The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 86: Young people in Linz

1890 German Empire, Weimar City.

In front of the memorial statues of famous poets Goethe and Schiller in the theater square, in the busy flow of people, a crazy old man was yelling indulgently.

"God is dead, and a new age has come. I will tell you what a superman is..."

"What is an ape to man? A sneer or a painful humiliation. Man should do the same to Superman: a ridicule or a painful humiliation. You have finished the long distance from insect to man, but in many ways you are still Worm. Once you were apes, but now, people are more apes than any apes..."

The crazy and inverted speech made passers-by look at him. Parents covered their children's ears and eyes for fear of frightening the children, and even avoided this "madman" far away.

But in the face of the many gazes, the old man didn't realize it. Instead, he held his hip flask and raised his head to drink.


The sweet wine spilling from the corner of his mouth spilled on his cheeks, beard, and even his robe, but he didn't mind.

"Human, I preach to you the will of the earth..."

The crazy old man was still yelling indulgently. He was dancing and dancing, but no one listened to his voice. Only a group of playful children followed him and threw stones at him. The embarrassed old man was so hurt by the stone that he had to avoid him.

After a long time, the old man came up drunk and simply lay on the street, slumbering.

Ten years later, the old man died, leaving only a "Nietzsche" name and a few books in the world, but for the philosophical circles at that time, it meant the passing of a pioneer of the modern philosophical system.

The king of the philosopher's kingdom has died, and the genius who subverted the old morals and created a new moral system no longer exists, but his influence is extremely far-reaching.

The seventh year after Nietzsche's death, in 1907, Vienna, Austria.

"Mr. Adolf Hitler, your paintings are, we..."

A 17-year-old young man, a letter from the Vienna Conservatory of Music, the silent young man's face was blue and white, and finally unwilling to drag his luggage, he returned to his hometown angrily.


Linz, railway station, a young guy waits for the train among the crowd.

He combed the bangs that were popular at the time, and his neat and meticulous hair was smooth and shiny, just like his serious and slightly rigid personality. From time to time, I lower my head and look at the time of the pocket watch in my hand, waiting for my friend to appear.

Trains one after another, he kept looking at the code of the train, until the train he was waiting for finally arrived, he carefully scanned the people coming off the train, and finally, he saw himself amidst the crowds. Good friends...

With a stern face, an inch of hair, as always rigid, unsmiling, dragging a large suitcase, hard to squeeze the crowds in front of him.


The excited young guy waved to his good friend and shouted his friend's name loudly, while the young man named Adolf looked up at him, flashed a bit of surprise at first, but then seemed to think of it again. What a general, inexplicably silent.

When Adolf got off the train, the young guy walked with him and talked about how he missed his friends.

However, the good friend who used to be in his mind to be always talkative at this moment was taciturn, just dragging the suitcase and stuffing his head forward, and then listening to the words of the young guy beside him, he suddenly said something.

"Kubischick, I don't want to say this now."

After a moment of stunned, Kubitschek also noticed Adolf's gloom and stopped talking. He and Adolf had known each other for many years, and he knew that he should get along with his friend.


Adolf, who returned to his hometown of Linz, did not look strange at first, as he used to do. He wore well-dressed clothes every day, then wandered in his hometown of Linz with his cane, and occasionally used the saved money to listen to the concert Opera, which is also a common hobby between him and his only friend Kubisik.

In Kubisick's view, his friend is a weird person, stubborn and rigid, arrogant and arrogant.

His father was a customs clerk, but he died when he was very young. According to the regulations at the time, the widow of a civil servant was able to get a monthly allowance of 100 crowns, but it would cost 10 crowns every time he went to the theater. Adolf doesn't care about the money, and Mrs. Clara, Adolf's mother who loves her son deeply, also supports her children as always for Adolf's artistic dream, even though the expenses are so high.

Kubitschek once asked Adolf, if you are short of money, why not find some work to make money? Then, Adolf replied confidently.

