The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World

Chapter 79 Standing and Participating in War

Fortunately, it was only a troop from the Grand Duchy of Silver who ran to the door.

Charlie, who heard the news, was also relieved.

If this is the army of the Holy Platinum Empire, or a bunch of red robes standing outside the city.

That's her headache.

After these rebels knew that the red robes had joined, they couldn't wait to come to Charlie.

Like a vulture smelling 'death'.

Their faces are greedy and hideous.


From a strategic point of view, Charlie's location is crucial.

If they occupy Utopia, it is equivalent to integrating the coastline.

In this way, an effective siege can be formed against the imperial forces who are resisting to the death like a chaste martyr today.

From the perspective of the sand table, it is a typical triangle siege tactic.

If they take over, Dream Township succeeds.

The old emperor, who is in command of the imperial conquest, is about to kneel in all likelihood.

They had a pretty good calculation.

But the question is, ask Charlie to open the door, will she open it?

When is she? Little Red Riding Hood?

Charlie propped his chin with one hand, rested his elbow on the brick of the city wall, and stared down at the arrogant knight on horseback.

Heh, little boy, pretty crazy.

Who are you? Charlie said lazily to the knights below the city in a very tired tone.

The arcane art of the wind element is necessary to transmit and raise one's voice.

Riding on a horse, followed by the commander-in-chief of a 3,000-strong army, blue veins slowly protruded from his forehead.

This lazy tone seemed provocative no matter what.

However, he looked up at the two floating cities above his head.

Endure it!

The Holy Silver Empire, under the command of the Third Marshal, the head of the 49th Legion...

Not long ago, the rebellious Grand Duchy of Silver declared its founding.

William, the original Grand Duchy of Silver, ascended the throne as Emperor of the Empire.

The name of the country was changed to the Holy Silver Empire.

From Charlie's point of view, that's what he saw.

It's not a good bird, why use someone who the whole world knows has been cheated as a cover?

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Charlie again.

Oh, who is that, what are you doing here?

The head of the 'that who' legion didn't talk nonsense, just took out the document and raised it.

By the emperor's order, our allies, open the city gate quickly!

Follow the principle of imperial supremacy during the war!

You need to respond to the emperor's order, and you will be recruited immediately!

Charlie narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling angry.

Let alone whether she is the Earl of the Platinum Empire.

From the point of view of an arcanist, it seems that there is no such thing. You have to follow the reason of this nonsense call-up order, right?

Taking a ten thousand step back, if she is an ally of the red robe, after hearing this, it would be hell to open the door for him.

As soon as you talk, let someone give up your city to you.

Why is the face so big?

That's it, the hot-tempered red robe can make you spread flowers like this?

After thinking about it, heh, there is something strange about this matter.

Finding faults and fighting on purpose?

The Silver Empire is not an idiot, but too smart!

Seeing that so many people have been brought here, it is estimated that even the population of the new city is counted!

The intelligence work is done well!

Thinking about it, Charlie put on a smiling expression again.

The dragon on her shoulder cast a sympathetic glance at the legion commander below.

Who is wrong? It happened to offend his 'royal chariot'.

I hope he will not be poor with only a pair of underpants when he leaves.

Charlie smiled and asked, Oh, I can't read clearly, can you lend me this document?

The knight was also confident, and handed over the document openly.

The evocation-type arcanist around him used wind-type arcane arts to pass the document up.

Charlie pinched the corner with one hand, looking very casually.

Who is this Ole on the document?

...Yes, I! The legion leader below said while grinding his back molars.

Charlie tilted his head and asked a question that made everyone vomit blood:

So, how do you prove that you are you?

Charlie found that this problem in the previous life is especially suitable for playing Tai Chi here.

No matter what you say, I can block it back with all my might.

Sure enough, the legion leader below was in a mess for three seconds, and raised his hand to wipe his face.

The fighters behind me can prove that I am Ole!

Charlie nodded, and asked again: How can they prove that they are them?


Everyone around Charlie was stunned.

