Fang Yichang’s head teacher is Ji Yao’s father. He has taught Fang Yichang for two years. Although he feels that he has a lot of problems, he should not be able to do such things. After all, he has been counted down for two years, and he has not seen him. What's unhappy. +++Mobile phone reading visit 21ggd21 格格党

Teacher Ji: It should not be so. He worked hard in the study group at Ji Yao this month. At the end, there is still much room for improvement.

Grade director: I don't want to doubt my classmates, but now the second middle school has confirmed the test questions to leak, and some students have identified Fang Yichang.

Teacher Ji: Which student did you specify?

Grade Director: The students in the second middle school can’t tell a sentence or two here. You inform Fang Yichang to come to school tomorrow, we will ask clearly before Monday.

Teacher Ji: OK

Fang Yichang still didn't know that he was carrying such a big pot, and he was still arguing with Huo Cheng outside the hot pot restaurant to send Shen Wanying home.

"Today is my treat, and of course I should send her back. You don't want to grab anything."

Huo Cheng ignored Fang Yichang, he directly asked the driver to drive the car to the door of the hot pot restaurant, and helped Shen Wanying open the door: "Get in the car."

Shen Wanying smiled at the others and said, "I'll go back first, see you on Monday."

"Eh, don't..."

Fang Yichang still wanted to stop her. Zhao Yimeng grabbed his schoolbag and smiled at him: "Today you are invited, should I be responsible for sending me and Ji Yao home?"

"...I will let Hong Hong send you back." Fang Yichang finished sending Zhao Yimeng, and then wanted to call Shen Wanying, Huo Cheng's car had already drove away.

Fang Yichang: "..."

"Miss Miss and Huo Cheng are gone, you can call us a car." Zhao Yimeng then released Fang Yichang's schoolbag.

Fang Yichang scolded them and called the car.

When Ji Yao returned home, the family had already had dinner. Her mother was preparing lessons in the study, but his father sat in the living room rarely, seeming to be waiting for him specially.

Ji Yao glanced at him and asked him: "Don't you prepare for the make-up classes for students tomorrow?"

"Not in a hurry." Ji Yao's father asked him to sit down and asked him, "Fang Yichang was in your study group this month, how do you think he behaved?"

Ji Yaodao: "It's okay, although he didn't study with sincerity."

Ji Yao’s father asked again: “Do you think that, with his performance, it is possible that he will advance more than a hundred in the grade this time?”

Ji Yao's eyebrows moved slightly, and asked keenly, "What do you mean by asking this? Do you suspect him cheating?"

Ji Yao's father said: "You can answer my question truthfully."

Ji Yaodao: "The countdown to the 100th grade, you don't know what grades? Everyone is a rookie pecking each other, a little improvement, can surpass many people."

"Then you mean, he is quite likely to get this result with his own strength, right?"

"Um. Speaking of which he is a student in your class, shouldn't you know more about his grades?"

"I just want to understand the situation in many ways. Well, you can go back to the house to learn." Ji Yao's father pushed his glasses and stood up from the sofa. "This time Huocheng still performs better than you, even Shen Wanying. The gap with you has narrowed. In this way, let alone Huocheng, Shen Wanying can surpass you."

Ji Yao pouted and went to the house with a schoolbag: "If you exceed it, you will exceed it, and I think she didn't do her best."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." Ji Yao waved his hand. "You adults don't understand."

Ji Yao's father: "..."

Fang Yichang was summoned to the school the next day, only to realize that the test question had such a big problem, and the pot was still caught on his head.

In the study group, Fang Yichang was irritable online.

Fang Yichang: ⺪, our midterm exam leaked out, and the dog x designation was done by Lao Tzu!

Fang Yichang: I asked the school, and the school refused to reveal which dog x identified it!

Shen Wanying was singing at the KTV of Huocheng's villa. Now the secret base is getting more and more perfect. In addition to the singing equipment, there are many more clothes. These are the styles that Shen Wanying usually wants to try but cannot wear.

She also secretly brought several wigs, but after trying several colors, she felt that pink hair was the best look.

She is now really flying herself in front of Huo Cheng. :)

"Fang Yichang seems to be in trouble." Huo Cheng, sitting on the sofa, saw Shen Wanying after seeing the news on his mobile phone.

"Huh?" Shen Wanying paused the song on the TV and took the microphone to Huo Cheng to sit down. "What's wrong?"

"The midterm exam leaked some questions. Someone pointed to Fang Yichang."

"No." Shen Wanying also brought her mobile phone and opened the group chat.

