Chapter 3 He escaped first

 Her fifteenth birthday in the last life.

The family is organizing a wedding for her eldest brother, and no one remembers her haircut ceremony.

Perhaps you remember it, but just don’t care about it? !

 But at that time, she was like a fool, how could she understand this?

 I waited for that day with anxiety, but found that it was no different from every day before.

In fact, what she cares about most is her father. She hopes that he can remember this day. Even if he cannot come back, he will send her a letter and buy a hairpin...

 Her mother died in childbirth when giving birth to her. Therefore, since she was a child, she has had the reputation of being a nuisance to her relatives.

 A few days after my mother died, my father remarried. Afraid of being pointed out by others, he took his newlywed wife directly to his foreign office...

This was something she overheard others talking about when she was out on a visit.

 At that time, when she heard others say this, she was really angry!

 She believed that her father was traveling for the future of the Wen family. But if you have a hard life, it will harm your loved ones. Therefore, it is appropriate for her father not to be close to her.

 But Ji Ji is different after all. She was looking forward to and waiting for this day...

 In the evening, I really received a gift!

She will never forget that moment, oh, her heart almost jumped out of joy...

 Open it and take a look! It is a set of exquisite red coral hairpins.

 But when she saw clearly the person who gave the turned out to be the fifth cousin of the Song family! ?

She was extremely disappointed and sad. She sat in the room crying until the sky was dark and the earth was dark. Until his face was swollen, his eyes were swollen, he was dizzy, he fell down the steps, and the back of his head was bleeding.

Hongdou was frightened and ran to find her grandmother and second aunt Wu, but she met her second uncle Wen Feng who had just returned home from playing outside for two days.

Hongdou was born with extraordinary beauty in the world, that is to say, their masters and servants were not welcome on weekdays, and they could not be seen in front of others, so no one paid attention to them.

Wen Feng was dumbfounded when he saw Hongdou and insisted on letting her go!

Hunted by his own crying, Hongdou's crying and struggling.

 But all to no avail…

 With helpless eyes, he watched Hongdou being dragged away by him.

 Wen Feng is handsome, dashing, can play and sing, and has first-class hook-up skills, but his character is not that good.

 How many women have gotten their hands on it outside the home?

 When hooking up, he is full of enthusiasm and makes bold moves. When it was new enough, he dropped his hand without looking back, showing no emotion at all.

There are many people who are successful in hooking up with them, but not many of them are actually close to them. This time, for some unknown reason, he looked at Hongdou in a different light and wanted to promote her as his concubine.

 The second aunt, Mrs. Wu, has a high family background and a generous dowry, but her appearance is very ordinary. When she saw her second uncle in her boudoir, she was astonished and married him happily.

 On weekdays, he is really obedient to his second uncle and never disobeys him.

The second uncle wanted to take Hongdou as his concubine. Without saying a word, Wu immediately built a nice small courtyard and started to take the concubine as a concubine.

 The fourth wife, Mrs. a distant relative of my grandmother. He grew up by his grandmother's side... He had long been secretly in love with his second uncle. But she was an orphan and had no one to rely on, so she had no choice but to follow her grandmother's arrangement and marry her fourth uncle, who was a concubine.

  She and her second uncle had been in an affair for a long time, and for the sake of convenience, she sent her fourth uncle to work outside.

 Normally, Mrs. Liu is jealous and hateful of Mrs. Wu, but she has no choice but to treat her with a smile! I don't know how frustrated I am. Therefore, when she found out that her second uncle wanted to accept red beans, she was so filled with hatred that she could not control herself.

 If you can't deal with the Wu family, how can you not deal with a slave?

In the last world, it was today... Liu used his own name to lure Hongdou to a secluded place, poured oil on it, and lit it on fire.

Poor red bean...

Wen Yu shed tears. She has loved beauty since she was a child.

 That burning…

His hair was gone, his face was burned, and one eye was burned out.

 Hands and arms were burned black and convulsed together.

Her painful howls will often fill my ears in the years to come!

 I ran to beg my grandmother to save Hongdou! Kneeling on the ground, his forehead was bleeding...

 But grandma doesn’t care.

