Charlie drew simple drawings at the castle in advance.

The lines she drew were crooked and unprofessional, but the drawing method was a perspective sketch from another world.

This method of drawing provides a clear insight into the structure of objects and is an essential foundation for architecture.

Sure enough, the people around were stunned when they saw the picture scroll.

They have never seen such a 'strange' painting method, but they can understand it at a glance.

Values ​​are also marked around the walls.

Looking at the 4-meter-high outer city wall, let alone magic wolves, even monsters a few sizes larger can't rush in unless they grow wings.

On the blueprint, Charlie indicated a section of Beira Village facing the sea, The villagers will build this section.

The distance is not long. If the villagers work hard, the project can definitely be completed in 3 days.

And the rest of the main part Charlie is thinking about letting the Melami teacher complete it.

Seeing Charlie staring at him eagerly, Mylamy immediately understood.

The picky-eyed old man twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing whether he should be happy that his students considered him so much, or he should feel sorry for the huge workload.


Capa couldn't help laughing, and Myramie glared at him.

Capa: Actually, the little girl named Kana can also be called to help. After all, the magical power of a magician is 'inexhaustible'.

Myramie's eyes lit up, and he rushed back to look for Karna.

Capa's prophecy has no room for help in this kind of matter, and it is indirectly equivalent to a monkey who can shout 666.

Not long after, Melami came back with the mercenary team.

Originally, Charlie thought only Karna would be called.

Karna, the redhead, muttered.

It seems that he is a little dissatisfied with being called around by an 'unpopular' arcanist, but unfortunately, strength determines everything.

Charlie didn't seem to expect that all 7 members of the mercenary team came.

But Charlie is only familiar with three of them, and the rest have not had much contact with them, and only know their names.

After reading the drawings, a few mercenaries rolled up their sleeves and went to find work. One of them was 1.5 meters tall, but the most conspicuous girl was carrying a large ax about 1.7 meters long.

Charlie remembered her as Molly.

I just wanted to ask this girl not to do heavy work here, and I can go to the beach with her later...

Seeing that, the girl took off the tomahawk she was carrying on her back, swung it round, and slashed at a tree as thick as the waist of two grown men.

There were two boom and boom sounds of logging in succession, and then the tree fell to the ground in response, and there was a loud boom, sending up a piece of flying sand and rocks.

Charlie: ...

As if she hadn't thought about it that way.

Compared to this Q-like mercenary girl, Kana is much more slack.

It doesn't need to be said by Charlie, just listen to Capa beside her say to Myramie: Old friend, don't lose to the magician.

Milami felt that this friend of hers might not be crazy.

This annoying little girl named Kana may not be able to match his red-robed mage's level if all her levels are added together. Will he lose?

However, this remark had a different meaning in Kana's eyes.

Someone who was passive and sabotage before was so motivated that he almost rolled up his sleeves.

Earth Wall Technique!

Rock Fortress! Mylamy was not to be outdone...

Rock piercing!

The Barrier of Earth!

Charlie: ...

Immediately, arcana and magic 'competed for beauty', and Kapa in white robe lightly brushed off the splashed dirt, hiding his achievements and fame.

Charlie: ...

She found that the teacher Kapa who called 666 was the worst one to mess with.

Here, it was handed over to the two who were crazy about arcane and magic. Charlie silently asked Old Tom to bring all the old people in the village who couldn't work but still had strong legs to the seaside.

In the construction of the seaside wall, even the women in Beira Village have been sent to battle.

There are also some old people who really can't do these jobs.

But now that the village construction is short of manpower, Charlie can't think of a better way.

Let the villagers work, and they will consume their physical strength, which will inevitably increase the consumption of food.

However, there is a food shortage in Beira village.

what to do?

Only open source!

The sea is undoubtedly an inexhaustible treasure.

Target Charlie also thought about it, those cute little sharks!

Can't you?

The fishing boats were all overturned, so if you don’t eat them, can you still keep them for the New Year?

But Charlie also inquired, it's not that the people in Bella Village didn't think about these nasty little sharks before, it's just that their means and abilities are limited.

There are often two results when the net is lowered. Either the shark drags the villagers from the net to a deeper front sea area, and then swarms up to tear people up and eat them.

Or, the fishing net was smashed by this powerful little shark, and finally returned without success, and a fishing net was paid.

As for fishing, it was even more impossible.

The kind of line that can catch such a powerful little shark has not been found so far in the backcountry of Bella Village.

If it was before, Charlie would probably be stumped by this situation, but it is different now.

Four Ion Stones float above her head, which are red, white, purple and the newly added gray.

