The Dragon Princess Who Traveled Through Another World

Chapter 123 The core layer of the irritable utopia

The capital exploded.

Even the old emperor, who spent four-fifths of the day in bed, had to attend an emergency meeting of the House of Lords.

Frye followed behind the emperor with a dazed expression.

The attendant pushed the old emperor's wheelchair.

Along the way, the emperor braced himself and tried his best to conceal the fact that his health was getting worse.

At this time, the House of Lords has become a toad hole.

However, it's basically nonsense that doesn't hurt your back when you stand up and talk.

Until the court ceremonial attendants pulled their necks and shouted, The Emperor of the Empire is here.

The chaos in the council hall just stopped.

All the nobles stood up, hit their chests with their left hands, bowed their heads, and paid the highest respect to the emperor.

The old emperor sitting in a wheelchair raised his hand and pressed it down slightly.


The nobles who stood up took their seats one after another.

The center of the venue is a bit messy.

Scrolls, quills, and inkwells...

Obviously, when the quarrel here reached its climax just now, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Everyone picked up what they had on hand and smeared it on each other's faces no matter what.

The last time the House of Lords was so lively was when Ray Teigrin rose up.

Frye pushed the old emperor to the highest seat in the chamber that belonged exclusively to the emperor.

With the sword leaning on the ground, his folded hands rested on the hilt, like a statue of a god of war.

It is also because of this current prestige suppression that the old emperor can now eat and sleep soundly, without worrying about his three sons rebelling against him.

Speaking of it, it is also lamentable.

Once the country was established with morality, the whole people swore to stick to the orderly and good camp, and the human empire with the good dragon god as its god, why is it so?

The morality of the nobles has fallen, the royal family is fighting for power and profit, and the former glory has decayed.

Sitting on the highest position, the old emperor sighed slightly.

Let's talk about the results of your previous discussions. The voice of the Holy Platinum Emperor, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, echoed in the magnificent conference hall of the House of Lords.

However, many of the nobles present blushed.

I'm ashamed to say that they had quarreled so much that they wanted to slap inkpots in each other's faces, but nothing came of it.

Smart people keep silent, and stupid people will perform at this time.

Your Majesty! A middle-aged nobleman stood up.

He has a mustache, is not tall, and wears the Lord's Jewel on his chest.

Your Majesty! This is a very serious incident! Some of our nobles actually did something that violated morality and legal principles for the sake of family wealth and title!

He was heartbroken. He didn't know, but he thought it was another nobleman who had a brain twitch and gave a colored hat to a certain nobleman with heavy troops on the border.

This triggered another civil strife in the empire.

Everyone! Can you imagine it! A woman! She has become a titled noble with a large army in her hands! She even arrogantly shouted back the imperial envoy! What kind of dignity!? What kind of dignity!

It's immoral! It's outrageous! It's...

He was short of words, his face was flushed, and he couldn't think of the next words, so he simply slapped the table and continued to say angrily:

Severe punishment! Must be severely punished!

Frye clenched his teeth, and his royal blue eyes almost burst out with anger.


Charlie might really be a woman!

But this woman! Defended the frontiers of the empire!

When the empire was hit hard by civil strife, they fought back the invading orcs!

Even slaying dragons!

Replace it with any of you here!

Who can do this achievement! ?

However, with these words, he could only roar from the bottom of his heart.

In a seat not far from the lord, a member of the House of Lords wearing an earl gemstone medal on his chest smiled sarcastically:

How severe is the punishment? That is the utopia of dragon slaying. Are you going to send an army of dragons to attack it?

Or, can you please move the gods and gods to punish the ideal township?

If you can't, please shut up, think up your lines, and then speak before Your Majesty, Your Excellency.

The fat nobleman with the mustache who spoke turned into a liver-colored face with anger.

Also, don't continue to say stupid things about sending troops to attack.

Do you think the current state of the empire can start a second civil war?

Use your wits, Lord Farr.

The chubby mustachioed nobleman sat down again panting heavily, but he was not reconciled, and jumped up just after sitting down, pointing at the councilor who refuted him just now and said:

You! You are just like old Violet! Your immediate children have no sons! You have adopted a distant relative's son as your stepson!

Are you blaming Violet's little girl! ?

Do you want to use this matter to give your daughter the right to inherit? !

