Are you kidding me, you will know when you get to the foot of Mount Mandela.

After two days of chasing after me like a horse race, two groups of people arrived at the foot of Mount Mandela.

The prince and his party set up camp, but the physically and mentally exhausted knights had to be on guard all the time, almost never leaving their sword hilts.

Charlie and his party also stopped, and they didn't care about the prince and his party who were all soldiers.

The three arcanists formed a pile around Charlie, like overage children squatting on the ground poking an ant nest together.

Charlie has only one purpose here, which is to build a floating city.

For this reason, they sometimes quarreled with each other red-faced, and sometimes frowned in thought.

These arcanists were gathered together, looking like a group of unreasonable lunatics, just as the rumors said.

They kept arguing like this until nightfall before it gradually subsided.

Charlie looked at the arcane instructors who couldn't convince anyone. She originally thought that cutting mountains was a very simple matter.

Unexpectedly, just during the discussion, everyone was arguing.

They write and draw on the ground with branches, and if they are not satisfied, they use the soles of their shoes to smooth it out and start over.

Now the land in front of Charlie that had been altered countless times has been sunken, and they dug a hole for life.

The 'Black Dragon Young' lying on Charlie's shoulders occasionally raised his eyelids, looking at the arcanists as if they were looking at a group of fools.

I said, why don't you try using prophecy? Seeing that Eris and Myramie would not compromise with each other, and could escalate to violent conflict in minutes, Charlie finally couldn't bear it.

Prophecy? The three arcanists looked at her at the same time.


Three arcane instructors surrounded Charlie again.

Charlie swallowed his saliva, Why don't you let Mr. Capa come? He has a higher level of prophecy.

No, I don't trust him. Eris objected calmly.

Capa rolled his eyes.

Seeing that Myramie was going to blow up again, Charlie immediately mobilized the white Ion Stones, because the arcane instructors were surrounded by a group, and the Ion Stones flying around their heads couldn't tell which one was which.

Therefore, Charlie doesn't have to worry about the knights standing guard in the distance.

The first thing to predict: the location of the core of Mythra.

The positions chosen by the three arcane instructors are different, and each has its own reasons for what they say.

Charlie had a headache, and used prophecy to predict the three locations selected by the three mentors.

When he opened his eyes again, Charlie looked helplessly at Mentor Eris:

It is the most suitable position that Mr. Capa found.

Eris pursed her thin lips slightly and stopped talking.

In fact, the position they chose was only a hair's breadth away.

Arcanists of the prophecy department are really incomparable to other departments in this aspect. They may point out the treasure place of the dragon with a finger.

The location for the Mythra Core has been determined, and the rest is to start construction.

Eris took over all the arcane output of cutting mountains and building cities.

The black-robed archanist scratched the plane ring he was wearing with his fingertips, and took out an old parchment book with a black cover.

The parchment flipped in the air, and the scene under the night was full of supernatural colors.

The pages of the 'crashing la la' book were automatic without wind, until they were unfolded to the middle position, and the flipping sound stopped abruptly.

On the unfolded bronze-colored old sheepskin scroll, there was only one line of chic cursive writing—the contract for using the Miracle Technique of the Floating Void City.

The appearance of the black book alarmed the 'Black Dragon' lying on Charlie's shoulders. It glanced at the line of text, flapped its wings without hesitation, and flew to the nearest tree.

Charlie squinted slightly, but ignored him.

In her opinion, this might be an extremely hot potato, although being robbed was aggrieved and unbearable.

But if this guy left by herself, she would at most just keep it in mind, but she would also breathe a sigh of relief.

She was more worried about getting involved in some strange and dangerous incidents in the future than the little money lost by the castle.

After regaining his senses, Charlie looked at Teacher Capa, and humbly asked what the line on the black book meant.

Unlike Eris, who is not good at being a teacher, Capa is very good at teaching students. He said to Charlie in a pleasant manner: Euns, the great arcanist of the conjuration department who likes to travel between endless planes, once he was in a 'Meeting myself' after an unexpected plane accident.

What? Charlie's eyes were a little confused.

It's unbelievable, isn't it? Among the countless planes, there may be one, which is either similar to our world, or completely opposite. There, there will also be a 'you'.

Capa's words only reminded Charlie of one word, a word that was repeatedly mentioned in those science fiction works in his previous life.

……parallel world?

Parallel...parallel world? It's an interesting word. Well, the more I think about it, the more I think it's appropriate. Maybe we should contribute. These planes called 'mirror images' are renamed parallel worlds. Capa muttered to himself.

Cough. Mylamy coughed lightly to signal Capa not to digress.

In short, the great arcanist of the conjuration department is called Euns, but in that world, the other 'he' is just a little-known little figure in the conjuration department.

That world is in an extremely bright arcane era. Euns brought back news that the arcanists there live in the sky, the majestic sky city.

Euns obtained the arcane knowledge of the mirror image, no, the parallel world through the 'self' of that world, and brought back the most critical method of making the core of Mythra.

Since then, the great arcanists of our world have begun to cut mountains and build cities.

We believe that one day, this place will catch up with another world, and we will usher in an incomparably bright golden arcane era.

In that era, arcanists might be able to surpass the dragons, or maybe.

It turns out that the ambitions of arcanists are so great.

Not only do they just want to replace the social status of magicians, they may also 'sword' point to the king race of this world - the giant dragon family.

Trembling inexplicably, Charlie felt that the era he lived in might be excellent, but it might also be extremely bad.

Charlie's attention shifted back to the Black Book of Eris again, Capa explained.

All the arcane arts that created the design of the floating city, in order to thank the Lord Iolum of the other world, we named them all - Miracle Art of the Floating City.

The black ioun stone above Eris' head gave off an ominous halo.

The opened page of the black book burned and turned into a dark green flame that lit up the night.

The green flame floated and left the sheepskin autonomously.

Like an exaggerated magic effect, the green flame suddenly ignited, and after a 'boom', an extra 'person' appeared out of thin air.

Perhaps, it is more appropriate to say that there is an extra Super Lich out of thin air.

Death, the city of the dead...?! Kapa exclaimed when he saw the coming, but his lips were trembling from fright, and he couldn't speak fluently.

The lord of the floating city of the dead, a super lich, has 15 ioun stones [natural disaster] floating above his head.

After the super lich came on stage, he made a forceful inhalation action.

Although the position of the nose has become two dark holes.

The smell of the living always disgusts me. His voice was soft and soft, like a very gentle man, whispering sentimental words to his lover under the night.

But when the moonlight fell, seeing those deeply sunken eye sockets, where the eyeballs were replaced by the shining fire of the soul, one couldn't help but shudder.

Eris, I'm glad you summoned me. What? Have you figured it out? Are you ready to reincarnate as an archlich and join me?

Eris has long been accustomed to the other party's fixed opening remarks. He pointed to the nearby Mandela Mountain, The peak of this mountain, we will use it to make a floating city.

The soul fire in the eyes of the Lord of the Dead Floating Void City flickered, Okay, then this matter is completed, and the two are settled. But are you sure to use this precious opportunity for such a trivial matter?

Please start working. Eris replied unmoved.

The ultralich shrugged boredly.

So where is Mythra's Core? I'm going to shove it into the mountain first.

It was posted at 8:00, why did it post at 2:00 at night? ()

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