The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World

Chapter 2 It's You! Moyu finger? !

This trip to the northern fief is actually considered a branch of the Earl's Mansion.

In this regard, Charlie, the Earl of the Northland fiefdom, has nothing to do with the old Earl's widow in the capital of the empire.

She is not the original body, and has little affection for the biological mother of this body.

Coupled with the fact that this biological mother was particularly capable of tossing about, Jiang Mianmian's last trace of guilt was simply gone.

The old earl's widow gave her a voluntary transfer of land and real estate after dinner yesterday and asked her to sign it.

It shows that the earl's mansion in the capital will be unconditionally transferred to the old earl's widow, Mrs. Felina.

Despite feeling suffocated, Jiang Mianmian finally signed the inheritance instead of Charlie.

The reason she comforted herself was that it was all a one-time high alimony payment.

Afterwards, she packed her luggage. Apart from the books in the old earl's study, she only brought one hundred gold coins and five hundred silver coins as expenses on the road.

Compared with the extravagant but unnecessary expenditures of the old earl's widow in the earl's mansion, this split fee is really shabby, which makes people feel sad.

Riding on the horse, Jiang Mianmian, the newly born Charlie finally embarked on a journey and ushered in a new life.


On the way, the young 'introverted' new earl hungrily looked at the books he brought out.

Books are the only way to quickly understand this strange world without arousing suspicion from others.

It has to be said that the books with thick and expensive kraft paper are like a brand new door opened in front of Charlie.

They record one era after another, the ups and downs of history and the common sense of other worlds constantly impact Jiang Mianmian's poor three views.

From the elves who fought against the giant dragons and finally failed to sail away, to the little green-skinned goblins all over the world, but only keen to be the strongest middlemen in history, commonly known as profiteers.

From the mighty orc race in the barren north that has been at war for years to plunder the living resources, to the three major human empires that are struggling together to seek development...

Finally, Charlie had a preliminary understanding of the world.

There really is everything here! It's not surprising what happened!

The more she read these books, the more she realized that if she wanted to survive in this different world, she couldn't do without 'strength', otherwise she might be caught in a fight with a giant dragon when she went out.

According to the memory of the original owner, Charlie, her body has no magical aptitude and cannot become a spellcaster.

Because of the hidden gender secret, he cannot become a knight in hand-to-hand combat, thus missing the best age for knight training.

Distraught and constantly rummaging in the large wooden box where the books were stored, Charlie dug out a book called The New Rising Man from the bottom.

A new profession introduced in the book solves her current urgent need - Arcanist.

Such a passage was written on the title page in ink on worn-out vellum.

[We are obsessives who have no magical aptitude but show incomparable curiosity about the world behind 'that' door. 】

[And the discovery of the Ion Stone saved us like this, it opened the magic door that has been closed in front of us for us! 】

[Let countless people like me become spellcasters as arcanists! 】

[Praise it! All the lost lambs rejected by the magic gate! You will no longer hesitate! Ion Stone, a magical gift that changes destiny! 】

Ion Stone... Arcanist! Wonderful!

Isn't this a career tailored for her current situation? !

It's up to you! Arcanist!

I want to find the Ion Stone! I want to be an Arcanist!

Charlie put down the book, looking like he was out of his wits, all he was planning was how to get an Ion Stone, so that he could quickly gain the power to rewrite his fate!

At night, the procession marched through a forest, which was so large that they had to sleep in the open tonight.

The mercenaries quickly set up a temporary camp.

What surprised Charlie was that the maid next to him wanted to help cook dinner, but was rejected by the mage among the mercenaries.

The girl lit the fire with the fireball technique alone, cleaned the ingredients with the water balloon technique, and sliced ​​the cured ham with the wind blade technique.

Obviously cooking alone, but there are a hundred chefs cooking in the back kitchen of a star hotel.

This makes Charlie, who has traveled not long ago, more truly realize what kind of magical world he has come to.

Not long after, a group of people ate around the burning bonfire.

Dinner on the go is easy.

The mercenaries were all holding a bowl of warm chowder soup, which didn't taste very good, with salted ham floating in it, and some wild vegetables picked at random by the roadside.

They drank sucking and sucking, which made Charlie's servants and servants look contemptuous.

The seasoning is only coarse salt, and it is conceivable that the taste is not much better.

Then, these mercenaries picked up large stones and placed them around the bonfire, and then the female caster brought a wooden bowl, took out a large off-white dough from it, and kneaded it into a palm-sized dough The cake was pressed on the hot stone with a 'snap'.

On Charlie's side, the maid took out white bread that had been cut into small pieces and stored in a bamboo basket.

Charlie frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice, Are you bringing all this kind of dry food?

The maid, who looked no older than 17 or 18, nodded and said, Yes. Madam ordered it to be prepared.

