Huo Cheng had seen Shen Wanying's post on her off-campus activity day on her Weibo. +++Mobile reading visit This Weibo was nothing special. Huo Cheng remembered it because Shen Wanying hadn't posted any updates for a whole month after that.

On the day Huo Cheng couldn't help but want to personally trust her, Shen Wanying was finally updated. She said on Weibo that she was injured a while ago and recuperated at home for a month. Now she is finally okay.

She didn't say that she had been hurt. Huo Cheng wanted to ask her, and she felt that it was not appropriate. In the end, she only gave her a like.

Later they married, Huo Cheng found that Shen Wanying had a small scar on her waist. Shen Wanying told him that this was a wound on the day of the second year of high school. The injury on the lower back was not serious. Unfortunately, she also bruised her face.

The wound on the face is not deep, but the area is a bit large, especially after the scabs begin to appear, which is even more scary. Shen Wanying didn't want to go out with this face, let alone go to school.

She carefully raised her at home for a month, taking good care of her face. Fortunately, her scab (tuo) trailed without scars, and her skin (color) gradually returned to normal.

It's probably because the nutrition has been spent on the face, but the wound on the lower back has a small scar. However, in this position, most people have no chance to see it, so Shen Wanying did not care.

Huo Cheng put the known information into a string, he can speculate the approximate course of events, but do not know the specific time when Shen Wanying was injured.

According to Shen Wanying's description, she fell from the tree, sprained her foot, and fell again on the way back.

Huo Cheng believes that Shen Wanying will not go out to climb trees at night in the event day, so as long as she keeps her on eye during the day so that she does not leave her line of sight, it should be fine.

"As we all know, senior three can't participate in the event day, so this is our last time to participate, I hope everyone can actively sign up in various links."

Shen Wanying's voice on the podium pulled back Huo Cheng's wisdom.

"It's still the same as last year. We have to make our own lunch. Starlight Farm only provides ten dishes at noon. We are definitely not enough to eat. The chefs actively sign up for it. They will not cook, and there will be cultural performances at night. Register with the Entertainment Committee."

After Shen Wanying's call, the classmates coaxed: "The (dry gan) pot fish that Ji Yao made last time was delicious. I have been greedy for a year and finally waited for the event day!"

Someone started, and others slobbered: "Yes, that fish is really delicious, this time Ji Yao will do it for everyone."

The eyes of the classmates fell on Ji Yao, and Ji Yao was still brushing his own questions, without raising his head: "No, I will take the exam next week. I don't want to be distracted."


No, he doesn’t study, he can take the first place (not counted last time). Now he is so hard, is he trying to pass the total score?

Many people's eyes fell on Huocheng, the culprit, intentionally or unintentionally. Shen Wanying coughed a little and called back everyone's attention: "We are not forced (qiang), everyone is willing to participate."

The following classmates laughed and said: "No (Guan Guan) Department, big deal we learned seven classes last time, cooking hot pot!"

Cooking hot pot is indeed a lazy way, Shen Wanying left this as an alternative. If there is not enough people to cook, they will cook hot pot: "Students who did not participate last time, I hope to register actively this time, from now until next Friday. That’s all for today, let’s go to school. "

Everyone walked fast after school, and there were few people left in the classroom in the blink of an eye. Shen Wanying packed things up and saw that Huo Cheng had not left yet, so he approached him and asked, "Student Huo Cheng, will you cook?"

Huo Cheng nodded: "Well."

After he and Shen Wanying got married, he cooked everything as long as he was free, so he knew Shen Wanying's taste well.

Shen Wanying listened to him and said quite happily, "Then would you like to cook on the event day? I think you just turned around, and the classmates are not very familiar with it. The event day is a good one to be with the classmates. Opportunity."

Huo Cheng doesn't care if he can get together with his classmates, but he still supports Shen Wanying's work: "I can do it."

"That's great!" Shen Wanying found out that Huo Cheng was really cold outside and hot inside. He was so good to talk. "You can prepare three dishes or so. There should be other students who will sign up. Then we will discuss how to do it. "

"Huh." Huo Cheng thought about it and said to Shen Wanying, "Can you be my assistant?"

Shen Wanying asked: "Are you helping you in the kitchen? It's okay, but I'm not particularly good at it. Don't betray me."

"No, that's the deal."

"Okay. Do you still want to perform?"

Huocheng: "..."

"Hahaha, I'm kidding." Shen Wanying laughed aloud, and Huo Cheng performed a show, she was also a little unimaginable.

The upcoming event day has more or less affected the learning mood of the students, but no one can escape the exam.

Two days before the event day, the second month of the semester kicked off. Huo Cheng achieved a leap in class because of the last exam, and directly rose from the last exam room to the first exam room.

The top 40 of the whole year are in this test room. In the past, the first column and the first row have been Ji Yao. Now Huo Cheng is sitting there.

Ji Yao sat behind Huo Cheng, turning the pen in his hand silently. There was no communication between the two, but it seemed that there was invisible smoke, and the other students in the examination room did not dare to speak loudly.

Zhao Yimeng took more than thirty candidates last time and was also in this exam room. At this time, she and Shen Wanying stood at the back door and secretly observed Huo Cheng and Ji Yao: "Miss, you say my turkey Is cp about to be?"

Shen Wanying: "..."

Shen Wanying didn't speak, and Zhao Yimeng asked herself: "If Ji Yao succeeded in counterattack this time and returned to the first throne, then he should still be careful, if Huo Cheng took the first test again..."

