. Before she understood what was going on, she and her brother became orphans. The uncle naturally took over their siblings and their property.

"My eldest aunt has been praising him, but I also know that... without fame and no reason, he is not much better after all. But I thought, after all, we are relatives, which is better than others. Adi's affairs will be easier to handle. And , I have a lot of dowry, and if I get married, I will be able to speak more forcefully!"

Wen Yu shook his head desperately in his mind, "Afang... have you checked this person?"

"No. If you just want to be safe, you shouldn't need to check, right?"

 “I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

 “Ayu, what do you think?”

"You just said that your dowry is quite large, and your parents also left property to my brother. But have you ever thought about it? Will your uncle and the others let you two take it away?"

" father and uncle had already separated. The property of my father and mother belongs to me and my brother." She was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly. "At the worst, I don't want my brother's share. I will take care of him." Just raise it!”

"Afang, the world is unpredictable. If you want it, others will stop. For example, my grandparents and biological father are all here. Haven't I done much over the years? Haven't I given up much? But so what?"

 “Ayu, don’t be sad!” Liu Lanfang patted Wen Yu, her kindness overflowing, and she forgot about her own affairs.

"I'm not sad. I just want to remind you: now, I'm afraid your uncle has the final say on your property, your brother's, and your parents' property!"

 “But they…” Lan Fang murmured.

 “You haven’t felt any changes lately?”

"Ayu... To be honest, there have been changes. The number of people around Adi and I has gradually become less and less. My eldest aunt... always says, it's either this or that. I have to take care of my brother. I can’t quite understand it either. Ah Yu, I’m scared…”

"I'm afraid it's useless. What are the properties left by your parents? How much is it? Do you have an account in your hand?"

"I didn't, Aunt Jiang said..." Afang was lost for a moment again, "Auntie sent Aunt Jiang away, saying that her cousin was pregnant, and asked Aunt Jiang to take care of her for two days. You're like this Say, it’s been several months and I still haven’t come back...Oh my God, what should I do?”

Wen Yu had no choice now, "Currently, none of us can go out. I can see Zhang Jiangqing in a while, or I can ask him to ask..."

 Zhang Jiangqing...Liu Lanfang was momentarily absent-minded.

 (End of this chapter)

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