Chapter 18 Get used to nature

After hearing what her husband said, Mrs. Yuan felt a sense of sorrow and sorrow in her heart.

 Over the years, she has regarded those things as her own. Manage it with care and use it at will.

 Turns out, it’s not! It's so embarrassing to have people chasing after you!

The circles in her eyes were hot and tears flowed out.

Wen Qian understood, so he wiped her tears carefully and coaxed softly: "Okay, don't cry. Originally, it wasn't necessary to do this! It's just that when her uncle comes back, he will definitely be involved in this matter. In the next two days, my father will be back...and I will go to Beijing again.

 A variety of factors restrict me from being too strict... I also have some money in my hand, and I will give it all to you! When you go to the capital, you can buy whatever you want. It will be in your name, and I will use your name in the future. "

 Justifiably so…

 It turns out that the one I took before had an unfair name.

Yuan Shi was even more sad.

"Husband, you know the cause of the matter. At the beginning, I didn't want to take this piece..."

"I know, I asked you to hold it." Wen Qian was very gentle.

"How much effort did it take for me to take it over, straighten it out, and put it in order?" Yuan's eyes were filled with tears and runny nose. She would not have bothered to say this before. But now...

 “I understand, Ajun, I can see all your busy work and hard work.”

"It's nothing... As a wife, it's my duty to share your worries." Mrs. Yuan was really excited, her voice was weak, "One of the money I earned was used for socializing during your appointment. Also, I am with you. My colleague’s wife is interacting with the girls... You are too fond of us Huan Huan. Her clothes, use, hiring a master, buying a piano... all the money is gone like water. Now let me hand it over..."

Just thinking about it makes me panic and feel distressed, "It's just an inheritance, but where can I get the money?"

Wen Qian patted her and comforted her: "I understand. You sort it out first and give it to me. I will have a good idea first and know how to talk to her."

Yuan was stunned for a long time, but her husband did not change his words. Knowing that the situation was over, I could only nod in agreement.

 There are some things that just haven’t fallen down. It feels like you are used to holding it in your hands, but you have to lose it again...

 Those arrangements she made after going to the capital, those grand plans and prospects. All in vain?

Yuanshi lowered her eyes, hiding her hatred.

This dead girl, I thought I was going to get rid of her completely, but I didn’t expect to be waiting for me here!

  Why weren't she allowed to go with the **** Chen Tongyun in the first place?


 Wen Yu lists the steps to harvest the property and details in all aspects.

Tapping her fingers on the table, she thought: The biggest problem at the moment is: she has no one. This is not just gold, silver and jewelry. Just take it back and put it in a box and lock it.

 Forget about running those fields and shops. Even if it is rented out, a grown-up girl cannot come to collect the rent? !

 Although how to operate, I learned it all from Song Shang in the previous life.

 But Song Shang has several teams. He is only responsible for making decisions, and there are people to do everything!

 When the eldest brother gets married, he will be able to see him... Can he do this favor for me first?

  Turning his head, he glanced at the red coral hairpin brocade box placed in the corner...

 Alas, he sighed: In the last life, I didn’t even know why he liked me.

 This set of red coral jewelry has been with her in her last life. Every time I wear it, people around me will be shocked. The price is high, and the key is that it is extremely rare. This time he sent it again, with the same thought...

It’s just that I suffered enough in my previous life, so I won’t mess around with him anymore in this life.

 But the matter requires his help... How can we achieve the goal?

“Zhuzhu, we are short of people!”

 “Zhuzhu can do it for you!” Yan Zhu, whose name has been changed, is busy with work. She doesn't like to use her brain the most, but she is very handy.

"How come you are so busy? You need a lot of people! Those who manage the fields, those who run the shops, those who collect rent, and those who manage the treasury. It turns out that the people they used cannot be trusted even if they are not withdrawn. And next, I I still need to go out. When I go out, I need a car and a driver. I need a reliable person to protect me... Hong Xing'er, I can't do it from now on. I’m not going to let you do this anymore, there are more important things…”

Yan Zhu’s eyes turned around in a gibbering manner.

“We need so many people! Girl, Zhuzhu, please recommend one first, Xiaoji’s family.”

 “Xiaoji?” A short and fat man appeared in front of Wen Yu.

"Yes, Xiaoji has a father and mother, two older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother. They are all quite capable. Moreover, her brothers are all good-looking! Her sister is also okay, but Xiaoji is ugly. Giggles... "Yan Zhu laughed mindlessly.

Wen Yu also smiled, Zhuzhu knew how to judge people by their appearance.

"I heard that Xiao Ji's mother was attracted by the chief steward's son because of her good looks. But she didn't want to, so she liked Xiao Ji's father. Later, the chief steward's son took over his father's affairs and would definitely squeeze Xiao Ji. One family.

Xiaoji’s two older brothers are tall and have white teeth. They are both very clean. I can read and do things well, but I'm just not popular. What pain makes them do.

Originally, Xiaoji's family also saved some money, thinking that if it didn't work out, they would redeem themselves and go out, but... I don't know if someone is causing mischief, and if they save some money, they will miss out. I can't get out!

 As for Xiao Ji, even though he is ugly, he is also quite dexterous. There is no one in this family that she is not familiar with. What she wants most is to be a big girl in front of girls. But no one wants her like that! Tsk tsk. "

Yan Zhu said with joy.

"Girl, tell me how she looks. She is short and fat, and her calves are short! But when she walks, she walks very fast, rolling like a ball, hahahaha."

Wen Yu also smiled, "Do you make fun of her like this in front of her face?"

 “Yes!” Zhuzhu said matter-of-factly. "But she's not annoyed either. Actually... I'm pretty good to her. I give her plenty of food. I even gave her a silver hairpin. I thought the cotton cloth you gave me last time was too ugly, so I gave it to her. . It was a pleasure for her to take it home and make clothes for her brother!"

 “Hmm…” Wen Yu thought.

“Yi Zhuzhu sees that her family is being oppressed by others and has no future at all. Why don’t you just bring them all over! I heard that her father can write and settle accounts. How great!”

 “Okay! Listen to our Zhuzhu!”

“Hey, girl, don’t pamper Zhuzhu so much, Zhuzhu will become complacent!” She raised her head and said proudly with her little black face.

While the two were talking, Hongxing came back from outside. Today, no one is looking for the eldest wife.

 She was in a hurry, and her face didn't look good.

As soon as she came in, Chunhui, the eldest girl in the third girl's gentle house, came over and asked, "Is the eldest girl in the house?"

Hongxing said quickly: "Sister Chunhui, our girl is in the house!"

Chunhui came in and bowed politely when he saw Wen Yu.

Wen Yu looked at the things on the table and asked casually, "Is there something wrong?"

“Miss, our girl said she wants to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake! I’ll give you some time to make some in these two days.”

"No time!"

Chunhui didn't realize what Wen Yu was saying, but said to himself: "The girl said that the last episode showed chestnut noodles...ah? What did you say? No time?" She finally realized.

“Well, I don’t feel like eating lately, so I won’t do it.”

"But..." Chunhui was actually unhappy, "But our girl wants to eat it."

“If you girls want to eat, just make it!” Yan Zhu rushed over, “Whatever our girls want to eat, I will make it right away!”

She looked down upon Chunhui arrogantly.

 Chunhui has never experienced this! She looked at the master and servant curiously, rolled her eyes and said, "Okay! That's it! Then come back with our girl!" She gave a silly salute, turned around and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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