Can you still play like this before the battle? !

The legion commander standing under the city wall felt that his IQ had been fooled.

Completely pissed off.

He cang lang lang pulled out the sword at his waist, Siege the city!!

However, Charlie's purpose of delaying time has also been achieved.

She smiled and pointed to the sky.

I saw the 'dark cloud' descending suddenly.

The sun is shaded.

Three thousand people outside the city looked up and saw a majestic floating city on top.

I don't like raising a butcher's knife. But I'm not a saint either. So, I'll give you a chance to leave! Charlie changed his expression.

Putting away the laughter, the voice was filled with indifference and indifferent emotions.

The legion commander obviously didn't know anything about Charlie's floating city.

Attack! Floating Void City is nothing to fear!

Charlie's eyelids closed slightly tremblingly.

When she opened it again, only determination remained in her eyes!

She turned and left, no longer looking at the scene behind her.


Following the governor's cold order, the floating city was adjusted in the same direction by the newly installed magic cannon barrels on the periphery.




A hundred guns fired together, and the loud noise shook the sky.

The soldiers in the city who thought they were going to defend the city in a bloody battle were all dumbfounded.

As soon as the magic cannon in the sky was fired, the army on the ground, which was waiting in full formation, was blasted to pieces in an instant.

The scene was like a pile of neatly stacked pins being instantly knocked into the air by a bowling ball.

Before the brave fighters had time to perform, they fell down in pieces like harvested leeks.

What's even more frightening is the 'booming' sound made by the secondary explosion of the shells modified by the dwarves!

There are many cavalry in this rebel army.

The sound of the second explosion of the magic cannonball directly startled the horses.

Some knights themselves were so dizzy from the shock that they couldn't control their mounts at all.

Charlie didn't want to see what was going on under the castle.

She was not feeling very well.

In the face of war, she felt the insignificance of an individual.

So what if she fights against the war?

If people must be killed in war, then she is willing to bear all the responsibilities.

Let the enemies who brought the war here die, and leave the right to survive to the citizens of Utopia.

She can carry a bad name.

The world can point at her and abuse her.

She is just a little person who just wants to guard and live on one-third of an acre of land.

No one saw that when Charlie walked down the tower, his clenched fists trembled slightly.

It was the first time to face the war, the first time to issue such an order.

It was really too much pressure for her.

However, she understands one thing better, that is, no one can bear it, but she can't!

She can't fall down, even if there is only one person left in Utopia.

As long as that person doesn't fall, she can't fall!

She is the lord of the city, she cannot be confused, weak, let alone fall down.

What she left to the people should always be a courageous back and the confidence that everything is under control.


Utopia opened the first shot.

This gun represents their position.

When Charlie walked down the tower, the first thing he did was call an emergency meeting.

The war came so unexpectedly.

From the perspective of strategic location, Utopia cannot stay out of it.

At this time, the most taboo thing is that the leader is at a loss.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, maybe it's just a moment of confusion.

In the next second, Utopia will be completely wiped out.

Charlie felt the pressure like never before.

She seems to be holding the steering wheel, controlling a ship sailing in the stormy abyss.

But at this moment, she couldn't see the way forward.

If you are a little careless, you will be lost forever.

At this time, she needs to hear more voices, but fortunately, she is not alone.

Charlie strode back to Whitecastle's study.

Today, everyone is used to holding meetings in this study.

Charlie sat behind the desk the villagers had built for her.

Unexpectedly, we still had to make a choice in the end. Charlie rubbed his brows lightly and said.

Speak, gentlemen, speak freely.

to our future.

For the future of Utopia.

Every time the first to speak will be the red robe.

They always do their part.

Rushing to be the 'big brick' thrown out.

Just like today! Charlie! Don't hesitate! Anyone who invades will be punished!

The speeches of the red robes were always passionate, and they waved their fists.

Although, there is a fiery red Ion stone floating on his head, and he is wearing a scarlet robe.

However, they give people the feeling that every minute, being able to rush into battle is like fighting with ten enemies.