Having lost all her shoes, she went to ask her second uncle for help, but when her second uncle saw the red beans burned like that, he frowned and turned around and left.

 I took out everything around me, but I couldn't get out or call the doctor.

 Finally, cousin Song Shang came.

It was he who hired the best doctor and used the best medicine.

 But Hongdou... was hurt too badly.

Her body exuded a foul odor, filthy yellow water flowed out, and she was in excruciating pain... When she was awake, she asked herself to get her a mirror. But how could she let her see that look of neither human nor ghost?

 He died within two days.

The Hongdou who has grown up with me since childhood and is full of herself.

 Died so tragically.

 It was also from this incident that my life, which had been ignored and left out, accelerated its pace of tragedy...


Wu looked at the black water on the ground and the servant on the other side with twinkling eyes, excited and scared.

 Keeping a calm face and saying nothing.

 The whole story is basically clear.

 The key is, how to solve it?

 A girl came over and whispered a few words to her quietly.

 She nodded and arranged a few words softly. Lock up those who should be locked up, and we will use both soft and hard tactics tomorrow.

 The son's wedding is just a few days away, so it's not easy to start a war.

There are also these nursing homes, who have to pay a lot of money to keep their mouths sealed.

She was very familiar with household matters, and she settled them concisely and went to the old lady's courtyard.

At that moment, she cleverly woke up the old lady. Now, let's see how she deals with that bitch, right? !


 In the back hall, the old lady was indeed woken up and started to feel dizzy.

At this moment, he woke up and sat in the main room with his clothes on.

The gray hair was simply pulled back, and his face was as heavy as water.

Wen Feng, who was naked just now, had already put on his clothes and was sitting in front of the old lady. After all, the old lady discovered this and called her over. He looked puzzled.

"What are you making a fuss about?" the old lady asked through gritted teeth, trembling with anger.

Wen Feng shook his head wantonly and said nothing, but there was a wry smile on his lips.

This is really embarrassing...

 But he is not afraid!

 Old Mrs. Wen became even more angry when she saw it. "The boss's wedding is coming soon! What do you want...ah?!"

“My son didn’t start the fire, so what’s the use of scolding him?” Wen Feng changed the subject.

 “Who is that woman?!” the old lady asked.

Wen Fengf didn’t speak and looked outside the room. It was still dark, and everything just happened seemed like a dream.

 “Are you going to say it?!” Old Mrs. Wen patted the table.

"Mother!" Mrs. Wu walked in, lowering her eyelids and said, "Mother, sir, the fire has been put out, and it has not burned outside. There is only one main room, but the eaves have collapsed. My wife asked them to settle down first, and tomorrow morning Clean it up again!”

 Old Mrs. Wen was extremely annoyed and her tone was unpleasant: "That's easy to say! How many people are there to put out the fire on the scene?"

  "Including those in the courtyard and guarding the courtyard, fifteen of them."

The old lady became even more annoyed when she heard this, but the servants at home were easy to dismiss.

   Ke Huyuan...not just slaves, but also people invited from outside. These people are not to be dealt with casually!

 “Find a way to get them to shut their mouths!”

 “My wife knows!”

"Who is that woman? Tell me!" the old lady pointed at Wu.

“Mom, it’s dark, and my daughter-in-law didn’t even see her!” Wu refused to say.

 “Are you going to tell me!?” Old Mrs. Wen turned to her son, “You have to find someone to ask me to ask, and you won’t be able to feel at ease?!”

  She knew that the Wu family had always regarded their sons as their top priority. Don't say a single bad word about him!

"If you want to ask, go ahead and ask! If something goes wrong, you won't just cover it up, but it will turn over and over. Why bother?!" Wen Feng still looked dissatisfied!

The old lady was so angry that she almost died, "How old are you? I can't care about what happens outside! How many of them have you made at home? Isn't it enough for you? How many times have I told you sincerely, no? Listen! This time it’s better for you..."

  "Okay mother! My son is tired, go back to sleep! He has something to do tomorrow!" He knew that this matter was different from other things in the past. If the mother knew about it, it would definitely not be over...

Thinking of that embarrassing!

 He'd better run away first!

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 (End of this chapter)

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