The bait has been cast down, just wait for the time to draw the net.

Some people say that belief in the gods cannot be shaken by interests.

Well, maybe it's just that the benefits are not enough.

When Kana started a large-scale pyramid marketing that was enough to enter the history books with a central town named Angus in the Holy Golden Empire, Utopia had already reached the ninth day without dragons.

As for Ideal Township, apart from Charlie's low work efficiency becoming more procrastinated, the only thing that worries everyone is the current strength of Ideal Township's defense.

It stands to reason that there are three legends sitting in town now, so Utopia shouldn't worry about this issue.

But think back to the enemies that Utopia has experienced so far... The last one was the start of an army of 100,000 orcs, and the five dragons could only be ranked in the bottom row.

Then, it is understandable that the citizens of Ideal Township feel very insecure nowadays.

In the entire Ideal Township, there are probably only a few dragonborn generals who are 'out of tune' with the mentality of everyone.

The dragon descendants headed by Theon seemed to be stuffed with a bucket of dragon blood. (Dragon descendants will evolve by drinking dragon blood, not the rumor version effect that spreads in the mainland.)

In the past, because of the existence of many true dragon masters, the existence of dragonborn was like icing on the cake.

Whether there is or not has little impact on the overall strength of Utopia.

Now that the dragon has left, Theon feels that this is a good opportunity for the dragonborn to show their strengths.

He is confident that he will slowly restore Utopia's force to the time when the dragon was still there.

It is not a fantasy to have dwarves who are making 'magically modified black technology weapons' all the time.

Gradually, Charlie also seemed to get rid of the haze of losing the black dragon he raised with one hand.

Obviously, it would be a good thing to divert attention at this time.

So, Charlie set his sights on the Wizards Association, which she hadn't paid attention to since she cast the 'fishing net'.

After a few days, when I contacted Kana again, the other party excitedly reported her appearance of a lot of fruit.

Charlie knew that the Association of Magicians probably wasn't enough to be an opponent who could distract her 'attention'.

Before she exerted any strength, she just ruled out a pawn.

Now the entire branch of the Association of Magicians has become an external force of the Black Robe Wizards Association.

Kana was still talking about how she captured a senior deacon of the Angus Magic Division through coercion and temptation and endless brainwashing attacks.

Charlie's thoughts have drifted to the black dragon who was picked up by the dragon prince.

Smelly little black, if he can't eat cake, will he lose his temper innocently?

That His Highness didn't take care of children at first glance. If he is annoyed, will he hit the little black dragon?

If it is a dragon mother, it should be more gentle. I heard Antanalon said before that most male dragons in the dragon clan have no patience with their offspring.


Kana finished the long report on the results, and now it is time to ask for instructions and raise the problems she encountered.

Now with her as the 'top line', the entire branch has been developed into layers of lower limits.

The wealth unearthed is staggering.

But then came the problem.

The lowest-level external staff cannot absorb the benefits of Dao, thus questioning such a physique.

When Charlie came back to his senses, he just heard the question clearly.

Ah, of course it is to continue to expand. There are so many branches of the Magicians Association, so there are no places for 'exchange and study'?

If not, can't you think of a way to make a similar effect?

You let these people who raise objections, that is, guys who don't enjoy the 'benefits within the system', go to the new association. Let them become the 'new source of superiors' there.

If the development there is complete, and so on, I believe that soon, I will hear the news that you have taken down all the branches of the Magicians Association in the territory of the Holy Golden Empire.

No, to be more precise, I can see the scene of the large-scale change of the door court of the Magician Branch Association.

I really hope that the senior deacons in the headquarters are more effective now, but they don't have to 'thump' like last time. Before I did my best, they collapsed one by one.

Really, these old houses who retreated to study the level of learned scholars when they have nothing to do, how glass-hearted they are.

Karna: ...

Just slander, of course, is not higher than a person.

But the problem is that, through the goblin, Charlie had a set of combos at the time, both true and false, as if it was a campaign by politicians.

The scandal that broke out at a critical time cannot be groundless.

But that's the way it is. When the truth comes out, everyone will be extremely embarrassed at the headquarters that is regarded as the Sacred Land of Magicians.

Therefore, Kana is like saying to Charlie: You are really humble, your lethality is simply a walking magic missile.

The lethality of the new weapons developed by the dwarves is even less than one ten-thousandth of yours.

Cutting off the call, the bored Charlie simply skipped work on the grounds that he was in a bad mood.

She didn't even bother to sign the documents sent by the city hall now.

He directly carved a carrot, cough, carved a magic seal, and threw one directly to the staff of the secretary department. By the way, he announced it very casually, and it will be stamped instead of the city lord's signature.

Except for some important matters of course.

For example, if the dwarves take the wrong medicine one day, they plan to launch their newly researched XXX magic-modified black technology weapon at the imperial capital of the Platinum Empire.

At that time, no matter what Charlie is doing, please be sure to notify her as soon as possible.

Then let her stuff the old ducks, which are now completely 'broken', into the muzzles in the mountains outside Ideal Township.

Then launch them one by one, and let them think about it quietly.

back to the room.

Charlie just remembered one thing, enough to take it out to improve his state of being upset and irritable in everything he does now.

Speaking of which, Ideal Township used to make money by buying pearls, and when it made a fortune silently, although it was always coveted and spied on.

But it's never been so 'exciting' before.

Since when did Utopia become so advanced?

It seems that since the Empire Civil War, everything has gone so badly that Charlie, who wants to make a fortune, feels that the development of things has been out of control again and again.

Then, the Raven will.

Squinting slightly.

It can be said that New World Daily has made no secret of its hostility towards arcanists.

But now, as the only arcanist sanctuary in the world, she can even directly understand it as New World Daily showing blatant hostility towards her.

Reminiscent of those black crows who deliver newspapers every day, Charlie already has the speculation that New World is an industry for ravens.

Obviously, the other party didn't try to hide it.

Who said that the notorious Raven Club couldn't have another business of selling gossip newspapers?

There is no shortage of smart people in the world.

Some people have long seen the huge interests and important discourse power hidden behind the Goblin Three Journals.

It's just because of Charlie's previous advice to the goblins.

Let the goblins hug the thighs early.

This is why there is no tabloids flying around in the world today.

But of course, in many places, there are also some local tabloids that cannot be published on the stage and cannot be released all over the world at the same time.

The news in these tabloids is nothing more than the obituary of the death of XXX in the village, or the happy news that Tom and Mary are married.

Ravens will...

Thinking about it carefully, Ray Teigrin's wife, who is Christine's best friend Fulla, has the shadow of the Raven Society behind her.

And think about it further.

Then, the escalation of the conflict in the civil war of the empire, and finally evolved into a battle of the gods, is it also the Raven Society's plan behind this?

The gods who stretch out their black hands to the astral world.

How blasphemy is this, and what arrogance?

In the Raven Society, what kind of existence would the Lord have made all of this.

At present, according to Charlie's knowledge, the strongest combat power under the gods is legend.

The strongest combat power in the legend must be the giant dragon.

Just like what I saw and heard when I first came to this world.

Who is the strongest in the legend.

Alphonse Constantine...

But when he dreamily came into contact with the strongest dragon, Charlie looked at him with his current strength, but found that the opponent was still as deep as an abyss.

Legendary... above?

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