The ins and outs of the matter, Fang Yichang has now figured it out. On the day of the last exam, a student in the second middle school prepared a cheat sheet, and was caught by the invigilator in the exam room.

The invigilator teacher happened to teach this subject. He found that the answers on the cheat sheet were all corresponding test questions. Suddenly he suspected that the topic was leaking (revealing) and reported the matter directly to the principal of the second middle school.

The school attached great importance to it, but the arrested student did not recognize it. He insisted that he was lucky and got the test questions correct.

Of course, this argument is untenable, because no one can be completely blind to the test questions.

However, because there was no other evidence at that time, the school did not tell other schools that it continued to investigate in private. Until Friday, the student suddenly let go and admitted that he knew the test questions in advance, and he was given the test question by Fang Yichang, the first private middle school in a city.

Fang Yichang: This grandson is talking nonsense, the school also said that he would protect his **? Who will protect that Lao Tzu? ⺪!

Zhao Yimeng:...

Although it was a bit outdated, she discovered for the first time that Brother Chang was also a weak man in need of protection.

Shen Wanying: Don’t worry, the school asks you questions, it means that the matter is still under investigation, and the school will not listen to the words of that person.

Fang Yichang: If the school does not say, do you think I can't find the grandson! I also have buddies in the second middle school. I was caught cheating in the exam room. I don’t believe no one knows!

Shen Wanying: Don’t be impulsive, otherwise it’s justified

Zhao Yimeng: Yes, listen to Missy!

Huo Cheng frowned slightly after reading the chat in the group. The student who identified Fang Yichang suddenly changed his tongue on Friday, probably because he saw the test results and knew that Fang Yichang made great progress this time, so he dumped the pot on his head. If this hypothesis holds, then Fang Yibing will not be able to take off his relationship with him this time. He didn’t transfer his relationship with him. He didn’t transfer school in his previous life. Shen Wanying also recuperated at home for a month because of an injury. This study group was not established. Of course, Fang Yichang will not advance more than 100 people.

Huo Cheng has never been a nosy person, but since this matter is related to him, he will not sit idly by.

"You said that the person who identified Fang Yichang, did you know him?" Obviously, Shen Wanying and Huo Cheng thought of it together, "Fang Yichang made great progress this time, so he said that he knew the test questions in advance to get a foothold. He suddenly stopped on Friday Identified Fang Yichang, did you know the results?"

Huo Cheng nodded: "I think so too, Fang Yichang should soon be able to find out who it is."

Shen Wanying asked him: "Do you suspect that Fang Yichang got the test questions in advance?"

Huocheng Road: "No."

"You believe him so much?"

Huo Chengdao: "Compared with getting the test questions in advance, it is much simpler to learn those test points. If you just learn what you can do, why do you have to spend a lot of time to get the test questions?"

Shen Wanying: "..."

Well, it's like what the first Xueshen would say!

In the group, Fang Yichang sent another message.

Fang Yichang: The grandson said that I gave him the test questions to make money. Do I lack him?

Zhao Yimeng sent a smile and cry expression to the group.

Fang Yichang's remarks are not false. His family conditions are very good, because the family has arranged everything for him long ago, so he did not care about his achievements at the end of the crane. If you think about it this way, Fang Yichang doesn't need to get the test questions anyway. It doesn't matter if his grades are good or not.

Huo Cheng: You told the school that the test questions must have leaked out from the teacher. Let them not hold you up all the time, but also go to investigate the teacher, the focus is the teacher of the second middle school.

Fang Yichang: You are still reliable, Huo Ge!

Fang Yichang: I asked, saying that a special team has been established to investigate this matter.

Fang Yichang: Wasn't there any news that the teacher headmaster deliberately divulged the topic in order to make money in the cram school? This is more reliable than selling me test questions to make money. [smile]

Fang Yichang: There is one more thing to inform you. The dilemma is a stubborn thing, so you may have to retake it next week.

Zhao Yimeng:...

Zhao Yimeng: No matter who did it, I curse him for not going online in the next year! ! !

Shen Wanying: It’s a good thing to retake the exam next week. You don’t have to be emotional. Take the exam well. Your scores have been kept, and the suspicions will naturally be lightened.

Fang Yichang: It's still the first lady, you treat me well, please hug.

Huo Cheng said to Shen Wanying: "I use your mobile phone."

"Huh?" Shen Wanying stunnedly passed her phone, "What's wrong?"

Huo Cheng tapped on the phone twice, and then gave her back: "Okay."