That's finalized!

"Do you think Huocheng will deliberately lose to Ji Yao?"

"..." Shen Wanying silently, "I don't think so."

"...Actually, I can knock on my sad relationship," Zhao Yimeng said. "As long as their face values ​​don't collapse, I can live forever."

Shen Wanying: "..."

It is not necessary.

A girl came into the front door of the classroom and saw Huo Cheng sitting in the first row. Although she intentionally repressed, the joy in her eyes was still expressed: "Hello classmate, you are Huocheng."

The girl’s voice is soft and feels a bit like Shen Wanying. Huo Cheng looked at her without saying anything, but the girl took the initiative to introduce: "My name is Qiu Ziqing, I am a class two student. We have actually seen it several times in the corridor, do you have any impression?"

Huocheng Road: "No."

"Poof." Zhao Yimeng at the back door gave a sullen smile. "I found Qiu Ziqing peeking at Huo Cheng in the corridor before. It was not my illusion."

She has no personal grudges with Qiu Ziqing, but she just doesn't like Qiu Ziqing. Qiu Ziqing looks pretty good and has good grades, but she always gives herself a feeling of deliberately imitating Shen Wanying. The key learning is not home, and his face is not as good as Shen Wanying. His grades are also steadily ranked after Shen Wanying.

Qiu Ziqing was also a little embarrassed at this moment, but fortunately, the supervisor in charge came in at this time and saved her life in time: "Everyone sit back in their place and start the exam immediately."

Qiu Ziqing gave Huo Cheng another look and returned to his seat.

After the first exam in the morning, Huo Cheng took the stationery out of the classroom. Their schoolbags were placed in the storage cabinet outside the classroom. Huo Cheng stood in front of his cabinet and packed things up. Qiu Ziqing came out and walked up: "Classmate Huo Cheng, how are you doing?"

Zhao Yimeng came out behind her and heard that she was talking to Huo Cheng again. He quickly added: "That must have been better than you."

Qiu Ziqing glanced sideways at Zhao Yimeng. Although the two of them are not classmates, they often sit in the same exam room and are still relatively familiar. Qiu Ziqing ignored Zhao Yimeng and continued to talk to Huo Cheng: "Did you join any study group? If we have a chance, we can learn together."

Zhao Yimeng said: "He joined the bow and arrow club and was with Missy."

Qiu Ziqing finally pursed her lips, not very happy to look at Zhao Yimeng: "Zhao Yimeng, I didn't speak to you."

Zhao Yimeng likes to look at her anxiously and desperately. She clearly wants to imitate Shen Wanying, but she can't imitate the essence. Missy won't be so agitated by two or three sentences.

"I'm just talking to myself, and I didn't talk to you." Zhao Yimeng said slightly.

Huo Cheng had packed things up between them and walked towards Shen Wanying: "Are you going back to the classroom?"

Shen Wanying said: "Go to the cafeteria for lunch."

Huo Cheng nodded: "Let's go together."

"Okay, by the way, I will talk to you about the day after tomorrow." Shen Wanying finished and shouted Zhao Yimeng in front of him, "Are you going to eat?"

Zhao Yimeng: "..."

Of course she has to eat, but now, when she goes, it seems like a light bulb?

Obviously she was the first lady to make an appointment!

Zhao Yimeng coughed and asked carefully: "Can I go?"

Her eyes looked at Huo Cheng.

Huo Chengdao: "Let's go together."

"Hole!" Zhao Yimeng responded happily, before throwing a smug glance to Qiu Ziqing before leaving.

But she never thought that Qiu Ziqing's face was so thick that she bought a set meal and sat next to them!

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Qiu Ziqing put the rice on the table. "There is no place for other places."

Zhao Yimeng: "..."

She really wants to say Qiu Ziqing, are you blind?

But the cafeteria is a public area, and she has no right to say where she wants to sit.

Shen Wanying and Huo Cheng were even less likely to speak to drive her away.

Shen Wanying moved the (milk Nai) tea that Zhao Yimeng bought them to her side, and gave Qiu Ziqing a place: "Wang Tingting? I think you usually eat with her in the cafeteria."

Qiu Ziqing said: "She came out to eat early after finishing the paper."

"Oh." Shen Wanying nodded. "Do you want to drink (milk Nai) tea?"

"No thanks," Qiu Ziqing smiled at her. "Can I still have dinner with you tomorrow? Wang Tingting will probably come out early tomorrow."


Zhao Yimeng next to him flattened his mouth, Miss you, you are so good, you feel a little bit crisis! This woman is obviously here to grab your man!

……what? Why should she say that Huo Cheng is the lady of Missy? She clearly turkey cp!

The author has something to say:   Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution for me during 2020-03-1720:57:52~2020-03-1821:20:45~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the grenade: Twilight Boat 3;

Thank you for the little angels who threw mines: Su Li is not 2 pears; Yuki, Mr. Tooth, 1 Huo Shu;

Thank you for the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 64 bottles of vatime; 24 bottles of Susu; 20 bottles of tangerine; 72 bottles of Wen sauce; 12 bottles of a crow; 10 bottles of ghost valley; ai? Mei Niu Er de Ma Ma?, Su Li is not 6 bottles of crisp pears; 4 bottles of sapphire case; 3 bottles of Qizao; 2 bottles of south and waste skin; I love dog eggs:), Qingza, small bells, xj:-), Qianxun, planet dog 1 bottle of clever little curls for children, dragonfly, cute little lucky, cokikuma, Qi Rang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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