The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2181: Holding her nose away (four more seeking flowers)

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Chapter two hundred and eighty-one lead his nose to go (four more seeking flowers)

Time passes, and for a long time, he quietly slips away in the beast-god realm.

For half a day, this is certainly not a long time period for the beast-god realm, but in this half-day, the beast-god realm is brewing enough to change the whole world. Big event.

In addition, also in this small half-day period, the president of the well-known God Machine Chamber of Commerce in the beast **** world was also the worst period after his success.


Deep in the dense jungle, there was another loud sound ringing through the beast-god realm, and counting this time, in just this half a day, there have been six loud sounds.

"Ah !!! It's the other one, it's the other one !!! Mad, it's just crazy !!!"

After the loud noise ended, Ruan Jingtian's figure flickered out again, but at this moment, he almost had the urge to hit the wall, and he didn't want to continue chasing.

Pursuing Yuan Feng all the way, he felt as if he had stepped on one by one, and counting this time, he had been bombarded six times by the demigod of Warcraft, although each injury was not too serious, But the situation is endless, he doesn't know when he will be the leader!

"Damn boy, how many bombs have you planted waiting for me? Just go on like this, before I find someone, I'm afraid I will be driven crazy !!!"

Never before has it been as depressed as this time.

Obviously the opponent's strength is much worse than himself, but the opponent's means are horrible, but it took him half a day to find the opponent.

Frankly, if it ’s not because the threat from the other party is too great, he really has an urge to give up at this moment. After all, he does n’t know whether he will be under care or not. , Was injured by the other's self-destructive army.

A character like him is already at the highest level in the beast **** world, but although the height is very high, there are more situations that need attention than ordinary people.

First of all, he would never dare to hurt himself, especially serious injuries, because once he was seriously injured and happened to be known to the outside world, then he and the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce might be really dangerous.

The Shenji Chamber of Commerce is an organization of human warriors. I don't know how many Warcraft powerhouses regard it as a thorn in the eyes. The reason why he does not dare to think of the God Chamber of Commerce is because of his existence. If he is seriously injured, many superpowers will probably not miss such a good opportunity. By then, the trouble of the Chamber of Commerce of God will know how big it is!

"Yu, six, even if the boy's background is so rich, I think it should be almost the same, I want to see, how many demigods under his hands can explode !!"

No matter what, he can't give up the pursuit of Yuan Feng. Even if he is really injured, he must kill Yuan Feng. After all, Yuan Feng's existence is no more threatening than those super strong ones. difference!

Once again on the journey of searching, this time Ruan Jingtian really slowed down a lot more than before. He had figured it out. Even if he took Yuan Feng a little later, it was better than greed and risk himself.

On the new journey, Ruan Jingtian walked very slowly, and this journey took a whole hour or so.

At this hour, Ruan Jingtian also passed through several mountains, but this time, under the dense forests of mountains and mountains, there was no self-destructive World of Warcraft coming out of the demigod.

At first he was a bit uncomfortable, but after a long time, he was basically sure that Yuan Feng's demigod had exploded in Warcraft, and I am afraid it has almost run out!

"Okay, great, this kid's self-destructing Warcraft is finally gone, it seems that this time, he should be able to dig him out !!!"

Feeling that the road has become too peaceful, Ruan Jingtian's mood is really good. Did he say that Yuan Feng was not a producer of Warcraft, how could there be an endless series of self-destructing Warcraft arrangements? If Yuan Feng really has a lot of self-destructing Warcraft in his hands, then the other party will not need to run around like this.

"It's time to harvest the fruits of victory, boy, you just wait to be captured by me, and then suffer the harshest punishment !!!"

Without the interference of Demigod to explode World of Warcraft, he can finally let go and go at full speed. And just under such a rapid rush, he soon followed the breath and came to a very special dense forest periphery.

After getting out of this special dense forest, Ruan Jingtian's original excited face suddenly became a little bad, because he is no stranger to the special dense forest in front of him.

"The howling jungle? The howling jungle of the howling wolf? That kid, ran into the place of the howling wolf?"

His heart was floating, and he could be sure that Yuan Feng's breath definitely entered the territory of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, and for such a result, he really did not think of it anyway.

"Damn, does he have anything to do with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan?"

When it was determined that Yuan Feng had entered the Xiaoyue wolf clan, his mood was almost indescribable.

Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, this super big group, he obviously can't understand it anymore. Speaking of, Xiaoyue Wolf Clan has some business dealings with his God Chamber of Commerce, but those are carried out by the people below As a president, of course, he will not ask these personally.

As for the strength and behavior of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, he conducted a detailed investigation, and the final result of the investigation was that he issued an order. Without special circumstances, he must not be an enemy of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan.