Shen Wanying took the phone back and glanced, Huo Cheng kicked Fang Yichang out of the group chat.

Shen Wanying: "..."

Zhao Yimeng: Hahahahahaha you are too ruthless!

Shen Wanying: ... Huo Cheng kicked.

Zhao Yimeng: Huh? ? and many more? ? Are you two together now?

[Shen Wanying withdrew a message]

Zhao Yimeng:...

After Fang Yichang added back to the group chat, the group owner has become Huocheng.

Fang Yichang:? ? ? Missy, why did you kick me?

Huocheng: I kicked

Huo Cheng: Now I am the group leader, please pay attention

Fang Yichang: ...


In the afternoon of the same day, Fang Yichang heard about Wang Xu, who identified his classmates—not a good bird.

Fang Yichang has also been in a fight with him. The relationship between the two (guanguan) has always been different. It is not surprising that he will dump the pot to himself. Knowing that it was Wang Xu who talked nonsense, Fang Yichang called his brother to look for him. Wang Xu seemed to know that he would come and kept hiding at home without going out.

"Brother Chang, what's the matter?" Hong Hong asked.

"I didn't believe that he wouldn't go to school." Fang Yichang said here and smiled at Honghong. "Have you ever seen a war in ancient times? Before the fight, both sides should scold for a while. We might as well imitate the ancients. Scold here for a while."

"Good idea." Hong Hongchao gave him a thumbs up and scolded him downstairs. "Wang Xu, don't you usually do it very well? How is it like a shrinking turtle when something goes wrong? Open the door!"

The security guards of the community quickly came over and drove them away, and threatened to call the police. As soon as Fang saw it, he closed it and called Honghong away.

He didn't ask anything here at Wang Xu, but things made significant progress on Monday.

The special team found out which teacher leaked (exposed) the test question.

Fang Yichang's family has been paying attention to this matter, so he got the news as soon as possible. At that time, Fang Yichang was sitting with Huo Cheng for lunch. The leaks were spread throughout the school today. Although the school is still investigating, many students still heard the rumors that Fang Yichang did it.

At lunchtime, many classmates whispered to Fang Yichang. If Fang Yichang was usually at school, no one would dare to provoke them. I am afraid that they have been drowned by the students.

After the teacher who discovered the problem was investigated, Fang Yichang called him at home and informed him of the news. When Fang Yichang hung up the phone, there was a feeling of raising his eyebrows and exhaling: "The teacher who came out of the problem was approached by the investigation office, and the special team is dealing with it.

Zhao Yimeng asked, "Will that teacher also identify you?"

"Bah." Fang Yichang yelled at her, "I have no injustice with her, why should she frame me?"

"Okay, then I hope to get the results early. This week, I have to make up the exam. The students have great resentment."

The teacher who was investigated by the Second Middle School is Tong Wenjing, a young female teacher who has been teaching in the Second Middle School for less than a year. During her tenure at school, she has always performed well, and she is more enthusiastic to her classmates. It is also found that the teachers in her school are also more surprised.

The investigation team asked her a lot of questions. She didn't say that Fang Yichang asked her for the test question as Zhao Yimeng thought. In fact, she remained silent from start to finish.

When she didn't speak, the investigation of the matter came to a stalemate. What was unexpected was that at this time, some classmates came forward and said that they saw Tong Wenjing and Fang Yichang once said secretly together.

Because of this testimony, Fang Yichang was summoned to the principal's office again.

Ji Yao’s father was also there. When he saw Fang Yichang coming in, he asked him: "Do you know Mr. Tong Wenjing from No. 2 Middle School?"

Fang Yichang denied: "I don't know, why do I know the teacher of No. 2 Middle School."

Teacher Ji looked at him silently for a while, and then said to him: "Some classmates now say that it's mysterious to see you and Teacher Tong together."

"?????" Fang Yichang really wanted to hit someone, "Wang Xu again? Is there credibility in what he said?"

"Not Wang Xu." Teacher Ji said, "is a classmate in our school."

If it weren’t in the principal’s office, Fang Yichang really had to smash the table: “A lot of classmates in our school didn’t look good to me, and this leak led to a make-up exam, and I might even retaliate against them deliberately.”

"This classmate is still very reliable."

"Reliable?" Fang Yichang looked at Ji Yao's father, and his mouth twitched. "Oh, then I know, is it a top student?"

Teacher Ji pursed her lips slightly and didn't speak again.

