The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 431: School starts again!

With Estella's advice, Hermione made a careful selection and finally chose two very matching dresses for her and Fish.

What she chose for herself was a black robe with intricate and gorgeous patterns outlined with silver threads, and a circle of wrinkled lace around the robe's neckline, cuffs, and skirt.

And Fish's is a white-based dress robe, which is the exact opposite of Hermione's robe. Fish's dress has black treatment on the neckline and cuffs, compared to the gorgeous design of Hermione's dress. , Fisher's dress is relatively simple.

However, the cat's requirements for clothes are not high, as long as it is black and white, he is very happy.

After choosing the clothes, Estella used Ollivander's same tape measure to measure their body data before taking out two sets of dresses that fit their bodies from the warehouse.

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"Have fun at the dance."

Estella touched Fish's head, and reluctantly sent the two to the door of the store.

After putting the two's dresses into Fish's magic pocket, Cat Cat and Hermione didn't even bother to hang out, and simply went back home.




"Why didn't you tell Fish about the Triwizard Tournament!"

Mao Mao, who had rushed towards Professor McGonagall, ran halfway, suddenly stopped, and protested angrily.

" already know..."

Professor McGonagall smacked his lips and rubbed his temples with a headache.

She didn't want to tell Fish about this in advance, not only because the Ministry of Magic asked for it to be kept secret, but also because Professor McGonagall knew that if the little skin cat knew about it, she would definitely ask her questions again.

As for the competition, it's the second thing, Professor McGonagall is still very confident in the strength of his cat.

"Who told you about this?" she asked.

"It's Ms. Estella, and she picked out a dress robe for Fish and I...well, we haven't paid the bill."

Hermione answered honestly, reminding Professor McGonagall to pay the bill.

Professor McGonagall nodded, then reached out and scratched Fish's cat ears, soothing the petulant cat.

"Because the Ministry of Magic asked us to keep it secret, Estella didn't comply, but I can't do it...and, you'll know in a few days, it doesn't make much difference, right?"

"Oh yes..."


Fischer was right when he thought about it, and immediately stopped being angry, and threw himself on Professor McGonagall.

"Minerva, what are you going to compare to the Triwizard Tournament? Is there a fight? Fishu wants to participate, too!"


Just as Professor McGonagall had expected, the cat immediately stalked her and asked.

Professor McGonagall rolled his eyes and said, "Of course it's impossible to tell you about this year's competition. The last Triwizard Tournament was also hundreds of years ago, so I don't remember it clearly, but... …”

Her words changed: "There are books in my study that record the materials of the Triwizard Tournament in previous years. If you are interested, you can take a look."



The cat's face immediately collapsed.

"You know that Feixu doesn't like reading meows! Bad Minerva!"


"Then I have no choice."

Professor McGonagall shrugged and smiled smugly.

"Minerva, bad-hearted!"


Mao Mao naturally guessed what Professor McGonagall was thinking. He pouted and stared at the bad mother angrily.

But soon, Fish thought of a way.

"Hermione~ you read to Fish!"

Mao Mao decisively abandoned her mother who wanted to force her to study, and ran to her new girlfriend.

Naturally, Hermione couldn't ask for it, but...

She glanced at Professor McGonagall cautiously, and saw the other person nodded to her with a smile, and said, "That book is placed on the top shelf of the left bookshelf, it should be in the middle, with a brown cover."

If Mao Mao went to study, it would be good. If not, Professor McGonagall was also happy to see Fish and Hermione's relationship getting closer.

After getting the consent of Professor McGonagall, Hermione dragged Fish to the study. Besides wanting to read to Mao Mao, she was also curious about the situation of the Triwizard Tournament.

Soon, Hermione found the book that recorded the Triwizard Tournament, and while reading it to Fish and reading it for herself, Hermione's heart dropped a little.

Because according to the records in the book, there were frequent dead people in the Triwizard Tournament, most of which seemed to be accidents, and at least half of them were killed by the hands of various dangerous magical creatures...

This is basically impossible for Fish.

Fisch also listened with interest, because this Triwizard Tournament was much more interesting than Quidditch, which made Mao Mao look forward to the start of school.

The next day, Professor McGonagall took Fish and Hermione to Diagon Alley to buy books and items for the fourth grade, and nothing special happened during the period...

That is, Mrs. Morgan seemed a little unhappy after learning that Ms. Estella had sent Fish and Hermione clothes first, and forcibly stuffed two sets of very traditional dress robes for Professor McGonagall.

But to be honest, Fish and Hermione both preferred the one from Estella, while Professor McGonagall, contrary to them, felt that this traditional dress was the best.

After purchasing the items, Professor McGonagall took Hermione to the Ministry of Magic to register her Animagus identity. As for the Animagus Club, due to time constraints, she did not go with her for the time being.

In the days that followed, daily reports in the Daily Prophet lashed out at the Ministry of Magic, leaving a number of Ministry officials in a frenzy, but it had nothing to do with Fish and the others.

Cat and Hermione wandered around Hogsmeade, occasionally going to meet his animal friends in the Forbidden Forest, and at night they would transform into cat forms and climb on the roof to count the stars and watch the moon.

Even Fish had time to get Comey to send herself and Hermione back to Granger's house to meet her parents...

Watch TV for a while.

The week went by so quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time to start school.

On this day, it was pouring rain. Fortunately, Fish didn't plan to take that boring train. Likewise, Hermione didn't take the Hogwarts Express. Tak went back to school.

"Argus, hello meow!"


When Fish came to the castle, he happily greeted Argus Filch, the gatekeeper.

Filch also responded with a smile: "Long time no see, Fish."


Mrs. Norris, who was on the side, came and rubbed the cuffs of Feishu's trousers.

Then both Filch and Mrs Norris turned their big eyes to Hermione beside Fish.

"You, how are you..."

Hermione greeted one person and one cat weakly. Filch and his cat were no less deterrent than Snape in the group of students, even when a good student Hermione faced Filch. , is also a little embarrassing.

Fortunately, after staring at her for a while, Filch squeezed out a smile and said, "Hello, Miss Granger."

Mrs. Norris also gave a faint "meow", but did not come up to rub her.

"We're going first, Argus."

Professor McGonagall nodded to Filch, then led the two into the castle.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?

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