Chapter 1 Blame the shy one

Late at night, Wenfu Furongxuan.

 The oil lamp beside the bedside of the bedroom was shining with a faint light.

 The bed tent covered the bed tightly.

 The bed curtain was made of silk gauze that was changed only in late spring, and was very thin. I can still vaguely see: a pair of figures in the tent.

The woman looked confused and charming.

 “…You still care so little about me?!” The man dodged teasingly.

 But the woman was even more obsessed...

 It’s coming to a critical juncture…


Outside the window, a gleam of fire flashed, illuminating the room instantly.

 The two of them discovered it immediately!

 “Huh?!” He was shocked.

 “Fire!” A woman screamed from nowhere.

The two men immediately left each other behind, stood up in a hurry, opened the curtain and got down to the ground.

 But because of the rush, the action was too big! The curtains were thrown out, the oil lamps were knocked over and extinguished.

When I stood on the ground hurriedly, I realized that thick smoke had rolled into the house through the window, and flames were also coming in...

 “Oh my God! What should I do?” the woman screamed in a low voice.


The woman who was keeping watch at the house was taking a nap in a corner sheltered from the wind. When she heard the shouting, she broke into a cold sweat.

I suddenly lost my sleepiness, and climbed up to the rockery next to me and spread my arms around...

Sure enough, there was a fire in the northwest direction of the house, which was particularly eye-catching in the middle of the night.

The woman was frightened and wanted to jump down and call someone, but she was so anxious that she fell to the ground.

Ignoring the pain, I climbed up, banged the gong in my hand, and shouted in a hoarse voice, "It's on fire! Put out the fire!"

While screaming, he turned his legs and ran towards the direction of the fire.

The sound of clanging gongs sounded as she walked.

"Here comes someone! There's a fire! Come and put out the fire!" She changed her tune in such a hurry.

Someone in the two small courtyards passing by heard it, opened the door in a hurry, and leaned out to take a look.

It was dark all around the garden, so the fire was very obvious.

 After seeing it, he also shouted, picked up the barrel and ran towards the fire place.

 Everyone was focused on putting out the fire, so no one noticed that a slender black figure was quickly leaving the scene of the fire.

 When several maids who were putting out the fire came closer, they realized that the one on fire was Furongxuan, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Furongxuan has always been empty and unoccupied! Okay, least it won't burn anyone.

So the yellers prepared to enter the courtyard to put out the fire, but found that the courtyard door was locked.

Before I had time to go to the steward to get the key, someone picked up the tiles from the side, smashed them several times, and then the door opened.

Everyone rushed in with buckets and wooden basins in hand.

The firelight illuminated the yard very brightly...

Facing the main entrance, two white figures hugged each other...



Everyone screamed in surprise, but relying on the large number of people, they did not run away. Instead, they stood there and looked carefully: it was not a ghost...


 They are two naked people!

These women wish they had two extra eyes. How could they have seen such a **** **** palace before~~

 The tall one among them is a man, with a shaved head and short hair that reaches his shoulders.

 Standing there naked, even without shoes.

The other one is petite, with her head and face buried in his chest. She must be a woman, but she can’t see her face, so she doesn’t know who it is.

The firelight reflected her snow-white body, with her black hair hanging down to her thighs.

This scene is really thrilling.

A few people stared dumbly, letting the flames roar up to the roof.

 When everyone turns their eyes from the two naked bodies to their faces...

 Two…Two two two, sir?

 The women are even more stupid.

That naked man is none other than Wen Feng, the second master of the mansion!

His handsome face in the firelight was livid, and he said harshly: "If you look at it again, I'll poke your eyes out! Why don't you put out the fire!?"

 That's when everyone reacted.

Mother, what did I see? ! At this moment, everyone wished they had gone blind.

This man is famous for being cruel and ruthless.

 It’s over, it’s over…it’s going to be silenced.

 Everyone started to put out the fire in a hurry.

Wen Feng hugged the woman and walked out.

 In the rush of putting out the fire, everyone did not forget to use their "peripheral vision" to identify the woman...

Who is this?

I can’t even see my face clearly!

If you really die because of this, you are an unjust ghost!

Seeing them, the two people stepped out of the door.

By coincidence, there were sharp pieces of wood and broken iron bolts left on the steps when the door lock was broken.

 The woman’s bare feet as she trotted stepped on...

With her little feet, she doesn’t walk much on weekdays.

 It’s as fresh and tender as white tofu…

The heartbreaking pain made her scream "Ah" and fall down the steps.

Wen Feng quickly pulled it, but the body was too smooth.

   Unexpectedly, I didn’t hold it!

Not only did he fall down the three steps, he also rolled over.

It happened that several nursing homes outside the hospital got the message and came to put out the fire, and they took a quick look at it.

 These nursing homes generate a lot of income. There are also people who like to hang out in Fengyue Field on weekdays. Seeing this scene, they can't help but become poetic: "A clump of beautiful bamboos covers the mountain stream, and the gate is now open for you!"

 One by one, they almost went crazy!

The women who came in earlier finally saw that face...

  四…Mrs. Four-Four-Four? !

 Wen Feng did not react slowly and pulled the woman up.

The woman’s long hair covers half of her face, and her hands cover the other half.

 Having Wen Feng half-carry and half-carry him away...

 Have we seen the magic horse? !

While everyone was putting out the fire, they were shouting in their hearts: Oh my God!

 The second eldest brother-in-law is having an affair with the fourth younger brother and sister!

His naked body was looked at by everyone!

Oh my God!

We are going to be silenced for this matter, and it’s not even an injustice!

 Fortunately, the dozen or so people present saw it. So, you won’t deal with so many people at once... right?

But, that’s the second master! So cruel! This is how to do?

Everyone was frightened in their hearts, their eyes were turning wildly, and their hands were not slow. They worked together and put out the fire in a short time.

 Looking at the water all over the ground, the collapsed doors and windows, and the falling eaves and smoke.

 Smelling the strong smell of paste, I thought about the dream scene just now.

 Everyone's fear faded away, and emotions filled their hearts.

 Tsk! On weekdays, I only see that the second master is handsome... but I didn't expect... Ouch, he is quite mighty! No wonder no wonder!

They all swallowed their saliva, their faces turned red!

 Two women who were friends with each other bit their ears.

"Did you see it? It's the second master and the fourth wife."

"Yeah, yeah, they... Ouch! So embarrassed!" He covered the old red face with his thick hands.

"Here, where do we start talking about this! It's the fourth wife..." Someone came up to her, her eyes brightening!

  The fourth wife, Mrs. Liu, is very painful to the old lady. She is very arrogant on weekdays! You don’t even look at people seriously!

 Pinch your small waist, and when you walk, you look as beautiful as a willow swaying in the wind.

I heard that in order to stay in shape, I skipped dinner for many years!

 “My God…she is so white and slippery!” The old woman couldn’t help but smile cruelly on her face.

"I also said that she has not been in office with the fourth master for so many years, has not given birth to children, behaves like a widow, and is not in a hurry. I dare you...she has a sweetheart at home!"

 “Did you see that? The Fourth Madam, you are so sensitive!”

 “Oh, they are really good at playing!”

Everyone looked at this gorgeous but quiet little courtyard, where they could have a lot of fun and no one bothered them.

 It’s good to play!

Everyone nodded.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, you bastards!

I am coming again!

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 (End of this chapter)

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