Fang Yichang is his student, and he hopes to believe him in his heart, but now that things have developed to this point, everyone recognizes Fang Yichang... If it is not what he did, he should really reflect on his interpersonal relationship. .

Fang Yichang spent more than twenty minutes in the office and came out angrily. Hong Hong leaned on the wall outside the office and waited for him. When he saw him, he stood up and asked him, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Fang Yichang didn't feel angry: "Someone in our school said that I saw Tong Wenjing asking questions."

"Lying trough, they can really make up! Do you know who it is?"

"The school didn't say it." But he seemed to guess vaguely.

According to what Mr. Ji said just now, it must be a top student to identify him. The man said that seeing him and Tong Wenjing appearing near the Second Middle School, then he would either follow him or pass by the Second Middle School.

After leaving the principal's office, Fang Yichang did not return to his classroom, but went to the second class.

"Qiu Ziqing, you come out to Lao Tzu!" Fang Yichang walked to the door of Class 2 classroom and punched it with a punch. It was the classroom at the moment, and the noisy classroom was silent immediately after him.

Qiu Ziqing seemed to be taken aback, his face (color) was whiter, Wang Tingting came to her and comforted her twice, then rushed at the door and said: "What are you fierce? (fa fa) nerves?"

Fang Yichang ignored her and went straight into the classroom of Class II: "Qiu Ziqing, did you say you saw me and Tong Wenjing asking questions? Do you have evidence? The rumor depends on one mouth?"

Qiu Ziqing didn't speak, but subconsciously hid back. Wang Tingting guarded her and shouted to the classmates around her: "What are you all doing in a daze? Just watching your classmates being bullied?"

After she said this, the class committee of the second class finally stood up and asked Fang Yichang to find the teacher directly, not to make trouble here. Fang Yichang is on the head, and wherever he listens to it, he will start to work with his classmates who stop him.

Class one is next to class two, so there is such a big noise in class two, and class one naturally knows. Huo Cheng and Shen Wanying both went out and looked at the situation. Seeing that Fang Yichang was about to start, Huo Cheng stepped forward and pulled him: "OK."

Fang Yichang glanced at him, trying to shake his hand away, but he didn't shake his hand at all. Fang Yichang stopped for a moment, and said to Huocheng: "I will ask Qiu Ziqing to ask clearly today, don't worry."

Huo Cheng didn't say anything, and dragged him out of the classroom of the second class.

Class two: "...??"

Not only does grade one have a good grade, but even (gangan) frame is the first? ?

After Huo Cheng dragged Fang Yichang out, he patted his hand as if he had just touched something dirty.

Fang Yichang: "???"

He wanted to hit someone again. :)

"Fang Yichang, what happened? What is the relationship with Qiu Ziqing?" Shen Wanying came out to ease the atmosphere. Fang Yichang was angry, and it was not good to lose temper with Shen Wanying. He could only kick the wall in front of his heels: "Qiu Ziqing said he saw me and Tong Wenjing asking questions."

Shen Wanying moved her eyebrows and asked him, "Where did she see?"

"Near the Second Middle School."

Huo Cheng asked: "How do you know it is her?"

"Guess." Fang Yichang finished, and yelled again, "It is reasonable to speculate! Her family lives near the Second Middle School, and it is said that she is a reliable top student, isn't she?"

Last time because of Shen Wanying, he warned her that he might have taken this opportunity to retaliate against him.

Qiu Ziqing heard them in the conversation room outside. She clenched her hand on the table and stared at the open book closely.

Indeed, she told the school that she saw Fang Yichang and Tong Wenjing together. Her family lives near the No. 2 Middle School. She said that she accidentally saw it on the way home from school, which was reasonable.

Originally, she always wanted to read No. 2 Middle School because she was close to home, but her mother knew that Shen Wanying had read Private No. 1 Middle School, and she sent her here.


In the corridor, Huo Cheng and Fang Yichang said: "Qiu Ziqing is not important, this matter is only Tong Wenjing knowing best."

Fang was stunned, Huo Cheng said in a word that he was inspiring.

Yes, what is the use of him to find Qiu Ziqing, since he knows that the test question is Tong Wenjing (exposed), it is better to go to her directly.

Tong Wenjing was suspended at home because of the leak (exposed) test questions. The Fang family had already visited her once, but she still said nothing. After school in the afternoon, Fang Yichang decided to go on his own. Huo Cheng wanted to resolve this matter as soon as possible, so he went to find Tong Wenjing with him.

