The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 966: Role change (four more)

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In the fantastic Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the illusive light kept flowing back and forth, giving people a feeling of being in a fantasy. Frankly, the sight in front of me is actually very beautiful and charming.

It is a pity that even if it is even more beautiful, the ancestor of the blood demon at this moment will definitely not have the feeling of appreciation.

"Well? Nothing again?"

After confronting Yuan Feng for half an hour, the Blood Demon ancestor did not feel how tired. Originally, he was thinking of not fighting back anymore, but let the opponent attack, but it was not long before he stopped. The attack actually stopped.

"Damn, this deadly silence again, I hate this silence !!"

Frankly speaking, compared to the suffocating silence at the moment, he really prefers to be attacked by his opponent, because only after moving can he find out the weakness of this mysterious array, even the person who found the array. Position, and then dug it out, playing brightly.

Now it's good, the surroundings have restored calm again, and the opponent has no traces again. How can he find the weak link of Xuan Zhen, and how can he get out of the shackles of Xuan Zhen?

"Well, stalemate is deadlocked. My ancestors have practiced for tens of thousands of years. Are you still afraid of protracted war? See when you can trap me."

Without the movement, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't help humming, and then stood there quietly, watching his surroundings while adjusting his breath.

For a strong man of his level, once he puts his mind right, it is actually quite scary. If it weren't for someone who had overpowered him too much, don't even want to cause substantial harm to him. Just like Yuan Feng before, although he has the Chixiao sword that can kill the Blood Demon ancestor, With the ancestor's whole heart guarded, he could only sigh in the end.

However, everything is absolute. Although the calmed Blood Demon ancestor is terrible, some things will be more terrible than him.

"Well? It seems something is wrong!"

Standing quietly in the space, the blood demon ancestor's heart suddenly gave a hint of warning. There is no reason for this warning sign, but as a super powerhouse, it is quite keen to perceive this danger.

"What's going on? How could such warnings suddenly appear?"

His complexion was so simple that at this moment, the ancestor of the blood demon almost stopped his heart from beating. So far, he has encountered many dangers, but there has never been any danger that will make him feel the threat now!

"The threat of death? This is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Subconsciously, the **** sword in his hand was tightened tightly, and the **** ancestor was now breeding a sense of fear. For the first time, this was the first time he had felt the threat of death approaching after he had achieved Dongtianjing.

"Om !!!"

Under the horror of the Blood Demon ancestor, when the whole person was tense, the surrounding space of the mysterious array was slightly shaken. Then, the entire space of the mysterious array began to change rapidly.

"Brush brush !!!"

The rays of light flowed back and forth in the space of the mysterious array, as if they were executing certain instructions. At one moment, these rays suddenly disappeared into the mysterious space, and then, this special space had a brief calm.

However, the calm is only temporary. In the blink of an eye, the entire space of the mysterious array suddenly becomes dark as if it suddenly changed from day to night.

"Well !!!"

Darkness struck, and the whole space began to make a crackling sound, the sound was sharp, and it sounded extremely harsh.

"What? How is this possible?"

Just when the entire mysterious space became dark and there was a crackling sound, the terrified roar of the Blood Demon ancestor was rippling in the mysterious space.

"Come back, all for me !!"

The trembling cry resounded in the dark space. At this moment, the **** ancestor of the demon Luo world was helpless like a child.

The Gorefiend ancestor was really scared, because at this moment, he felt an unusually terrible fact, that is, his infuriating energy and the power of heaven and earth were slowly losing.

"How can this be? It is absolutely impossible."

Feeling his true energy and the power of Dongtian are slowly getting out of his body, the ancestor of the blood demon is going crazy and wants to recover these true power and the power of Dongtian. It is a pity that no matter how hard he tried, the true energy and the power of the sky that escaped from his body were completely indifferent.

"Pause, stop me all !!!"

He is working **** his own exercises, he wants to keep these true energy and the power of the cave fixed in his body, but no matter how hard he works, the surrounding space is like magic, and he still absorbs his body in a hurry The energy in it, the speed at which that power is lost, is much faster than his strongest attack method.

At this moment, he is like a flat tire. Even if he has countless hands, it is impossible to block the leaked part. It is foreseeable that if this leak continues, the tyre will sooner or later die.

"Who is it? Who is going to put me to death? Come out, come out for me !!!"

