Today is Monday, the first day of the first private middle school in a city. +++Mobile phone reading visit

Carrying a school bag uniformly distributed on her shoulders, Shen Wanying walked smilingly on a campus on a winter vacation. There are many classmates in the same school uniform as her. They walk or run, and most of them will look at her more when passing by her.

"Look over there, look over there, it's Missy!"

"Ah, the young lady of the new semester is still elegant and beautiful!"

"Why is she doing so well and she is not bald yet?"

"……go away."

The voices of the classmates Shen Wanying all heard. Usually, at this time, she would return to them with a graceful and dignified smile exclusive to Miss Shen Da.

So more sight fell on her.

Shen Wanying has long been accustomed to the gaze of the people around her, she raised her hand and dialed her hair, and continued to walk to her class.

"She just set her hair. Is she showing off her hair?"

Shen Wanying: "..."

This classmate is really attached to her hair.

"Maybe curly hair will appear more volume."

"Then I'm going to iron my curly hair after school!"

"Wake up, the school does not allow perm."


Shen Wanying calmly walked into the teaching building in their conversation.

Shen Wanying's hair is not hot, but she is born with a little curls, plus her mother has a quarter of British blood, her hair (color) is not pure black, but with a little Child brown (color).

She walked into the classroom at 7:15, fifteen minutes before the early self-study.

There are only a dozen classmates in the classroom, and basically all get together to chat in twos and threes. Seeing Shen Wanying come in, everyone greeted her, and then talked about their own. Shen Wanying put the schoolbag on her desk and glanced at the boy sitting next door.

The seats in their classes are all separate and single-row. The student who is lying next to her (sleeping Shui) is named Ji Yao, and is the first in their grade. Ji Yao’s parents are both teachers of the school. Considering the high school stress, his parents took him to live in the school’s teacher dormitory.

Because he lived in school, Ji Yao was the first to come to the classroom every day-but it was useless. He went to the classroom every day to sleep (Shui Shui) and even almost went to class (sleep Shui).

But he can still take the first place.

In school, he has many little fans. In addition to the genus Xingba (sexuality), of course, because his face is also good, now girls are very realistic.

A girl in the corner saw Shen Wanying watching Ji Yao and whispered to the classmates around her: "Do you say that Missy really likes Ji Yao?"

"Ah?" another classmate whispered, "If the opponent is her, then I have no hope?"

"Oh! You thought you had hope?"


At the time of their gossip, Shen Wanying had taken out the textbook and sat down on the seat. There were more and more classmates in the classroom. After the teacher came, everyone started to read early. Only Ji Yao still fell asleep (sleeping Shui). The teacher knocked on his desk twice, and finally shook his head and left him alone.

After the early self-study, the head teacher led a strange boy into the room. He wore a uniform uniform from school, and the students in the class suddenly boiled.

"What???? Is this handsome guy a transfer student?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this

"Is he transferred to our class? He is more handsome than Ji Yao!"

"Praise him handsome, don't step on us Ji Yao!"

There was a lot of noise around, and even Shen Wanying couldn't help looking at him.

When Huo Cheng stepped into the classroom door, he saw Shen Wanying sitting inside. This is the first time Huo Cheng has seen the real 17-year-old Shen Wanying.

She looks better than the photos, her hair is longer than when they got married, and a classic bow hairpin is not on it. Huo Cheng saw her looking at herself, and after hitting her own eyes, she quickly looked away.

"Okay, everyone be quiet." The head teacher knocked heavily on the lecture table to calm down the restless classmates. "Quiet. Let me introduce you. This is a new classmate who transferred to our class this semester. , We first ask him to introduce himself."

The eyes of the students looked forward to Huo Cheng.

Under the gaze of so many people, Huo City's **** (color) has not changed, he said briefly: "Hello everyone, my name is Huo City."

After this sentence was finished, the whole classroom was still quiet, and everyone was waiting for his post. After three long seconds, the teacher finally noticed something was wrong: "Are you gone?"


"...Okay." The teacher calmed down the classmates who were noisy again, wrote Huo Cheng's name on the blackboard, and then arranged a seat for him. "You just sit by the window."

"Huh." Huo Cheng nodded, carrying Shen Wanying's schoolbag and walking towards the seat.

The eyes of all the classmates followed him, and there were still female students who let out a squealing marmot call when he passed by him.

The head teacher knocked off the lecture table again and said to Shen Wanying: "Shen Wanying, you are the class leader and usually take care of new classmates."

"Good Teacher Song." Shen Wanying took the initiative to look at Huo Cheng and smiled at him, "Hello, I am Shen Wanying, the monitor of our class."

"Hello." Huo Cheng's eyes moved slightly, and after saying hello to her, he sat down in position.

"Okay, don't just look at the new classmates." The class teacher clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention. "Tomorrow and tomorrow, we will have the first (mo Mo) exam for the new semester. This class today Everyone review for themselves."

Hearing this bad news on the first day of school, everyone naturally wailed everywhere. However, the school entrance examination is also considered a school tradition, and the students were not surprised. They complained and read their own books.

