Why would an old man who seemed to have a lot of background come to look for Xiao Hei, Charlie didn't know.

There is no time to care about this.

In her opinion, if the old man is willing to take the black dragon away, she will be very happy.

Of course, before leaving, Charlie would produce a bill for the food.

‘Please settle the feed fee before leaving, thank you! '

That would be a very large sum.

But unfortunately, the old man sent the black dragon back to Charlie.

And inscrutable smile at her.

Leaving behind the still arrogant Black Dragon and the dazed Charlie, he left with his 'male model group'.

This incident was like a short episode, and it didn't cause any waves in Charlie's busy life.

When it's over, she forgets about it.

In the past few days, Charlie has been hesitating whether to tell the instructors that she was officially promoted to become an Arcanist.

The main reason for her hesitation was the unpredictable reactions of arcane instructors.

The last time she confessed that she was promoted, the big gift package that was 'exchanged' was a week-long 'advertisement'.

Want to gain power? ——Choose the death department!

Want to get the power to turn stones into gold? ——Choose the transformation system!

Want to slay a dragon? ——Choose the evocation department!

Looking back on it now, Charlie still has a faint stomachache.

She doesn't want to be in utopia's busiest time.

Being pushed in the study room by several instructors in turn, carrying out inhumane rolling advertisements.

However, the key to defining arcane apprentices and arcanists is level 8 arcane.

Without the guidance of the tutors, she really couldn't learn it.

So, at dinner, Charlie considered his tone and had a showdown.

She is all about arcanists, and she doesn't shy away from the three new officials.

The steady and meticulous mentor Kappa had already made up a 19-meter-long non-disclosure agreement for the three of them.

In short, White Castle was the place where Charlie hoped to make a family.

At home, she can speak freely without any scruples.


After Charlie finished speaking, the dining table fell into a dead silence.

The knife that Mylamy used to cut the monster steak came into 'intimate' contact with the plate, making a harsh sound of 'Zi La'.

Just as Capa drank the red wine in his mouth, it 'flowed' back into the glass again.

Eris and Edson are fine, but it's hard to hide the shock on their faces.

How long has it been since you were promoted to the fourth level of spellcasting?! Edson's voice trembled a little.

Of course, he was excited.

If it wasn't his own apprentice, he would have wanted to dissect it for a while.

And Eris got the point.

What series?

Charlie stared at the sky speechlessly, and replied as if he had given up on treatment: ...Six Departments.

Four arcane instructors: ...

Eris reacted the fastest, Who has the Ion Stone of the Illusion Department and the Protection Department? Give it to her!

Some time ago, these arcane instructors tacitly refused to find the last two series of Ion Stones for Charlie, in order to reduce 'competition'.

Now all the six series of Charlie have been successfully promoted.

They are not 'carving' a gem.

Instead, witnessing the rise of the arcane gods!

But at the same time, several arcane instructors also understood in their hearts.

This further increases the danger of Charlie being exposed.

Her secret can make any arcanist crazy, even super arcanists, even those who have turned into legends...

After learning about it, I'm afraid they can't help but attack Charlie.

It wasn't obvious when Charlie was weak.

But as her spellcaster levels increase...

Her strengths will be revealed.

Nearly infinite number of casts.

When she becomes a legend!

Unless the gods come down, otherwise, she will look down!

But, before that, she will be 'fragile'!

Her 'specialness' will be like a glowing light in the dark night.

Attracting countless spellcasters like moths, they rushed towards her without hesitation.

However, at that time, the four of them absolutely couldn't protect Charlie.

Edson made a special trip back to Wind City.

He found two Ion Stones from the treasury, and used the Great Arcane Art of Transformation.

Turn it into a yellow protection system, and a blue illusion system Ion stone.

Unsurprisingly, when two Ion Stones, one yellow and one blue, flew above Charlie's head.

Her identity as an arcanist will never be questioned again.

Several arcane instructors circled around Charlie.

Charlie could only smile wryly, she was afraid of such a result.

In the end, Eris got angry and drove away the other three incomprehensible ones.


Only the master and apprentice remained in the study room, and a little black dragon that had been stationed on Charlie's shoulder for a long time.

Charlie waited quietly while the necromancer continued.

Do you...do you want to change to a mentor? One of the necromantic department.

Eris was not a mother-in-law, so he said it out immediately when he had an idea.

Charlie was dumbfounded.

Although at first, I was a little unhappy with this person.

But after some time getting along, she already regarded this unsociable mentor as the same as Kapa mentor.

Why? Don't you want to teach me?

Eris pursed her lips slightly, I just think, maybe, you will have a better future if you follow Lord Edward. He can also protect you better.

Charlie remembered that Edward seemed to be Mr. Super Lich's name.

Although, she thinks Mr. Super Lich has a good personality and should get along well with her.

But that's not a reason to switch mentors.

No, I believe in one word.

What words?

'Master leads the door, practice depends on the individual'. After Charlie finished speaking, he smiled at Eris.

Mr. Eris, please continue to guide me in the future!

In the small book in my heart, the name of Eris' mentor has long since lost the word 正.