"Huo Cheng, I really didn't expect you to be so buddy!" Fang Yichang imagined that when he was with Hong Hong, he was on his shoulders with Huo Cheng (Hougou), and Huo Cheng escaped without hesitation.

"You are far away from me."

Fang Yichang: "..."

Is there a virus on him?

Fang Yichang sneered twice: "Come on you, no one else can hesitate, but I think on the Star Farm, you are both hugging and carrying the young lady, I am very happy."

Huo Cheng didn't answer him, and only found the way according to the mobile phone map. Fang Yichang saw that he ignored him, and was very uninterested, so he flicked his lips and didn't talk to him again.

After walking for about five minutes, I finally reached the community shown on the map.

Tong Wenjing is not from a city. She didn't have much savings shortly after graduating from college. She only rented a cheap apartment near the school.

This is an old apartment building of some ages. An uncle is guarding the door. There is no greenery in the community. Some owners' cars are parked everywhere. The community is not large. There are only three buildings in total, with more than ten households on each floor.

Dong Wenjing lives on the seventh building on the far left. Fang Yichang and Huo Cheng took the elevator to the seventh floor and found Tong Wenjing's home.

The uncle at the door said that several waves came to her today. Tong Wenjing has been staying at home today and has never been out.

But she just didn't open the door for Huo Cheng and Fang Yichang.

"Teacher Tong, I know you are inside. I am a poor student. You can open the door for me." Fang Yichang accepted Huo Cheng's suggestion this time and took the miserable route. He was an innocent high school student, so he was wronged, and a young female teacher like Tong Wenjing might still have sympathy for him.

However, Tong Wenjing is hard-hearted.

"⺪, I don't think you can do this." The door was called for ten minutes, and no one came to open the door again. Fang Yichang's patience was finally exhausted.

Huo Cheng didn't speak. This was a girl coming from the other side of the corridor. When they saw them, they asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

Fang Yichang wasn't polite and said: "I have nothing to do with you, you just pass by if you pass by."

Huo Cheng also turned his head and looked at the girl.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Huo Cheng froze for a moment.

Why does he think this woman grows familiar? Where did he meet her?

Huo Cheng frowned, trying to capture the flashing memory in his mind, but it was only in vain.

The girl was also looking at him. Fang Yichang on the side saw that the girl stopped moving when she saw Huocheng, and she said impatiently: "What the hell, haven't you seen a handsome guy? He looks handsome and useless, ). Cold, do you know?"

Huo Cheng looked at Fang Yichang quietly (colorfully), and the girl's face was flushed by Fang Yichang.

Fang Yichang couldn't stand Huo Cheng's gaze, and then knocked on Tong Wenjing's door. The girl walked past them with her head buried, and stopped before and after the door, asking them, "Are you looking for Teacher Tong?"

Fang Yichang stopped and looked at her: "Do you know her?"

"Well, although I am not a student of the second middle school, I often meet her." The girl said, "She should still be in school at this time."

Fang Yichang didn't tell her about Tong Wenjing's suspension, and then went to knock on the door. Huo Cheng looked at the girl and asked her, "Did you see Teacher Tong with any suspicious people during this time?"

Fang Yichang said: "What can she know?"

The girl nodded: "Yes, I saw it."

Fang Yichang: "..."

Girl: "I still took pictures."

Fang Yichang: "..."

"This is the person." The girl took out her cell phone and opened the photo to Huo Cheng to see. "I went out shopping that night and saw him with Mr. Tong when I came back. I think he looks fierce, Mr. Tong. He seemed to be a little afraid of him, but when he was a bad guy, he photographed him."

Huo Cheng looked down and was a boy he didn't know. He looked at Fang Yichang and asked him: "Do you know?"

The mobile phone used by girls is not a high-end mobile phone, and the pixels are not good. At that time, it was night, and the photos did not look very clear. But the face that always belongs to people can still be clearly identified. Fang Yichang looked at the man standing with Tong Wenjing, and his brow slowly wrinkled: "Know."

He couldn't help but sneer. Was this telling Skynet to recover, sparse but not leaking? "He is a student of No. 2 Middle School called Sun Xinyi. No one knows no one in No. 2 Middle School."

Huo Cheng said nothing, waiting for him to speak down.

"He stayed twice and is still in his second year of high school. Should he be twenty years old this year?" Fang Yichang looked at the little girl beside him and said to her, "Can you pass me this picture?"

The girl thought for a moment, and finally looked at Huo Cheng: "I can pass it on to him."

Fang Yichang: "..."

This is important evidence for Lao Tzu. You think of this as asking the handsome guy how to contact!

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