Thank you for your nonsense, Red Robe.

Eris pressed his index finger to his temple, and he persuaded the guy in the red robe to leave the group every day.

It's no longer a civil war, Charlie. Today's choice is imperative. Edson frowned slightly.

Obviously, Lonely Red brought the red robes into the mix, which was unexpected by everyone.

A group of melon-eating people who watched the fire from the other side were collectively confused.

Successively, the 'Double Declaration' of the Arcanist's suspected split also made Monk Zhang Er puzzled.

However, there are also rumors that the main reason why the Floating Void City Club will not participate in this matter is - poverty.

The same predicament as the Wizards Association today.

Who knows how many gold coins the 'Goblin Brand Dryer' has squeezed from both sides during this period.

War is all about consumption, without gold coins, why do you join in the fun?

It's better to go home and farm.

Since the red robe is gone, the Emperor of the Empire should take action soon. I have a premonition that the scale of the war will expand... Capa said thoughtfully.

They are likely to hire a magician to end. Li mentioned from the perspective of old business.

War is the beginning of the end of one group of people and an opportunity for the rise of another group of people.

It's like a snowball.

Everyone has an opposite.

The two sides fought, and in the middle of the fight, they suddenly started calling people.

You ask Party A to come, that's good, I will find the enemy of Party A!

As a result, the 'snowball' got bigger and bigger.

The war becomes a multi-faceted disaster.

The offensive and defensive alliance of the Holy Three Reichs.

They won't sit idly by. This is the basis for human beings to stand together in the world. Intern city official, half-elf Nao said.

In other words, the other human empires, as well as some magicians, will end soon?

Charlie asked with a growing headache.

The black dragon's tail wagged from side to side.

Take a closer look, that dragon face, which was majestic for the first time, is now carefully listening to the speeches of the people present.

It's hard to say about the other two empires. They usually like to pinch each other. It's really hard to say who will help this time. The half-dragon man Xien said, wagging his tail.

No, Theon, this is a matter of human position. The half-elf immediately objected.

Here the two trainee mayors disagree and start arguing.

But...but the most important question is, we are separated from the other two countries by sea... how did they come here? Scorch's voice was like a mosquito.

His speech was ignored by the two colleagues in the dispute, but caught by the listening Grand Arcanist.

This is the crux of the problem. Edson said meaningfully.

The weaker side will ask the gods for help. Eris also affirmed.

Charlie hoped he had heard wrong.

What? Will the gods interfere? Interfere in such a ridiculous war?!

Charlie couldn't believe it. Are the gods in this world so idle?

You don't expect aloofness from the gods, Charlie.

Some of them will even end themselves because believers are attacked.

Wars involving faith are never trivial matters. Edson sighed.

The learned arcanist is very farsighted in this regard.

The few famous battles of gods in history, in retrospect, were almost all caused by the believers of good gods who dialed the Gods for Help Radio.

Charlie rubbed his face.

In other words, this will become a battle of gods...? Charlie turned to look at Eris.

Eris stared through the window into the distance.

God, intervening is only a matter of time.

Eris gives his conclusions.

Although, that conclusion was something Charlie didn't want to hear.

How does a mortal who has just become an official arcanist survive in the chaos involving gods?

This is a problem……

Charlie rubbed his face irritably!

Ah! Damn it! So why did that red robe suddenly do such a thing?! Charlie asked a little frantically.

Although I don't know, but Charlie, I believe that, no one loves arcane arts more than him, and hopes that our era will come... Edson said and couldn't help looking into the distance.

There is the main battlefield, where the legendary red-robed Louis Ain Austin is now.

Charlie couldn't understand why the legendary red robe wasn't stopped.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the behavior of the rebel army has changed because of the Declaration of the Founding of the Country of the Grand Duchy of Silver.

Why did that red robe insist on doing this?

Seeing Charlie's doubts, Eris opened his mouth slowly.

Trust him, because he is the lonely red.

Ah, a big chapter of 3900 words...

There will be more later, as I said, the first volume will end today

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