Eris' cold eyes melted a little at this moment, bringing a little warmth.


This summer was extremely painful for the Holy Platinum Empire.

In places devastated by war, people have lost their homes.

Their fields are trodden down by the hooves of horses;

their property was looted;

In the end, their house was devastated by the war...

As the war expanded, countless people were displaced.

There are also countless people who have stayed on the battlefield forever.

There are constantly refugees fleeing to Utopia.

Even these cowardly humans are afraid of the alien races living in the 'New City' today.

However, they finally chose to stay in fear.

Because, otherwise, they have nowhere else to go.

The war has captured the residences that their ancestors have depended on for survival.

While watching the war situation, Charlie managed her rapidly developing utopia.

If not for being there...

People always feel that those wars that are published in the newspapers are just someone else's business.

Until Charlie suggested to the goblins to publish the figures of the war dead.

As the large population in the world, the goblins have invested a large amount of population in this civil war of the Holy Platinum Empire.

They would go to places where the flames of war still remained, search for the corpses one by one, and register the death toll.

When it comes to journalism, they are really professional.

See the shocking casualties.

Only the three major human empires had some different voices, calling for an end to the war.

There are already few human beings, why is there still a civil war? !

Obviously, the Grand Duchy of Silver, which had already been labeled as a rebel, and Ray Teigrin could no longer stop.

Otherwise, what awaits them is the beheading platform.

But the good news is that the other two human empires have their voices through Goblin Weekly.

They said that if the rebels do not stop the civil war.

They will also intervene.

But these are basically useless, and the war continues.

After all, there are no high mountains and dangerous obstacles between the three major human empires.

It's the terrifying... blue and endless sea!

Even the emperor of the Holy Platinum Empire personally marched.

Judging from the constantly updated battle reports, the imperial army and the rebels also fought to a tie.

During this period, the emperor almost fell into an ambush once.

It was a Knight of the Order named Fry Dow Jones who charged heroically.

The brave and fearless young noble knight rescued the besieged aged emperor.

His feat greatly saved the war situation where the empire was on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, he was highly praised by the emperor.

The matter was reported by Goblin Three Magazine.

For a time, the Dow Jones family became a hot and prominent nobleman in the empire.

While Charlie was happy for his friend, he was also secretly worried.

Arrows on the battlefield never have eyes.

Even if he only read a few words in the weekly magazine, Charlie knew that Frye's meritorious service did not come easily.

On the battlefield, it is not an exaggeration to say that a narrow escape is an exaggeration.

Charlie thought twice and wrote a letter to Frye.

The words above are sincere, and they only hope that everything is well for him.

Today, Charlie remains neutral on the war.

No contact with the rebel side, no contact with the imperial side.

Keep one, you don't come to provoke me.

I won't get involved with your grievances either.

The empire is afraid of the power of arcanists behind it.

Even if he was indignant at Charlie's inaction, he wouldn't be too embarrassed for Utopia.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at Utopia.

Charlie really didn't intend to get involved in this war.

Writing a letter to Fry was already the limit of what she could do.

No matter how dissatisfied the empire was with Charlie's behavior, it was hindered by the big tree of the Floating City Club.

They can only hold back what they want to say.

After all, there is more than one legend of Shandorila sitting in charge.

Friday came, and the Floating City Club was held as scheduled.

Now when it comes to Friday... the owner of the Floating Void City really wants to die peacefully.

literal meaning.


Because it's time for the 'Happy' fundraiser again!

For one breath, no matter whether it is the arcanists or the magicians, the poor are almost eating dirt!

You want to ask where the gold coins went?

Look at the mouths of the green skins that almost reached the back of their heads, haven't they counted yet?

Of course, Charlie and Edson are not in the category of 'eating dirt'.


Ever heard of 'kickbacks'?

Every time the goblin would give Charlie and Edson a part of the money donated by the arcanists.

Instead of losing gold coins, they even made a small profit.

As for why you give them kickbacks...

Edson said that this is the main reason why he has to carry the heart booster with him every time he meets.

Really, if the heart is a little weaker, I can't afford to 'bear' this apprentice!

Meeting routine:

The red robes are collectively violent;

The violent suppression of the legendary gray robe;

After everyone calms down, discuss the counterattack policy for next Monday;

The Super Lich happily teases Ian;

Finally, enter the gritting teeth and fundraising link for all staff...

After a set of procedures, Charlie didn't feel tired at all.

She is already used to this set of procedures of arcanists.

During the intermission, Charlie was whispering to Edson about the Civil War in the Empire.

There was a 'bang' sound.

All the arcanists were so surprised that they looked over.

The door of the conference hall was fully opened.

Outside light is projected in.

Vaguely, a figure could be seen standing in the middle of the gate.

One of the seven seats floating above everyone's heads slowly descended.

Charlie couldn't see the faces of people who walked in against the light.

But only the scarlet mage robe was so flamboyant.

Tomorrow, if there are no accidents, the first volume of this book will be finished~

The author Bacteria has also achieved the small goal set by himself,

The first volume is free for everyone.

Thank you for the recommendation ticket~ continue to pray for the recommendation ticket~ ok~

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