His Majesty! Can't you see that there are already some among us who want to change the laws of the empire? !

On the Dragon God! This is a provocation to order!

This is rebellion!

There was a dead silence.

Many members of the House of Lords here have similar situations at home.

Although it cannot be said that there are many, it is definitely not one or two.

These people were silent at this moment, and no one knew what was going on in their hearts.

Give the property accumulated by your family over several lifetimes to a distant relative who is out of reach.

Let your own daughter have no title or property, and can only live by watching the faces of distant relatives.

Who is really willing?

It's just that they were not as kind as Violet's family back then.

In the imperial capital, there is a ghost trick where a real phoenix turns into a fake phoenix.

At this time, no one dared to stand up and say a word that changed the law.

The earl's councilor who was slammed back was ashen-faced, and before he scolded, heck, he went back and heard the voice of the highest seat.

I'm not here to listen to pointless arguments.

The old emperor opened his dazed eyes and scanned the audience.

If it's just such a meaningless quarrel, then I'm going back to the palace. After you guys finish arguing, send the result to the palace.

As a gesture, the emperor asked the palace attendants behind him to push him away.

At this time, some clever conspirators couldn't help it.

These people don't really care about Charlie Violet's gender.

What they are jealous of is the prosperous utopia; the rumored Golden Land where there are so many gold coins to pave the way; the Bella Pearl on the coast of Bella that brings endless wealth.

Your Majesty, why don't you call Earl Violet back first, said an old councilor with the Marquis Gem Medal.

Second. An earl member.

Second. A marquis MP.


With the sound of 'Secondary', Frye's hand on the hilt of the sword gradually tightened, and veins gradually burst out in his temple.

The reaction to all this was seen by his father sitting in the front row of the MP.

The Marquis of Dow sighed insignificantly.

At this time, I had to stand up and say a word.

His son is not only his greatest pride, but also his greatest worry.

He raised his son so upright. Without his protection, it would be difficult for such a son to gain a foothold in the political center of the empire in the future.

Even though I thought about it this way, at the critical moment, I still had to stand on the cusp of the storm.

The Marquis of Dow Jones said slowly, Everyone, when you plan the current Charlie Violet...Charlie Violet, you'd better be more thoughtful.

What does the Marquis of Dow Jones mean? You might as well just say it. It was the old Marquis who had suggested recalling Charlie before.

The Marquis of Dow Jones only glanced at the old man lightly.

I knew in my heart that once I opened my mouth, I would inevitably trouble my upper body.

Because, this is His Royal Highness who is already in line.

The Marquis of Dow Jones said calmly: It's nothing, I just advise everyone not to touch the stone with eggs.

Hey...Marquis Dow Jones, I didn't want to doubt you so much.

But I seriously doubt now, have you already learned something about Violet's house?

After all, the scandal between your son and that Miss Violet has been heard by me in the older generation...

Your Majesty, I propose...

No one thought it was inappropriate to gossip about the younger generation on such a serious occasion.

Politics is framing and criticizing each other.

Once in the quagmire, it is difficult to clean yourself up.

Because, your political opponents can always try to throw dirty water on you.

However, the old marquis didn't finish his sentence, and the emperor interrupted him directly.

Fry is fine, Fry is a good boy, you don't need to mention the Dow Jones family anymore. Give me Charlie Violet and the solution to Utopia first.


No but, Tago. Uncharacteristically, the emperor's momentum increased sharply.

An emperor who can still control himself in his old age is not a puppet sitting on the throne and being manipulated by some big nobles at will.

Your Majesty, this is not a joke. These people are breaking the rules of the empire. I think the Dow Jones family has to give an explanation.

Although the old marquis was frightened by the emperor, more nobles stepped forward at this time.

They are not the so-called 'rules' defenders of the empire, but nobles who have already stood in line with the two princes.

Of course, the big premise goal is to get Utopia.

However, it does not prevent them from doing it easily, the Dow Jones family of the royalist party.

Let's play with Dow Jones, if they fail, they have nothing to lose, right?

Frye's hand holding the sword kept shaking, and his anger kept flooding his rationality at this moment.

Knowing a son is like a father, the Marquis of Dow Jones solemnly spoke at this time.

I swear to the Holy Platinum Dragon God in the name of the Dow family.

