400 elite berserkers wearing five-hundred-pound, full-body legendary heavy armor ran wildly in the desert at a speed beyond the limit of human beings.

The dragon-scale legendary blue steel boots under their feet stomped on the ground, making a muffled sound like a drum beating.

'Om, Om, Om'

Ha, ha, ha... The elite fighters behind the leader were all panting.

The berserker at the front of the line was holding a thick chain.

On the chain are engraved magic words emitting a dark red light.

These chains hold a mad drake.

Judging from the size of this sub-dragon and the exposed teeth, it can be judged that his age is at least ancient.

However, an iron cage was placed on the head of this sub-dragon, and its wings were cut off by Qi Gen.

Behind the sub-dragon who had to lead the way, the panting elite army followed.

Speaking with conscience, they are all combat heroes who have experienced many battles.

But this kind of...

The Lord hadn't seen him yet, but they had already run 3 times around Kansang!

It's crazy!

That noble lady from Utopia, what is she doing here? ! Army zipper, is it?

Fortunately, those who participated in this operation were truly elite.

March around Kansang a few times in a hurry, that is, to drink a few more stamina recovery potions when you are tired.

kindness! I haven't started the fight yet, so I drink the medicine first, and there's nothing wrong with it.

The hybrid beast on the mount started to foam at the corners of his mouth at this moment.

Worried that his mount would lose the chain when fighting, the commander took out two recovery potions from his supply and threw them to the hybrid beast mount.

Sir, things are a little strange.

The adjutant drove the hybrid beast to the side of the leading general.

We've been running for so long, but we haven't met a giant dragon...Is there something wrong?

Where is Kansan?

One of the ten largest dragon habitats in the world.

After running a few laps around the perimeter of this place, I didn't meet a giant dragon. This is really a ghost.

It stands to reason that according to their 'chasing' method, they will surround the periphery of Kansang at a speed exceeding that of ordinary people...

Even if they are the little boys who are kept by the god of fate, they can't be out of reach of a giant dragon, right?


A giant dragon with light red scales and a red copper dragon with green patina on the edges of its wings caught up with the black gold chariot from left to right.

Of course, they did not dare to keep pace with His Highness the Crown Prince, but kept their bodies falling behind the chariot, with their heads level with the back seat of the chariot.

The red dragon couldn't wait to say: Your Highness, it's almost noon, should we go down to resupply?

In fact, here, except for the little human girl and another human in the car, no one needs to eat three meals a day.

Short-lived species, how troublesome.

But if their highness likes it, so what if they treat it as a guest of honor?

After a few days of travel, Charlie had calmed down from the excitement of the flight.

At the same time, the evaluation of the chariot pulled by the 'Flying Dragon' has also been lowered.

Have you flown for so long and still haven't arrived at your destination?

Kansang is too big and the destination is too far away? Or are these 'flying dragons' too slow?

Charlie looked back, and now there are at least a thousand dragons behind him...

Because there are too many, it is very spectacular when you look at it, just like the feeling of dark clouds overwhelming the top during a thunderstorm.

Can accommodate so many dragons, then Kansang must not be small.

Therefore, the answer can only be that the speed of the 'Flying Dragon' is too slow!

Fortunately, Yalong who was pulling the cart didn't know what the little girl was thinking, otherwise he would have spit out a mouthful of old blood at this time.

Are they flying fast, go ask the Highness next to him who forced them to circle Kansang hundreds of times!

The dragon landed slowly.

The black gold chariot is worthy of being a divine weapon, it is as if it is on flat ground from the beginning to the end.

There was no jolting, or discomfort from steep descents.

As usual, Charlie called the white rose teacher, and the little girl of the brass dragon to have dinner together.

She also wants to call other dragons, but now she is following thousands of dragons. As soon as she walks over, the eyes of the other dragons are all 'bling' and 'bling'.

It's not easy for her to hold a thousand dragon dinner. After all, there are so many big eaters who have sold Utopia, and she can't even feed them!

As soon as they landed, these giant dragons turned into their second forms one after another.

It's not that they have the idea of ​​saving space, it's just that they want to be as close as possible to their Highness the Crown Prince.

The color dragon is no exception, and it is rare to become a second form.

However, judging from the second form, the color dragon probably has the word 'bad guy' engraved on its face.

I can't wait to grow up to look like a 'villain'.

It's not to say that these colorful dragons look so crooked.

After all, most dragons use elves as templates to transform into a second form.

There are also a few unconventional ones who choose to become humans or other humanoid species, but their appearance is not much different.


The color dragon is so aggressive. An adult color dragon is full of 'great military exploits'.

Few scales, many scars on the face are light.

Like the oldest ones.

The criss-crossing scars on his face were like self-harm and disfigurement.

So, hallucination out...