"Work? I can't possibly go to work."

In Adolf's eyes, any job is just a "livelihood". Inexplicable conceit and arrogance made him disdain to do these small things. In Adolf's view, he should be dedicated to great poetry creation, painting and opera appreciation, rather than just making ends meet.

When talking about those "livelihoods", Adolf's mouth was full of contempt.

In addition, Adolf, who is keen on architecture, often takes Kubitschek to see the buildings in the city. He once described the blueprints of the city in his heart to Kubitschek, churches, opera houses, and subways. Stations, transportation routes... a prosperous city built by yourself.

There was an unquestionable resoluteness in his speech. The speech method he learned from the opera performance gave him an inexplicable magical charm between his hands and feet, making people involuntarily forget what he was talking about, but Impressed by the movement and momentum, subconsciously believed his words.

But...Occasionally, Kubitschek would ask confusedly.

"So, where does the money come from?"

Then, Adolf will stare at him dissatisfied. His overly serious and stern face, especially those sharp eyes, will make people feel terrified. Can't help being frightened by those eyes.

"Your friend's eyes are really amazing!"

Kubitschek clearly remembered that when his mother said this that night, there was more fear than admiration in the words.

"That kind of thing is not important at all! It is not important!"

Looking at the friend in front of him, Adolf said angrily.

As for his experience of studying in Vienna, he didn't say too much, only that he passed the requirements of the academy, and Kubitschek was very happy for his friends because he was finally able to move towards the goal of art.

This news also made Adolf's mother, Mrs. Clara, very relieved. She was seriously ill. The news of Adolf's return and admission gave her a little relief. At other times, Adolf would take his only friend Kubitschek to the outskirts, which was the only time he would feel relaxed.


It's spring, everything grows.

In the outskirts of Linz, the beech trees stand tall and there are shrubs with red leaves. After a deep breath, the lungs are filled with moist air. Walking on the forest road, the two friends quietly enjoyed this rare sense of peace.

"Gustav, look at that squirrel."

Lifting his cane, Adolf pointed to the squirrel on the treetop and said, motioning his friend to look.

And the "Gustav" in his mouth is the full name of Augustus Kubisik. Because of habit, Adolf sometimes calls his friend Gustav, not only because of ridicule, but also because of his early death. My brother is called Gustav.

Kubisick looked in the direction of his cane, and saw that above the treetop, a sorrel-colored squirrel was tilting its tail. The naive look was especially likable.

"What a cute little guy."

Adolf exclaimed.

"It's very cute, why? I'm used to seeing the city of Vienna. It's rare to see squirrels so happy?

Kubisick couldn't help laughing.

He understands that his only friend is temperamental, stubborn, conservative, hates women, and worships heroes. He is almost ascetic. He often laments why he was not born in the classical age when heroes were born 1,500 years ago. There is a deep classical plot in him. Although he has repeatedly said that he does not like the country and staying in the small place of Linz, he can hardly conceal his love for nature.

"Vienna is a good city, but...huh."

Adolf said, as if thinking of the unpleasant things in Vienna, he gave a cold snort.

"I have seen your paintings in The architectural paintings are very good, the details are very detailed, but there is still no popularity... I don't think you hate the city, just because you hate too many people That's it."

As he walked, Kubitschek brushed away the slender branches in front of him and said smoothly. Adolf thought about it for a while, but unexpectedly nodded in agreement.


It was a peaceful day. Two best friends were strolling in the woods and relaxed, but on the second day, there was a rare knock on the door of Kubitschek.

"Boom boom boom..."

Opening the door, what appeared in front of Kubitschek was a scene he had never seen before. His arrogant friend Adolf looked very haggard at the moment. His face was pale and he couldn't see the slightest blood, his eyes were dull.

He was silent for a while, then said in a hoarse voice.

"The doctor said, my mother...cannot be cured."

(About Hitler’s story, the prototype is based on Augustus Kubitschek’s "The Young Hitler I Know")

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