The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 187: 1 farce

As a few people walked into the classroom with Lockhart, this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class officially began.

After entering the classroom, Fisch did not turn into a cat and crawled into the desk drawer to sleep as usual. Instead, he sat in his seat obediently, expecting what Lockhart would tell.

As for his favorite "Lockhart Tales"...

With the exception of Professor McGonagall's transformation class, Feish has never brought textbooks.


Lockhart, who was standing at the front of the classroom, cleared his throat loudly and attracted everyone’s attention. The picture is exactly the same smile.

"I, Guidro Lockhart, Merlin Medal III, Honorary Member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts League, five times won the "Witcher Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award-but I don't talk about that, I am not Relying on smiles to get rid of Wan Lun's female ghost!"

He repeated the honor he had won, and said a joke that was not very funny.

Then there was a burst of sparse laughter below—all a sneer of disdain.

"But, Professor Guidro..." (●ΦωΦ●)

The honest kitty raised her hand and dismantled it without noticing: "Fish has heard this sentence of yours several times."

Lockhart's expression stagnated, and immediately after the students in the classroom, he burst into laughter, and Ron even thumped the table exaggeratedly.

But this level of embarrassment couldn’t help Lockhart, who had been fighting for a long time. He quickly explained with a smile: "Oh, of course, I did say a little bit lately, because I think that as yours Professor, it is necessary for you to understand all aspects of me carefully."

Ron curled his lips in disdain below, and didn't believe his rhetoric at all, and there were many people who shared his views.

On the contrary, the innocent Feish easily believed Lockhart’s statement. He nodded and frowned in approval: “Sometimes Feish has to talk to Minerva many times before she is willing to buy me a new one. Toy meow."ω

After solving Fisch's interruption, Lockhart continued along the subject.

"It just so happens that I prepared a quiz today. Don't be afraid-just to see how much you know about me, how much have you read my work..."

He took out a stack of papers and handed it out, then returned to the podium, "I'll give you thirty minutes. Now...start!"

Fisch looked at the paper with a bitter face, not really wanting to do this test, but he wanted to hear the story told by Lockhart, so he fell into entanglement for a while.

Although the other students disliked Lockhart all sorts of things, they were always professors anyway, so they still picked up the quill and started filling in.

Seeing that everyone else started to write, Fisch felt that it was not good to just sit there, so he asked Parvati next to him to borrow a quill and began to write on the paper.

1. What color is Guidro Lockhart's favorite?

Fisch looked up at Lockhart on the podium-a turquoise robe and a turquoise hat with a gold rim, then the answer was obvious.

2. What is Guidro Lockhart's secret ambition?

have no idea.

Kitty wrote down the answer honestly.

3. What do you think is Guidro Lockhart’s greatest achievement so far?

Wrote many interesting stories.


Because the papers were filled with simple questions, Fisch answered quickly. The main reason was that he didn't know most of the questions.

Soon, Fisch did the last question.

54. When is Guidro Lockhart’s birthday? What is his ideal birthday present?

have no idea! delicious!

After finishing the last question, Fisch returned the quill to Parvati, and then held the paper up high, "Professor Guidro, Fisch finished writing!" (●ΦωΦ●)

At this time, less than five minutes passed.

"Really? Let me have a look!"

Lockhart walked up to Feish with joy and collected his papers.

Then he looked at the "don't know" written like a child in the paper, and fell into silence.

"Ahaha..." Lockhart, who was planning to read the Feishu paper while commenting on it, laughed twice and covered the paper on the podium. It’s written in the book."

"Meow?" ω

Feixu tilted his head and said in doubt, "But Feixu has never heard of Meow."

"Listen?" Lockhart noticed the anomaly in Feish's words.

"Yeah. Feish doesn't like reading. All your books are what Minerva reads to Feish as a bedtime story."

"Sleep... Bedtime story..."

Lockhart twitched his mouth, but still found a way to praise himself, "It seems that Professor McGonagall still approves of my work."

Probably because he was worried that something would pop out of Fisch's mouth that would make it difficult for him to step down, Lockhart quickly ended the conversation, "Okay, let's not disturb other students doing the questions, please keep quiet."