Huo Cheng hasn't been exposed to high school knowledge for a long time. Before transferring, he specially reviewed it for two days, and found that high school knowledge was as simple as he remembered.

He couldn't help raising his head, looking at Shen Wanying who was sitting diagonally in front of him.

Looking at it from this angle, she can see Shen Wanying's profile. She is looking down at the book on the table, looking very seriously. Chen Gou outlined her beautiful profile, her droopy eyelids blinked from time to time, and her long lashes flickered.

Huo Cheng did not know how long he had peeped Shen Wanying like this until he felt a beam of eyes fall on himself. He looked subconsciously in that direction, and the goal was a boy he didn't know.

The hair on the forehead's forehead was slightly chaotic, and it looked like he had just woke up (sleeping Shui), but his eyes were clear and he didn't see a bit of tiredness.

"Ji Dacai, finally (sleeping Shui) woke up?" The class teacher saw Ji Yao sitting up and said to him, "Just, let me introduce you. When you (sleeping Shui) felt like this, a new one came to our class. Classmates."

"Oh?" Ji Yao naturally knew who the new classmate was. After all, only this face in the class was strange. He looked at Huo Cheng and shook his lips very gently: "Hello new classmate, my name is Ji Yao."

"Huo City." Huo City just said these two words, and then took back his sight.

He knew that Ji Yao was this person. After Shen Wanying married him, he once chatted with him, saying that she had a crush on a boy in high school, and the name was Ji Yao.

Ji Yao felt an inexplicable hostility from Huo Cheng's words, but he only smiled, and then (sleep Shui) his own consciousness.

Mr. Song, the teacher in charge of the class, has become a Buddha of this kind of behavior, but he still can't help educating him: "Ji Yao, although you are the first grade in every exam, you must also observe classroom discipline."

"Huh?" Ji Yao raised his head from his arm and looked at him suspiciously. "Did I scream?"

The low laughter of the classmates sounded in the classroom, and Teacher Song's mouth twitched slightly. Ji Yao's parents are also hard to come by before he is mad at him.

Thinking of his two colleagues, Teacher Song couldn't help but sigh, and spreading such a son like Ji Yao did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

After class was over, as soon as Mr. Song walked out of the classroom, many students gathered around Huocheng's desk and asked Dongdongxixi, as well as directly asking if he had a girlfriend. Shen Wanying closed the textbook and looked at the surrounded Huocheng: "Classmate Huocheng."

"Well, what's the matter?" Huo Cheng, who hadn't paid attention to his classmates, stood up, and the people around him spread out a little.

Shen Wanying also stood up with her usual smile on her face: "If you have any need for help later, you can contact me or Zhao Yimeng, she is a study member of our class."

The named Zhao Yimeng squeezed around Huo Cheng. Hearing Shen Wanying's words, he immediately raised his hand: "I, I! I am Zhao Yimeng, the study member in the class! What are your learning problems? , You can ask me!"

"Huh." Huo Cheng glanced at her and nodded.

Huo Cheng had not been harassed by them at all, and stared at the textbooks on the table without a heart. Now he even looked at himself, and Zhao Yimeng was full of enthusiasm: "In fact, you can also find me if you are not studying."

The students next to me laughed, Shen Wanying also smiled, and said to Huo Cheng: "Yes, our school also has clubs. The last two classes every Friday afternoon are club activities. If you want to join Clubs can now apply, but senior three can’t participate in activities."

"it is good."

"Then I will send you a copy of the club's information later, and see what interests you."

Huo Cheng thought for a while and looked at Shen Wanying: "I heard that our school's bow and arrow club is very powerful. Can I join the bow and arrow club?"

Shen Wanying was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the new classmate knew the school quite well: "Well... The bow and arrow club has a limited number of students every academic year. There are no more places now."

The next Zhao Yimeng (cha) broadcasts: "That's not because you are in the bow and arrow club, the boys in the school are rushing to join."

Huo Cheng didn't speak. If he couldn't join the Bow and Arrow Club, he wouldn't have much interest in joining other clubs. Shen Wanying saw that he seemed to be somewhat lost, and thought about it to him: "Well, during the lunch break today, I will take you to see our president and see what he says. I can also take you to visit the school by the way. ."

"Squad leader, you can't come to this kind of beautiful difference, I can too!" Zhao Yimeng didn't wait for Huo Cheng to reply, and then recommended herself to Shen Wanying Mao, which also caused laughter from the students around him.

Huo Cheng didn't seem to hear it, only looked at Shen Wanying: "Then we will go together at noon."

"Okay." Shen Wanying nodded and said to the students around her, "Don't stop surrounding Huo Cheng classmates all the time, just do your own thing."

The squad leader had spoken, everyone still listened, and Zhao Yimeng also returned to his seat, sending a message to Shen Wanying with his mobile phone.

Zhao Yimeng: How do I think Huo Cheng has a different attitude towards you!

Shen Wanying: Huh? How to say?

Zhao Yimeng: He only talks to you alone!

Shen Wanying: Because I am the monitor. ^_^

Zhao Yimeng: ...What's the use of this learning committee!

I knew that there was still such a buff as the monitor, she had to be the monitor even if she had worked hard!

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