By the way, how far have you and this little human girl developed? Belt asked with great interest.

Artemisia, who was concentrating on 'conquering' the desserts brought up by the maid, suddenly raised her head and said, Your Highness hasn't confessed yet.

Belt was stunned, and the black tea in his hand was overturned, but he still didn't forget to say to Artemisia, Dear sister, have you seen the dragon form recently?

Artemisia tilted her head slightly, What are you looking at?

Look at your body shape and how you eat. Brother, I'm a little worried.

Artemisia: ...

After finishing speaking, Belt looked at His Highness again, Brother...

The golden eyes stared at him coldly, and Belter immediately changed his words, Your Highness, that child is a short-lived species!

For us, their best years are like snowflakes in winter, which will melt in an instant. How can we not hurry up and confess?

Father God has already started discussing your marriage with me, why haven't you confessed here? So what kind of mentality did that child call my brother?

Artemisia looked at her brother who had died several times in front of His Highness, and silently stuffed the last piece of honey cake on the table into her mouth.

Belt jumped up to His Highness, put his hands on His Highness's overlapping front paws, and said seriously: Propose directly! Then try to give birth to a little nephew by this time next year!

The black dragon's whip-like tail swept away the golden dragon's 'claws' indifferently, If you have nothing to do, go back to the star realm.

Hey, how is this possible? In fact, Father God asked me to come down and guard you with Artemisia.

Recently, it has become more and more chaotic. The matter of the Spider Queen has brought great changes to the situation in the astral world. Now the good camp and the lawful camp have differences in the direction of handling the elf god system.

The corners of Alfonstantin's mouth curled up slightly, as if he was mocking the sacred and supreme gods in the astral world.

The evidence of Velen's collusion with the lower plane is conclusive, but whether or not the entire elf system is involved is a complicated issue.

Not to mention that there are a large group of chaotic gods in the star world who are afraid of chaos, but as far as the good camp and the order camp are concerned, these two camps have always been super alliance camps, and irreconcilable conflicts have arisen in this matter. contradiction.

Because of this, Father God is really worried about your side, and is afraid that the enemies hiding in the gutter will jointly attack you at this time.

Looking at the fair-haired and handsome golden dragon in front of him, the black dragon said coldly: So, it will be fine to send a golden dragon who was almost killed by the garbage from the lower plane before.

Belt: ......

As the eldest son's sense of superiority, he has never felt it once from this stinky younger brother! !


The goblins had to ask the dragons to help. Charlie quickly finished the work to be done in the morning, and took Happy to the White Castle for lunch.

Today's weather is fine, and the long banquet table for lunch was moved to the side of the fountain in the rose garden.

Ah, brother Belt. Charlie called a subordinate god of the dragon pantheon brother without any psychological pressure.

Berg sat upright, with a friendly expression of an older brother, What's the matter, dear...Charlie?

Obviously, the black dragon who is always by Charlie's side is like a noose that tightens the golden dragon's heart that is always ready to die.

Is such that……

Charlie told the story of New World.

So, I would like to ask Brother Bert to investigate in the star realm. After all, this New World belongs to that side.

Bert frowned slightly.

The gods are omniscient and omnipotent.

Just like the small treasury that the goblins thought they were covering tightly, in fact, all the gods in the astral world knew how many golden coins these greedy greenskins had collected and hidden in their treasury.

But therein lies the oddity.

New World Belter didn't have any impression.

Artemisia's fast but elegant eating movements also stopped.

...Huh? Does everyone know? The details of this New World?

Artemisia shook her head, It's suspicious because I don't know.

Could it be related to those lunatics? I don't know what method they used in their conspiracy. It seems that they can hide the eyes of the gods every time.

Belt and Artemisia communicated without saying a word.

Heilong was biting a piece of ripe steak irrelevantly. After swallowing it, he looked at Charlie and asked lightly, Why didn't you find me.

Charlie: ?

Aren't you a family, no, a family of dragons?

Who is there to ask about this matter?

If there was an additional book called Dragon's Minefield in the catalog of the spellcaster's Educated Man, Charlie probably wouldn't have such an idea.

For powerful male giant dragons, their 'territorial awareness' is reflected in various aspects.

Does Your Highness know anything?

I don't know, but it's a good guess.

The 'omnipotence' of the gods has limitations. Heilong's light words made the whole dining table quiet.

If they were truly omniscient and omnipotent, illithids wouldn't be one of the hidden worries of the astral world.

So, when it comes to 'invasive alien species', the gods may not be all-knowing and omnipotent? Charlie asked tentatively.

That's right.

As His Royal Highness, the crown prince who was born by encountering two dragon gods in another world while traveling, he is an omniscient and omnipotent existence that surpasses the gods of the main world.

Then by analogy, this New World is probably similar to the situation of spirit suckers or His Highness.

And that Odd. He has an aura similar to mine, and he also belongs to an existence beyond the cognition of the gods.

If it really has something to do with the rats in the gutters of Velen, then we can't let New World continue to develop here.

Although it seems that this incident is suspected to be related to the big event that happened in the astral world, Charlie was confused, but seeing the two dragon gods, they always showed the expression of I would rather kill the wrong than let it go. look.

Charlie was relieved.

It seems that the goblins have been eliminated as competitors~!

Seeing Charlie happily cutting the steak on the plate, Heilong's eyes softened, Are you free during this time?

Hey, just a few days after I came back, Nao watched me very closely. Preventing me from skipping work is like preventing thieves. It's unreasonable.

All the work is handed over to that half-breed dark elf, and it is regarded as a reward for saving him. You are the master here, so there is no need to get too used to your subordinates. The black dragon said lightly.

Speaking of this suddenly, is there something wrong?

Do you want to go to the island of the elves? His Highness asked.

'Bang bang', all the knives and forks in Charlie's hands fell on the plate.

I'm going to find Scotch right now! It's time to promote him as the deputy city lord of Utopia! Charlie, who raised his fist, seemed to be on fire, and quickly opened a portal, killing him directly to the city hall.

Seeing her such a positive look, the black dragon thought of Charlie smiling at Nao's half-elven face every day.

Immediately, there was a feeling of lifting a rock and hitting one's own foot.

Do you want……

Say hello to the elves in advance and send all the male elves away, shall we?

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