Speaking of the first floating city built by a great arcanist, no matter which faction the arcanist is from, they will all look yearning and proud.

A city-state floating in the air naturally has no water.

The great arcanists directly opened the water plane, and built extremely convenient pipelines in the city, connecting it with the continuous water resources of the water plane.

It easily solved the water problem of the floating city.

Charlie was so surprised that he couldn't speak after listening to the white robe Capa smugly finished speaking.

Isn't this the otherworldly arcane version of 'tap water'?

Is this also ok?

Suddenly, Charlie's eyes lit up. Since he can play like this, who wants to take the risk of digging ditches in the forest?

That thing might be blocked by mud when it rains, and it has to be done again and again.

Immediately, Charlie excitedly asked his two arcane instructors how to build a 'tap water' system like a floating city.

The two arcane instructors looked at each other, the red robed Myramy looked up at the sky, while the white robed Kapa coughed lightly and said meaningfully: My dear student, this is your territory, not ours. , we will teach you the knowledge, how to do it depends on you.”

Charlie raised his index finger and pointed at himself, speechless in shock.

Apart from being forcefully stuffed with 3 trillion 'information packets' into her brain by three ioun stones, she has never cast the most basic arcane magic.

Although some basic arcane knowledge has been instilled in her memory.

But there is no knowledge about how to use arcane magic to create a set of drinking water for the whole village!

Aren't the two instructors making fun of her?

Arcanists of the prophecy department are probably used to being magic sticks, and they always have a sense of I'm here to fool you when they speak.

Son, it's not difficult. You can do it if we teach you. It's just a matter of time.

The mage girl on the side took a breath and couldn't help but sarcastically said, Yes, but by then, unless it rains, those who haven't received water will die of thirst.

Charlie didn't want to waste time on meaningless verbal disputes. As the lord of this land, she immediately entered the role and gave orders.

It is definitely necessary to build a drinking water system like the one established by the Arcanists in the Floating Void City, but obviously, this will be a very large project and it will take time.

But until then, I thought, it wouldn't be a lot of effort to get some fresh water, and you wouldn't need to go into dangerous forests.

Although Scarface and the others proposed that they could go into the forest full of dangerous monsters to the east to check the water canal, but now Charlie didn't mention it and detained him, and it would be too much to order people to work.

Therefore, she would never ask the help of the mercenary team for the problems she could solve by herself.

Charlie turned his head and explained a few words to Old Tom.

Old Tom looked hesitant to speak, but he looked at the villagers who were sharing water with each other, and immediately retracted his hesitation, and went to the villagers to convey the order of trusting the lord.

The two arcanists were very curious about how their apprentices would solve their urgent needs.

Including the magician Karna.

Everyone was curious about what a falsely named arcane apprentice who had just met the Ion Stone and had no systematic contact with arcane art could do without relying on their help in such a matter.

Soon, Charlie gave his own answer.

She had someone set up a big iron bucket by the sea.

The iron bucket has a lid and is half the height of a person.

Old Tom had brought one of the hoses with which the only cows in the village were milked.

Charlie asked the villagers to fetch seawater and fill the tin buckets.

Then burn firewood to boil sea water.

The pouring is inserted into the iron drum from the lid of the iron drum, but not deep.

And the other section of pouring is connected to a small wooden basin.

Not long after, the sea water boiled, and Charlie turned back and asked his arcane instructor to freeze the catheter.

Capa in the red robe was very curious about whether such tossing could really produce fresh water, so he offered to help.

The steam from the seawater was poured backwards and solidified into water droplets, which fell into the wooden basin in a 'tick', 'tick' manner.

However, at this time, except for Charlie, everyone else thought that the seawater in the big iron bucket had been transferred to the small wooden basin.

Charlie pointed to the drops of water that quickly gathered in the tub and said, That's fresh water, you can try it.

Old Tom went and stooped to taste the water in the tub.

!! Yes, it is fresh water!

Oh! Dragon God! This is really amazing!

