The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 23: Stupid people are bullied

Chapter 23: People are fooled and are bullied

At this time, Nanny Song came in and said with a smile: "Old lady, there is a letter on the door saying: Our Fifth Master Song will be here after lunch!"

"Ouch!" The old lady was overjoyed, "Is the letter accurate? This guy is really awesome! Haha! OK, OK, please prepare some fresh shrimps and crabs in the kitchen! And the best daughter red! He is getting better and better now. The more you drink, the more you drink!" Then he started talking about the bad things about drinking too much...

Wen Jiao asked: “Where is my cousin-in-law?!”

 Mother Song said: "Come with the Fifth Master!"

 Several girls in the Wen family immediately started talking excitedly about the cousin-in-law.

“I don’t know what my cousin is going to do this time...” Wen Jiao said.

"Yes! The bird sweater my cousin wore last time was really nice! She said she made it herself!" Wen Wan had an expression of envy and admiration. She didn't have "time" to go back and change clothes.

"I heard that she is quite famous in the capital. Even the princess asked her for advice on style!" Wen Su also sighed with emotion.

Wen Jiao said: "Grandma, I heard that my cousin's clothes are all custom-made in Cailuan Pavilion. Shall we go too? Grandma, okay? My granddaughter told her mother, but she didn't agree!"

 The clothes of the Wen family are all made in the clothing workshop run by the Song family. The products produced by Cai Luan Pavilion are slow to make and the charges are high. The ones produced by the little girl's family are too luxurious. For many of the above reasons, Wu did not agree to Wen Jiao.

The old lady listened with a smile. Thinking that she was about to go to the capital, she must make two sets of four-season clothes for the girls, so that the people in the capital would not think that she was a country bumpkin going to the city.

So he nodded: "When your eldest brother's affairs are finished, let's go to Cailuan Pavilion to have a look!"

Several girls shouted happily: "Grandma, you are so kind!"

Wen Yu listened to their laughter, but his expression was a little dazed. Suddenly Cousin Hui asked: "Cousin, your pattern is beautiful and special. Tell me how you did it?" She looked at it seriously.

“Oh, I drew the pattern of the flower first. Yan Zhu cut the material according to the pattern, sewed it into petals one by one, and then nailed them on one by one.”

This method is really imitated by Master Qing of Cai Luan Ge. In her last life, she also wore clothes from Cai Luan Pavilion. But later, something happened to Master Qing, and Cailuan Pavilion's business stopped.

 She also likes Master Qing's craftsmanship and has deliberately learned it, but it is only similar in appearance. If you don’t know other people’s secrets, you can’t just do it casually.

"Ah! It's amazing. You draw well, and Yan Zhu does well. Moreover, the layout of the skirt is reasonable, neither simple nor complicated, just right!"

"Yan Zhu? Who is Yan Zhu?" The sixth sister Wen Su also saw Wen Yu's skirt and didn't know when she came over.

 “Oh, it’s the red bean beside me.”

 “Hongdou, why did you change her name?”

 For ordinary girls, their names are based on their master's preference. Once you get married, you will be called "from so-and-so's family". They are not worthy of their own names.

"That day, I was looking for things left by my mother. It turned out that Yan Zhu's mother was a woman who had fallen into the water and was saved by my mother when she was still in the boudoir. Her husband disappeared, her belongings were gone, and she was still pregnant. Her grandmother and mother were kind-hearted and rescued her.

 Find someone to help her give birth to a daughter, Yanzhu. Her mother has always been with my mother. Later... he also died of illness. Therefore, strictly speaking, Anko is not a slave. I immediately discovered it and felt that it was not appropriate to treat her as a slave anymore. He gave her a name and asked her to take her mother's surname. "

Wen Su listened at the side and smiled disapprovingly. What kind of pregnant woman fell into the water, so kindly rescued her... maybe she didn't know what was going on!

Cousin Hui nodded, "Your grandmother and mother are both kind-hearted people. If Yan Zhu is born well, and you are considerate, he will be blessed in the future."

Wen Jiao had enough chatting there, and seeing the liveliness they were talking about here, she came over with airs and said, "Sister, I asked Chunhui to tell you that day that I want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake. When will you make it?! "

 She held it in for a while and finally came to question her!

 Actually, it was not she who wanted to eat the osmanthus cake, but a friend named Zhao Ruoxin who particularly liked it. Once, I even brought her a bag home. Zhao Ruoxin has a brother named Zhao Wensong. He is really a handsome young man... not too bad, and he really likes the smell.

 After getting the feedback, Wen Jiao was very happy and asked Wen Yu to do it again, choosing a special time to send it. However, she told Zhao Ruoxin that she did it herself.

