The news that Mag brought back made Charlie seriously suspect that it was a fake dragon.

All bronze dragons are deceiving, right?

This is simply a crow becoming a spirit.

If he yells, nothing good will happen!

Charlie immediately led the people, as well as the new city defense weapons, through the portal to the dock at the fastest speed.

As McGonagall said, it will take at least three days for those ships to sail here.

Originally still on the pier, the busy villagers had been evacuated.

Charlie, who was surrounded by city hall officials, picked up a stone casually.

The transformation-type ioun stone shines, and the stone turns into a long tube-shaped object.

This is a crude monocular.

Through the binoculars, Charlie looked at the junction of the sea and the sky.

But nothing is seen.

Very good, this shows that they still have time to prepare for the battle and build a defense line on the Beira coast.

I declare that from now on, all staff will be in a state of readiness.

Both Scorch and Nao took out their notepads and began to record every order Charlie gave after that.

First, the new city defense weapons and semi-automatic throwers are all installed on the coastline.

I don't ask for accuracy, I only ask for the formation of a firepower network in terms of quantity, and strike targets intensively!

Scorch and Nao quickly wrote down.

Second, the dwarves of the engineering department, stop other projects you are working on. All speed up the creation of new city defense weapons.

The 'guests' have come from afar, if you don't give them a shot, I will be sorry for their hard work.

Several officials laughed.

No one was timid because of the approach of these hundred ships.

On the contrary, everyone present was full of fighting spirit.

Behind them is their home, and the offenders will be punished!

Theon, this is an excellent training opportunity. I hope your city guard will not let me down.

The half-dragon Theon is in charge of the military aspects of Utopia.

From the city guards that maintain law and order on a daily basis to the Bela Army that has begun to take shape, it was all formed by this aggressive half-dragon.

Sean responded coldly.

But judging from his constantly flicking dragon tail, the aggressive factor in this cargo gene was activated.

The whole dragon people are in a state of excitement.

From now on, the Beira coast is closed, and non-combatants are not allowed to go.

With Charlie's instructions one by one, the peaceful utopia has changed.

In an instant, the 'sharp claws' were revealed and entered a state of war.

After the emergency meeting, Charlie went to the dwarf's dark workshop first.

At the end of the meeting, Bud confided in her.

It means a new type of city defense weapon. Within three days, the dwarves can produce at most 40 more.

This is far from meeting the requirements of Charlie's intensive strike.

There are at least 200 old duck dwarves.

Even female dwarves can wield big hammers to forge equipment.

So many dwarves, 40 throwers in 3 days?

I'm afraid this is not teasing her.

After wandering around the black workshop, Charlie immediately found the crux of the 'low production efficiency'.

The way dwarves are built is still the traditional workshop style.

That is to say, it is following the route of 'boutique production', and a few dwarves make a 'new thrower' from beginning to end.

After working day and night for three days, a dwarf team (3~5 people) can complete a cannon.

This method is no problem to do master equipment.

After all, what high-level equipment requires is slow work and meticulous work.

But now she is not looking for an excellent weapon with guaranteed quality, but a standard 'thrower' that can be mass-produced.

Improving work efficiency is imperative.

Charlie stopped the busy dwarves.

She took out the 'small whiteboard' she carried with her and set it up.

The charcoal bar was handed to Bud with a confused face.

Bud, you draw the flow chart for making the dropper on it.

Bud followed Charlie's ears and eyes, but he never heard of the flow chart.

It's every step of you building the thrower, write it down, and you can't miss a single step.

Soon, the flowchart was drawn.

Problems also arise.

Many dwarf craftsmen pointed out on the spot that one of their production steps was different from Bard's.

The casting methods of dwarves craftsmen will change more or less.

Charlie simply handed out the parchment, one for each dwarf.

Ask them to draw all the controversial parts.

Craftsmen are busy drawing pictures.

Bud said with some concern: Will we be wasting too much time like this?

Even if the dwarves work without sleep, they may not be able to build 100 new throwers.

And Charlie is still letting them waste time doing these seemingly useless things.

But due to Charlie's identity, Bud can only remind him so tactfully.

The time must be spent. Don't worry, I won't do meaningless things. Charlie said confidently.

Post all the drawings drawn by the dwarves.

Charlie let the dwarves choose the best and simplest process by themselves.

After some voting, Barry Duck's flow chart was finally selected as the simplest solution.

Charlie remembered the young dwarf.

She knelt down, You will become a very good dwarf casting master.

The optimal process was selected.

The remaining work is the division of labor and the establishment of a simple assembly line.

Charlie took the dwarf artisan apart.

Those who are good at the first step of polishing the magic crystal energy tank are divided into one group.

The arcanists who processed the energy liquid were divided into two groups.

The three groups are responsible for sealing the energy tank filled with energy liquid.

Four groups are made to connect the plugs.

Five groups install Unicom plugs for the energy slots.

The six groups are for grinding shell grooves.

Seven sets of shell slots are installed.

Charlie asked the 7 groups to select the site in order, and arranged the work tools needed by each group.

Then she asked Bud to move the tables and connect them end to end, linking the seven working groups together.

Her hand touched the tables connected together like a 'long snake'.

Use the transformation arcane to turn it into a teleportation track.

A simple production line is established.

At first the dwarves were very incomprehensible, but after the production line was up and running.

It was only then that they discovered that the speed at which this mode made 'throwers' was so fast that they themselves were afraid.

The line was up and running, and Charlie handed over the responsibility to Bud.

When the little black dragon saw the dwarves building a 'thrower' for half an hour, his expression was quite exciting.

So far, the dwarf black workshop has been officially upgraded to a dwarf black factory.

After solving the problems of the dwarves, Charlie rushed to the coastline of Bella without stopping.

Most of the time today was spent with the dwarves.

When Charlie came over, Theon had already commanded several dragon descendants under him to build preliminary fortifications.

Charlie took a rough look.

She doesn't know much about military affairs.

But also understand that the defense line must be divided into layers.

But, Theon this...

How should I put feels like a big mess.

In short, pile it up in a line and you're done!

This is simple and rude.

Well, she's an amateur trying to teach Theon the theory.

When Theon was called over, his face was still full of pride of 'seeking praise'.

Of course, Charlie first affirmed Theon's work efficiency.

At least, when the dwarves built a crude assembly line.

Theon has pulled up the simple and crude city defense fortifications.

Theon, let's play a game.

Theon didn't know why, the tip of the half-dragon's dragon's tail was slightly raised.

Like a curious snake.

Charlie used transformation arcane magic to conjure a sand table.

She drew a horizontal line on the bottom third of the sand table.

This is the Bella Coast.

As she spoke, she pointed to a third of the sand table position and planted a small flag on it.

Two-thirds is sea area.

Charlie conjures a fleet at the farthest point from Bella.

The weapons we can use for city defense now include magic cannons and new throwers.

Then, let's place the new thrower first.

Saying that, a row of mini throwers rose up on the sand table.

However, the 'enemy fleet' on the sea also began to advance at the same time.

After the enemy ship came into effective range, it was placed on the dock, and the semi-automatic thrower began to focus fire.

The mini droppers on these sand tables launch even miniature explosive bombs.

These second-generation explosive bombs thrown out draw a beautiful parabola in the air.

Finally, it landed on the sea surface, blasting out waves.

Throwing bombs caught the fleet by surprise.

The half-dragon Theon looked extremely nervous, as could be seen from his raised dragon tail.

This guy is so excited that he can control the thrower and wipe out all the enemy ships on the sand table.

Thank you Piaopiao ヾ(°°)~!

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