The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2335: Confrontation

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Chapter two thousand three hundred and thirty-five confrontation

After some consideration, Yuan Feng temporarily decided to bring Ruan Xinrou with him, whether for protection or other reasons. In short, he must keep the other side beside him this time.

After arranging Ruan Xinrou, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look right, and began to discuss with many of the great consummates present.

"You guys, there is no delusion and beast-god realm right now, everyone should feel it when you think about it. Now, I will give you two choices. One, if you are with me, you can help, if you do n’t need it, you Stay obediently in my physical world and come out when it's safe. "

"Another option is that you continue to follow your path. I continue to hunt and kill those blackbirds. Everyone does not commit river water. Of course, if you are attacked by blackbirds again, I am afraid that It will be difficult to appear to save you. "

Two options, he must explain to these people, as for how these people choose, he will not do any intervention.

Frankly speaking, the addition of these guys didn't make much practical sense to him, but he really didn't want these people to die in the beast **** world. After all, if they died in the beast **** world, then For the beast **** world, it will definitely have an extremely bad impact.

"Stay in your physical world? You, you mean, if we want to be with you, stay in your physical world?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, one of the older presidents could not help but frowned, and asked Yuan Feng with some uncertainty.

Although Yuan Feng wasn't straightforward, the meaning was already obvious. Obviously, if they want to follow Yuan Feng and be protected by Yuan Feng, they must enter into Yuan Feng's physical world.

Entering Yuan Feng's body world naturally means giving everything to Yuan Feng's hands, which naturally includes their lives.

Of course, maybe, entering Yuan Feng's body world would be more horrible than losing his life. These are not easy to say.

"Yes, if you want to follow me, then you must enter my physical world, but this is the most basic premise. If you think this is not appropriate, then I will not force you."

Nodded, Yuan Feng did not deny that, he did mean it. You know, he will go and kill the black bird man everywhere. If these guys do n’t enter his physical world, it is impossible to catch up. His steps. So if these people want help from him, they have no choice.


With Yuan Feng's affirmative answer, everyone's complexion is constantly changing. They really want Yuan Feng's asylum and can enter Yuan Feng's body world. This danger seems to be a little big!

So, for a while, everyone was looking at me, I was looking at you, and no one was the first to stand up and make a statement.

"Hey, you big men, why aren't you so idealess? Those who want to survive will temporarily hide in Yuanfeng's body world. If they don't want to, then just say no, what's the hard choice?"

After seeing the presidents hesitant to make a decision, the monster flames on the side looked a little bit embarrassed, and they looked disgusted.

"This one………………"

Said by the demon flame, the embarrassment flashed across the faces of the presidents, but even so, they were still afraid to make a choice for a while. After all, for them, It's really difficult.

"You, the whole world of no delusion and beast **** is waiting for me to save, so I do n’t have that much time to spend here, give everyone a minute to consider, and after one minute, if no one wants to talk to me Go, then leave for the time being. "

He frowned, and Yuan Feng couldn't wait for a while. As he said, he still had a lot to do. He definitely didn't have that much time to spend with these people. If these guys didn't want to follow When he leaves, of course he will leave on his own.

"Brother Yuanfeng, I have entrusted my daughter to Brother Yuanfeng. Xinrou ’s life is more important than my own life. If Yuanfeng brothers do not dislike it, I am willing to enter Yuanfeng brothers together with Xinrou. Physical world, and once the Yuanfeng brothers have any relocation, I will definitely go all out to help the Yuanfeng brothers.

Just when Yuan Feng's voice had just fallen, among the crowd, Ruan Jingtian, the president of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, suddenly calmed down and finally made a more sensible decision.

Speaking of which, he has given Yuan Feng everything to his daughter, that is, if Yuan Feng wants to be detrimental to his daughter, he just wants to do whatever he wants. And if Yuan Feng wanted to slap his daughter, he would not have any right to say no.

Therefore, entering Yuan Feng's body world is nothing different for him. In addition, Yuan Feng's strength is there. If the other party wants to be detrimental to them, they will not be rescued before. Even now, Yuan Feng has the ability to wipe them out.

You know, even those horrible blackbirds are incapable of fighting back in front of Yuanfeng, not to mention that they are poor insects that can't beat the blackbirds at all.

In addition, Yuan Feng rescued their father and daughter this time, and he didn't know how to reciprocate each other. No doubt, the first one to stand up and support Yuan Feng now should help Yuan Feng.

At one point, he knew very well that Yuan Feng really didn't want them to die in the beast **** world, but if they were separated from Yuan Feng, then the chances of being discovered and killed by those black bird people were really high.

Therefore, the most secure way is to let everyone enter the body world of Yuan Feng. In this way, all problems will be solved.

"President Shocking is polite. My body world is vast and boundless, and there is a cultivation environment that is not inferior to the outside world. Since the President appreciates his face, I also ask the President to give up resistance.

Hearing Ruan Jingtian stood up and agreed to enter his own physical world, Yuan Feng could not help but nodded, but he was very satisfied.

Speaking of which, he can understand the mood of everyone present, and at this time, the appearance of a leader is absolutely necessary. He believes that as long as someone comes out first, there will be other people responding. Already.


While talking, Ruan Jingtian's father and daughter gave up the resistance one after another, and Yuan Feng moved his mind directly into the physical world of his father and daughter. For the next time, as long as he is alive, the father and daughter will never be okay.

"The brothers Yuanfeng said so, what can we people do not hesitate? I have nothing to say, this life was saved by the brothers Yuanfeng, and I am willing to follow the instructions of the little brothers of Yuanfeng !!! "

"This time I can survive, that's the luck of the sky, and the next time, I hope to be able to witness the Yuanfeng little brothers to kill the strangers around him."