My son and I, my family, absolutely did not know in advance, and did not participate in, the Violet family violated the laws of the empire by substituting a daughter for their offspring!



Charlie found the reason, and ran to find out a certain undead super lich who was stuffy in the room and was about to grow mushrooms.

Eris' research on the dracolich has yielded results.

At this time, he was sitting in the conference hall, and everyone could faintly sense a dragon's might.

Why does a human-transformed super lich have the power of a dragon?

To be honest, if you close your eyes, Mag will think this is his fellow clan, uh, the transformed lich of the same clan is sitting here!

Obviously, this is the result of Eris's sleepless nights.

Although everyone was curious, they didn't pursue too much.

At present, everyone's attention is still on the two invitation letters placed on the long table of the meeting.

The invitation is blank.

If it wasn't for the legendary dragon species Rainbow Dragon that delivered the letter that day.

Moreover, Yinlong also gave certain guarantees.

Well, everyone has to wonder at this time whether this is a bad joke.

So, that's it, the situation is at a dead end again.

I really don't understand why those big shots always like to make things so complicated!

While talking, a hasty knock on the door echoed in the conference hall, and Charlie's words were interrupted.

Charlie frowned slightly, Come in.

Nao hurried in, followed by the dusty Serre.

Your Excellency! Captain Searle has something very important to report to you.

Charlie's complexion slowly sank.

Searle received only one task.

If he said there was an emergency report, then...

Searle took a deep breath and began to speak quickly:

I follow your order and escort that woman back to the imperial capital.

And according to your special entrustment, did not turn back at that time.

Instead, he returned to the imperial capital and hid himself.

As you might expect! As soon as that woman returned to the city, she ran to the palace to inform her!

I tore up the teleportation scroll, and when the teleportation came back, the imperial capital had already convened an emergency meeting of the House of Lords!

It should be a matter of discussing your legal inheritance rights!

Charlie heaved a sigh of relief.

Not only Charlie, but everyone sitting in the conference hall at this time did not show any signs of nervousness.

This is simply two extremes with the bombed-up Imperial House of Lords.

Those with bigger hearts, such as Celine, picked up their teacups at this time, made a sucking sound, and took a sip of the top-quality black tea specially provided by White Castle.

Ms. Bai Qiangwei smiled slightly, It's a good thing, honey, you finally don't have to worry about your... that crazy woman anymore. She has nothing to blackmail and blackmail you.

Teacher, you don't need to comfort me. In fact, I am in a very happy mood now. Charlie said with a smile while resting his chin on one hand.

Charlie tapped the conference table with his fingers, making a soft 'tuk-tuk-tuk' sound.

So, everyone, a new topic.

Put aside the headache of invitations for now.

Let's discuss in detail how the Empire will attack and how we should respond.

let's start!

Theon spoke first.

As long as it involves a meeting where force can be used, he and the red robe are always the most active.

I suggest!

Charlie guessed in his heart, guessing that the following words can be summed up as follows: directly send troops to take down the imperial capital...

I propose! You directly appoint me as 'Utopia War Generalissimo'!

Charlie thought too much before, but he didn't dare to give Theon such a loud name.

Otherwise, if she created a grand marshal, the emperor would probably be scared to pee.

I thought that another big noble with real power on the border was reversed.

Charlie laughed, only to realize that their Theon family is also so cute.

Okay, up to you.

The tail of the dragon behind Theon was about to go up into the sky.

Second point, the nearby Maddie City, I think it should be taken down first just in case!

Charlie can't say that.

She doesn't know much about military matters.

But I also feel that before the empire issued an order, she overthrew the neighbor next door, isn't it too good?

Uh... let's vote.

Thus, there were a total of thirty-two core members present.

After one round of voting, the ratio of approval and opposition was 26:6.

Charlie looked around helplessly at everyone present.

It doesn't look obvious, so, are all of them so violent?

Ah, I can only be sorry, dear neighbor.

Charlie continued to look at the newly appointed Generalissimo of War, and said, Do you have any suggestions, our Generalissimo?

Theon's tail wagged even more cheerfully.

Yes! Last point! Let's send troops! Your Excellency! We can take down the imperial capital!

Charlie: ...

Thank you all for your votes! ~Thank you! (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Get here first today!ヽ(°▽°)ノ

See you tomorrow~┏(^0^)┛

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