The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 809: Life-saving means (six more seeking flowers)

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As Yuanfeng and his team entered the dark cave, outside the mouth of the cave, Xing Ren and Yan Long's eyes showed joy, apparently, at this moment, the two were not in a good mood.

"Brother Xing, wait for these guys to bring out the Warcraft inside, and you and I will go inside to get the map together. Is this allocation, what does Brother Xing think is better?"

Yan Long's eyes flashed with a shrewd color, and with a faint gloomy color. There is only one map. Obviously everyone wants to own it. After all, only by taking the map can one enter the Heavenly Blessed Land and get the inheritance inside. Unfortunately, the strength of the two of them is really similar, and it seems unlikely that they will withdraw from each other.

"Right now, you and I can only cooperate for the time being. Since the map was discovered by everyone, then you and I will enter the cave together. Who can get the inheritance then, it depends on you and me. Is this good?"

Xing Ren's eyes are also flowing. Until now, apart from cooperation, I am afraid there are no other solutions. After all, if they fight for your life now, then God knows when to hit. When they resolve the dispute, I am afraid that the entire Dongtianfudi has already been boarded.

According to the situation of the masters of the law, there are three maps of the cave heaven and earth in Wanyu Mountain. Although each map can only enter a specific area, God knows whether there is a connection between the cave and heaven. If that's the case, they must rush ahead.

"Okay, let's cooperate for the time being, who can get the inheritance, remember to pull each other, hahaha!"

As for Xing Ren's proposal, Yan Long naturally had no opinion. After all, apart from this solution, he couldn't find a better solution.

"Well, Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team, I didn't expect to see it in this situation. It's a pity, a pity!"

Xing Yuan's eyes suddenly flashed a pity. This time, the demon moon law enforcement team and Yuan Feng's people went in to attract Warcraft, and they must lose a lot. Of course, even if they can survive, they will inevitably escape from them The poisoned hand, after all, they got the map and absolutely don't want others to know.

"Hey, it's really a pity. I heard that the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team was born with charming bones and couldn't put it on the bed to taste it. It's a pity, hahaha!"

For Xing Yuan's remarks, Yan Long simply agreed with both hands. On this issue, their opinions were simply similar. When they looked at each other, they felt like a confidant.

In their hearts, Yuan Feng and his team of 13 people will certainly be able to draw out the Warcraft inside. After all, the two of them have said before that if they ca n’t draw out Warcraft, they will kill them manually. Below, they do not believe that Yuan Feng and others dare not work hard.

During the time of speaking, the two took their two subordinates and concealed them directly on the sides of the hole. After Yuan Feng and his party led World of Warcraft out, they broke in to grab the picture. Once the map is in hand, then the annihilated World of Warcraft can't stop the two of them.

Hiding in the dark, the eyes of the two were staring closely at the mouth of the cave, their earlobes shaking, listening to the movement inside the cave. It's a pity that the limit of mind in this Wanli Mountain is too strong, especially in this area of ​​Wanli qi, the mind can only be within the range of about five meters on the body, a little farther, and it can't be detected at all.

The two guardians clamored the abacus, but unfortunately, whether their wishful abacus can really be wishful is obviously not that simple.

At this moment, in the dark cave, Yuan Feng and his party had penetrated a distance of more than ten meters, and when they reached this depth, the atmosphere inside the cave had become extremely cold.


When Yuan Feng, who was walking in the forefront, suddenly raised his hand, he was struck out by his anger, directly closing the hole behind him and keeping it out of the outside.

"Hey, okay, everyone can speak now, they can't hear it."

Picking the corner of his mouth, a smile appeared on Yuan Feng's face, adding a sense of relief to this tense atmosphere.

"Well, I'm so mad at me, the guardian of the law, the son of the overbearing guardian of the law, actually throwing us in as a bait to introduce Warcraft, is there such a reason, it is such a reason!"

When Yuan Feng said that he could speak, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, who had been struggling for a long time, was the first to swear rudely, venting his anger and helplessness.

"Hey, it seems to be unlucky this time. I actually encountered two such plague gods. It seems that I have run out of luck!" Asking the sky is not as hot as chasing the wind, but the angry look also shows him Mood at the moment.