It can be said that the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan is a very terrible group. Even if the entire God Machine Chamber will face each other, the result can only be defeated!

Right now, he chased Yuan Feng and chased the territory of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, but for a moment, he didn't know whether he should kill it directly or stay outside to observe it.

"Why would it be the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan? If you change to another ethnic group, you might also be able to theoretically match with the other party, but why did the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan have taught the truth? I am afraid that their territory will never let outsiders enter."

It was because he knew too much about the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan that Ruan Jingtian understood that if he did not take some measures, he would never want to find Yuan Feng, at least before Yuan Feng did not come out of it. He's afraid it's hard to reach each other.

"Damn it, really **** it, it gave me such a problem !!!"

He shook his fist fiercely. Ruan Jingtian had some difficulties for a while. He really didn't know how he would choose.

"Can't control so much, this kid killed my veteran and deacon of the Chamber of Commerce of God, and repeatedly insulted me again and again, even if he offends the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, then he must be killed !!!"

At this time, he couldn't allow him to think much about it. Yuan Feng was in the territory of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan. Regardless of whether the other party was a member of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, he had to capture or kill him.

If Yuan Feng is really a member of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, then the big deal is to make this enmity with the Xiaoyue Wolf clan. Speaking of it, the God Machine Chamber of Commerce may not be afraid of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan. Occupies the absolute truth.

And if Yuan Feng is not a member of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, then everything is even easier to handle. I don't think that the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan should be stupid enough to offend him as an irrelevant person.

Thinking about this, he knows that this time, he must take a risk. Anyway, with his strength, he may not be found by the strong among the Xiaoyue Wolf tribes. If Yuan Feng can be found secretly and captured, then Everything will be much simpler.


With a decision under his heart, he no longer hesitated, and when he was in shape, he went straight into the jungle of Xiaoyue and swept away.

When he entered the Howling Jungle, Yuan Feng's breath was still difficult to escape his perception. Soon, he followed the breath and found a cave in the Howling Jungle. However, this cave was obvious. It was a deceptive illusion, and there was no Yuan Feng in it.

I found several caves in succession, but no one was in each cave. It seems that Yuan Feng drilled a lot of caves in order to confuse him.

"What a sly kid, even playing hide-and-seek with me, but the moonshine jungle is so large, I want to see where you can hide !!!"

After looking around, Ruan Jingtian found that Yuan Feng simply traversed the entire Xiaoyue jungle. In this way, he wanted to follow the breath to find it. It was simply impossible. You know, Yuan Feng's route crosses more than once, and at these intersections, he can't continue to explore along the route.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Just as Ruan Jingtian was depressed, but it was too late to find Yuan Feng's place, a long howling rang out, but it suddenly sounded in the territory of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, and as the howling sounded, Ruan Jingtian Then I found out that I do n’t know when, not far away, there is an extra polar wolf!

"Well? How is that possible? A little boy who has nowhere to go can find my hiding?"

Judging from the direction in which the Wolves of the Promise are watching, the other person is staring at him clearly, but he thinks that he has not exposed any breath, let alone a little Promise, even if it is half The superpower of Divine Realm is here, and I am afraid he will never be found.

"Come here !!!"

His reaction speed was extremely fast. Almost when he saw the demon wolf found himself, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it against the devil wolf.


However, when Ruan Jingtian thought that he could easily grasp this devil wolf, and then continued to search for it, a familiar boom suddenly spread, but it was this infinite wolf howling wolf that directly exploded! !! !!

"Booming !!!!!!"

The self-detonation of Promise World of Warcraft cannot be compared with the self-detonation of the demigod strong, but the screaming moon is so large. When such an explosion occurs, almost the entire jungle is full of Suddenly came alive.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

"Hoohoo !!!!"

It was almost an instant of work, and a scream followed by a whistle, and it rang out in the whole screaming moon jungle. At the same time, several powerful breaths came to the location of the explosion instantly.

"No, I'm doing it again !!!"

Feeling the strong breath coming from everywhere, Ruan Jingtian suddenly changed his face. He knew that this time, I'm afraid he had a little more care.

Obviously, the screaming wolf wolf that is only suitable for self-explosion is definitely a problematic guy, and with the explosion of the other party, he wants to secretly find Yuan Feng, there is absolutely no way to achieve it!

"Yu, this is really one step at a time. This feeling of being led by the nose is really unpleasant to the extreme !!!"

Seeing that the strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf family came near, Ruan Jingtian did not continue to hide. After all, even if he wanted to hide at this moment, he could not hide at all.

ps: lie on the bed, there is nothing drowsy, the fourth is more, begging little red flowers! !! !!

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