I don't know, I thought they were some kind of gathering of evil forces.

Moreover, after landing, the two camps of good and evil are clearly distinguished. At a glance, these guys are even more unrecognizable when compared with the metal dragon.

Seeing that Charlie walked into the pile of metal dragons again, as always, he once again took away a brass dragon's 'cub'.

The eyes of the blue dragon and the red dragon are about to burst into flames.

Of course they didn't dare to get angry at Charlie, they just wanted to burn that brass dragon girl who could only act cute.

On the opposite side, the family of the brass dragon girl also rose with the tide, surrounded by metal dragons.

It looks like a chicken dog ascending to heaven alone.

A young red dragon bitterly said: Can't we find a smaller and cuter color dragon cub for that human woman?!

The color dragons were all silent.

Unlike metal dragons.

Chromatic dragon cubs have no family to care for them.

The moment they hatch from the dragon eggs, they learn to reduce competitors and plunder resources.

The cubs in the same brood, the first to break their shells, smash the eggshells of other siblings, killing these unhatched relatives in advance, only to distribute more food provided by the female dragon.

Such a habit has created that the dragon cubs of the peripheral colored dragons are almost in a state of non-existence.

However, if the next one survives, once it grows up, it will definitely be a powerful dragon that can challenge ten thousand.

Therefore, in Tanzania, metal dragons barely managed to maintain the current situation by fighting in groups.

In the lead, the head of a red dragon [Devil Flame], who was staring at the movement of the dragon prince in the distance, suddenly turned his head.

Look for it, there will always be little colored dragons hiding around here, find the smaller ones, cuter ones, and bring them back!

The previous words are all right.

But, big brother, there are 'cute little brats' in our clan, are you serious about saying this?

Going to the opposite side to steal a metal dragon cub, and being painted red by him, is more reliable than the words just now.

But the one with the big fist is the boss.

A few red dragons who were still young and whose status was unstable could only be kicked out, and began to search for the cubs silently.

Meet the cute conditions...

It is estimated that it can only be found in dragon eggs.

If it doesn't work, it would be good to find a few red dragon eggs.

To be honest, during this period of time, the giant dragons almost scared the periphery of Kansang crazy.

In the past, it was a 'dead house' that only left Dragon's Nest for a year or so and went out for a stroll.

In the past few days, he actually flew in the sky.

The desert guinea pigs on the outskirts almost urinate several times a day.

I don't know what kind of medicine the dragons took wrongly, and they went crazy collectively.

As Longwei passes through the border, only all living beings are scared to the ground by the complex Longwei.

Besides Charlie, the three arcane instructors are also the most sensible.

But dare they say it?

As the first one to react, Bai Qiangwei was caught by the crown prince's 'inadvertent' glances, all kinds of 'death warnings'.

Even if they understood, what kind of 'big-tailed wolf' was sitting with their precious apprentice in the distance, ah bah, what kind of 'big-tailed dragon', they didn't dare to say more.

[You say, how many more laps do we have to make? 】

Edward asked in a low voice with a really numb face.

They have been forced to drill a new arcane technique these days.

It is possible to communicate in this way without outsiders overhearing.

Now that the matter was over, Edward stopped pretending.

It's pure nonsense that you can't use arcane magic when you come back here.

Simply, Eris and Bai Qiangwei didn't find it strange.

Bai Qiangwei replied indifferently:

[It depends on when His Highness is satisfied. 】

Eris: [Or, when did Charlie notice something was wrong. 】

The three instructors all looked at Charlie.

Seeing her hugging the brass dragon Lolita Longniang, rubbing her face...

Sitting next to her, holding a book, the prince of the Dragon Clan is squinting his golden eyes, as if to 'appreciate' this beautiful picture.

Bai Qiangwei made a bet on whether she could catch up with Eris, and the other party probably had already started thinking about a hundred cooking methods of the brass dragon young dragon.

Three tutors: ...

Sometimes a person's professional talent is best not to be too outstanding.

How did the saying come about, the gods endowed mortals with one talent at the cost of taking others away.

Think of Charlie's terrifying arcane talents...


Charlie muttered: Traveling seems quite boring. If it weren't for Aina, I would really like to go back to White Castle.

His gaze hadn't stayed on for a long time. Alphonse Constantine, who was on the ancient elf book in his hand, looked at Charlie quietly.

He remembered that in the White Castle, every time the half-elf left, the woman would say, 'Being with the handsome guy and watching the handsome guy work, you will never feel tired or bored'.


Does that mean he's not as good as that vulgar half-elf or something?

Charlie picked up the roasted meat and fed it to the dragon.

She dared to feed it, but the brass dragon didn't dare to eat it at all.

When the piece of meat was handed to his mouth, the eyes of the highness, the highness also looked over!

