The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 240: Fisch's circle of friends

In the afternoon it was Professor McGonagall’s transformation class. No one dared to be late easily. In addition, the transformation classroom and the auditorium were only on the first floor, so most students went straight to the classroom after lunch.

"You said, what did Professor Dumbledore call Feish?"

Since class had not yet started, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, who were idle and bored, began to chat in twos and threes, and the topics that everyone talked about were only Phil Xu.

"I don't know, but it should be a good thing? Fisch looked very excited at the time, and he was actively dragging Professor Dumbledore."

"I was sitting next to Fisch, and I heard Professor Dumbledore saying something like'Fox','Time's up', etc. to him."

Lavender Brown, who was sitting next to Fisch at lunch and being divided into bowls of dumplings, said quietly.

"Fox? Does our school have this person?"

"Hufflepuff seems to have a name, but he was also in the auditorium at the time, so it shouldn't be him."

"Probably some magical creature again?"

Harry, who was taken by Feish to the Forbidden Forest and met the world, guessed so, and received unanimous approval from everyone.

Just when a group of people was boringly guessing what kind of animal Fox was, the bell rang for class and Fisch opened the door of the classroom and walked in with Professor McGonagall.

As usual, Fisch attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared, but unlike usual, everyone's eyes fell on Fisch's head this time.

I saw Fei Xu's thick silver-gray hair, a red chick lying prone, very conspicuous.

The phoenix in its juvenile stage grows very fast. In a short period of time, all its feathers have grown out, a fluffy ball of fiery red, and it looks very cute.

Coupled with Feish holding it, instantly made the little witches present maternally exclaimed.


Professor McGonagall suppressed the students' commotion, and then glanced at the little fur cat next to him.

"Don't hurry back to your seat, it's going to go to class."

He slapped Fisch on the back, Professor McGonagall urged.

Then Fisch obediently stood against Fox and ran back to his seat.

Although Fisch was very obediently attending the class throughout the class and completed all the tasks in the class carefully, Professor McGonagall was very dissatisfied with this transformation class.

Because the combination of cat and little Phoenix is ​​so eye-catching, other students seem a little absent-minded in class, and from time to time they turn their eyes to Fisch, who is listening carefully, and the little Phoenix on his head, even if Professor McGonagall is fiercely It is not very useful to deduct a few points.

The most important thing is that she can't blame Fisch for this, after all, she had agreed with Professor McGonagall to bring Fox into the classroom.

"get out of class end!"

When the get out of class bell rang, Professor McGonagall, who was very dissatisfied with the effect of the class, simply doubled the original homework and arranged it.

Since it is not good to listen to the lectures in class, use the amount of homework after class to make up for it!

After Professor McGonagall finished the assignment and left, everyone didn't even bother to complain about the sudden increase in the amount of homework, but just gathered around Fisch.

"Fish, when Dumbledore came to you at noon, was it because of it?"

Ron stared at the fluffy red bird on Fisch's head curiously, and asked curiously, "What bird is this?"

Reaching out and grabbing Fox from his head and placing it on the table, Fisch took out the white fresh leaves from his pocket and fed it to Fox, while introducing everyone: "This is Fox, it's a phoenix cat."


Little Fox let out a clear cry, greeting the students around him.


The surrounding students exclaimed, they craned their necks to see Fox's appearance clearly.

The know-it-all Hermione said excitedly: "I saw in Hogwarts: A School History, Dumbledore has a pet phoenix!"

"You are talking about Fox."


Fisch touched Fox's head with his finger, and explained: "He has just been Nirvana at noon, so he is now such a small one. Because now he needs a lot of herbs to help Fox grow up, I specially asked Abu. I want to give him to me to raise a cat for a while."

"Doesn't that mean that we will often see phoenixes in the dormitory in the future?"

Seamus said excitedly on the side, causing the other Gryffindors to be excited, while Ravenclaw's students were too jealous.

What kind of **** luck did Gryffindor's rash men take? It's not enough to have cats, and now there are more phoenixes!

Seeing the envy and envy gaze that Ravenclaw around him casts at him, the students of Gryffindor are so comfortable...

Sure enough, Fei Xu is the best!


The fact that Fisch raised a little phoenix quickly spread throughout the school. Everyone rushed to Fisch to watch Fox, who was still a young bird.

After all, such a miraculous creature as Phoenix is ​​rare, and few people have seen the little Phoenix in his childhood. The few senior students are lucky enough to have seen Fox as an adult.

The two guys, Colin and Malfoy, even came to take a lot of photos.

It’s just a great pity for everyone that, two days after Fisch faced Fox, the school began to have a holiday, and because of the attack, many people chose to go home during the holiday.

Although a few regretted staying, most of them left the school by taking the Hogwarts Express according to their original plan.

When Fox was long enough to fly, Fisch found a weather without snow and took it to the Forbidden Forest to meet his friends.

Then Feish discovered that Fox originally knew a lot of creatures in the Forbidden Forest, especially the Night Skele group led by Wuwu. Dumbledore would occasionally ride them to travel far, so Fox and them were quite familiar.

It's a pity that the weather is too cold, the lake is already frozen, and Fox doesn't know how to dive, otherwise Feish plans to take him to get to know Kanaloa and the fish people.

But there is another friend who can introduce to Fox, of course, before that, Fisch has to check with it first.

"Fox, are you afraid of the basilisk?"


Although from the point that the phoenix can rebirth from Nirvana, Fisch guessed that Fox would not be afraid of the deadly gaze of the basilisk, but to be on the safe side, it is still necessary to ask clearly.


When Fisch suddenly mentioned the basilisk to himself, Fox was also taken aback, but he answered Fisch's question honestly.

As Fisch guessed, the basilisk's gaze is not effective for the phoenix, and even the adult phoenix is ​​not much worse than the basilisk in combat effectiveness. Although it can't kill the basilisk, it will not be killed by the basilisk~ That's great! Meow! "


Because of the racial characteristics of Uroboros, Fisch could not introduce his friends to it. The only Kanaloa who was not afraid of his eyes was that he could only live in the lake. Fisch always felt that Uro was alone in the pipe. Poros was a little pitiful.

Now I can finally introduce a new partner to him!

So Feish grabbed Fox and put it on his head, then ran to the third floor.

As he ran, he explained to Fox above his head: "Fisch has made a basilisk friend in the castle. I will take you to meet him now!"


Fox: "...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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