The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 101 The Final Disaster

"Let's talk about what this is about first." Qin Hao did not agree hastily. If the task was impossible to complete, Qin Hao was not stupid enough to risk his life for a treasure.

Hai Lan smiled: "This matter is very important to us in Atlantis. Let's test your strength first. If your strength is not up to standard, you don't need to know the specific content of the request."

"How to test?" Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, but Hailan's request was also very reasonable. In the final analysis, it still depends on strength.

Hai Lan pondered: "According to my calculations and perceptions, it should not have been half a year since the fifth era began, and you have just entered the path of evolution not long ago. In this case... As long as you defeat a low-level Pop mechanical guard, you will pass. .”

"Are you willing to accept the test? Your life will not be in danger." Hai Lan looked at Qin Hao.

"Then let me give it a try." Hailan had already mentioned this. Qin Hao naturally couldn't turn around and leave. He was not worried about Hailan's tricks. As the super intelligent brain of Bop City, she could control the entire city. If Pop City's super weapon wants to harm Qin Hao, it may not be easy for a legendary creature to escape!

As one of the twelve main cities of Atlantis, Pop City definitely has unfathomable heritage, which can be seen from the fact that the other party can produce a legendary item.

"Come with me."

Hailan nodded slightly and walked slowly towards the central square of Pop City.

Qin Hao also followed. The two of them were not in a hurry. Qin Hao also admired the scenery of Popu City along the way. It was indeed beautiful. You can imagine the prosperity of Popu City back then. Unfortunately, there is no living person in Popu City now. Human existence consists only of cold buildings and silver robots that come and go, cleaning the streets and maintaining the city.

"What did you mean when you said this was the last era?" Qin Hao asked Hailan on the road. As the brain of Pop City, Hailan obviously knew many secrets. Qin Hao recalled that Hailan said before that this was the last era. era.

"Literally, at the end of every era, a catastrophe will break out, destroying all existing civilizations and making it difficult to resist. Then a new era will begin, and a new civilization will be re-established. This has happened four times so far." Hai Lan's eyes flashed. A little lonely.

When Qin Hao heard this, he nodded slightly. He was destroyed four times, referring to the first four eras, and now is the fifth era.

"According to the predictions of the prophets of all civilized races, the fifth era will be the last era. When the disaster of the fifth era comes, the earth world, including all the worlds surrounding the earth world, such as the abyss world, the nether world, the ancient demon world, etc.... ...will be completely destroyed together, and the disaster of the Fifth Era is called the final disaster." Hailan answered Qin Hao's question.

This made Qin Hao's pupils shrink: "Everything will perish?"

When disasters occur in other eras, even if the entire era is destroyed, they will eventually leave behind fire and inheritance, waiting for the restart of the next era. However, the disaster of this fifth era is called the final disaster, and everything will be completely destroyed, not only the earth and the world. , all other worlds will perish together!

Hai Lan's face showed a rare hint of solemnity: "And the final disaster outbreak in the Fifth Era from the beginning to the end of the Era is the shortest in the five eras. It can be as short as tens or nearly a hundred years, and as long as not more than a thousand years, the final disaster will break out. , the civilization of the Fifth Age will not have much time to develop."

The other four eras have thousands of years of development time before the disaster will come, but this fifth era is basically the beginning of the fusion of all realms, and the final disaster is already approaching, unlike other eras where development has time!

And it is the final disaster that destroys everything. This is even more terrifying than the disasters in the other four eras!

Qin Hao's face changed. He didn't know whether what Hai Lan said was true or not, but he had to prepare for the worst. So he asked: "If the disaster really comes, how can we survive?"

Hai Lan glanced at him and said calmly: "Reached the legendary realm."

These words made Qin Hao's mouth twitch. That's right. The world is destroyed. Only legendary creatures have a way to escape. Creatures below the legendary realm will be destroyed together with the world.

Qin Hao can foresee how terrifying the future will be. As the center of the fusion of all realms, the earth world has countless opportunities. For these opportunities, countless powerful creatures will definitely come to the earth world crazily. After all, if they do not reach the legendary realm, they will only die when the final disaster comes. One!

"Don't think about these for now." Qin Hao shook his head. According to what he knew, the final disaster would not come within five years, and he still had plenty of time.

"We're here." Hailan brought Qin Hao to the center of Pop City. She looked at a group of silver-white robots in front of her with a smile and said, "This low-level mechanical Pop Guard is a test for you. Put them to the test." Defeat, and I will tell you the specific request.”

Qin Hao looked at the mechanical guards. These were combat-type robots. Each one was more than two meters tall. Their whole bodies were made of unknown silver-white metal. Some were holding firearms, while others were holding swords and other weapons. There are more than thirty robots in total, and each one has impressive combat effectiveness just by looking at its appearance!

"Defeat them?" Qin Hao's mouth curved, and his eyes boiled with fighting spirit. He wanted to see how strong these robots were!

"Well, these are type 01 combat robots with good combat effectiveness. Let's begin." Hailan nodded, and she disappeared into the square out of thin air.

As the waves disappeared, all the combat robots seemed to come to life, with blazing white light emerging from their eyes.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Each robot aimed its arms at Qin Hao in the distance. Their mechanical arms spewed energy bombs of various colors, shrouding Qin Hao crazily.

These energy bombs have different attributes. There are fiery red fire-attribute energy bombs and ice-attribute energy bombs.

"Is it an energy weapon?" Qin Hao was quite surprised. Ordinary weapons would be difficult to cause harm to mutant beasts and aliens in later generations, but energy weapons are powerful and are weapons that many evolvers are eager to get!


A fiery red energy bomb the size of a fist hit Qin Hao and exploded immediately, turning into fiery red flames with high temperature that could melt gold and iron.


And an icy blue energy bomb hit Qin Hao's scales, and immediately turned into biting cold air to freeze Qin Hao!

Fire element, ice element, thunder element... all kinds of energy bombs were like raindrops, wildly bombarding Qin Hao's body. This kind of firepower was simply terrifying, even Qin Hao's body felt waves of pain. .

"The body of the five elements!"

Qin Hao did not hesitate and immediately activated the Five Elements Body and entered the Five Elements Body state. Not only could Qin Hao be blessed by the five Five Elements powers, he was immune to the Five Elements damage, and any attack he received could be greatly weakened!

Once he entered the state of the Five Elements Body, the damage caused to him by various energy bombs became minimal.

As for Hailan who exited the square, he saw a hint of astonishment in his eyes when he saw this scene: "Is this...the body of the five elements?"

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