Capa took the opportunity to guide: Although you are just entering the realm of arcane apprenticeship, do you know the difference between you and ordinary apprentices, Charlie?

...I have four departments?

Capa nodded, not denying the answer.

Do you know the level composition system for arcanists and magicians?

Seeing Charlie shaking his head, Mylamy continued to talk.

In the fourth part, for example, Myramie is a level 8 mage, a level 8 red-robed mage, and a level 9 erudite bachelor, but he doesn't have a mage tower, so in the fourth part, the level of the mage tower is 0.

In total, the caster level is level 25.

Ah! Charlie didn't have a systematic understanding of these numbers. According to the concept of online games in his previous life, level 20 is just the level of leaving Novice Village and just emerging.

But in fact, she saw more than that in Myramie, and she still vividly remembered the scene of homework full of flames.

The wounds caused by the demon wolf with a scarred face are not healed yet, but such a powerful demon wolf was indeed bombarded 8 mature by the one move of Milami.

Under normal circumstances, your current level should be a level 1 mage, a level 1 faction mage apprentice level, and a level 0 erudite bachelor.

But I have four departments... Charlie's eyes lit up slightly, as if he understood the reason.

Yes, so you should be a level 1 mage now, plus a total of 4 levels of faction mages, and a level 0 erudite bachelor.

That is to say, in the future, you will be born with 7 more faction levels in each level than others. Do you know what this means?

It means that I can walk sideways, well, I probably still have to go around when I encounter a dragon.

Charlie replied silently in his heart.

Capa didn't continue talking, he stopped and said: Your arcane power will become wider and wider as you reach the later stage. When you become a great arcanist, it will be inexhaustible. Your The number of casts will be virtually useless.

Do the math, that is to say, at the same level, she can fight 7 Myramite mentors.

So, in the battle in the early morning, you used one divination and one fireball. Then you should still have two casting times.

Why don't you try fishing with ice spells? Maybe there will be unexpected gains. Instructor Kapa is like a wise man, guiding Charlie patiently.

Charlie has been bewitched by Capa's prospect and his heart is full of fighting spirit.

She doesn't have a caster's scepter, but she can mobilize the arcane energy harmonized by the Ion Stone like her arms, and the arcane spells are cast instantly.

Ice spell!

The shallow sea pointed by the slender fingers instantly froze into ice.

The marine life on the ice has almost no time to react, and it instantly becomes an 'ice lump'.

Charlie was even more overwhelmed with joy, anticipation for this harvest, and his current powerful spellcasting ability.

Get the rope and the hook! She turned her head and said to the leader behind her.

Not long after, several gray-haired old men brought what Charlie wanted.

The hook hooked the ice lump, and with the buoyancy of the sea water, Charlie and a group of elderly people in the village managed to pull the ice lump to the ankle-deep position of the sea water.

Yes, that's right, Kappa really watched the 'play' calmly and calmly during the whole process, and he didn't even call 666.

About 1 meter high and a radius of about 5 meters, the cylindrical sea ice lump is filled with densely packed small forearm-length sharks. It seems that there are at least 200 of them.

The strong sense of picture can make secret phobia patients fall ill on the spot.

Charlie endured goosebumps, and walked in to observe this little shark.

They have two rows of sharp hook-like teeth and gills, which seem to be a species with an amazing bite force.

What's even more peculiar is that these small sharks have a piece of bone on the top of their heads, which looks like a battering ram.

No wonder they are capable of capsizing hulls.

But the 'food' of this ice lump is enough for Beira Village to solve the immediate crisis.

What? Shark meat contains a lot of urea, is it not tasty?

People who are about to starve to death eat dirt, but isn't shark meat better than dirt?

Simply, led these old man Charlie directly on the beach and began to speak about shark meat on the tip of the tongue.

In the end, after a while, I decided to chop up this kind of thing and pickle it with salt, and eat it as dried salted fish.

No way, the smell of shark urine is too strong.

On the spot, an old villager who was still in good health chiseled a piece of ice out of the lump.

Each of the old people took a concoction.

Charlie felt that it was too embarrassing to stand and watch, so he joined the ranks.

When Capa heard a sudden loud noise from the village, the seabirds around were all 'Ulala' flying away, so he said hello to Charlie and went back to have a look.

Charlie was busy disemboweling the frozen baby shark, so he didn't go with him.

As a result, when Capa just left, she cut it together, it seems...

The knife cut something hard.

Curiously, she stuck her hand into the shark's belly.

In the end, she took out two blood-stained 'stones' that were particularly familiar to her.

Almost instantly, Charlie put the bloody 'stone' close to his body.

The whole person instantly became gloomy.


Why are you back again? !

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