There is no way to control the loss of the true energy and the power of the cave. At this moment, the ancestor of the blood demon seemed to see himself being sucked and turned into a corpse.

He had heard of the terrible mysterious array, but he never thought that such a terrible mysterious array would exist in the world.

"Kill kill kill !!!"

It was dark everywhere, and accompanied by the loss of physical energy. At this moment, the bloodlord ancestor had a feeling of being abandoned by the world. He was furious and began to attack wildly around him. As if to wait for a sword to cut through the darkness and escape from this hell-like world.

However, no matter how sharp his attack was, there was no change in the surrounding space. The aggressive offensive was just like a mud ox entering the sea.

Not only that, but under such a random attack, he could feel that his true energy and the power of the heavens were obviously lost at a faster speed.

"Stop, I confess, please stop!"

Feeling that the Qi and the power of the cave would be expedited because of his chaos, the Blood Demon ancestor did not dare to make any more random moves, and ultimately had to admit defeat and shout loudly to the surrounding.

By now, all the glory of the master and the self-esteem of the strong can all be gone. He believes that no matter which Dongtianjing strong person is changed, when his hard work and cultivation of the true energy and the power of Dongtian are lost, he will definitely admit defeat, and will not be stupid enough to resist. of.

In this world, there is nothing more important than his own small life, especially for the powerful Dongtianjing. They have practiced countless years and paid countless hardships. They are more afraid of death than ordinary people.

"Well !!!"

However, just as the Blood Demon ancestor yelled and conceded, there was no change in the sound of cymbals around him, and his true energy and power of the sky continued to flow away.

"Please also stop, as long as you stop, my Gorefiend ancestor is willing to give up all the net worth, and even the entire Gorefiend Palace, and let you be dispatched from now on."

The shout could not be answered, and the **** ancestor gnashed his teeth and had to step up his efforts to open up unimaginable surrender conditions.

The dissipation of physical strength is not a joke. At this moment, he has no time to bargain with the other party, and as long as he can stop the weird mysterious array, he will admit it.

Of course, after the other party stops the operation of the mysterious array, that is another way of saying it!

But unfortunately, even though the Blood Demon ancestor opened up unimaginable conditions, his response was still dead.

"Well, it's really hard work. You are willing to give anything for your life. It seems that the strong man in Dongtianjing seems to cherish his life more than ordinary people!"

In the depths of the battle, Yuan Feng heard the conditions screamed by the Blood Demon ancestors for the first time, and when he heard the conditions screamed by the other party, he could not help grinning, but he was unmoved.

He doesn't need any control of the Blood Demon Palace, nor does he need the loyalty of the powerful Heavenly Realm. At this moment, his only purpose is to destroy the Blood Demon ancestors in the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu and keep himself. Little life.

I finally found this usage of the Jiuqu Huanghe Dazhen, and there was such a good opportunity. I missed this village, but there is no such shop.

"The Jiuqu Yellow River Array, I really love you! Even the power of Dongtian who is strong in Dongtianjing can be torn out, which is really abnormal."

Feeling the power of the cave that escaped from the blood demon ancestor, Yuan Feng was also shocked for a long while before returning to God.

Originally he was still curious about how the Jiuqu Yellow River Faction picked Sanhua and cut his strength, but now he really understands it.

It is conceivable that after the Jiuqu Yellow River Array tore out all the power of the Blood Demon ancestor in the body, then the Blood Demon ancestor will become a wasteful man. Was he left to slaughter?

The ultimate mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation can be seen at a glance.

"Wait, this energy ..."

Just as Yuan Feng was running a large array of cavernous forces that tore the Blood Demon ancestors, while thinking that he was about to kill a strong caveman, the silvery energy in the space of the mysterious array was Suddenly entered his eyes.

"It is the power of the sky that has not yet been integrated into the space, baby, these are all treasures !!!"

The power of the cave that escaped from the body of the blood demon ancestors was almost directly dissipated into the space and became a part of the space. However, because the space in the Jiuqu Yellow River array is somewhat different, these cave forces Obviously, there are many residues, and they did not escape into space in the first time.

"Swallow the sky martial spirit, go !!!"

Seeing these familiar special energies, Yuan Feng didn't even want to think about it. In a moment of mind, he swallowed the sky martial spirit and began to collect the energy of these stars.

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