When Celine Pharmacy meets Dwarven Weaponry, it's like throwing 1KG of sodium metal into the school swimming pool.

Celine and the dwarves hit it off.

They quickly found a 'common topic' and got together.

Visually, the new dwarf weapon will be 'online' soon.

Think about it, the magic energy cannon is fired, and it comes with Celine's powerful sleeping effect.

Didn't this master brag that his potion can bring down even giant dragons?

This time, Utopia gave him the stage.

Let him realize the cowhide that he has blown in his life.

The busy utopia is like a perpetual motion machine that never stops.

Although Charlie specifically stipulates that the working hours of the citizens are long.

But the imminent dragon disaster still made every citizen work overtime spontaneously.

Charlie was probably the first noble lord who had a headache, how to persuade his own citizens to get out of their jobs.


Just as Charlie expected.

On the second day, good news came from the dwarf's Happy Factory.

The first batch of 'potion weapons' were born.

With a tangled mood, Charlie ran to the dwarf factory to test the results of the new weapon.

The goblin, who has gained a lot of wisdom, did not dare to let the dwarves mess around 'next door' to his headquarters this time.

These green skins approached the simple dwarves and enthusiastically provided a free experiment site.

The pure dwarves are grateful for the mention, and only think that these green-skinned guys are their best buddies!

The previous views on goblins were all prejudices! It's all rumors!

However, the undisguised panic in the green skins' big sneaky eyes still couldn't escape Charlie's 'sight'.

Hey, this is still cowardly!

The goblins led the dwarves carrying experimental weapons through yet another portal.

Charlie followed at the end of the line, bent down, and grabbed Happy by the back of his collar.

Where are you looking for?

Happy looked away a little guilty.

Charlie raised an eyebrow slightly.

...That's right, it's the territory of some nasty ghosts.

They always come to attack us and take our gold coins.

Hapin confessed frankly.

Good guy, have the goblins learned to kill the enemy with a knife so quickly?

Charlie pretended not to know and followed.

The races living in the dungeon are also varied.

These races generally tend to be chaotic and evil.

To translate it is, there is no good bird!

Even the goblins who are absolutely neutral and are called 'good neighbors' in the underground world.

On the surface world, they are also quite hated.

Due to the nature of the race, goblins, relatively harmless intelligent creatures, must live in the underground world.

The goblins can be said to have a thousand choices for the address of their old nest.

But it is always inevitable to encounter some 'hard stubble'.

For example, drow elves (also known as dark elves).

This time, the goblin who graciously acted as the dwarves led the party, the chosen friendship venue.

It is an outpost only a few kilometers away from the drow gathering place.

This is it. Happy lowered his voice and said to Charlie.

There is a city wall in front, so there is a city behind it? A city built underground?

Charlie's curiosity, however, was all about the novelty in front of him.

They are drow elves, also known as dark elves. That city official of yours is a half-blood of this kind of people.

You often fight with these drow?


Then why did you build this outpost?

Happy said: In order to get the news in advance when the drows call, transfer the gold coins.

Let these greedy girls not get a single coin!

Charlie: ...

While speaking, the dwarves had already assembled their weapons.

Bud ran over with the excited Celine and asked to 'test fire' the new weapon.

Seeing their excited faces, Charlie couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

But the green skins were all excited.

It can be seen that they hate those black-skinned elves.

The so-called 'potion dwarf weapon' is a dwarven weapon learning thrower, combined with Celine's pharmacy.

Charlie watched as a 'magic bullet' lifted into the air.

The previous steps are no different.

That is, instead of the original second-generation explosive bomb, it is a crystal-polished hollow bomb.

These hollow bullets are filled with the 'colorful' 'Celine Potion'.

The ghost knows what effect this thing will have if it explodes.

Think about hundreds of demon wolves that have been overturned by a handful of dust and medicine.

In a distracted effort, the first 'magic bullet' has already landed inside the city of the drow.

Although the sound of blasting was not heard.

But the pink 'mushroom cloud' rising into the sky is quite spectacular.

Charlie was really taken aback by the pink color, and turned to ask the smiling Master Celine beside him.

What effect does this potion have?

The old man faced Charlie with an academic smile, and then shouted in a loud voice that didn't match his expression:

I call it, 'Love Potion'!

Not to be fooled by such an innocuous name, Charlie continued to ask with a smile, So, what effect does it have?

Celine looked at the sky, Probably because the drow elves who were recruited frantically wanted to mate with the first thing they saw.

Charlie: ...

Charlie noticed two key words, 'first sight' and 'things'.

After thinking about it for a while, his complexion changed drastically in an instant.

This thing is simply an 'evil thing'!

How unrefined are you to put this thing in a cannonball? ?

...How long will it last? Happy on the side couldn't help asking.

Well, the time is different because of different species.

As for Drow... I guess they won't have time to harass you in the next month.

Charlie's scalp is going to explode.

That day, Charlie put the production of 'Potion Cannonballs' on the agenda.

the next day.

The terrifying happy factory, after fully mastering Charlie's factory production method.

With extraordinary performance, a hundred potion shells have been created.

This is the output that was forced to stop production when Celine's inventory was exhausted.

Celine began to prepare new potions.

Charlie was very worried about whether this could catch up with the 'dragon disaster' this time.

There are not thousands of these things, and she doesn't feel safe.

However, the reality is often not satisfactory.

It was the fourth day when Celine joined Utopia.

The Beira Coastal Defense Sounded the 'Dragon's Alarm'.

This was followed by the 'New City' built on the original site of Beira Village.

Finally, it is Utopia.

Alarms in three places were all red.

Charlie sprinted to the fourth-floor terrace of the White Castle.

I saw, under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The black dragon shadow, like the pace of death, is cruelly approaching Utopia.

With trembling hands, Charlie took out his binoculars and looked into the shadow.

1, 2,... 5!

A full five headed dragon? !

There is no time to think about it, any second of delay will cause irreparable losses.

Charlie opened the portal.

Arrived at the first line of defense of Ideal Township, the coastline of Beira in the first time.

If the five-headed dragon can be stopped here, the loss of Utopia will be greatly reduced.

Command has passed to Theon.

But obviously, in the face of five menacing dragons.

Theon, who only has half the blood of the dragon, stiffened his nervous tail.

Don't underestimate the suppression of the blood.

Charlie was worried that Theon would 'drop the chain' at this critical moment, so he tentatively asked Theon a question.

Should we use the newly invented 'potion shells' to attack for a round first?

When it comes to the areas he is good at, Theon is refreshed and gradually regained his state.

With all due respect, Your Excellency. Precious new weapons should be saved for critical times.

Because, the closer the dragon is to us, the more vigilant they will be.

These dragons fly extremely fast, and it is very difficult for our fighters to hit them!

Charlie nodded.

While talking, more and more fighters came.

The newly joined Ms. White Rose.

Replaced with a stronger 'skeleton frame' Eris.

The silver saint guard Antanaron, whose smile faded.

And the entire Black Robe Wizarding Society of the Coast.

This will be the first battle since the establishment of the 'Coast Black Robe Wizards Association'.

Theon said solemnly to the Arcanists headed by Eris:

The first round of attack please, everyone!

The Grand Arcanist and the two Ultra Arcanists summoned the Mage Tower together.

Immediately, five mage towers stood together, behind the super arcanist and the great arcanist.

The black dragon on Charlie's shoulder opened his eyes and raised his head.

His paw rests on his jaw like a monarch at a cabaret show, watching with interest what is about to happen.

Thank you for your votes ヾ(°°)

I'll see if I can get another chapter before 12 o'clock.

It's late, don't wait~

I love you~

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