Seeing this, the villagers crowded around curiously. Everyone stretched out their dirty fingers, saved some water from the wooden basin, and smacked it in their mouths.

Then, they all danced excitedly.

The mercenaries and the two arcane instructors couldn't help but gather around and inspect it, and found that it was really fresh water.

Charlie intends to put this device here, but obviously, this thing needs to be maintained by people. For example, the ice that freezes the soft leather tube as a 'condensation tube' requires her arcane instructor to bother to maintain it.

Fortunately, Charlie's knowledge from another world fascinated the two learned arcanists.

They think they are knowledgeable, but they can't understand the mystery of distilling seawater to purify fresh water.

For some reason, Charlie logically left the two arcane masters behind to continue distilling the seawater until all the residents of Bella Village got today's water.

At this time, he called old Tom to ask the villagers what they mainly depend on for their livelihood.

After all, in a place where there is no water to drink, one can no longer imagine that they can have enough food.

And this is not a barren desert, it is impossible to be without food.

Old Tom hadn't slowed down yet, and the whole person spoke excitedly and didn't make sense of what he said.

Water is the source of life.

Since Bella Village lost its lord, its water source has been cut off by the increasingly flooding forest beasts, so it can only rely on rainwater to accumulate more.

However, there has been drought and no rain recently, and their water reserves are decreasing every day, and life is getting more and more desperate.

And this kind of despair was solved by their new lord today with a few words.

Seeing that Old Tom was crying and laughing for a while, like Fan Jinzhongju, there was no way to communicate.

Charlie had no choice but to call a normal-looking villager.

The villager's name is Wake, a young man in his twenties, but skinny and skinny, with sunken cheeks.

He was at a loss when he saw Charlie, but he was still able to communicate.

Charlie learned about the current situation in the village from Wacker.

People here go to catch the sea every morning, which is their main source of food.

They can't go any deeper, they can only stay in the water below the ankle, because there will be some small sharks in the water past the waist.

Groups of those sharks could tear a man to pieces in a minute.

You can't use fishing boats either.

Because small fishing boats are overturned by those densely packed small sharks, and the ones that can’t be overturned are big boats. Don’t doubt that those sharks are very intelligent and can definitely do it.

Big ships will run aground.

It is even more impossible to go fishing on a long voyage.

There are more terrifying things in the deeper sea. At that time, it is not a problem of a group of small sharks that only harm people in shallow water.

Charlie rubbed his eyebrows after hearing this.

It's no wonder that the people here look like this, relying on the little seafood washed ashore by the sea every day. If things go on like this, there will probably be serious problems, such as scurvy.

To solve this problem, either rely on trade or grow by yourself.

However, if you want to grow it yourself, there are only two ways.

One is that as old Tom said when he was rambling on the road, crops can be grown near the forest.

But obviously, the monsters in the forest don't mind dragging poor villagers to do farm work into the forest as a feast.

And another kind of...

She is not very sure, and requires a lot of experimentation and time.

Sighing, Charlie asked, Don't you have any sources of other ingredients here?

The young citizen Wake stammered: No, the merchant group will come back in a month, and they will exchange some seafood, and give us some vegetables and flour for making rough bread.

Seafood? Sun-dried seafood?

The young man scratched his hair, and he couldn't tell, he just got up and bowed slightly to leave, and quickly ran back to his home to show their great lord the seafood bought by downstream merchants.

Not long after, Wacker came back with a bag of seafood, and showed the 'seafood' in the bag to their lord one by one.

Charlie looked at the bag curiously, and his eyes were fixed for a moment...

Finally, I discussed it with my friends, and they thought it was more rigorous to use scurvy.

Because the Black Death was in the 19th century, the navigator's name for the unknown disease did not fit Charlie's personality.

The plague, the Black Death, occurred in the 14th century.

The Black Death of the great voyage was in the 19th century. In short, it was at that time that medicine was underdeveloped, which made people mistakenly attribute this to the Black Death that once raged in history, because the appearance of the onset and death was very similar.

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