Charlie's mouth twitched slightly.

The hostesses of noble families are like this, they have to intervene in everything, but the problem is that they also intervene in fields that they are not good at.

For example, this kind of white bread will become moldy after a long journey.

I listen to her about this kind of thing. May I ask if she has left the gate of the imperial capital more than 5 meters away?

Obviously, the young maid didn't understand the sarcasm in Charlie's words.

Charlie, who was too lazy to say anything, put his hand on his forehead and said, Take the white bread and distribute it to the mercenaries. Otherwise, it will break in a few days.

It is better to sell it now than to give it to others when it is about to break down.

When I was away from home, even if the maid disagreed, it was not good to contradict the nobleman in front of the mercenary, so I went obediently.

The mercenaries were obviously very happy to get the white bread, and the relationship that was still somewhat unfamiliar immediately became close.

The leading mercenary has a scar that used to wear his face, which makes him look scary, but in fact he is the most tempered in the mercenary squad.

He sincerely thanked: Thank you for your generosity, Lord Earl.

Charlie waved his hand quickly, and she didn't think the other party couldn't see the 'difficulty' on their side, and immediately said: It's my mother, who hasn't traveled far, doesn't know common sense, and prepares such food.

If you don't help me eat some, I might have a headache in a few days.

Obviously, her calmness earned the mercenaries great affection.

The cooking mage among the mercenaries used a wooden bowl to scoop out the chowder she made that looked like a 'magic medicine', and shared it with the earl and his party.

Holding the mage brand special chowder soup that bubbled like a potion and then shattered in his hand, Charlie secretly vowed in his heart that after arriving in the territory, he must improve the food standard of this world!

This is a rare opportunity. The mercenaries who have traveled all over the world probably know what she wants to know. Charlie smiled kindly and talked very talkatively with the mercenaries who had a good chat:

It sounds like you have taken on many missions and been to many places, and you must have seen many, such as people, things or things that the Holy Platinum Empire does not have.

Such as Arcanist, Ion Stone and so on.

The scarface mercenary nodded.

Before he could answer, he was robbed by a magician girl with fiery red curly hair who cooked dark dishes beside him.

The capital of the Holy Platinum Empire is really a safe place! If you go further north, it will become more and more chaotic, because there are more races from other camps there, and they often attack travelers.

North was where they were headed.

But now the point is .!

Ah, is that so, have you heard... some amazing rumors?

For example, a person without magical aptitude finds a magical stone and becomes a member of the legend.

The red-haired girl's eyes lit up again, Ah! After we came here, we really met one! That would never happen in other camps!

You are a noble here. He has been fighting for three years! He has never returned home! But when he returned home, he found his wife was pregnant! The most frightening thing is that because of the camp philosophy, he actually forgave his wife?! It didn't happen! It's unbelievable! I mean your camp!

Charlie's fair face was dull, and he subconsciously asked, Really?

She has roughly understood the meaning of the faction in this world.

People in this world have to choose a camp whenever they walk in the world, even if they don't want to choose anything, they will default to the absolutely neutral camp.

In short, to sum it up in one word, that is, if you choose a camp, you must not violate the code of conduct of that camp, and you must thoroughly implement the camp's philosophy into every bit of your life.

Obviously, the nobleman who was green did a very good job at this point, but it was too scary for Charlie, that is, Jiang Mianmian.

She doesn't want to stay in such a camp!

The red-haired girl nodded sympathetically.

The general summary of lawful kindness is: if you don't have them, you can't take advantage of them. I would rather the world betray me, I will never betray the world!

Is that the common man's camp?

No, that's the camp of the saints!

She is an ordinary little woman who hasn't left the 'low taste' yet, so she should 'leave the group' as soon as possible.

Charlie covered his forehead with one hand, and first put the matter of changing camps on the agenda silently in his heart, and then asked directly without going around in circles:

...Have you ever contacted an Arcanist?

The scene was instantly dead silent, and a needle could be heard.

Charlie didn't want to be so direct, but she was really afraid of the enthusiastic and talkative red curly hair mage sister.

They're all lunatics. The sorcerer's sister, whose attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, turned cold and criticized with hostility.

Well, it seems that the rumors are true, there are irreconcilable contradictions between traditional mages and arcanists.

Lola, you can't just...

Another of their companions subconsciously retorted, but immediately shut up after seeing the fireball warning.

Arcanists are indeed remarkable. Their current achievements not only come from the Ion Stone, but also their insatiable curiosity and crazy desire for knowledge.

The man with the scar face said suddenly.

Charlie racked his brains to bring the topic to the Ion Stone, but the man with the scar seemed to see through his thoughts.

