There is a saying in ancient times, The Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is... the back of the Kun, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is. '

Putting it on the giant dragons in this different world, this description is not an exaggeration at all.

Every time the black gold monarch flying on the sea waved his wings, countless cyclones would be brought out.

These cyclones come together to form tornadoes.

When a tornado hits the vast sea, it will bring up a waterspout that soars into the sky.

May I ask, how huge does a creature have to be to create such a spectacle?

But at this time, the black gold monarch, the prince of the Dragon Clan, was not in the mood to care about the sensational effect his revealing his real body in anger would cause.

He's after two treasures he's lost.

That's right, it's different.

The white light who stole the black gold blood mine he traded with the elves is very familiar.

Thinking about it carefully, this is probably the ring that was taken away by the time dragon during the battle between the dragon clan and the elf clan hundreds of years ago.

I remember that at that time, Time Dragon threw the ring into the gate of another dimension in order to lure him away from the battlefield.

Of course, the prince of the dragon clan is a high-grade giant dragon who has completely broken away from the low-level interests of the dragon clan (money fan).

As a matter of course, there is no superficial scheme by Zhong Guanglong.

The era war between the elves and dragons was quelled, and as a price, he also lost the ring gifted by his biological mother.

Of course, it is also indecent to come and not to go.

The time dragon didn't dare to show up on the mainland after that. According to a contributor to the gossip edition of Goblin Weekly, this legendary time dragon will never recover from his injuries in a thousand years.

However, Rao, the great and supreme prince of the Dragon Clan and the Black Gold Monarch, never thought that one day his lost items would be stolen from him.

Thinking about it, the black golden dragon's nostrils exhaled two scorching breaths, mixed with faint blue sparks.

The ring has the effect of hiding whereabouts, and at the same time grants a concealment effect to its stolen items.

The most important point is that all treasures that are 'claimed' by the ring cannot be discarded by the owner of the ring because of the law of causality.

In other words, as long as this damn thief is caught, he will get the stolen goods.

If the ordinary black gold mine was stolen this time, it would be helpless, but this time it was sent to the black gold mine soaked in a drop of his blood.

Coupled with his understanding of that hateful and vulgar ring, it is not difficult to figure out the general direction.

Speaking of which, the black gold monarch couldn't help but once again despised his romantic biological mother, the evil dragon god Tiamat.

This mother who did all kinds of evil and regarded herself as the mainstay of chaos and evil, the only gift she gave after giving birth to him was this ring with bad habits.

This gift presumably exhausted what little motherhood there was in Tiamat's nature.

Because after that, the relationship between their mother and son was very tense because of the faction.

The prince of the Dragon Clan who fell into memory suddenly came back to his senses, because another giant dragon flew over from the other side of the sea.

The golden longan narrowed slightly, and the vertical pupil almost turned into a thin line because of the sufficient sunlight.

The one who came had a pair of colorful wings as beautiful as a nebula.

But don't be fooled by the pair's wings, which are as beautiful as jewels in the world.

Because, this giant dragon known as the 'Prince of Colorful Wings' is a well-deserved evil dragon.

He is the most satisfied dragon son of the evil dragon god Tiamat.

Unlike the noble Black Gold Monarch, Prince Caiyi's biological father was just a red dragon in Tiamat's huge 'harem'.

Except for the pair of colorful wings, Prince Caiyi has a dull reddish brown all over, which he regards as a shame, because it comes from his biological father who came from a humble background.

When Prince Caiyi grew strong enough, he challenged his biological father and brutally killed him.

He refused to admit that he had the blood of the lowly red dragon in his body.

Only proud of the bloodline of the Dragon Queen of Tiamat.

Of course, he was deeply jealous of the black gold monarch who also kept half of Tiamat's blood.


Because, Alfonstantin, the other half of the dragon prince's blood comes from the supreme platinum dragon god Bahamut.

He is the only heir of the lawful good dragon god and the chaotic evil dragon queen.

He is the well-deserved prince of the Dragon Clan.

Even if Bahamut or Tiamat's other children are regarded as dragon princes, they all respectfully praise the black gold monarch as 'Your Highness'.

How can the vicious and self-important Prince Caiyi not be jealous?

