The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 943: The Reliance of the Dragon Country (Part Two)

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Heishan Country, over the capital, Pan Long's ancestor Pan Yue stands proudly, and opposite him, Heishan Country's ancestor Ji Xinghe, and a very young man stood opposite him. The huge momentum has formed a force field of confrontation between the two parties.

The heights of the three are not low from the ground, but such heights are still within the vision range of those warriors below. Therefore, when the ancestors of the national star river of Montenegro swept into the air, countless strong men in the capital city immediately saw the appearance of this super strong man.

In the royal palace, the ancestors of the kingdom of Montenegro and the dignitaries of the royal family of Montenegro also quickly came outside the house and saw the situation above the sky for the first time, and the situation above the sky At that time, each of the royal family members shook their fists fiercely, with a cheering look on their faces.

"Old ancestors are fine, old ancestors are fine!"

"Hahaha, let me just say, what is that Pan Yue old miscellaneous hair? What can it possibly do to the old ancestors? This is clearly nonsense."

"Haha, not only is the old ancestor not injured, but it is obviously more powerful. This time, he must be able to beat the old hair of Pan Yue."

"Yes, yes, Xun Longguo wants to take action against me in Montenegro, he is just asking for trouble."

"Well? Look at that, the one around the ancestor ...... hh, that's ..."

"Yuan Feng, my super genius Yuan Feng of Montenegro! He even rushed back at this time?"

"Hahaha, it really is Yuanfeng's little brother. Well, the old ancestors were not injured. Now there is a little brother Yuanfeng to help out. I can rest easy at the Montenegro National University, hahaha!"

For many royal ancestors of the royal family, Yuan Feng's name can be said to be unknown to everyone. At first, the threat of the underground world of Montenegro was solved by Yuan Feng. Later, the Warcraft turmoil, Yuan Feng was killed when the Montenegro was in danger, beheading one head after another. Realm of Warcraft, which saved Montenegro from the brink of destruction.

It can be said that Yuan Feng is like a monster in the hearts of many royals. When I met Yuan Feng next to the ancestors of Xinghe, everyone naturally felt very happy and very excited.

Yuan Feng didn't know that she had been raised to such a height in the hearts of the royal people of Montenegro. And now, naturally, he didn't have the mood to care about these.

"Pan Yue's old mixed hair, how long haven't I seen it, but you guys are living more and more shrinking, shouting at the site of my country in Montenegro, do you have a bit of public morality?"

Above the sky, behind the hands of Ji Xinghe, the old ancestor of Montenegro, he looked at the opposite Pan Yue with a smile, and in his eyes, at the moment it was full of mockery and nagging.

Seeing the opposite Pan Yue looked at himself in disbelief, Ji Xinghe was simply indescribable. He knows what the other person is thinking, but unfortunately, the world is impermanent, not what some people think, what God will give them!

"Ji Xinghe, it seems that the old man really underestimated you, so badly poisoned that he couldn't even kill you, terribly, terribly!"

The color of suspicion erupted, Pan Yue, the old ancestor of the Dragon Kingdom, smiled coldly, and the yin and yang were strangely authentic.

Frankly, he was really shocked this time. According to his ideas, Ji Xinghe must have poisoned the bone marrow at this time, not far from death. But the reality is that not only is Ji Xinghe not half dead, but he is obviously more spiritual. At this scene, he really couldn't believe it, nor was he willing to believe it.

"Hahaha, Pan Yue's old mixed hair, the last time you were conspired by your conspiracy, almost your way, but this time, I'm afraid you don't have that chance!"

With a loud laugh, Ji Xinghe thought more and more happily, "Why, you came to my country of Montenegro today, do you want to take over the control of my country of Montenegro? It looks like your idea is going to fall through!"

With Yuan Feng around, Ji Xinghe didn't have any worries. Although the opposite Pan Yue was strong, it was absolutely impossible to surpass the five-fold Warcraft of Destruction. And Yuan Feng could kill that level of Warcraft three years ago. Today, three years later, God knows how powerful Yuan Feng has become.

"Hum, Ji Xinghe, although you don't know how you detoxify, but you shouldn't be too happy, even if you are not poisoned, this time, Montenegro is also trying to escape."

With a cold hum, Pan Yue's ancestor suddenly showed a strange smile.


Seeing such a smile on Pan Yue's face, Ji Xinghe could not help but flash his eyes, and frowned subconsciously.

"Pan Yue's old mixed hair, what means do you have, even if it is used, will I Ji Xinghe be afraid that you will not succeed?"