"It's really troublesome. You can't beat it. As for escape, it seems you can't escape it!" Yan Yan's face had no anger, only helplessness. He was more rational and knew the truth about weak meat and strong food. The sons of the two major law-enforcers, they can't provoke them. Right now, they are letting them in to introduce Warcraft.

Captain Lie Xin did not speak, but the helplessness in his eyes did not hide it.

The demon moon law enforcement team was silent. Although Yuan Feng had already said that she could speak, they really did not feel like speaking.

This situation has become a dead end for them. Enter inside to introduce Warcraft, life and death are hard to say, but if you successfully bring out Warcraft, the two people outside will not necessarily let them go, and it is likely that they will die as soon as possible, regardless of the ending, obviously they do not want to Facing.

Gazes swept across everyone's faces, Yuan Feng frowned first, but even with a smirk, Xuan laughed directly.

"Oh, why are you guys condensing like this? The situation doesn't seem to be as bad as you think? At least, we are all living well now, aren't we?"

He really couldn't stand such pessimistic emotions. Of course, at the beginning, he also felt a little tricky, but now, the two guardians of the law have given them the opportunity now, and everything must be different. Don't talk about it!


Hearing that Yuan Feng could still laugh at this time, everyone's eyes could not help but look at the former subconsciously, none of them said anything, but waiting for Yuan Feng's next.

Following Yuan Feng for so long, they all know that Yuan Feng is not a targetless person. At this time, he can still laugh, which is obviously a way to show it! Reminiscent of the colors Yuanyuan used to everyone, their hearts were full of anticipation.

"Ahem, don't look at me like that, but I can't beat the two guys outside, one-on-one is okay. If one-on-two, the two of them will definitely unload me."

Seeing everyone staring at himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but take a step back, expressing a fearful expression.

"Well !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, especially seeing Yuan Feng's exaggerated performance, several members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team could not help raising their eyebrows fiercely, and the women of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team couldn't help but chuckle and laugh So dignified as before.

"Yuan Feng's son can still make a joke, it seems that Yuan Feng's son already has a solution!"

Zi Yue's face couldn't help showing a hint of hope. From the perspective of Yuan Feng's performance, the other party obviously did not regard the incident as a terrible crisis. In that case, he must have a feasible solution.

"Yuan Feng, you must have a way to save everyone, don't you?"

Yan Xueer also stood up at the moment, eyes full of little stars. In her eyes, Yuan Feng is definitely synonymous with omnipotence. As long as Yuan Feng thinks, there must be nothing he can't do.

"Eh, this ..." Said by Yan Xueer, Yuan Feng couldn't help but scratch his head. He really didn't want to give the other side such an omnipotent impression, but it seemed that it was really difficult to handle.

"In fact, this is the case. No matter what, I have a way to keep everyone's lives. This point, everyone can rest assured." With a slight groan, Yuan Feng finally told the truth. He didn't want everyone to be too pessimistic and desperate. If that were the case, then they would really be unable to do anything.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, everyone was shocked, and each one's face was full of wrong expression. However, the mistake was only a moment, and then everyone's face showed ecstasy.

"Brother Yuan Feng, you, do you really have a way to keep everyone's lives?"

Chasing the wind and whispering quickly, confirmed to Yuan Feng the first time.

"Although it's not 100% sure, but if it's life-saving, it should be able to do it." Nodded, Yuan Feng also put away the look of hippie smile, and said very seriously.

He did have one last move, but before the last minute, he didn't want to show it. Moreover, the prerequisite for that trick was that he himself was the first to be out of danger.

"Ha ha ha, brother Yuan Feng, you are too unconscionable. With such a certainty, you didn't say it early, causing everyone to worry about despair for so long."

With Yuan Feng's promise, the shade of Yin on everyone's faces was swept away. At first I thought it was a mortal situation, but I did not expect that Yuan Feng had a solution. In this regard, everyone really has the feeling that there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and Liu Yanhuaming feels another village.

"Don't be too happy for everyone. Although I have a certain degree of confidence to save everyone's lives, you think that even if we escape now, will we have a good life in the future?"

When he waved his hand, Yuan Feng stopped everyone from joking, and when his words fell, everyone was a little stunned, apparently also aware of some problems, but he just saw a good complexion, but once again became a little shady.

ps: Six more arrived, please flower! !! !! Almost no flowers today! !! !! !!

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