"It's true that so many disciples have harmed so many of our disciples. Although we are weak and we can't kill those guys, it's really a happy thing to witness Brother Yuanfeng's killing those guys with my own eyes."

"There is nothing to say, and I am willing to follow Yuanfeng's little brother."

"Also count me ..."

Sure enough, when Yuan Feng collected all of Ruan Jingtian's father and daughter into his own body world, one by one, the strong men all came forward one after another, but they all agreed to enter Yuan Feng's body world. Avoid for the time being, but at this time, the face or something is already unimportant.

In the final analysis, no one wants to die in the hands of a bird in black. In addition to staying in Yuan Feng's body world, there seems to be no other way to ensure that he can survive.

Moreover, Yuan Feng had just saved their lives, and they should deal with Yuan Feng's trust.

Therefore, after someone speaks for the second time, everyone is you and me, but they have chosen to enter Yuanfeng's body world to ensure their safety! !!

Dahei and Demon Flame have not spoken, but they finally figured out that they were very happy. In any case, these are a dozen great consummates. At critical moments, these people are likely to help.

Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if these guys can't help anything, at least they can guarantee their lives without adding more burden to the beast **** world.

Although they do not have the terror power of Yuan Feng, they can also feel that as more and more members of the beast **** world die, the entire beast **** world is obviously becoming increasingly cold. It feels like the end is coming.

If these superpowers fall down one after another, heaven knows what this heaven and earth will become.

"Okay, everyone seems to have a choice. In that case, please give up your resistance. I will now put everyone into the physical world and continue to destroy those **** bird people."

Seeing that all the powerful people agreed to enter their own physical world, Yuan Feng didn't even have time to be happy, and was the first to give orders to everyone.

Just now, he has determined the position of the next set of targets through three immeasurable monuments in his body, and he can continue to act only after putting these guys away.

"There are brothers Lao Yuanfeng !!!!!!"

Now that a decision has been made, the people present are no longer hesitant, and speaking, they have renounced their resistance and saluted Yuanfeng indifferently.

By now, they have no choice, because everyone understands that such a decision should be the best decision.

"Brush brush !!!!!!"

The light flashed, one after another, the great perfectionists were included into the body world by Yuan Feng. Soon, the whole space was no longer there except the three of Yuan Feng, Demon Flame, and Dahei. .

"Big black demon flame, you can go back for the time being, if it is useful to get you, I will inform you as soon as possible."

The others have already returned to their positions. Naturally Dahei and Demon Flames are next, but Dahei and Demon Flames obviously don't need his nonsense. When talking, the two gave up their resistance and returned to his body. In the world.

"Yu, killed a dozen more, it seems that this efficiency is not bad, and that special purple-black energy has a little more, but it ’s getting more and more since the days when I hit the semi-godder. It ’s getting closer !!!

When everyone was absorbed into the body world, Yuan Feng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I have to say that the hunting efficiency this time is still quite high. In addition, the purple and black energy obtained by more than a dozen regiments has also made him see the way forward to become stronger, and he is naturally more excited about this. Kill those black birders.

"Zhao Wou-ki, see if you're fast or me, no matter what the world of the delusion is, at least, this side of the beast **** world, you absolutely do not want to think about the world of the beast **** this time !!!"

With a corner of his mouth, he no longer thought about it. When he was in shape, he went straight to the next target and swept away. According to his estimation, he is not too far away from the next target, and even taking into account the opponent's moving speed, he firmly believes that he can catch up with him within a few days.

Once he caught up with those guys, it would be natural to kill them again.

These black bird people have killed so many of them, it is also time for them to taste the taste of being killed .........

Yuan Feng started his killing mode, and just as he killed a dozen black birdmen, in a dense forest in the beast **** world, he had just completed another massacre of the celestial monarch Zhao Wuji, exactly Said to be Zao Wou-ki's avatar, but at the moment it was the first time to get the news.

"How is this possible? That human kid, how come to the beast **** world so quickly? This, this ........."

Above the ruins, Zhao Wou-ki's avatar was almost incredible at this time. Just now, he received a message from his subordinates in the Beast God Realm, and he just destroyed a group of human kids in the Wonder Realm. Now he appeared in the Beast God Realm, and he was not polite. The ground began a massacre.

And just when he wanted to know more, a team of more than a dozen people all disappeared one after another.

There is no doubt that this disappearance has only one result, that is, a complete fall, but in just a few days, his subordinates have fallen to dozens of people in succession. In this regard, he is really somewhat unacceptable. .

The main problem is that just a few days ago, Yuan Feng was still out there in the realm, but after a few days, the other party emerged from the beast **** realm. What kind of inside story is there, even himself? Can't figure it out.

"It doesn't make sense, even if he is so fast, it won't be so fast? Is it a different situation this time?"

No matter how he thinks, he absolutely can't figure out the cause and effect. It seems that he can't really think of other possibilities besides not being done by one person.

"Well, no matter who it is, if you dare to oppose this seat, then never dream of life, I will let you know what regrets !!"

The situation of the fall of the subordinates of the beast **** world is absolutely a matter of big or small. At this moment, he naturally did not dare to neglect the slightest.

With a break in his mind, he took his follower and went straight to the direction where a dozen strong men fell. Anyway, at least, he has to take a look at the scene, fortunately to have a more intuitive understanding.

ps: Now the body is really going to be turned back, and it has a fever with a little inflammation. It almost sleeps for a little day. Every time I sit in front of the computer and want to code, I will be beaten by a lot of fatigue, and I do n’t want to take a day off directly. , So there has been no sound. Struggling to write a chapter, there is no guarantee of a second change, but I will try hard!

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