The kind of eyes that seem to be stared at by a monster that can devour the world, and the dragon's power seeping through it! !

One second, two seconds... five seconds.


Huang Longlong ran away crying.

He ran to Long Dae and Long Ma as soon as he ran away, as if running for his life.

Charlie was dumbfounded.

She, what did she do wrong?

Hand it over.

It was only when a deep voice came that Charlie realized that it was talking to her.

Your Highness?

Alfonstantin looked at the sliced ​​meat.

Only then did Charlie understand, and handed over the slice of meat held by the barbecue chopsticks in his hand.

The action was a step ahead of the reaction, leading Charlie to think about how to give the meat to His Highness, and whether he should conjure a plate for the other party first.

Now that you have a plate, why don't you use the transformation system to create a set of palace etiquette tableware...

As a result, the handsome black-robed man lowered his head, took Charlie's hand, and ate the meat.

Charlie: ...

His face turned red instantly.

If you grow up like this, don't be so close to girls!

Too foul!

However, Charlie endured the burning of his cheeks and carefully looked at the handsome face of His Highness the Prince.

Apparently, his expression didn't change at all.


Sure enough, I thought too much.

Just think of him as a normal person...

If you want to be an ordinary person, you won't blush!

Here, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan is still dining with the little human girl, and the red dragons who went out to find dragon eggs have returned one after another.

Most red dragons find nothing.

Only a young red dragon named 'Ernis' brought back some news.

Dear [Devil Flame], although I didn't find the red dragon cub, I found something else.

Do you still remember that group of people who walked around in advance every time the Wulong pulling the cart in front of us sensed it when we were circling around the perimeter?

The other red dragons rolled their eyes.

Most of the time, they surpassed them thirty or forty laps a day, don't you remember?

I don't know what these bastards are looking for, they have also made a lot of circles around here.

Hey! I don't know if it's a coincidence or something, but this group of people is approaching us!


As soon as this was mentioned, a red dragon bellowed.

Speaking people... I'm hungry. I haven't eaten for a long time... The red dragon felt that he was surrounded by everyone, and explained a little embarrassingly.

The other dragon who was older than him said viciously: The one next to His Highness is a human being, do you dare to eat one?

Obviously, none of the colored dragons here are 'clean'.

But they are also cunning and treacherous.

After observing for so many days, no one would think that His Highness took that woman as food reserve.

Moreover, the prince of the Dragon Clan never eats intelligent races. It is well known that this is inherited from the Platinum Dragon God Bahamut.

After all, it is well known that the evil dragon god Tiamat was ashamed of this incident as a failed educational experience.

The red dragon who reported hurriedly spoke to prevent the topic from being diverted.

It's like this. In front of their team, there is another sub-dragon who has been captured and is not young. It seems to be looking for something.

[Devil's Flame] Slightly squinting his eyes, he has a plan in mind.

It is difficult for the color dragon to use the dragon cub to get close to their highness the crown prince.

After all, they have also experienced childhood.

What kind of virtues do you have, can you not count in your heart?

Look at the little brass dragon who ran back sobbing just now.

It's obvious what kind of tune that human being likes.

This led him to find one from the color dragon, similar to this one...

Go to him!

This kind of thing was killed by brothers and sisters before it hatched from the egg!

[Devil's Flame] Stand up.

His appearance in the second form was young and handsome, but his face was completely disfigured by the vertical and horizontal scars of different sizes.

How long will it take for those guys to arrive?

It's really a coincidence. The distance we landed this time is very close to them. It won't take long for them to come over.

[Devil's Flame] After listening, he walked in the direction of the dragon prince.

Sensing that the red dragon was approaching, Alphonse Stein frowned subconsciously.

Although the stated position is absolutely neutral.

But, think of Prince Colorful Wings.

He especially dislikes the red dragon in the color dragon.

Fortunately, this weak red dragon is very sensible.

He stopped at a distance of five meters, and then knelt down on one knee.

He said respectfully, Your Highness, I have something to tell you.

Alfonstantin flipped through the books in his hands without raising his head: Speak.

The red dragon succinctly said what he had just heard from the investigation of the red dragon of the same clan.

Of course Alfonstantin would not be ignorant.

In fact, he and the dragons were the first to notice that group of people.

It was also for fear of disturbing his interest that Yalong avoided it.

Today, Alfonstantin also planned to let the Yarons pull the cart to find Aladas.

So he asked Yalong to choose a location closer to the group of guys.

After all, in the wilderness, I passed by this group of people dozens of times a day, and no matter how I looked at it, they were all here for them.

This interested Alfonstantin.

Except for the time dragon who had to fight against him in the last war.

Who else has the guts to trouble him on the mainland?

The next chapter is probably going to be a famous scene~hahahaO(∩_∩)Ohaha~

Today, now, see you tomorrow ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

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