Fisch closed his mouth in cooperation, then took out a golden snitch from the magic pocket and started to play with it.

After half an hour, Lockhart collected all the papers and commented on it while reading it.

But obviously, everyone was not very interested in the correct answer, and Seamus and Dean even trembled with a silent laugh.

"The only person who gets full marks is Miss Hermione Granger! Good girl! Where is Miss Hermione Granger?"

Hermione trembled and raised her hand. The surprised eyes cast around her made her feel ashamed and angered, but before school started, how could she know that Guidro Lockhart was such a person, and she didn't specifically go to those contents. Back, just remember by the way, what can she do?

"Gryffindor adds very much!" Lockhart looked very happy.

But it was the first time Hermione was unhappy when she was given points by the professor.

"Now, get back to business..."

After praising Hermione, Lockhart raised a large cage covered with cloth from behind the podium.

"Now—be careful! My task is to teach you to resist the most evil things known in the magical world!"

I have to say that Lockhart still has a good hand in atmosphere mobilization, and his words made everyone quiet, and stared firmly at the big cage that was covered.

"You will face the most horrible things in this classroom. But remember, as long as I'm here, you won't be hurt in any way. I just ask you to stay calm."

Lockhart continued to speak alarmistly, and Neville in the first row even shrank back under the influence of his words.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Lockhart suddenly lifted the cover of the cage.

"The Cornwall Fairy just caught!"


Seamus couldn't help but sneered.

Little elves are not rare magical creatures. Although they are part of the XXX level by magic, they are not dangerous at all. They just like pranks and will not harm human lives.

Seeing that most of the students, like Seamus, dismissed the elf in the cage, Lockhart's face was a little bit uncontrollable.

"Don't underestimate them!" He shook his fingers angrily. "They may also be little spoilers as cunning as the devil!"

However, Seamus was still laughing, and was out of breath.

"Well," Lockhart yelled as he opened the cage, "Look at how you deal with them!"

The iron cyan little elves flew out of the cage immediately.

In Lockhart's expectation, they should start playing pranks as soon as they come out, and then stand up when the students are in a hurry, reaping their admiration and applause.

However, the development of things was different from what he had imagined. After the elves flew out, they swarmed around Feishu and yelled at him.

"You guys are good." (●ΦωΦ●)

Fisch greeted them enthusiastically, and then listened carefully for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Fisch took out his magic pocket, took out a large amount of food from it, and distributed it to the elves.

"Professor Guidro, you are hungry for them." ω

While distributing the food, Fisch frowned and said to Lockhart: "They said that after you bought them, they never fed them. They have not eaten for several days... You are not doing it right. Meow."

What Fisch said obviously did not match Lockhart's "just caught" before, but everyone must believe Fisch.

The facts are also true. Lockhart decided on the content of the first class very early, but he also knew his level and was worried that he would not be able to deal with these little elves, so he deliberately hungry them for a few days, trying to weaken them. they.

"Oh... yes, it's like this... I mean, maybe I forgot..."

Lockhart obviously didn't expect things to develop like this, and Fisch seemed to be able to communicate with the elves, and this time caused his thinking to be a little confused.

But he quickly recovered his calm, "Obviously, this is not a normal situation," Lockhart's voice became high again, "But this is also a good opportunity!"

Lockhart actually reached agreement with Professor Sprout's ideas at this moment. He smiled and said to the other students: "This is a rare opportunity to get close to these little villains!"

While he was talking, he touched one of the elf but the elf turned his head and shone Lockhart's palm with just one bite. The sharp teeth instantly tore his skin, and the blood came from Well out of the wound.

"I'm hurt!" Lockhart screamed like a little girl. He clutched his **** palm, and rushed out the door with a pale face, "Come on! I'm hurt! Doctor! Doctor! Where?!"

Because Lockhart ran so fast, Fisch didn't even have time to shoot him a rejuvenation.


Feish, who raised his hand halfway, put his hand on his head and scratched his hair, a little bit confused about Lockhart's behavior.

But I didn't bother to think about it if I didn't understand, Fisch returned his attention to the group of elves and asked other students to feed them together.

So the defense against the Dark Arts class in the first quarter of this semester was turned into a magical animal protection class by Fisch.


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