 There have been a lot of things going on at home recently, so I haven’t seen each other for some days. She thought that if the Zhao family came to attend the wedding, let him...Zhao Ruoxin...bring back another box.

  Haha, these two... Wen Yu almost laughed out loud: "Eh?! Third sister, didn't I tell Chunhui the other day? I don't eat or cook recently."

 Wen Jiao really didn’t expect that Wen Yu could refuse in front of her face...

Anger rushed to his head: "Who said that if I wanted to eat, I would cook it for me? Oh! When I didn't want to eat, you rushed to deliver it. Now that I want it, let me tell you carefully, but you got Joe instead?" "

Wen Yu also looked at Wen Jiao with some confusion. In the last life, he was really so careless... He worked so hard to please people, and he still enjoyed it even though he couldn't get anything?

"Third sister, I have been making sweet-scented osmanthus cake for you for three years, right? Did you take the flour or give the sweet-scented osmanthus as a gift? Or repay me in other ways? What's the matter? I want to make it for you for the rest of my life? I owe you too. "You?" Wen Jiao blushed, "Do you think I care about it?" She raised her voice.

"You must be curious! Otherwise, why would you tell Zhao Ruoxin that you made the sweet-scented osmanthus cake?!" Wen Yu had a sarcastic face, but his attitude was not soft at all.

Wen Jiao was shocked and angry, "When did I say I did it?!"

"Didn't you say it? Then why does Zhao Ruoxin think so? If I see her when my eldest brother gets married, I will ask!"

Wen Huan had been eavesdropping. At this time, she walked over calmly.

"Ha! What a happy event it is for my eldest brother to get married!? With your destiny, you are too embarrassed to participate! You are not afraid of being disrespectful to others!" Wen Jiao had a vicious look on her face.

"Is my destiny bad?! My third sister, aren't you still rosy and living a good life?" Wen Yu looked her up and down with disdain.

"You, you, you!" Wen Jiao said a few times, but couldn't catch the words. She stared at her, then snorted loudly, tossed her sleeves and left.

 The movement here finally made the old lady look over with a frown.

Wen Huan pursed her lips and smiled, and said in a coquettish voice: "It's just a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, so it won't be such a quarrel... Big sister, don't get angry every now and then!"

Wen Yu also smiled and said, "Hey! We, the little girls, only have little things like handkerchiefs, cakes, etc. Even if we say it! We won't take it seriously."

Wen Huan blushed, took two steps back, and left.

 Haha, another angry person...

Cousin Hui glanced at Wen Yu, touched her gently, and shook her head, "Second aunt loves sister Jiao the most, you should be more careful."

The wife of the house, if you offend her or make a stumbling block, you will not be able to live this life.

Wen Yu smiled at her cousin and her anger dissipated: If you are stupid, you will be bullied by others!


Wen Yu returned to the house and saw that Yan Zhu was in the house, studying the calculation in the mist...both hands and all ten fingers were used, pulling.

Seeing Wen Yu come back, Yan Zhu felt a little aggrieved. There were so many fun things outside, but she was settling accounts in the house...

“How is it? Do you understand?” Wen Yu asked with a smile.

Yan Zhu can read and write, although her reading and writing are not good either. But her skills as a female celebrity are quite outstanding! He is also a master of cooking soup without any teacher. She probably followed her mother’s spirituality!

 However, she doesn’t know how to calculate and keep accounts. Wen Yu has been giving her lectures these days.

 It’s just that Yan Zhu never gets tired of doing what he likes to do.

 She doesn't like doing accounting, so she can't learn it.

I would rather put Wen Yu's clothes and jewelry in, take them out, and spend a whole day revising them than sit here and read the account books.

Wen Yu sat down and looked at the account done by Yan Zhu. Yan Zhu fawningly brought her a bowl of lotus seed and lily soup from the charcoal stove nearby. "Taste it?"

Looking at her flattering smile, Wen Yu felt a little helpless.

Hong Xing'er lingered in the room for a while and then went out with an excuse.

Wen Yu looked at her back and asked Yan Zhu, "Have you told Xiao Ji?"

"I haven't said it yet! Zhuzhu wants to test her! Zhuzhu told Xiaoji: I hate Hongxing and want to get her handle to drive her out. Let Xiaoji keep an eye on her for me. If my thing can be done, I gave her the gold earrings that the girl had given her. She agreed! I have to see if she is capable!" Yan Zhu shook her head, very proud!

“Oh, our Zhuzhu is so smart.” Wen Yu teased her.

"That's right!" Yan Zhu scratched her neck proudly, "The girl is going to do something big, Zhu Zhu has to keep up!"

 “Then this account…”

 “Girl, isn’t today’s soup sweet?”

 (End of this chapter)

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