Alphonstein, it's forbidden to pass through here. Prince Caiyi's voice was always eccentric and hoarse.

It felt like a poisonous snake hiding in a dark and humid corner, waiting for an opportunity to bite someone.

Alfonstantin looked at the colorful prince.

Just as the other party didn't want to call him 'brother' or 'Your Highness', he really hated this notorious younger brother.

No, he even hated the 'biological mother' who gave birth to them both.

However, at this time, Alphonse Ding noticed something strange.

As we all know, the evil dragons always do all kinds of evil. As long as they show up on the mainland, they will be a bloody storm.

Not to mention Prince Caiyi.

The last time this half-brother showed up, tens of thousands of elves lost their lives, the earth was soaked in blood, everything was destroyed by the dragon's breath, and the world became devastated.

And this time, why would he block his way out of nowhere?

The direction over there is...

If Alfonstantin's memory is correct, there is a human empire on the other side of the continent.

A human empire protected by his biological father, the platinum dragon god Bahamut.

Heh, if it means that Prince Caiyi and their biological mother, the evil dragon god Tiamat, did not conspire any other conspiracy, he would write his real name of the dragon clan upside down.

For this stinky brother who doesn't beat and dishonest, apart from beating him to death, Alphonse Standing has never had a second attitude towards him.

I saw the Black Gold Sovereign flapping his wings vigorously, and at the same time setting off countless violent winds and waves, his entire huge body flew towards Prince Colorful Wings like a cannonball.

As soon as there was a disagreement, he acted, and if he was prepared, Prince Caiyi's dragon scales were all blown up.

This is amazing! ! !

He didn't even have time to finish cursing in his heart, and with a loud 'bang', Prince Caiyi's dragon's protruding chest felt as if he had been hit by an asteroid.

The sound of the collision was like the opening of heaven and earth.

The invisible shock wave swayed away.

The thick clouds in the sky centered on the place where they collided, and a huge 'hole' was emptied in an instant, just like a big piece of the 'white cotton cake' was dug out.

The ocean, the ocean has been turned upside down, and all the creatures in the sea have been destroyed.

When Longwei collided, those fish and shrimps were all stunned. If they could foam at the mouth one by one, they would all turn over and float to the surface of the sea.

Not long after, a dense layer floated on the surface of the sea with huge waves, which made people's scalp numb when they looked around.

Caught off guard, Prince Caiyi spewed out a mouthful of dragon blood, which turned into a sky full of colorful clouds, and even a small half of a rainbow appeared under the sunlight.

Prince Caiyi raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, Oh!

As a result, before the sound could be stirred up, his huge ferocious dragon head was slapped violently by the dragon claws covered with hard black gold dragon scales.

The dragon tooth was almost blown off.

Prince Caiyi's lungs were about to explode, and he greeted the Black Gold Monarch directly without hesitation...

How scary are dragon fights?

Just watch them compete on the sea with those 'seafood' who have suffered eight lifetimes of blood mold.

It is simply that no grass is left behind.

The seemingly vast sea is simply not enough for these two to toss about.

Not long after, Prince Caiyi was beaten terribly.

A large area of ​​dragon scales was peeled off, and the dragon blood dripped into the sea, and all the infected creatures were infected by it and became relatives.

But Prince Caiyi no longer cared about his soldiers and generals.

He found that the black gold monarch really beat him to death this time.

When panicked, subconsciously, Prince Caiyi flew towards the land.

The black gold monarch's face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

He flicked off a piece of bloody dragon scale stuck under the dragon claw's nail indifferently, and flapped the huge black-gold wings gracefully and calmly.

The Black Gold Sovereign leisurely pursued the panic-stricken Prince Caiyi like a chasing dog.

The evil dragons are not cleaned up, and if they don't fight for a few days, they will frantically want to go to the house to expose the tiles.

At this time, the Black Gold Sovereign and the Colorful Wing Prince were only 20 nautical miles away from Bella Village.

Our hero finally came out o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Thank you for your recommendation tickets, seeing your tickets, the author will be motivated~ I feel like I am not playing stand-alone, emmm.

Bow.jpg, thank you all ~ thank you

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