The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World

Chapter 63 Shocked! The goblins have even lowered their prices!

Airod King is the president of the Magic Association branch of the Holy Platinum Empire.

Every Monday morning.

He will arrive at the Magic Association in the central area of ​​the imperial capital.

Then sit on your own comfortable soft chair and enjoy a comfortable and comfortable morning.

President Jin's office is well lit, and the floor is covered with expensive crimson luxury handmade carpets.

The attendant will make a pot of fragrant Frantis black leaf tea before he comes to the association.

And leave this week's Goblin Weekly on the tidy desk.

So that Ailod King could read Goblin Weekly while enjoying black leaf tea.

Good to see what the damn arcanists were clamoring for last week.

And today.

The golden president of the Wizards Association did not see the weekly magazine on the table.

There is only an empty teacup and a pot of hot black leaf tea.

Chairman Kim is an old man with long snow-white beard like a waterfall.

He has all the excellent qualities of a great magician, wise and calm.

At this moment, President Jin's gray brows gradually furrowed.

He couldn't figure out why there was an exception today.

So President Jin rang the magic bell on the desk and called the attendant who was on duty outside.

After a moment of contemplation, President Jin asked in an unhurried voice: What day is it today?

Monday, Your Excellency President. The attendant was startled for a moment, and then quickly replied.

Chairman Jin nodded slowly.

So, did something special happen today?

The attendant has been with the president for many years and knows him very well.

Immediately understood why he was asked the weird question before, and he immediately replied:

There is indeed one thing!

Is it related to goblins? President Jin poured himself a cup of tea, and signaled the attendant to start talking.

Yes, President. They...

Seeing the big head of the attendant, Chairman Jin also felt very headache, so he sat down first.

So as not to hear things that give him a headache.

President Jin asked tentatively, Have they come up with any new tricks to cheat us out of funds?

After all, fire prevention, theft prevention, and anti-goblin sales promotion are basic common sense in this world.

It's not sure yet, we are already investigating, and we will have results soon...

What the hell did they do?

Seeing the appearance of the attendant as if facing a formidable enemy, although Ayirod was also curious, he was more worried about the funds for the second half of the year.

He, they lowered the price of Goblin Weekly...

When the attendant talked about this matter again, he still looked skeptical about life.

Pfft— Chairman Jin took a sip of hot tea.

He wondered if he was old, otherwise he wouldn't be hallucinating.

What happened to goblins who have only increased in price for thousands of years?

Did someone put chaos magic on them all?

Otherwise, what kind of crazy are they smoking?

price reduction?

It sounds as ridiculous as a dragon suddenly announcing that he is going to be the savior of the world.

Yes, they dropped the price on Goblin Weekly, as you heard.

Currently, we are going to the Imperial Capital Branch of the Goblin United Chamber of Commerce to verify whether the news is true.

Of course, most of us agree that they may have misrepresented the price increase as a price decrease.

Obviously, the goblins made a low-level mistake, and the goblins really want to cut the price, no matter which one is like a tricky joke.

How much did they drop? Jin, who was mature and sophisticated, asked solemnly.

Chairman Jin had to pay attention to this matter.

There are already more than one organizations that have been hollowed out by goblins and thus declared bankruptcy and disbanded.

He doesn't want his club to be yet another case of bankruptcy.

From 50 silver coins to 33 silver coins and 50 copper coins.

Chairman Jin stared at his slightly cloudy eyeballs, and was speechless for a long time.

While they were relatively silent, Airod King's office was lightly knocked.

Cough...please come in. Chairman Jin coughed lightly before recovering his voice.

The senior magician who pushed the door in was a middle-aged man, he was panting as he ran, and his black robe was slightly messed up.

It seems that it has nothing to do with 'steadiness' and 'wisdom'.

He, he, he, they really lowered the price!

A sentence without beginning or end can be understood by everyone present.

Do you know the reason? President Jin began to faintly worry about the guild's treasury.

Those goblins didn't say anything, but we got back the reduced-price weekly magazine!

After all, the middle-aged mage hurriedly took out the weekly magazine and handed it to the president tremblingly.

Jin took a deep breath, as if dealing with a hundred great arcanists, carefully flipped through the weekly magazine.

The headline on the front page was from the Arcanist's side, which made his eyelids twitch.

[The glorious era of Arcanists? ! Another new floating city has been lifted into the sky, and its name is Utopia! 】

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Every word in this title can provoke the string called 'reason' in President Jin's mind.

Slowly let out a breath, the president of magic did not light the fireplace in the summer, and then stuffed this weekly magazine into it.

Huh—the goblin used to name the news, did it make such a fuss?

Jin raised his head and asked the two people standing in front of him who dared not breathe.

The two shook their heads in unison.

Kim would turn the pages with her bony hands.

He read the first page of the manuscript carefully unless he wanted to die of anger.

However, after turning over several pages in a row, there were all kinds of news from the Arcanists.