The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth. He really didn't believe what kind of tricks Pan Yue could play.

"Really? Then I'll have to see if you are afraid! Nephew Pan Jiang, it seems to bother you to show up."

When Ji Xinghe's words fell, Pan Yue's ancestor picked it out, and with a cold smile, he suddenly shouted loudly into the distance.

"Hahahaha, in this small projectile country, there are such old antiques that do not know how to live or die. It really opened the eyes of the patriarch, hahaha!"

When the words of Pan Yue's ancestors fell, a long laugh sounded from the sky, the sound was loud, and it covered the entire Montenegro country very easily, and when the laughter was heard, the whole Montenegro country went up and down , All instantly caught in the cold.

"Oh!" The laughter didn't stop. There was an extra middle-aged man beside Pan Yue's ancestor. This middle-aged man looked proud, and the whole body was sharply sharp. Qi can be seen at a glance, but the strength of this person is still above Pan Yue.

"Veteran Jianzong Pan Jiang again, the two people on the opposite side, still kneeling to meet?"

The man's body stood still, and he scolded at the opposite Ji Xinghe and Yuan Feng for the first time.

"Uh, this ..."

When the middle-aged man's voice fell, waiting for Yuan Feng and Ji Xinghe to react, below, the royal masters who were excited by the emergence of Ji Xinghe appeared suddenly.

"Jian, Jianzong veteran Pan Jiang? What is going on here?"

"People of the Four Sects, how did they appear? Pan Jiang ... Is this person also a member of the Royal Family of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"It's over, why is it so, that there are still masters in Jianzong who practice in Jianzong? Is this the kingdom of Heishan?

"How do the ancestors cope with the two annihilation powerhouses? This is really bad!"

Everyone in the royal family became pale and the hope just ignited, but was directly poured out by a basin of cold ice water. At this moment, everyone suddenly had a feeling that people were not as good as heaven.

Originally, the ancestors of Xinghe were intact, and Yuan Feng helped each other. Even if this battle could not be won, it would never be lost. But suddenly a veteran of the sword sect emerged, and apparently stood with the dragon dragon kingdom. This time, the country of Montenegro is really hopeless.

Yuan Feng is indeed very strong, but in the hearts of everyone, no matter how strong Yuan Feng is, that will definitely not be the opponent of the annihilation powerhouse.

Everyone was staring nervously at the situation in the sky. Now, they really can only take orders.

"Veteran Jianzong Pan Jiang? This ..."

Ji Xinghe's brow frowned tightly at the same time. He never expected that the royal family of the Dragon Kingdom was still in the Jianzong of the four gates, and he was also a veteran master of Jianzong. Undoubtedly, the situation is obviously a bit complicated. It seems that the patriarchs of Jianzong are really not provoked by Montenegro!

Almost subconsciously, Ji Xinghe's gaze was looking at Yuan Feng around him. If he remembered correctly, Yuan Feng around him seemed to have joined the Jianzong of the four main gates!

"Old ancestors are anxious, everything is with me!" Seeing Ji Xinghe's gaze, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, without any anxiety, and his performance naturally made Ji Xinghe's heart a little bit. Ann.

"Well, the two of you, don't you hear what the veteran said?"

Just when Ji Xinghe and Yuan Feng looked at each other, the middle-aged man on the opposite side, the Panjiang veteran of Jianzong, suddenly drank again.

As a veteran of Jianzong, he didn't actually want to show up. However, at the moment, Pan Yue's ancestor wants someone to destroy the annihilated person on the other side. Out.

Glancing indifferently at the two people across the street, one of them is not in the midst of annihilation, and the other is only the completion of Dandan. Isn't it possible for him to capture them?

"Oh, Jianzong is the most upright of the four sects. I never expected that a scum like yours will appear. Sad, really sad!"

However, just as Elder Pan Jiang's voice fell, a chuckle was heard from above in the sky. The laughter was very light, but it spread across the entire city in an instant. Hearing this laughter, All the warriors set their sights on the direction of the sound. For a time, I don't know how many people started firing at this moment.


Not only are others stunned, but at this moment, even the elder Pan Jiang, who is on the opposite side, is a little stunned. Since he joined Jianzong and became the veteran of Jianzong, this seems to be the first time he heard someone scold himself!

I have to say that the feeling of being scolded by others is really unpleasant!

ps: The second is more, try to be more five! !! !! !! Ask for flowers and motivation! !! !!

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