Ion Stone is strictly controlled by the Arcanists, and it is difficult to find it on the black market, unless you can find the Goblin Chamber of Commerce, because those green-skinned and greedy guys dare to sell anything.

It has aroused the vigilance of the members of the mercenary team, and Charlie can only give up for the time being a little unwillingly.

If there is nothing to do, they can only rest early, and the mercenaries will take turns to watch the night.

Back in the tent, Charlie slept with his clothes on, but all he could think about was the Ion Stone, which could open the magic door for her.

Strong will always works miracles.

Charlie, who had already closed her eyes and began to silently count 'Ion Stone', felt her left thumb was hot, as if molten iron had been poured on it. She sat up clutching her hands in pain, and looked at her thumb.

At this time, the Moyu finger ring on her hand was too familiar, it was the object she was wearing on her hand to admire before the car accident in her previous life.


It's you! Mo Yu wrenched his finger! !

is that you? !

Without Mo Yu, Jiang Mianmian would not have become Charlie, she would have passed away completely.

Thinking of this, Charlie excitedly pressed the Moyu finger on his left hand to his lips and took a big 'what'.

Before she could figure out the meaning of Moyu's finger, a line of gold characters appeared in front of her eyes.

[Mission: Your team is being targeted by a group of outlaws, bravely participate in it! You'll get, reward: a magical Ion Stone. 】

Eyes as clear as jewels widened.

The surprise came so suddenly that she couldn't react.

Fortune and misfortune always accompany each other, surprises followed by fright, Charlie silently set the key points for the golden task, and the team was targeted by a group of criminals.

Do those mercenaries know?

Charlie quietly got up from the tent, opened the curtain of the tent, and looked at the fire that was still burning in the wild.

The mercenaries were still awake, talking in low voices around the fire.

‘Maybe they found something, or maybe they were just chatting.

I can't risk reminding them of anything.

There will be side effects afterwards, and it will make them doubt me.

After all, I am a person with no talent for cultivation.

It is easy for them to guess whether there is any treasure on me. '

The most important thing is not to lose your life because of momentary greed.

She has already seen the magic of this world. For example, the mage girl just now can use three kinds of elemental magic to cook dinner.

It is conceivable that when they fight, it is absolutely impossible for them to just threaten each other with a dagger and say harsh words to each other.

Charlie quietly pulled out the poisonous dagger that her friend got for her from her riding boots. Obviously, she was not completely unprepared for the dangerous and unpredictable journey.

This alone was not enough, she took off her coat and rolled it into a ball and stuffed it under the thick blanket, so that in the dimness there could be vaguely seen a human figure.

And she herself, holding her breath, clenched the dagger tightly, and her body was like a taut string hiding behind the curtain at the entrance of the tent, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Beads of sweat slipped from his white forehead because of nervousness, and the sound of his heartbeat amplified infinitely in the darkness.

Time seems to be under a solidification spell, it seems to pass very slowly, but it is like a knife hanging over the head, and you cannot relax for a moment.

The mercenaries outside the tent moved.


Don't relax, these wolves are a bit strange.


Charlie hid behind the curtain of the tent and could only vaguely hear the sound of the battle that started suddenly outside, but he couldn't see the chaotic battle outside.

From time to time, the sharp screams of wolves could be heard, resembling wild dogs that had been beaten.

Charlie's palms were covered with sweat as he held the dagger.

Finally, the 'outlaws' mentioned in the mission appeared after watching the wolves disrupt the formation of the mercenary squad.

Charlie heard the scarred man shout angrily: Damn it! It's these people who did it!

But soon, he couldn't care less about talking, and the sound of sword clashing was getting closer and closer to the curtains of the tent.

There was a sound of cloth strips being torn, and then a mercenary flew in backwards. He was obviously attacked by those who attacked the camp and was seriously injured.

There was a wound on his chest that ran from his shoulder to his abdomen, and he was bleeding crazily, looking very scary.

The mercenary who injured him chased in to make up the knife. He was so eager for quick success that he didn't see Charlie who was curled up next to the torn entrance of the tent like a bow.

Almost when the assailant wrapped in a shadowy black cloak raised his hand to finish off the mercenary, Charlie exploded, like a flying rocket, and slammed the dagger into the assailant's neck with the force of the impact .

She didn't dare to bet on whether she could hit the heart accurately, and she was not sure whether the poison of the poisonous dagger could kill people instantly.

But she knew that the dagger was stuck in the neck, unless it was a monster, it would definitely hang.

The poisonous dagger played its role, and the shadow attacker's face under the hood instantly turned a terrifying dark green, and then he 'slammed to the ground'.

Until his death, the assailant didn't turn his head to see who gave him the fatal blow.

Task hints haven't been updated yet.

But apparently, Charlie has been involved in the mission events.

Maybe she can do more, not only for mission rewards, but also for survival!

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