It made him very irritable.

【Shock? ! Maybe it's the end of the world? ! 】

It wasn't until the sixth page that Jin saw something that didn't belong to an arcanist.

But his heart trembled in fright, and he quickly began to read the article carefully.

As a result, it was discovered that the goblin had created a new type of magic bottle.

Jin's heartbeat slowed down.

The goblins are making new types of magic bottles every day, 365 days a year.

As long as they bottled it, it was almost all new varieties of magic, and it had never been repeated.

He was scared to death, thinking that the Era War would break out again, Jin took a sip of hot tea to suppress his shock.

But then again, what the hell is going on with this issue of Goblin Weekly, the title is simply poisonous!

Roughly over...

From the tenth to the fortieth editions, it is all about the news of the dragons in the world.

This is as usual.

It's nothing more than a good dragon fighting an evil dragon.

The evil dragon plots all kinds of conspiracies and seeks treasures everywhere.

Lawful dragons are busy enforcing order and saving the world.

The chaotic dragon is busy...

Oh, they have too much to do.

Basically, they plan to kill dragons stronger than themselves, regardless of camp.

Prevent dragons who are not as powerful as you from slaughtering yourself.

Planning to overthrow the regime established by other creatures.

Beware of overthrowing your regime by all creatures except yourself.

In short, Chaos Doubi is very busy.


Version 46 talks about the territory of the orcs in the extreme north.

Orcs, as always, all kinds of wars, all kinds of famine.

They are so hungry that they even want to eat, and they can beat their brains for a bite.

skip again...

Until the end of the page, I didn't see any news about the Magician's Union.

Kim was shocked.

Could it be that the goblin only lowered the price of the Wizards Guild because they withdrew news about them from the weekly magazine? !


This time he also didn't see those messy columns.

For example, the weekly list of the most beautiful creatures (female/female) in the mainland, and a series of popular columns such as the food column.

But can their guild compare with these columns? !

Kim got a little impatient.

He suddenly figured it out, and his expression became cloudy and uncertain.

Isn't this a way for these damned green skins to increase their money?! President Jin almost gritted his teeth.

Go! Contact the Goblin United Chamber of Commerce in the imperial capital!

tell them! No matter how much you add! The Association of Magicians is out!

Let them add back the board of our association!

...Yes! The middle-aged black-robed mage was about to run out in a hurry.

The others were at the door, and Aloyd, who was suppressed and angry, called back, Come back! And! Let them add...cough...and add back the column of the 78th edition.

The middle-aged man in black robe looked happy, and immediately turned around and ran away.

The pace is much faster than before.


The same thing happens all over the world.

There are different opinions about the sudden price cut of goblins.

The more popular sayings are nothing more than these few sayings.

Collective food poisoning.

Under the Greater Chaos spell.

Or, during the party, a new magic bottle developed by the goblin was opened (it is said that it will forcefully reduce intelligence).

But anyway, after the explosive reaction, everyone didn't find anything unusual about the goblins.

Afterwards, the whole world rejoiced, celebrating the first-ever price drop for goblins.

The intelligent creatures once thought that this was the goblin who had finally changed his mind.

This joyful atmosphere even spread to the Floating Void City in Ideal Township.

At the dinner table, Charlie heard Karna's sister chattering and sharing gossip, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It's been almost a week since the goblin left.

No one knows what those goblins who were so excited that they walked a little when they left had learned here.

There were only Erris and Edson, and their faces became very solemn.

They faintly felt something was wrong from this price cut, but they had no idea.

It is worth mentioning that the goblins have established a stronghold in Utopia.

They chose a shop in the outer city and started business here.

That said, Utopia can now buy any item on the goblin business list, which includes the Daily Goblin.

The Goblin Daily is simply Karna's favorite, providing her with the joy of life.

That is the gossip from the major intelligent races in the world.

Therefore, Kana, who had already been squeezed out of her purse by the goblins, bought a copy with the money she got from somewhere.

Finally, she couldn't help but gossip and turned her head to Charlie, who was in charge, and asked, Will you join the Grand Arcanist's Floating City Club?

Charlie narrowed his eyes slightly, One of us will indeed join, but it shouldn't be me.

Edson immediately said, I'm already a member of the club.

But you represent Galewind Floating Void City, right? Utopia should have its own speaker.

So, mentor Eris? Charlie looked slightly at Eris.

Eris, who had to compare everything with Myramie recently, hadn't agreed immediately.

He frowned slightly, I... think about it.

Charlie was surprised.

She thought that in order to 'argue' with Edson's mentor, this great necromancer who was actually not difficult to get along with, would probably 'get in the way'.

Unexpectedly, Eris obviously wanted to refuse.


Pfft— Edson struggled to hold back his laughter, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Don't push him, dear, he has his problems.

Thank you all for your votes,

Thank you Hongxiu's red beans,

Comparing my heart, today is also a new day~

Continue to pray for new votes (bow.jpg)

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